It can be said that that period was the busiest period after Wendy was called a god.

So he only heard about the news that Orobas was killed by Lei Shimo with a Wuxiang sword for invading Ba Ying Island, and didn't pay too much attention.

Now it seems that Orobas' death may not be simple.

Zhongli did not answer, but spoke to Han Xiao in a low tone.

Han Xiao, tell me what you know, and let me see if what the observer recorded matches what I know.

Previously, Zhongli thought that Han Xiao just made up a random character to deceive Barbatos, because Han Xiao once told him that he had obtained some information about Teyvat in his original world.

But judging from Han Xiao's facial expressions and physical signs, Zhongli didn't notice any signs of lying.

Could it be that there really is such an observer outside of Teyvat?

After Orobas was defeated by you, old man, and fled to the dark sea, it didn't take long for Orobas to accept the faith of the people of the White Night Kingdom.

However, when He saw a book called Before the Sun and the Moon, his life entered a countdown.

Now that Zhongli had briefly destroyed the earth veins here, Han Xiao was able to speak out the memories he had been holding back for so many years in one breath:

In order to prevent his people from being left without help after his death, Orobas chose to invade Rice Wife and used his own life to pave the way for his people to go to Rice Wife.

Hey, hey, is it true?

After listening to Han Xiao's story, Wendy felt bad. What the other party said was completely different from the cause of death of his image of Leo Robas!

If the truth of the matter is really as Han Xiao said, doesn't it mean that the God of Thunder was actually plotted by Orobas?

Looking at Zhongli with a slightly disbelieving expression, Wendy found that the expression on the old man's face was even more serious than before.

No way... This can't be true, right?

Just when Wendy was doubting her life, Zhongli's voice also sounded in the small room.

Hanxiao, do you know the things recorded in Before the Sun and the Moon?

Yeah. I know.

After hesitating for a moment, Han Xiao nodded. He happened to play the version of Yuanxia Palace before traveling through time, so he naturally collected this book.


Seeing Han Xiao nodding, Zhongli was silent for a while and then warned:

Remember, never mention anything in the book in the future, remember anything!

With that said, Zhongli turned his head and looked at Wendy:

What Han Xiao said is consistent with what I know. He probably didn't make it up about the observer.

Chapter 208 Ying wakes up

It's a huge loss this time.

Seeing Zhongli admitting the truth of Han Xiao's words, Wendy's face suddenly fell.

He just came to ask Han Xiao how the other party knew about his dark history, and why he suddenly knew such a serious matter.

Especially the people of Orobas mentioned by Han Xiao. If he remembered correctly, they should be the people of the White Night Kingdom.

Of course, what concerned Wendy even more was the observer from another world named 'Su' that Han Xiao mentioned.

Now it seems that this person may really exist.

So you saw something about me in that observer's record?


Seeing that the atmosphere in the room was a bit tense, Han Xiao decided to sacrifice Barbatos to relax it.

I saw a lot of records about you in the records, such as being allergic to cats, being yelled at by Tvarin, 'Get down to business, Barbatos,' and being chased away by the lion-tooth knight Vanessa with the sound of repelling squirrels. have...

Stop talking, stop talking!

Suddenly hearing so much of her dark history from Han Xiao, Wendy couldn't help but hold her head in her hands, a mask of pain covering her face.

At the same time, he was constantly cursing the observer named 'Su' in his heart.

Why does the other party write down everything in the record? This will be fine. It is so embarrassing that it is out of the world!

Oh, this is really an eye-opener for me!

Seeing Han Xiao's intention to lighten the atmosphere, Zhongli folded his hands in front of his chest and teased Wendy with a deliberately 'surprised' look.

As expected of you, Barbatos.

Old man, I'm a little uncomfortable. I'll take my leave now!

Faced with Zhongli's teasing, even the extremely shameless Wendy couldn't bear it anymore and immediately chose to run away first as a sign of respect.

But before leaving, he still said a 'harsh word' to Han Xiao:

Hanxiao, I will come to see you again!

After saying that, Wendy's body turned into a stream of emerald green wind and flew out along the gap in the window.


Seeing Wendy leaving, Zhongli returned his gaze to Han Xiao and asked in a serious tone:

I remember you told me before that you learned all the information about Teyvat from your previous life.


Then 'Su' is...

Although Zhong Li hadn't finished what he said, Han Xiao already understood what the other party wanted to ask. He nodded immediately and said quite frankly:

This person really exists, and he has indeed observed Teyvat.

Is this the information you got before? I didn't expect there to be such an observer.

Zhongli sighed deeply. He knew that even if Han Xiao was lying, he would not make up someone randomly.

Just... an observer from outside the world.

It seems that the world outside Teyvat is not simple.

Now that Wendy has left, Zhongli doesn't intend to stay here any longer, but before leaving, he still worries and warns Han Xiao again.

Remember not to say anything about Orobas where there are ley lines.

Then Zhongli, like Wendy, turned into a shadow and disappeared into the room.

After sending Zhongli and Wendy away, Han Xiao walked out of the small room.

After all, there are people outside waiting for him to study.



The back of my head hurts!

When Ying woke up from his sleep, he felt an unusual pain in the back of his head, as if someone had hit him hard with a wooden stick.

As her mind gradually recovered, Ying finally remembered what had just happened.

She had been scared when she saw Han Xiao and Albedo dispensing the medicine, and then planned to run away on Paimon's suggestion.

And then...then I seemed to really get a sap?

Ying was suddenly startled, her brain suddenly clearing up, and the surrounding environment came into her sight again.

On the unfamiliar ceiling, Albedo and Han Xiao stood on either side of him.

Are you awake, Knight of Honor?

Seeing Ying open her eyes, Abedo showed what he thought was a kind smile.

The first time she saw Abedo, Ying sat up from the experimental table with a swish, and then looked at Han Xiao and Abedo with a vicious expression on her face:

You two bastards knocked me out!

Uh... Isn't this a subconscious reaction in a moment of anxiety because I saw you were about to run away?

Facing Ying's question, Han Xiao scratched her head in embarrassment.

Thinking about it, if you invite someone over for a physical examination, you knock the person unconscious before the physical examination is done. It would be strange if the person wakes up and is not angry.

But the medicine you prepared doesn't look good. Is it really safe to drink?

Ying Qi glared at Han Xiao and Albedo. The colorful potions they made were probably not pills if they were really drunk.

But you've already drank it.

Albedo on the side said abruptly.


Hearing Abedo say that they had drunk those colorful potions, Ying's little face almost turned green.

Okay, okay, don't scare her, Abedo.

The medicine just looks a little strange, but it's nothing dangerous. By the way, your examination has been completed.


Hearing Han Xiao's words, Ying frowned at first, and then asked uncertainly.

In fact, if you didn't want to sneak away, we could have completed the inspection earlier.

Abedo answered Ying's question while handing the other party a form.

What's this?

Your inspection report.

After taking the form and seeing a series of normal physical data recorded on it, Ying felt a little puzzled.

So you're really just checking me out?

Miss Ying, your persecution paranoia is a bit big!

She still looked a little unbelievable when she met her, so Han Xiao couldn't help but complain.

If they don't do a physical examination, what else can they do, do some rope art.mp4?

Isn't it because your medicine looks so weird?

Ying whispered.

If the medicine made by those two bastards hadn't been so strange in color, would she have been so frightened that she ran away?

Wait, where's Paimon?

Suddenly thinking that she hadn't seen Paimon who had been following her when she woke up, Ying quickly asked.

Oh, you're talking about that little thing.

Albedo pointed at Paimon, who was sleeping soundly on the experimental table beside him.

She's still sleeping.

Are you so harsh?

That's not true, she seems to have just fallen asleep.

Speaking of this, Han Xiao and Abedo had strange looks on their faces.

It was also the first time they saw someone being knocked unconscious and not only not waking up, but falling asleep directly.

Is this okay?

Ying was stunned when she heard that Paimon took advantage of being knocked unconscious and fell asleep directly.

Chapter 209: Ying: You want to impress me with just a discount card?

It's too much. You guys have gone too far!

After being woken up by Feng and figuring out the situation, Paimeng flew in the air and stamped his feet angrily:

They even knocked me and Ying unconscious for a physical examination. Ying, do you think they went too far!

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