Han Xiao is the Seven Stars of Liyue. I have to know if you, the God of Wind, seeking him will affect the relationship between the two countries.

Now it seems that Han Xiao may have learned something embarrassing about you.

As he said that, Zhongli looked at Wendy who looked helpless and couldn't help but chuckle:

Don't tell me that I'm really interested in knowing what secrets Han Xiao has about you.

Old man, you have changed, you have become bad!

Wendy lay her upper body on the tea table like a deflated rubber ball, and her tone was a bit sadder.

What is going on in this world? Didn't he just sleep for hundreds of years? How come when he woke up, even the most serious and old-fashioned Morax learned to play some tricks.

Forget it, let's talk about business.

Not intending to continue to quarrel with Wendy in this regard, Zhongli immediately chose to change the topic to business.

You gave her your god's heart.

Old man, you have guessed it.

It seems that my guess is correct, but are you really ready?

After hearing Zhongli talk about business, Wendy also climbed up from the table, with a serious look on her face for the first time.

That's right. Besides, old man, it seems that your heart of God is no longer with you. It seems that you are planning to place a bet. Am I right?

My heart of God is currently with Han Xiao.

Zhongli nodded, acknowledging Wendy's guess.

But it's still too early to make a bet. At the moment, I'm just giving her an attitude. Unless I can see hope, I won't take risks with Liyue.

So, old man, we are comrades-in-arms again this time!

Seeing that Zhongli was not going to stand against them, Wendy immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and her face returned to its previous careless look.

This is really great. Having you in the team, old man, makes you feel at ease.

Not necessarily, our opponent this time is not ordinary, I am not sure enough.

Compared to Wendy's relaxation, Zhongli shook his head with a serious expression on his face.

After all, the 'enemy' they have to face this time is really scary.

Well, old man, don't be so worried. Haven't you noticed that He hasn't moved for a long time, and...

Wendy suddenly changed the topic and said pointedly:

We still have a trump card.

True card?

Zhongli was suddenly stunned. Where did they get their trump card?

Hehe, this trump card is now in Guili City. Old man, you will know it when you see it.

Wendy smiled and didn't say it clearly, but let Zhongli know it.

Is the trump card now in Guili City?

Can I know it just by looking at it?

Zhong Li frowned slightly, and in front of Wendy, he used his spiritual thoughts to search Guili City.


When his spiritual mind swept over a certain place, Zhongli couldn't help but let out a sigh, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He seemed to have discovered what Wendy's trump card was.

Chapter 205 Wendy breaks into the ‘murder scene’

Withdrawing his spiritual thoughts, Zhongli already knew what Wendy's trump card was.

Because after he scanned the entire Guili City with his spiritual thoughts, he quickly discovered that Han Xiao and Abedo were having a heated discussion around a blond girl in the alchemy workshop.

As for the blond girl, Zhongli felt traces of the coexistence of wind and rock elements, and he did not see the existence of the Eye of God on her body.

A special case that does not have the Eye of God but can master multiple elements can indeed be called Wendy's trump card.

How about it, old man.

This trump card is okay!

Seeing that Zhongli was deep in thought after retracting his spiritual thoughts, Wendy asked confidently.

Emmm, the reason why Wendy is so confident is because he has personally come into contact with the screen.

Although it seems that Ying's current strength is very weak, Wendy clearly feels that the hidden power in the opponent's body, if it is fully exploded, will probably surpass his heyday.

With a combat power that is no less than or even slightly higher than the Seven Gods, this trump card is still big enough.

not bad.

Zhongli did not deny that the special blonde girl could indeed be called Wendy's trump card, but...

His topic changed instantly, and there was something inexplicable in his tone.

Maybe I have a trump card here.

Hey, hey, old man, are you kidding me? It's true.

Hearing Zhongli say that he still had a trump card in his hand, Wendy was immediately shocked, with a look of disbelief on her face.

They had been waiting for so many years for Ying, a trump card that could match the power of the Seven Gods, to appear, and now Zhongli suddenly said that he still had one in his hand.

When did the Seven Gods' combat power become so easy to achieve?

He's not a trump card now, but he may not be in the future.

If Wendy has great confidence in her, she believes that she will be able to unleash all the power hidden in her body in the future.

Then Zhongli is equally confident in his own trump card.

Old man, who are you talking about?

That's the one you want to see.


Wendy couldn't help scratching her head and asked hesitantly:

I saw him when I just woke up, and I didn't feel that he had the possibility of becoming a trump card, as you mentioned, old man.

That's because you haven't seen him now. After you meet Han Xiao, you will know why I am so sure.

Zhongli did not explain to Wendy why he thought so highly of Han Xiao, but he believed that when Wendy saw Han Xiao again, she would understand why he thought so.

After all, in terms of growth rate, Hanxiao is the most unreasonable existence in Tiwatri.

You must know that Han Xiao a year ago was still an ordinary person without the eyes of God and only had some self-defense skills.

In just one year, he has grown to a level of combat power comparable to that of the Demon God's Familiar.

This growth rate is considered miraculous to anyone.

Since the old man said so, I want to take a closer look.

Seeing that Zhongli was so sure that his thoughts would change after meeting Han Xiao, Wendy naturally became interested.


What was Han Xiao doing, who was mentioned by Zhongli and Wendy at this time? He was mixing various potions with Albedo in the alchemy workshop.

I told you two, can I regret it?

Looking at the bottles of potions of different colors produced by Han Xiao and Abedo, Ying couldn't help but swallowed while sitting on the chair, with a trace of uneasiness flashing in his eyes.

They didn't say before that the research involved drinking medicine, and the colors of these potions didn't look right.

It was a pity that Han Xiao and Abedo, who had already fallen into a state of feverish research, did not hear the conversation at all and were still making various potions.

Ying, why don't we run away!

Paimon, who was also a little scared of Han Xiao and Abedo's 'science madman' attitudes, quietly flew to Ying's ear and whispered in Ying's ear.

Wouldn't this be good?

Hearing Paimon's suggestion, Ying was a little moved, but also a little embarrassed. After all, she had promised Han Xiao to assist them in their research before, and now she wanted to escape from the battlefield. It would not sound good to say it out loud.

But they look really scary.

Then...let's go!

After a little tangle between not keeping his promise and his own 'safety', Ying decisively decided to choose the latter.

She finally understood that alchemists were no different from the mad scientists in those previous worlds.

For the sake of your own life, it's better to run away first.

Thinking of this, Ying quietly stood up from the chair, then bent over and tiptoed toward the door of the alchemy workshop.

Bang bang——

However, before Ying could take two steps out, a rapid sound of breaking through the air came from behind.

Caught off guard, Ying felt a pain on the back of her head and then fell heavily to the ground unconscious.


Seeing Ying being attacked, Paimon couldn't help but let out a scream, but the next second she followed Ying's footsteps and fainted after being hit by a stick.

Just behind them, Han Xiao's two puppets were slowly disappearing into the darkness, each holding a stick.

Han Xiao, isn't it a good idea for you to be so evil?

Abedo, who was holding the test tube in one hand and carefully adding the potion with the other hand, asked Han Xiao without even looking at the scene behind him.

This is Mondstadt's honorary knight.

Come on, don't think that I don't know that you have set a trap at the door. Our eldest brother will not talk about the second brother.

Han Xiao, who had a similar job to Abedo, replied casually.

He did release his puppet and hide it in the alchemy workshop to prevent her from escaping.

After all, no one would suspect that a doll that looks like a toy is the best choice for Yin people before seeing it.

But Abedo also set a trap at the door.

Han Xiao and Abedo stopped what they were doing and glanced at each other, both seeing 'contempt' in each other's eyes.

Now that the person has fainted, what should we do?

Let's carry the honorary knight to the experimental table first.

Abedo reached out and touched his chin, then pointed with his eyes at the temporary hospital bed-type experimental platform they had built nearby.

Okay, I'll raise my hands and you raise your feet!

Han Xiao thought about it for a moment and thought it was okay, and immediately nodded in agreement.

So the two people quickly came to the side of Ying who fainted. One person stretched out his hands to lift the other person's upper body from under his arms, and the other person raised his feet to lift the other person's body into the air and move it to the hospital bed-type experimental table.

Then the two of them took out the rope and tied it to the experimental table.

At this moment, a breeze flowed into the alchemy workshop, and then Wendy's voice and figure appeared in the room at the same time.

Excuse me, Han Xiao...

But she stopped talking in the middle of the sentence, because at this time, Wendy was stunned by the two people who were 'committing crimes' in front of her.

Chapter 206: After all, there is no escape from the experience

In the alchemy workshop, two men holding ropes and an unconscious blond girl.

Looking at the scene in front of her, countless scenes that would not easily pass the test flashed through Wendy's mind.

You are...bothering me!

Feeling as if she had encountered something bad, Wendy immediately turned around and planned to run away.

However, before he could make any move, an earth-yellow rock elemental formation suddenly lit up under his feet and enveloped him.

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