They all looked at Ying carefully up and down, left and right with inquiring eyes, as if they would not stop until they understood her.

Do all alchemists view people this way?

Seeing Abedo looking at her with searching eyes, Ying felt awkward but also kept complaining in her heart.

Why do two people look at her like this? It’s so revealing!

Chapter 203 The meeting between Wendy and Zhongli

Now that Abedo has arrived, Han Xiao leads a few people out of Kuixing Tower, gets on an electric car and speeds all the way out of the city.

After less than an hour's drive, they arrived near the nearest statue outside Guili city.

Come on, let's go to the statue.

After everyone got out of the car, Han Xiao said something to Ying, and then walked towards the statue.

Seeing this, Ying, Albedo and Paimon quickly followed.

Soon they came to the foot of the rock statue.

Here is the Rock God Statue. You will see it next, Ying!


Ying nodded, and under the double gaze of Han Xiao and Abedo, she stretched out her right hand slightly nervously, and then slowly pressed it on the metal decoration of the pillar below the statue.


As Ying's hand pressed on the pillar, the rock god statue suddenly emitted a burst of light that was not dazzling, and then all these lights seemed to be attracted and disappeared into her body.

Desolate Star!

Immediately, Ying felt as if there was an extra force in her body, which made her unable to help but pull her right hand away from the pillar, and shouted at the open space beside her.

The next moment, Han Xiao and Abedo discovered that countless rock elements were gathering and forming under Ying's control, and then a round stone pillar (?) appeared in the open space.

You really only need to touch the statue to gain elemental power!

Seeing Ying successfully using the rock element, Abedo's eyes couldn't help but widen, and he couldn't help mumbling to himself.

To be honest, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for him to believe that there was such a special person like Ying in Teyvat.

You must know that in Teyvat, without the Eye of God, you cannot control the elemental power. At most, you can only use props such as elemental bottles to control it indirectly.

Even Han Xiao only controlled the elements through the fake heart of God.

It was the first time even Albedo had seen Ying's performance, which was almost exactly the same as the owner of the God's Eye releasing elements without the Eye of God.

This is truly magical.

It's amazing indeed.

Although it had long been known that Ying could gain elemental power by touching the statue, Hanxiao found it magical after seeing it with her own eyes.

Ying, see if you can use both powers at the same time.

let me try.

Hearing Han Xiao's suggestion, Ying was also looking forward to it. She used the power of the wind element in her left hand to roll up the balls, and waved her right hand gently in the air a few times. A rock element shield appeared in front of several people.

Not only can you use elemental power without the help of God's Eye, you can even use both at the same time.

After seeing Ying use two different elements with his own eyes, Albedo suddenly felt that he had been surprised before. This new honorary knight of Mondstadt was really strange like never before.

How does it feel?

Han Xiao's reaction was not as big as Abedo's. After all, he had seen it in the game before. At most, he just sighed a little after seeing it in reality.

That's why he asked the other party about his thoughts on using two elements at the same time after stopping the movement of the elements.

It's a bit draining, but not as big as I thought.

After staring at her hands for a few times, Ying answered Han Xiao's question.

After she used the wind and rock elements at the same time, she seemed to have some unknown resonance with the power that was originally dormant in her body.

This resonance seems to offset the previously prohibitive cost of using the two elements together.

Congratulations. With two elements, your strength should be further improved.

Han Xiao first congratulated her, then turned to look at Albedo and said:

It seems that our previous guess has basically been established. Ying's body is very special.

Yeah, I didn't expect that my bold guess would be confirmed so easily.

After hearing Han Xiao's words, Abedo couldn't help but nodded.

He had previously learned from Han Xiao that Ying could gain elemental power by contacting the Seven Heavens Statue, so he guessed that the other party was likely to control seven elements.

Looking at it now, this conjecture may be true.

Controlling seven elemental powers at the same time is truly a special case that Teyvat has never seen before.

Ying, do you have any clue yourself?

Sorry, I don't know either.

After thinking for a moment, Ying shook her head and did not choose to tell what she knew.

After all, if her guess is true, then Tiyvat's elemental power would be very interesting. I'm afraid Han Xiao and the others won't accept it at all.

That's it.

Han Xiao could naturally tell that Ying didn't tell the truth, but since the other party didn't want to tell the truth, he didn't continue to ask.

Everyone has one or two secrets that they don't want to disclose to others, and Han Xiao is not that low in emotional intelligence.

Now that the manipulation of elemental power has been proven, let's quickly start the next test!

Albedo looked at Ying on the side with eyes full of eagerness to try. The appearance of the other party could be said to have put a big puzzle in front of him.

This is a huge temptation for Abedo.


In order to conduct the next test, Han Xiao and Abedo took Ying on the electric car and drove back to Guili City.

They had to go to an alchemy workshop with complete tools before they could conduct the next step of testing.

Just as they set off towards Guili City in a hurry, a thousand-year wind from Mondstadt came to the pavilion on the rooftop of Guili City School.

You are a rare visitor, why would you want to come to my place?

Feeling the breeze blowing on his face, Zhongli, who was drinking tea and listening to music on the gramophone, put down the teacup in his hand and spoke to the empty place in front of him.

Hey, didn't I just want to come and see you, old man?

As Zhongli finished speaking, Wendy's voice also sounded in the pavilion, and then a stream of emerald green wind elements gathered in front of Zhongli's eyes, and Wendy's figure also appeared in the pavilion.

After Liu Feng appeared, Wendy immediately sat opposite Zhong Li, then placed a bottle of fine wine on the tea table and said with a smile:

This is a good wine that I buried underground in Fengqi hundreds of years ago, but I have been holding back from opening it.

I specially took it out today for you to taste, old man.

You're planning to use wine to make amends, right?

Looking at the smiling colleague and old friend in front of him, a hint of helplessness flashed in Zhongli's eyes.

Can he still know what Wendy is thinking?

Mengzi was so willing to give up the wine because he was definitely afraid that he would come to him to settle the matter of the Lee Feng Secret Agreement.

Hehe, the old man is wise.

Wendy waved her right hand and the wine glass appeared in front of the two of them out of thin air. Then he picked up the bottle of wine that had been stored for hundreds of years, opened the bottle cap and poured a full glass for Zhongli.

What I did back then was unethical, but as you know, old man, there was nothing I could do about it at the time.

Chapter 204 Wendy: Master, you have become evil!

Zhongli didn't bother to argue with Wendy's evasive remarks. He didn't have many old friends left at the moment, and he didn't want to lose one more.

He picked up the wine glass and took a sip, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

It is indeed a good wine collected by Jiu Mengzi. It has a mellow and rich taste and a smooth texture that does not burn the throat.

After admiring in his heart, Zhongli put the wine glass back on the tea table, glanced at Wendy lightly and said:

Tell me, why did you come to me this time?

Zhongli knew very well that with Wendy's temperament, he would not come to her door unless he had something very important to do if he felt he had 'offended' him.

So Zhongli also wanted to hear the reason why Wendy appeared in front of him at the risk of being beaten by him.

Old man, you and Han Xiao have a good relationship, right?

Seeing that Zhongli asked her to tell her the purpose of coming to Liyue this time, Wendy raised her head and poured all the wine in the wine glass into her mouth, then stretched out her hand to wipe the corners of her mouth and said:

I came here this time because I wanted to ask him something.

What can Han Xiao do that warrants your special trip?

This time it was Zhongli's turn to be puzzled. Han Xiao was not even twenty years old at the moment, and Wendy was a fraction of the age older than the other person.

Moreover, the last time Wendy disappeared was hundreds of years ago, so logically speaking, there should be no contact between the two.

Why did Wendy come to Liyue hoping to meet Han Xiao shortly after she woke up, risking her own beating?

Well, I have something personal to talk to the other party about.

Hearing Zhongli's question, Wendy's eyes flashed with panic. Her hand pouring the wine couldn't help but paused for a moment, and then continued her previous actions, and hurriedly gave a vague explanation.

Han Xiao probably knows about his dark history. How can you tell him how to say it? How can he not panic when asked.

If Zhongli knew about this, it would probably be another lecture.

This is interesting.

However, whatever he was afraid of, Zhongli's interest suddenly rose when he heard Wendy speak so vaguely.

He rarely saw Wendy looking slightly panicked. The last time this happened was when he met the Ice God at the gathering of the Seven Gods.

It seems that Han Xiao knows some secrets that even I don’t know.

Thinking of this, the corners of Zhongli's mouth slightly raised.

You can find Han Xiao if you want, but I need to listen when the time comes.

Ah, that's not necessary, old man!

Han Xiao's status is no less than that of the leader of the Knights of the West Wind. As the Wind God of Mondstadt, you want to contact the Seven Stars of Liyue. It doesn't seem too much for me, as the Rock God, to observe.


After Zhongli's righteous words came down, even Wendy couldn't find anything to refute.

After all, Zhongli was right. He was the God of Wind in Mondstadt, and Han Xiao was the Seven Stars of Liyue. The meeting between the two would seriously affect the relationship between Mondstadt and Liyue.

As the immediate boss of Liyue Qixing, it is understandable that Yan Shen asked to sit in.

Why, it seems like you are not willing.

Zhongli tapped the table with his fingers and asked meaningfully.

No way, old man, you can come if you want to.

As soon as her eyes rolled, Wendy patted her chest and immediately responded.

If you can't refuse, then don't refuse.

Isn't it just embarrassing? It's not like he has never been embarrassed in front of Zhongli before. At most, he will be laughed at for thousands of years. What's the big deal?

It seems that your request to find Han Xiao is not a big deal, but a private matter.

Seeing that the other party suddenly changed his mind and agreed to listen, Zhongli nodded thoughtfully.

No, old man, are you deceiving me?

Wendy reacted immediately, looked at Zhongli in shock, and her tone of voice involuntarily became louder.

He really didn't expect that Zhongli was so serious before co-writing, and he was just deliberately testing it.

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