Chapter 17 The Bedrock Incident

Liyue Port.

Qian Yanjun, who was guarding the entrance from Tianheng Mountain to Liyue, saw a figure riding a horse flying towards them from a distance, with dust behind it all raised by the rapid hooves of the horse.

Stop, no horses are allowed in Liyue Port ahead!

Before the other party came to the front, Qian Yanjun raised the white tassel gun in his hand, and the squad leader Lin Feng shouted loudly towards the other party.

I am a subordinate of Mr. Yelan of the General Affairs Department. The urgent report of the layered rock abyss must be submitted to Mr. Ningguang.

It was Wen Yuan who came on horseback. He rushed to Lin Biao and stopped in front of him. He directly threw the token belonging to the General Affairs Department in his arms to the opponent, and then stepped away from Qianyan's army before the opponent could react. The horse passed by.

Quick, light the beacon!

Lin Feng was shocked when he heard that Wen Yuan brought an urgent report about the Strata Rock Abyss. Yesterday, he received instructions from his superiors. Once someone comes with information about the Strata Rock Abyss, he must light up the smoke and must Please notify Liyue Port as soon as possible.

So he quickly ordered his team members to light the smoke that represented an emergency.

The beacon fire was lit, and thick black smoke gradually rose into the sky.

The observers arranged by Qixing noticed the abnormality immediately, and soon the entire Seven Stars and Eight Gates received the news.


Qunyu Pavilion.

Except for Keqing, the rest of the Seven Stars were still summarizing and screening the information they had received when they saw Gan Yu rushing in with an anxious look on his face.

Ning Guang, the General Affairs Department received an urgent report from Wen Yuan, a subordinate of Ye Lan, and something happened in the Layer Yan Abyss.

What's the specific situation?

Wen Yuan doesn't know either. He only knows that a large area of ​​strange black mud suddenly gushes out of the giant rock abyss. Miners will fall into coma after coming into contact with the black mud. Ye Lan is organizing the Qianyan Army to maintain order. The specific situation needs to be investigated. It cannot be ruled out that it is an abyss...

Sure enough, something big happened.

Ningguang couldn't help but sigh. She had a bad premonition ever since she received Ye Lan's information.

Unexpectedly, it came true.

Although Gan Yu spoke vaguely, Qixing who was present did not yet understand the seriousness of the matter.

No matter what the situation, as long as it is linked to the abyss, it will not be a small matter.

Thinking of this, Ningguang immediately looked at Uncle Tian and others:

Uncle Tian, ​​you and everyone will accompany Gan Yu to the General Affairs Department. You must maintain order.

I will take control of Qun Yu Pavilion and go to the Layer Rock Abyss to see what's going on.

Where's Keharuto?

She has other things to do. I will inform her later.

Suddenly, the entire Liyue high-level officials took action. They had to make plans as soon as possible to deal with the changes in the layered rock abyss.


Liyue Port·Hanxiao's residence.

The sudden noise outside the door caused both Han Xiao and Ke Qing to stop talking.

Broken, something happened!

The two looked at each other, with a bad premonition in their hearts.

I have to leave first, and we'll talk about the rest later.

Ke Qing suddenly stood up, grabbed Han Xiao's proposal and hurriedly dropped a word before turning into a bolt of lightning and flying out of Han Xiao's house.

It seems that something is really wrong with the Strata Abyss.

Looking at the direction where Ke Qing disappeared, Han Xiao murmured to herself, and the look on her face became a little heavier.

Having lived in Liyue for more than ten years, it was impossible for him not to have feelings for this city.

Judging from the game plot, the Layer Rock Abyss is probably sealed off. When thinking that Liyue will usher in at least 500,000 unemployed people, Han Xiao's face looks good.

But it shouldn’t be a big problem, right?

In the image, Liyue in the game seems to have not been properly handled except for some follow-up, but on the surface there does not seem to be much trouble.

This proves that Qixing is still confident of overcoming this difficulty.

If it doesn't work, Uncle Zhongli is still here.

Han Xiao thought optimistically, but unfortunately his shaking right leg still showed his inner irritability.


A huge abyss of rock.

A huge number of miners were facing off against only a few thousand people.

Why don't you let us go home? We want to go home!

Yes, this happened, why don't you let us leave!

After experiencing the frightening moment underground, the miners first stayed in place and followed the arrangements of Qianyan Army.

But as more and more miners ran out from below, things began to take a turn for the worse.

Some said that they had dug up a monster, while others said that the black mud would eat people, and they would definitely die if they got on it.

In short, these true and false rumors stimulated the already fragile nerves of the miners, and they all clamored for Qianyan Army to let them leave.

Facing the excited miners, Qian Yanjun also complained secretly.

Ye Lan asked them to try their best to appease the miners until Qixing arrived, so they could only resist the crowd.

As the captain of the Qianyan Army, Yanbo is doing his best to comfort him:

Everyone please be patient when the incident happened suddenly. We have already rushed the news to Liyue Port. Please believe that Qixing will send someone to deal with it soon.

After Yan Bo said this, the noise in the crowd became much quieter.

Then let's wait a little longer?

Yes, now that the news has reached Qixing, there must be results soon.

It has to be said that the people of Liyue generally believe in Qixing.

Looking at the crowd that was gradually quieting down, Yan Bo couldn't help but reach out and wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

Good guy, he is really brave to face tens of thousands of strong men at once.

However, Yan Bo also knew that the current peace was only temporary, and if it dragged on for a long time, it would inevitably cause greater turmoil.

Now he could only secretly pray that Qixing could send someone over soon.

Time passed by, and just when Yanbo was secretly anxious, bursts of piercing sounds came from the sky in the distance, and the appearance of Qunyu Pavilion slowly became clear in everyone's eyes.

It was Ningguang who controlled Qunyu Pavilion to arrive in time.

Great, Qixing is here!

I didn't expect that Lord Ningguang would come here in person!

There was a commotion in the crowd, and everyone had a look of relief on their faces.

In their opinion, since Master Ningguang came here in person, they should be able to go home soon.

Yanbo, where is Yelanren?

Under everyone's comments, Ning Guang slowly landed in front of everyone on the floating steps. As soon as he landed, he asked Yan Bo about Ye Lan's situation.

Master Ye Lan said that he wanted to investigate the situation of the black mud, so he went down to the bottom of the mine alone.

Ning Guang nodded, looked around at the miners whose faces had not yet completely dissipated fear, and raised his hands to signal everyone to quiet down.

After the crowd calmed down, she said loudly:

Don't panic, everyone. We have set up a temporary station nearby. Please evacuate to the station in accordance with the distribution of Qianyan Army later.

Everyone must be aware of what happened at the bottom of the mine. The black mud is coming from a strange place, and we don't know what harm it may cause. Please follow Qian Yanjun's instructions and not go home for the time being, so as not to cause harm to your family.

Please believe in Qixing and me in Ningguang. We will definitely give you an explanation as soon as possible and let you go home as soon as possible!

Chapter 18 Seven Stars and Three Sects

Everyone, listen to me. Lord Ningguang is right. Who knows if the black mud is contagious? We can't harm our family.

Yes, Master Ningguang, we listen to you!

Faced with Ningguang's loud words and assurances, the miners gradually recovered from their fear and felt that what Ningguang said was true.

That black mud is indeed terrifying. Not only does it appear strange, but it will also cause someone to fall to the ground if they touch it.

If I go home now, who knows if I will infect my family with the black mud.

Very good. Please sit down where you are and wait for the Qianyan Army to register their identities before heading to the temporary station in small groups.

After seeing that the miners had calmed down, Ning Guang's tense heartstrings finally relaxed a lot, and he quickly sent someone to direct the Qianyan Army to start registering the miners' identities.


There was a sound of electricity in the air, and then Ke Qing, with her hair completely wet and two ponytails sticking softly to her body, appeared next to Ning Guang.

As soon as she appeared, Keqing couldn't help but bend down, put her hands on her knees and panted loudly. While she was panting, she asked:

Ningguang... how is the situation...?

Did you use elemental combat skills all the way here?

First...answer my...question.

Not ideal.

Ning Guang shook his head, a trace of anxiety flashed under his bright red pupils.

I'm afraid Gan Yu was right about the current situation.

It's hard not to think about the power of the abyss when you suddenly fall to the black mud that will cause you to fall unconscious if it touches it.

I have asked Qianyanjun to go to Bubu Lu to invite Mr. Bai Shu.

After her breathing calmed down a bit, Keqing also revealed her arrangement.

After coming out of Han Xiao's home, the first thing she did was to find Qian Yanjun and ask them to go to Bubu Lu and ask Baizhu to bring medicinal materials and accompany Qian Yanjun.

Then Keqing used her elemental combat skills to speed towards the rocky abyss without stopping.

Only then did Keqing, who was sweating profusely and almost exhausted, appear.

Thanks a lot.

Ning Guang nodded slightly, then looked at the huge gap leading to the bottom:

I will temporarily ask the Qianyan Army to take the miners to the temporary base first, and then let them return to Liyue after Mr. Bai Shu confirms their safety.

Before that, let's wait for Ye Lan and see if she can detect any clues.

Yelan went down?

Keqing couldn't help but frown, and her tone became a little uneasy:

The situation down there is very unclear. Wouldn't it be a good idea to go down hastily?

Don't worry, I believe in Yelan's ability, she will protect herself.

It's you...

As he said that, Ningguang turned his head to Keqing and teased in a pretense of ease:

Shouldn't you be at Han Xiao's place now?

Hearing that Ningguang seemed to want to change the subject to make the atmosphere more relaxed, Keqing also followed the other person's words and said:

I'm afraid the emperor is right, we have all made a mistake.

That guy Han Xiao is not ordinary talented.

With that said, Ke Qing took out Han Xiao's proposal from the Eye of God and handed it to Ning Guang:

Anyway, I think that lazy bastard is better than me in the overall situation, and I can give you a run for my money.

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