You also want to give exam questions?

Why, just Xu Yuhengxing can pass the exam questions, but I can't?

Furthermore...since he is a talent recommended by the emperor himself, it is understandable that he should have a heavier burden than others.


Ke Qing thought about Ning Guang's words carefully and felt that they were right.

Han Xiao's joining the seven-star candidate list was a temporary landing. If she didn't have satisfactory results, she might not be able to convince the public.


The lower layer of Liyue Layer Rock Abyss.

A situation that worries Qixing the most is happening here.

It's not good! It's not good! Something happened!

Run! Quick!


A mining team was running in panic from the mine to the camp, and everyone's faces were full of embarrassment and fear.

Other workers who were resting near the camp looked puzzled at the workers who rushed back to the camp and continued toward the elevator without stopping.

What's wrong, what happened?

Don't worry, run, something happened!

Black mud, it's such a big piece of black mud. Run quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late.

The miners who fled to the elevator to the surface did not stop in the face of the doubts of their coworkers, shouting incoherently as they ran.

At the same time, the same thing was happening in the major mining areas throughout the Strata Abyss.

Countless miners watched in horror as the black mud that came from nowhere enveloped them, and everyone felt their eyes go dark.

Then he passed out in the black mud.

We're in big trouble this time...

Yelan, who was investigating the depths of the layered rock abyss, also discovered these black mud emerging from nowhere.

Although Yelan relied on her sharp skills to avoid the attack of Hei Ni, and successfully jumped onto an elevator to the ground.

But a hint of gloom flashed across her face.

Some time ago, the legend of the wishing stone began to spread among the miners. Many miners fell into coma because of it. After repeated searches, they could not find out the reason. At that time, Yelan was a little worried that something would happen to the layered rock abyss.

Unexpectedly, just one day later, a large area of ​​black mud erupted in the entire layered rock abyss.

The black mud comes so strangely that if there is no way to control it, the entire rocky abyss will be shrouded in black mud.

As soon as he arrived on the ground, Ye Lan immediately called Qianyan Army and ordered them to gather the miners who had escaped from the mine to take care of them, and asked them to try their best to maintain order.

And she called her confidant Wen Yuan:

Wenyuan, unknown black mud suddenly appeared at the bottom of the giant layered rock abyss. The miners fell to the ground immediately when they encountered the black mud. Please send this news to Ningguang immediately.

I want to stay here to help the Qianyan Army maintain order and investigate the truth about Hei Ni.


Wen Yuan did not dare to stay any longer, so he quickly turned around, mounted his horse and galloped towards Liyue Port.


Liyue Port


Han Xiao, who was sitting in front of the table, couldn't help but yawn, and her whole body seemed a little depressed.

After a night of struggle, he had finally completed the 'surgery' on the proposal letter Ke Qing gave him. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, most of what he wrote down were macro ideas.

He really didn't have the energy to write about the details.

Looking at the fresh proposal in his hand, Han Xiao was quite satisfied.

In his previous life, as the top key sage in the historical economic zones of major online platforms, he elaborated on a series of crises in Liyue's prosperity from aspects such as agriculture, industry and commerce.

So even if there are no specific operation methods written down, these are enough for Qixing to make up his mind.

Ke Xiaoqing, Ke Xiaoqing.

For the sake of Hesi, I will only treat you to Xin Yue Xuan for ten meals this time.

Chapter 16 The Hidden Crisis in Liyue

At the same time that Wenyuan was rushing towards Liyue Port, Ke Qing also came to Han Xiao's house and knocked on the door.


Soon, with the sound of the door slowly opening, Han Xiao's figure appeared in front of Ke Qing.

Here we are, the things have been written. I don't have much time so I didn't write them in detail.


Ke Qing, who was so worried that she heard Han Xiao's words, simply responded, followed him into the room, found a chair and sat down.

When Han Xiao came back with the proposal he had written, what he saw was Ke Qing sitting in front of the chair absentmindedly.


Han Xiao first handed the proposal to Keqing, and after the other party took it, he tentatively asked:

What's wrong with you today? Are you worried?

It's nothing, just a little tired.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Ke Qing put back her chaotic thoughts, steeled herself, shook her head, picked up the proposal Han Xiao handed over and started reading.

This was incredible. Originally, Keqing was still worried about the situation on the other side of the Rock Abyss, but she was shocked by the proposal written by Han Xiao.

Just as Han Xiao himself said, his proposal was indeed well written.

At least Keqing immediately fell into serious thinking after reading it.

In the proposal, Han Xiao was the first to point out that no matter how developed a country’s economy and business, its own cultivated land area and food security always come first, which are the basis for national survival.

Liyue's over-developed commerce, handicraft industry and mining have caused the extreme shrinkage of agriculture.

Nowadays, the only places that produce grain in Liyue are Qingcezhuang and a small area on the south side of Liyue Port, which means that a large amount of grain needs to be purchased from the other six countries.

In order to further explain the shrinkage of agriculture in Liyue, Han Xiao also made a rough comparison of the populations of Liyue Port and Qingcezhuang.

Excluding the miners who work in the rock abyss, the population of Liyue Port is almost seven times that of other areas.

Moreover, Qingce Village has a sparse population, almost all of them are old people and children. Most of the young adults come to Liyue Port to work, which further compresses Liyue's agriculture.

Once some unpredictable factors occur, it is completely unrealistic to rely on food produced in these places to supply the entire Liyue Port.

Secondly, Hanxiao also shows that mining is the backbone of Liyue's prosperous commerce and handicraft industry, but the formation and regeneration of mineral resources are very slow, and some are used less.

If something unexpected happens to the Strata Rock Abyss, the economic blow to Liyue will definitely be huge.

In addition, Han Xiao also elaborated on the huge crisis lurking in Liyue in front of him from various aspects such as commerce and handicraft industry.

It has to be said that Han Xiao's article had a huge impact on Ke Qing's heart.

Food problems, population ratio, the loss of young and middle-aged labor...

These problems made Keqing feel extremely difficult.

In particular, the words Rocky Abyss in the article were deeply rooted in her heart.

Isn't this just the accident in Han Xiao's article?


What's wrong?


Keqing hesitated to speak at first, and then gritted her teeth and said as if she had made up her mind:

I mean, if something unexpected happens in the Layer Rock Abyss, is Liyue in danger?

Damn, something happened.

Han Xiao's heart suddenly thumped, and the expression on her face became ugly.

He has played games before. Although he has only played the Abyss Palace, he has also seen the information about the Layer Rock Abyss revealed by the insider.

In the game, the Strata Abyss was closed by Seven Stars for some unknown reasons for two years. This caused the Black Rock Factory and other places to shut down, and a large number of workers temporarily became unemployed.

Although I don’t know how the Seven Stars in the plot maintain the stability of Liyue’s bright surface, I can tell from the mission of Black Rock Trapped in the game.

Two years later, a lot of follow-up issues have still not been resolved.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao pulled the chair in front of Ke Qing and sat down, staring at him seriously:

Keqing, tell me the truth. Is there something wrong with the Layer Rock Abyss?

We have to wait for news on the specific situation.

After recalling what Ning Guang said to herself, Ke Qing did not deny it.

After thinking for a while, he gave Han Xiao an uncertain answer.

It has to be said that Han Xiao's proposal today caused Keqing to have an unprecedented subversion of his image as a person.

She really didn't expect that a person who had been lazy since childhood and couldn't muster the energy to do anything would actually hide such an amazing talent.

At least Keqing herself felt that she was inferior to the other party in terms of the overall situation.

Thinking of Ningguang's previous conscious efforts to reduce the export of minerals and vigorously support industries such as silk and tea, she thought at the time that the other party just wanted to make money.

Now it seems that among the seven stars, only Ningguang and Han Xiao have realized Liyue's problem as early as possible.

Moreover, Han Xiao's article was entirely written from a human perspective, without considering the factors of the Immortal Family and the Emperor. The hint of human rule in it made Ke Qing even more excited.

So when Han Xiao brought up the issue of the Strata Rock Abyss, she did not hide it but chose to tell the truth.

In Keqing's view, based on this proposal alone, there is absolutely no problem with the other party's talent being selected as a candidate for Seven Stars. The problem is with Seven Stars.

Not only did they not discover a talent like Han Xiao, but they also needed the emperor to speak in person to learn of his existence.

To put it bluntly, Qixing was derelict in his duty.


If Han Xiao knew what Ke Qing was thinking at this time, she would probably wave her hands repeatedly.

Compared to Ke Qing and the others in Liyue, Han Xiao was in an era of information explosion in his previous life. A large number of ways to obtain knowledge not only enriched his knowledge reserve, but also broadened his way of thinking.

Rather, as a native of Liyue, Ningguang can realize Liyue's problems. This is true wisdom.

No wonder Ning Guang's hair turned white (cross out this paragraph).


Can you tell me how many miners there are under the Great Abyss?

Han Xiao took a deep breath first, and then asked her question slightly nervously.

There is no way, Ke Qing's words basically imply that something has happened in the Layeryan Abyss.

Now he can only pray that the number of miners under the giant rock abyss is still under control, otherwise Liyue will face an unprecedented impact.

According to the last statistics from the Huishan Department, the number of miners is conservatively estimated to be around half a million...


As soon as the figure of five hundred thousand came out, Han Xiao felt bad.

Liyue's permanent population is around eight million, and is gradually increasing every year.

It was already overloaded, but once the Strata Abyss was sealed, half a million miners poured into Liyue Port.

Just thinking about it makes my head hurt.

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