Oh, that's surprising.

Ningguang's original intention was to find a random topic to relax and relax the tense atmosphere, but she didn't expect Keqing's answer to make her interested.

Taking the proposal from Ke Qing's hand, Ning Guang slowly read it.

Surprise, contemplation, admiration.

As the reading progressed, Keqing saw the expression on Ningguang's face constantly changing, and she knew that Ningguang probably didn't expect that Han Xiao, who was usually so lazy, could hide such a talent.

You're right, we all made a mistake.

After reading the proposal, Ningguang closed his eyes and was silent for a while, then opened his eyes and looked at Keqing, with a hint of admiration in his tone:

There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers among the people in Liyue. If it weren't for the emperor, we probably wouldn't know that Han Xiao, a puppet master, has such a keen sense of the overall situation.

What do you think?

I will vote for him as a seven-star candidate, and I look forward to him becoming my colleague.

Ning Guang replied decisively.

After reading the proposal, she had only one idea.

That was that finally someone could see the potential crisis deep in Liyue like her.

Why has she vigorously supported silk, tea and other industries for so many years? Is it because Liyue is too dependent on minerals and the economic structure is too deformed.

It can even be said that Han Xiao's thoughts and data estimates are more detailed than what Ningguang himself thought.

Not only that, the other party also mentioned that Liyue's agriculture was in an extremely shrinking stage, which also made Ningguang realize the possible crisis in Liyue from another perspective.

She has also read the plans of Zhiyi and other three seven-star candidates. Although they are all good, they are just expounding her own opinions on Liyue's existing structure.

Therefore, if he really had to choose who would be the Seven Stars, Ningguang would cast his vote for Han Xiao without hesitation.

Including you, that's three votes. Tianxuan should have the same choice as us.

Don't be too happy too early. I'm afraid Uncle Tian will vote against it, and Gan Yu's opinion won't be too good either.

Handing the proposal back to Ke Qing, Ning Guang looked at Ke Qing seriously:

Although the relationship between us is not that harmonious, in general we are in the same camp, but Uncle Tian and Gan Yu may not think so.

you mean?

Keqing looked at Ningguang with some confusion.

She didn't quite understand what the other person wanted to say.

Han Xiao's proposal did not mention emperors and immortals...

Seeing that Keqing didn't understand, Ningguang's tone of voice also had an inexplicable flavor.

This time, Keqing finally understood.

He is a firm believer in the rule of man, and although Ningguang respects the emperor, he also prefers rule by man, so the two of them are indeed in the same camp.

But Uncle Tian and Gan Yu are different.

Gan Yu didn't mention her status as a human-immortal hybrid.

As for Uncle Tian, ​​the older generation Qixing has always had an unreasonable admiration for the emperor.

Han Xiao's proposal had a vague intention of asking Qixing to take over Liyue's power.

Based on this alone, Uncle Tian might vote against it.

Then what do you think Yaoguang and the others will choose?

Who can say for sure? It's hard to say.

Ningguang didn't answer Keqing directly. In fact, she wasn't completely sure either.

For a long time, the seven stars in Liyue were vaguely divided into three factions.

The ruling faction, the emperor faction and the neutral faction.

The Ren Zhi faction is headed by Ke Qing, who is vaguely leaning towards Qixing to take over the power of Liyue.

On the Emperor's side, the oldest ones, Uncle Tian and Gan Yu, clearly stood on the Emperor's side, believing that Liyue had been this way for thousands of years and there was no need to change.

The neutral faction, represented by Yao Guang, has been playing the role of mediator between the two factions, easing the relationship between the two factions as much as possible.

Chapter 19 I need a name

Fortunately, Han Xiao didn't know about the conversation between Ningguang and Keqing, and even started counting votes for him.

If she knew, Han Xiao would probably not be able to help complaining.

Except for Uncle Zhongli, who only appears once a year, and those immortals who live in seclusion, the entire Liyue is basically decided by you Qixing.

Only seven people are divided into three factions to engage in internal fighting?

I'm afraid this Liyue is not a pill.

At this time, Han Xiao was sitting in front of the table, with an indescribable hesitation on his face.

Ke Qing left in a hurry, basically confirming that there was a problem in the Layer Rock Abyss, and the ending of the matter should be the same as in the game.

The Great Layer Rock Abyss is probably sealed.

Han Xiao is not a cold-blooded person, so he naturally has feelings for Liyue.

A huge abyss of strata was opened, and half a million miners instantly became unemployed.

How much turmoil this will bring to Liyue.

So after Keqing left, Han Xiao kept thinking about one thing, and that was whether to ask Zhongli.

He didn't believe that Zhongli wouldn't understand the importance of the layered rock abyss to Liyue.

In the chat group, other people were also trying to persuade Han Xiao.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: If you have any hesitation, just go and ask Zhongli what he thinks.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: I agree. Judging from the insider information we learned, the Layer Rock Abyss Seal is probably sealed. Now I don't know if it was Zhongli who took action.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: I don't think so. Morax himself is almost a retired old man. I guess it was Qixing who took action.

[One Piece: Han Xiao]: Actually, whether it is Qixing or Zhongli who takes action, the key still depends on your own thoughts. After all, the layered rock abyss will be sealed without you.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Yes, it depends on how deep your feelings for Liyue are, but let me put it here. Once you decide to take care of this matter, you will officially enter Qixing's sight. .”

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: In my opinion, from the moment the proposal was handed over to Keqing, the Yuanxiao boss should have entered Qixing's sight.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Hey, good fellow, there must be a Liyue Seven Star among us. Come quickly, come and worship the Seven Stars boss.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Worship +1

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: Worship +2

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: You've had enough... I'm just annoyed.

Han Xiao couldn't laugh or cry as she watched several people in the group making fun of her crazily.

He has actually come back to his senses now. Zhongli's impetus may not have been behind Keqing's sudden visit.

In other words, he was already in the game from the moment he had a showdown with Zhongli.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: I've decided, let's ask Uncle Zhongli.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: I wish you good luck!

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Good luck!

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: Good luck!


As soon as he thought of it, Han Xiao closed the chat group and got up and left home directly, walking along Chihuyan Street towards the Hall of Purity.

Along the way, there were endless shouts.

Obviously, these people still don't know that something terrible is happening in the giant abyss of rock in the distance.

Arriving in front of the Hall of Purity, Han Xiao saw at a glance the employee of the Hall of Purity, the ferryman, standing at the door. When he saw this, he stepped forward and asked:

Hello, is Mr. Zhongli here?

Ke Qing Zhongli? Sorry, Guest Qing Zhongli is not in the Hall of Rebirth.

Then do you know where Mr. Zhongli may be now?

You can go to the Xinyuexuan Teahouse. Maybe Zhongli Keqing is drinking tea there.

The ferryman thought for a moment, and then gave Han Xiao an uncertain answer.

After thanking the ferryman, Han Xiao walked up the corridor and stairs next to Wanwen Club to the third floor. As expected, she saw Zhongli among the guests.

Quickly walking to Zhongli, who was holding a tea cup and listening attentively to Doctor Liu Su's story, Han Xiao pulled out a chair and sat down, whispering:

Mr. Zhongli, do you know about the Layer Rock Abyss?

Nature is clear.

Zhongli put down the tea cup in his hand and nodded slightly.

Nothing in Liyue, big or small, could be hidden from his eyes, let alone such an important place as the Layer Rock Abyss.

Then why are you still...

Han Xiao gritted her teeth and forcefully swallowed the word rotten.

I'm about to retire. Qixing will naturally take care of these matters.

Zhongli waved his hand, signaling Han Xiao to listen to him.

The Layer Rock Abyss is related to Liyue's lifeline, and it just so happens that I can see Qixing's response.

Aren't you afraid that Qixing will screw up?

Zhong Li didn't speak, but glanced at Han Xiao.

The meaning is already obvious, isn't it that he still has to take care of it?

Then Zhongli stood up and motioned for Han Xiao to follow him.

The two of them walked down the stairs without speaking. It wasn't until they reached the outside of the city that Zhongli spoke:

You should know that I actually admire that little girl Keqing.

That's why I didn't choose to take action in this matter.

I want to see if Qixing has the ability to help Liyue survive a crisis.

Is this your test?

Han Xiao on the side replied dullly.

It's just the first step.

Although Zhongli didn't finish what he said, Han Xiao already understood what the other person had to say.

Come to think of it, as the real person in charge of Liyue, how could Zhongli not know how much turmoil half a million unemployed miners would bring to Liyue.

But for Zhongli who wanted to retire, what happened in the Layer Rock Abyss allowed him to see whether the people of Qixing and Liyue could survive this crisis without the blessing of the emperor and immortals.

What if I want to step in?

After knowing Zhongli's thoughts, Han Xiao couldn't help but ask.

He is not the Holy Mother, but as the old saying goes, if you are poor, you will be good for yourself, and if you are rich, you will be good for the world.

The resemblance between Liyue and her previous life made Han Xiao feel naturally close and fond of Liyue from the very beginning.

Since you have this ability, why not help?

Then you need a name.

Zhong Li glanced at Han Xiao in surprise. He really didn't expect that the usually lazy Han Xiao would jump out on this matter.

But he still asked one more question uneasily:

But are you really sure you want to get involved in this matter?


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