I heard Albedo say that Mondstadt was able to solve the dragon disaster so quickly this time because of a traveler from a foreign land?

Taking a sip of the slightly cold tea, Han Xiao finally said what she wanted to ask after a brief preparation.

He hoped to learn more about whether there was any difference between the process of the twins solving the dragon disaster in Mondstadt and the previous game.

You mean the honorary knight? She did make the most important contribution to the dragon disaster.

Diluc nodded. He was actually quite grateful for what he had done in Mondstadt.

Otherwise, when he came to Liyue this time, he wouldn't have waited for Ying and Paimon at the door of the winery, and then personally drove them a ride.

Although the issue of the right to sell electric vehicles is not a small matter, it is not something that requires him, the big boss, to personally take action.

Thinking of Ying and Paimon, Diluc changed the subject:

By the way, Han Xiao, the travelers came to Guili City with me this time, and asked me to bring you a message. I hope we can make an appointment to meet.

She must have something important to discuss with you in person.

Want to talk to me in person?

Han Xiao was a little surprised when he heard Diluc say that he was going to talk to him. He didn't expect that the other party would come to him first.

This is much bolder than in the game.

The character in the game is really a bit timid in the early stage. She obviously got the identity of an honorary knight in Mondstadt. She can use this identity to ask Captain Qin to help her contact Qixing.

From the conversation between Ningguang and Ying, we can know that Captain Qin told the other party in a letter.

But what did Ying do? She seemed to have given up the opportunity to contact him directly because she was worried about the Seven Gods, and chose to come to Liyue to investigate on her own.

As a result, Zhongli was wanted for a while when he faked his own death.

It was only after experiencing the two countries of Liyue and Mondstadt that Ying seemed to realize that the Seven Gods of Teyvat were not the gods she and her brother had met.

This is how I came up with the idea of ​​meeting General Raiden directly after going to Inazuma.

Now perhaps Wendy's identity was exposed in advance and she had to reveal some more secrets to her, so that she could understand that the Seven Gods were not the gods they met back then, so she chose to get in touch with Han Xiao, the Seven Stars, directly.

Okay, I will make an appointment to meet with her.

After understanding this, Han Xiao happily agreed.

Anyone who has played the game knows that Aunt Huangmao is an extremely easy-to-use super tool, and her current unblocked combat effectiveness is no less than that of the Fools' Executive.

Not to mention that Ying's strength will slowly recover in the future, and can even reach the level of surpassing the Seven Gods.

It only takes a small amount of money to get someone who can reach the executive level or even the Seven Gods level to help with work. Han Xiao said how could he miss such a good thing.

He even hoped that the other party could settle down in Liyue.

For a moment, all Han Xiao could think about was how to make Ying feel Liyue's enthusiasm and tolerance.

Chapter 197 Dadalia was rolled up by the lady

Maybe even Ying herself didn't expect that she was being targeted by Han Xiao before she even saw him face to face, and he was even thinking about how to make her stay in Liyue.

At this time, Yingzheng was shopping with Paimeng in Guili City with a leisurely expression.

I feel like Liyue has changed so much.

Walking on the wide street, Paimon kept shaking his little head, looking left and right, and exclaimed repeatedly.

“This new Seven-Star is a lot of fun.”

Ying looked at the busy street scene around him and nodded in agreement.

She could tell that Liyue, the newly appointed Tianshu Star Han Xiao, probably had a deep understanding of other worlds like Keli's mother Alice.

There are things everywhere in Guili City that she saw when she traveled to certain worlds before, especially the store called 'Liyue Music Store' that just opened in the city. The things inside are even more familiar to her.

This made the couple look forward to meeting Han Xiao even more. After all, there were not many people who spoke the same language as her in Teyvat.

Keli's mother Alice is one of them. Since she made Barbara an idol, she knows that she knows a lot about other worlds. Unfortunately, she has never met her before.

Ying, look quickly!

Just when Ying was looking forward to meeting Han Xiao, Paimon suddenly flew to her side and pulled her hair, pointing at a store not far ahead with his little finger.

It's Xiangling's Wanmin Hall!


Upon hearing the words Wan Min Tang, Ying couldn't help but look in the direction of Paimon's finger. Sure enough, on the street in front, the plaque of Wan Min Tang was clearly visible.

And the front of Manmin Hall was already crowded with people queuing up.

I didn't expect Xiangling's business to be so good!

Looking at the long queue, Paimon couldn't help but swallow, and turned to look at Yingying with starry eyes:

We've been shopping for so long, why don't we go to Xiangling's house to have something to eat before continuing our shopping?

Um, didn't we just have breakfast on the roadside? Are you hungry in less than an hour?

Hey hey hey.

Paimon crossed her fingers in embarrassment. She had already digested what she had eaten before, and how could she not eat something delicious when she came across it.

Oh, let's go.

Encountering such a greedy guide, Yingya could only cover his forehead with his hands and sigh softly.

Despite her small size, this little thing's stomach is like a bottomless pit. She can eat 300,000 mola in a month.

It can be said that apart from the rent and some weapons maintenance expenses, most of the money earned from doing tasks was turned into food and entered Paimon's stomach.

This caused Ying to have a sense of crisis in her heart. She felt that if she had to find a long-term job, she would be dragged down by Paimeng sooner or later just by doing odd jobs like this.

Or you can sell Paimon. This little thing seems to be quite rare, so it should fetch a big price.

Paimon, who was flying towards the Manmin Hall, did not see that the eyes behind her looking at him had become dangerous.

After getting Ying's permission, she immediately flew to the entrance of Wanmin Hall and immediately saw Xiang Ling spooning in front of the stove.

Xiang Ling!

Hey, it's Paimon.

Hearing someone calling her, Xiangling turned her head and looked along the sound and saw Paimon waving to her outside the door.

You guys go into the box and wait a moment. I'll finish my work first and then come back to you.

Ying and Paimon waited in the box for about an hour, and then Xiangling opened the door and walked in while holding a handkerchief to wipe sweat, saying sorry:

Sorry for keeping you waiting.

It's okay, Wanmintang's business is very busy.

I didn't expect it to be so busy.

After coming to the chair next to Ying and sitting down, Xiang Ling smiled sheepishly.

Because she was persuaded by Han Xiao two days ago, her father asked her to open a branch in Guilicheng. As a result, the store welcomed a large number of customers as soon as it opened.

As a result, Xiangling spent the past few days banging a spoon in front of the stove from morning to afternoon.

By the way, whatever you want to eat, I'll make it for you.

Then I'll have a poached seabass!

Paimon on the side immediately announced his favorite dish. Seeing that Paimon didn't stop him, Ying glanced at Xiang Ling in embarrassment.

Then bring me some stir-fried pork slices.

Okay, just wait a moment.


After seeing off Grandpa Lu, Han Xiao left Kuixing Tower and went straight to the alchemy workshop to find Albedo.

Albedo, how is the progress of your research?

I've got the electric kettle now.

Abedo, who was in front of the experimental table, heard Han Xiao's inquiry and immediately reached out to pick up the finished product and handed it over.

Reaching out to take the electric kettle, Han Xiao looked up and down carefully. The entire shell was made of resin, and the inside was an iron liner. There was a charging port at the base.

The entire electric kettle looks basically the same as the previous one.

Satisfied, Han Xiao put the electric kettle aside and then continued to ask:

Do you have any idea about anything other than the electric kettle?

I have already asked Zhenjun Liuyun to run the lathe to manufacture the structure of the induction cooker. As for the other parts, I may not be able to finish them in a short time.

Abedo thought for a moment and then gave his answer.

The structures of induction cookers and electric kettles are relatively simple. All you need to do is let Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's lathe process the parts according to the drawings and then assemble them.

As for the more complicated air conditioners and refrigerators, he is still figuring out how to do it. Those parts such as condensers and evaporators are much more difficult than a heating base.

Oh, by the way, Han Xiao.

Mentioning Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, Abedo suddenly remembered something, turned to look at Han Xiao and said:

Zhenjun Liuyun is also very interested in electricity. She is currently using electricity to make fully automatic cooking tools, so I won't make a rice cooker yet.

Fully automatic cooking tool?

Could it be the magical cooking machine in the game that has never been able to catch up with the chef competition?

Co-author: Has this stove been upgraded to fully automatic?

Han Xiao couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his eyes. He wanted to persuade Abedo not to give up on making rice cookers.

After all, the work efficiency of my cheap chef is really slow. God knows how long it will take for her to finish building the rice cooker.


Liyue Port·Northland Bank.

You said Madam, she has obtained the Heart of God from the God of Wind?

Yes, Sir, the God of Wind's Heart has been sent back to Winter by Lady.

Dadalia was originally very happy after his subordinate reported to him that he had obtained the cement formula, but the next sentence made him depressed again.

It seems I have to speed up too.

For a moment, Dadalia felt a little more urgent.

Volume 5: The Ceremony of Inviting Immortals


Chapter 198 Zhiyi has changed a lot

After about half an hour, Xiangling took Ying and Paimon's orders and walked into the box. As soon as she entered, she apologized profusely:

I'm sorry, Traveler and Paimon. I'm really busy here, so I just brought it to you now.

It's okay. Business is booming which is a good thing.

In response to Xiangling's apology, Ying shook her head and told the other party not to pay attention. She had just eaten a meal not long ago and was not particularly hungry yet.

As for Paimon?

Emmm, as early as the moment the food was served, she was already engrossed in eating it.

Eat, eat, eat. You know how to eat all day long. Sooner or later, I will sell you!

Seeing that while he was chatting with Xiangling, Paimon started eating without any care, Ying was also very angry.

Is this little thing only thinking about eating? Is she still talking to others?

woo woo woo woo...

Hearing Ying's 'threat', Paimon quickly opened her mouth to explain something before she even had time to swallow the food in her mouth. Unfortunately, because her mouth was full of food, her words turned into indistinct sobs. Voice.

Traveler, your relationship with Paimon is still so good.

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