Seeing Ying and Paimon noisy, Xiangling couldn't help but smile.

The last time I saw Paimon in Mondstadt, I found him to be a super interesting little guy, and it seems that he hasn't changed at all now.

Traveller, please eat something quickly. It won't taste good if it's cold.

Then I'll start.

Ying nodded to Xiang Ling, and then picked up the chopsticks, using her excellent muscle control to become quite proficient with the chopsticks.

Xiang Ling sat aside and held her chin in her hands, watching Ying and Paimon eat, with a satisfied smile on her face.

After all, having customers eat so deliciously is the best reward for her as a chef.

Huhu, you're full!

After swallowing the last bite of the boiled black sea bass, Paimon put down the knife and fork in his hand and sighed while stroking his swollen belly.

Although Mondstadt Deer Hunter's food tastes good, it's still a bit inferior compared to Xiangling's craftsmanship.

I've eaten too, thank you for the treat.

Almost at the same time, Ying also put down the chopsticks in his hand, slowly took out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth.

Hey, do you think the food is satisfactory?

Super satisfied, Xiangling, your cooking skills are nothing to say, this is it!

Paimeng, who was stroking his round belly, quickly stretched out a hand and gave Xiang Ling a thumbs up.

It's very delicious. Your cooking skills are even better than they were in Mondstadt.

Unlike Paimon, who only said it was delicious, Ying thought about it carefully after hearing Xiang Ling's inquiry before speaking out her own evaluation.

As someone who often travels in the wild, Ying's skills are actually not bad, so she still has a little say in cooking.

In Ying's opinion, Xiangling's cooking had already reached a very high level. Anyway, her own level was far behind compared with Xiangling's.

It would be difficult for ordinary people to touch Xiang Ling's current level of cooking skills in a lifetime, but in just one or two months, Xiang Ling's level could be further improved. Ying had to admit that there were talented monsters in this world.

By the way, Xiangling, didn't you say you were going to continue traveling when you left Mondstadt? Why did you suddenly think of opening a store in Guili City?

After eating and drinking, Ying suddenly remembered that Xiangling had mentioned the idea of ​​continuing to travel when she was in Mondstadt, so she asked with some curiosity.

Is there something wrong with your travel plan?

Originally I wanted to go to Daozu, but as soon as I came back I learned that Daozu no longer allowed outsiders to enter the country, so naturally I didn't go.

Xiangling also felt very sorry for Ying's question.

She had gone to several other countries on her planned trip to Teyvat Continent, but Dao Wife had not been able to go, but there was nothing she could do about it, who would have encountered Dao Wife Suoguo.

Furthermore, Brother Hanxiao suggested to me to open a branch in Guili City. Dad and I also thought this suggestion was good and agreed.

Suddenly hearing Han Xiao's name from Xiang Ling's mouth, Paimon couldn't help but interject.

Wait a minute Xiangling, are you talking about Han Xiao from Qixing?


Can you tell me about Han Xiao? I'm very curious.

Seeing Xiangling nodding in recognition, Ying quickly asked the other party about Han Xiao.

She was originally quite curious about Han Xiao, but now that Xiang Ling seemed to be very familiar with him, she naturally wanted to hear about him.


While Ying was asking Xiangling about Han Xiao, in a deserted corner of the school playground in Licheng, Han Xiao was having a conversation with a person who hadn't appeared for a long time.

How have you been during this time, Zhiyi?

Looking at Zhiyi, whom he had not seen since the last time, Han Xiao was the first to ask about his recent situation.

It's not bad. I teach children knowledge every day. Although the days are a bit dull, I am still quite satisfied with this kind of life.

Facing Han Xiao's inquiry, Zhiyi responded with a smile.

At this time, he had long since faded away from his previous gloom, and his whole temperament had become much warmer, perhaps because he had been in contact with the child for a long time.

I feel like you've changed a lot.

Indeed, I think so myself.

Hearing Han Xiao's sighing words, Zhiyi couldn't help but shrugged.

To be honest, after going through what he had been through before, he had finally figured it out.

With his paranoid personality becoming more and more vicious, if he really wanted to reach the Seven Stars, it would probably bring a huge disaster to the entire Liyue.

Thinking about the things he had done before, Zhiyi now didn't know why he became like that in the first place.

During his time at school, Zhiyi thought for a long time in private, and finally came to the conclusion that it was precisely because of his inferiority complex that made him act more paranoid, and in the end he became so unscrupulous.

The only thing that made him feel extremely lucky was that he woke up at the last moment, otherwise he would not have seen such a prosperous Guili City now.

Tell me, why do you, a busy man like you, suddenly think of coming to see me?

Zhiyi came back from his thoughts and joked to Han Xiao with a smile.

Because I need your help.

My help?

Zhiyi raised his eyebrows, and his tone was a little more surprised.

Although the two of them can still stand here and talk calmly, if they really talk about it, he almost becomes the murderer who poisoned each other.

How dare you use someone like me?

To be honest, Zhiyi himself didn't expect Han Xiao to say so straightforwardly that she came to him for help.

Why don't you dare.

Seeing Zhiyi's surprised look, Han Xiao waved his hand nonchalantly.

Chapter 199: A necessary evil in Guili City?

Regarding the issue of whether Zhiyi can be used, Han Xiao has discussed it many times with people in the group.

At first, most group members did not agree with Yongzhiyi.

After all, there is an old saying that goes, A country is easy to change but its nature is hard to change. Who knows whether Zhiyi will make the same mistakes again in the future.

But in the end, Xi Xiao stood up and said something that made them change their minds, that is, the Han Xiao now was not the Han Xiao before in terms of force value.

In the past, Han Xiao, who did not have the Eyes of God and had no military power and was not particularly outstanding, now conservatively estimates that he can show off dozens of them, and even more extreme, it is not a problem to show off hundreds of them at the same time.

So in terms of force value alone, Han Xiao was able to pin down Zhiyi to death, and the chat group also had a built-in function of detecting physical fitness, so underhanded tricks such as poisoning could easily be detected by the chat group.

In addition to these, Han Xiao also asked Zhongli to observe Zhiyi's performance in school. According to the old man's determination, he had really changed a lot.

Based on the above aspects, Xixiao thinks that Zhiyi can still be used by Hanxiao.

After all, people with online intelligence and abilities like the other party are still in short supply in Guilicheng. Since they can guarantee that they can hold the opponent down, there is nothing to be afraid of.

What are you going to ask me to do?

Seeing that Han Xiao didn't seem to be joking, Zhiyi's face became serious.

You must know that Han Xiao is now the Seven Stars of Liyue, and his power in Liyue has reached the top level. Most things can be done with just one sentence.

It must be no small matter for Han Xiao to find him, the once guilty person, in person.

What do you think of Guili City now?

Faced with Zhiyi's inquiry, Han Xiao did not answer directly. Instead, she asked a seemingly irrelevant question.

I've already applied for my ID card to return to Licheng, what do you think?

Zhiyi crossed his arms on his chest, couldn't help but curled his lips, and glanced at Han Xiao speechlessly.

Before he went astray, returning to school in Licheng had always been his goal.

If he hadn't seen Han Xiao's plan, he wouldn't have woken up and chosen to surrender.

What if I told you that someone is already thinking about returning to Licheng?


Upon hearing Han Xiao's words, Zhiyi's eyes flashed with a hint of gloom. Even though his personality had changed now, it was only because he had found something he wanted to protect.

If someone wanted to return to Licheng, he wouldn't mind turning back to his original self who would do anything to achieve the goal.

Before Han Xiao could answer, Zhiyi thought of the answer in a flash.

I guess it's the fools.

You guessed it right.

Han Xiao nodded, then took out a document from Yu Perry and handed it to Zhiyi, while explaining to him:

Look at this, this is what the Fools did in Mondstadt recently.

After taking the file and browsing it quickly, Zhiyi couldn't help but sneer:

It's really their style. They are so courageous. They dared to take on the Fengshen's idea, and they didn't expect it to be done.

There are some other reasons here. It can be basically concluded that Fengshen did it on purpose, but the behavior of the fools can already make us vigilant.

You mean they still want to take advantage of Prince Yan?

Although Han Xiao said that Mondstadt's Fengshen had intentional elements, Zhiyi was still a little surprised by the news.

The fools are trying to expose the idea of ​​Prince Yan.

Whether they really dare to do this or not, we still have to be on guard, right?

You want me to deal with the fools.

After reading the documents in his hand, Zhiyi roughly guessed what Han Xiao was thinking.

That's right.

Han Xiao nodded, that's what he thought.

First of all, Zhiyi's ability and IQ are sufficient. I don't know in real life, but his performance in the game is much smarter than a certain ornamental fish in Inazuma next door.

Secondly, Zhiyi studied abroad in Zhidong and had contact with the Fools after returning to Liyue. It can be said that he is very familiar with each other's style of doing things.

Finally, Liyue and Zhidong have not broken up yet, and Huishan Hall is still cooperating with the Fools to explore the layered rock abyss.

If you want to deal with the fools, you can only do it in private.

Taken together, choosing Zhi Yi to deal with the Fools is a very good choice from all aspects.

You want me to be a secret knife in Guili City.

What do you mean?

Han Xiao did not deny that she wanted Zhiyi to become a secret force in Guili City. After all, the other party had a stain on Qixing no matter what, and it was impossible to let him take over openly.

The only thing one can do is to become a sharp blade guarding the city secretly like Rosalia of the West Wind Church.

Now that Lord Hanxiao has come to see me personally, I'm not that ignorant.

Returning the document in his hand to Han Xiao, a confident smile appeared on Zhiyi's face.

Aren't they just fools? It's not like he hasn't dealt with them before.

Very good, I will allocate a sum of funds to you, and you need to go to Qianyan Army to select the manpower yourself.

I have only one request. Find a way to block all secret prying eyes on Guili City.

I try my best.


After bidding farewell to the energetic Zhiyi, Han Xiao walked towards her home while chatting with the group.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Successfully convinced Zhiyi, in the future, whether it is Xingqiu openly or Zhiyi secretly, I will have a good helper.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: How can you call me a helper? You are obviously a useful tool, right?

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Be bold and remove the doubts. Yuanxiao is looking for a tool.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: What's wrong with people looking for tools? The reason why people can invent so many tools is because they fish.

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