Hearing that both Paimon and Ying had a deep impression of Xiangling, the staff in charge of registration couldn't help but smile, and then asked:

I almost forgot to ask, are you two coming to Liyue for travel or business?

We are here to participate in the ceremony to invite the immortals in a month's time.

I see, then I think it's not cost-effective for you to apply for a temporary pass. It would be better to apply for a temporary residence permit.

Knowing that Ying and Paimon were coming to attend the Immortal Invitation Ceremony a month later, the registration staff immediately recommended them to apply for temporary residence permits.

With the temporary residence permit, you two can rent a house in Guilicheng and Liyue Port. It is not cost-effective to stay in a hotel all the time.

Then I'll trouble you.

After appraising the thickness of her wallet, Ying decided to follow the other party's previous choice of applying for a temporary residence permit.

There is still more than a month left before the Immortal Invitation Ceremony. If you stay in a hotel every day, you may even have to pay for Paimon's meals.

After applying for the temporary residence permit, Ying and Paimeng walked directly into Guili City and headed towards the hotel directed by the registration staff.


You mean a blond traveler with a strange flying creature came to town?

As soon as he entered Kuixing Tower, Xu Wan walked towards Han Xiao and quickly reported the news coming from the city gate.

Yes, Lord Hanxiao.

Xu Wan nodded. Ever since the dragon disaster occurred in Mondstadt, Han Xiao had found her and asked her to pay more attention to outsiders entering the city.

In particular, some people who are wearing strange clothes or have abnormal creatures around them must report to him immediately.

It happened that the guard met Ying and Paimon today, so while the two were registering, the Qianyan Army guard quickly reported the incident to Xu Wan.

After receiving the news, Xu Wan quickly found Han Xiao.

I understand, remember to pay more attention to the other person.

After hearing the news brought by Xu Wan, Han Xiao calmly gave instructions, then turned around and walked into his office.

As soon as he entered the office, his expression became serious.

Han Xiao knew that the story of Liyue was about to begin as soon as she heard about the blond woman and the mysterious flying creature that followed her.

Zhongli is also about to fake his death during this immortal ceremony, thus retiring from the throne.

Thinking of the chaos that might arise in Liyue after Zhongli stepped down from the throne, Han Xiao knew that he should make preparations as soon as possible.

Chapter 195 Hanxiao: Osel is just a squid.

In the office, Han Xiao opened the chat group after a long time.

[Original God·Han Xiao]: I just received the news that Ying has arrived in Liyue. It seems that the plot on my side is about to begin.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Then Yuanxiao, your progress is quite slow. I have seen Wang Lufei's reward order a few days ago.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: At least you still know when the plot starts. I have been playing hide-and-seek with Chromie for more than ten years, and I don't even know if the plot has started.

[Ip Man·Han Xiao]: Well, I have completely disconnected from the plot. I am currently going to the west with the handwritten version of the professional book sent by You Xiao.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Good guy, Yexiao is the first one in our group to take the initiative to leave the plot.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Stop, let's get back to the topic. Speaking of Lantern Festival, what are you going to do now that the plot is about to begin?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: What else can be done? Just follow the old man's idea.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Anyway, I have tried to persuade him several times, both overtly and secretly. Zhongli is not swayed at all and has made up his mind to retire.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Others have been working continuously for more than 6,000 years, isn't it normal to retire?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: The gods of Teyvat are more of a country's highest firepower. Yuanxiao doesn't want Zhongli to retreat probably because he is afraid that other countries will take the opportunity to cause trouble.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: It's almost the same. Although the old man himself is still there, not many people know about it. There will definitely be some reckless guys who jump out when the time comes.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: But Yuanxiao, can you still follow the plot now? Zhongli's Heart of God is in your hands now.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Who knows, let's see how the old man adjusts the script.

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: I don't know if Osel will be released this time.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Probably not. I remember Yuan Xiao said that Dadalia might already know that the Heart of God is in his hands.

[Original God Hanxiao]: I can't guarantee it. After all, I, as the Seven Stars, must have been in Liyue Port to observe the ceremony when the Immortal Ceremony was invited. It is not necessarily impossible for Dadalia to release Osel and cause chaos.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: How well prepared are you for Yuanxiao, the defense facility in Osail? In the end, we still have to rely on the Qunyu Pavilion to condense light.

[Original God·Han Xiao]: You think it's fake that I have developed so many weapons. Don't forget that the large alchemy factory in Mingyun Town has never stopped production.

After chatting randomly with the group of friends, Han Xiao closed the chat group, and the feeling of inexplicable nervousness before the exam faded a lot.

Ever since he had a showdown with Zhongli and learned that the other party did not intend to give up his retirement plan, he had been adding various new weapons to Liyue.

Moreover, the production line in Mingyun Town has never stopped, and it is still producing a steady stream of various weapons.

In terms of fire suppression alone, these weapons combined are much denser than the few ultimate machines in Qunyu Pavilion.

Even if these weapons and the ultimate machine still can't suppress Osel by then, Han Xiao is not in a hurry. He really thinks that the explosive formula in his hand is a vegetarian.

Especially since Han Xiao had just returned from Alice's 'tutoring class' some time ago, the explosive formula had once again made a qualitative leap in upgrades.

In Alice's words, the explosive formula developed by Han Xiao was already about one-third as powerful as the ultimate bungee bomb she used to blow up the wind dragon ruins.

If Osel really dares to rush towards Liyue regardless of the time, Han Xiao will dare to launch a new type of bomb.

He didn't believe it. Alice could use the Ultimate Bounce Bomb to turn the Wind Dragon Ruins into Wind Dragon Ruins. His new bomb could not compare to Qun Yu Pavilion.

If it really can't compare, it means the yield is not enough. At worst, just use a few more rounds and it will be over.

Anyway, Han Xiao had already ordered people to set up several replicas of the Gui Final Machine for firing artillery shells on the high mountain near Guyun Pavilion in Guiliyuan.

Now that there is still more than a month left before the Immortal Invitation Ceremony, Han Xiao is very confident that within this month, he will produce a new type of bomb that is enough to completely renovate Guyun Pavilion.

He is even looking forward to Osel's appearance now. After all, bombs are made to explode. How can he know how to continue to improve the formula without exploding it?


Just when Han Xiao was in the office thinking about how to use a large number of new bombs with high yield to blow up the swirling demon god Osel into a swirling squid.

Ying and Paimon were already having dinner with Diluc in the hotel's private room.

Traveller, I plan to meet with Han Xiao tomorrow to discuss the issue of the right to sell electric vehicles.

Putting down the chopsticks that he was not used to, Diluc glanced at the two people who were still 'fighting' with the delicious food and asked.

Do you want to come with me?


Upon hearing Diluc's inquiry, Ying put down the chopsticks in her hand, stretched out her hand and pressed Paimon's head to prevent him from grabbing the food, while saying.

You guys are going to talk about business, so I won't go there yet. Just give me an introduction when you are ready to leave Guili City.

Ying had already thought about it after entering Guili City. There is still more than a month before the Immortal Invitation Ceremony, so there is still plenty of time to relax appropriately.

After all, Mondstadt had been busy solving the dragon plague problem some time ago, so much so that Paimon complained that they didn't even take a tour of Mondstadt.

Since time was not tight now, she decided to take Paimon in Guili City to make up for the regret of not visiting Mondstadt carefully.

And compared to Mondstadt City, Ying was more interested in Guili City.

The electric cars driving on the street and the traffic lights on the side of the road gave her a familiar feeling in the different world of Teyvat.


Since Jian Ying didn't plan to meet Han Xiao immediately, Diluc didn't ask any more questions.


The next day.

Han Xiao, who was making a new type of bomb at home, received news from his secretary Xu Wan. Diluc from Mondstadt came to visit in person and seemed to have something to discuss with him.

So Han Xiao put down her work and went directly to Kuixing Tower.

Sure enough, Diluc was sitting on a chair in the hall waiting for his arrival.

Mr. Diluc, long time no see, why are you here?

Long time no see, Han Xiao.

Seeing Han Xiao coming over with a warm smile, Diluc also stood up and returned a polite salute to Han Xiao, and then said his purpose:

I came here this time because I want to discuss something with you.

Chapter 196 Han Xiao has the idea of ​​​​Yingmei

After leading Diluc into his office, Han Xiao asked after Xu Wan served tea for the two of them and went out.

I wonder what Mr. Diluc wants to discuss with me this time?

It's about electric cars. I want to win the right to sell electric cars in Mondstadt.

When it came to business, Diluc didn't talk too much and explained his purpose straightforwardly.

He came to Liyue this time to find Han Xiao to win the sales rights of electric vehicles in Mondstadt.

Sales rights, Mr. Diluc, this is not easy to handle.

Hanxiao couldn't help but look embarrassed when he learned that Diluc was here for the sales rights of electric vehicles.

Today, the production capacity of electric vehicles is insufficient, and it is temporarily impossible to meet the needs of Guilicheng and Liyue Port.

Hanxiao really didn't lie to Diluc about this, but the reason why the production capacity of electric vehicles is insufficient is not due to technical limitations. The main reason is the scarcity of electrical crystals.

The output of electrical crystals in Liyue is so small that the Adventurers Association still has a long-term mission to acquire electrical crystals.

If it's an electrical crystal problem, I think I have a solution.

After learning from Han Xiao that what limited the production capacity of electric vehicles was the lack of electrical crystals, Diluc felt a lot more relaxed and immediately said that he had a way to solve this problem.

What do you think of using the electrical crystals in exchange for Morningside Winery to obtain Mondstadt's electric car sales rights?

Could it be that Mr. Diluc has a way to get the electric crystal?

Han Xiao frowned, as if she couldn't believe that the largest producer of electrical crystals was Inazuma.

But now that Inazuma has closed the country, and there are very few electrical crystal mines in other countries, can Diluc really get large batches of electrical crystals?

As a businessman, you will naturally have some connections after operating for a long time.

If Mr. Diluc can really fulfill his promise, I can cooperate with Chenxi Winery for the exclusive sales rights of Mondstadt.

Seeing Diluc's confident look, Han Xiao thought about it and agreed.

Because he just remembered something. When introducing Diluc in the game of his previous life, there was a passage that was not very noticeable.

That was when Diluc left Mondstadt and traveled, he joined a large intelligence organization with members spread throughout Teyvat.

The capabilities of this intelligence organization are not bad, and they were even able to save Diluc from the hands of the Fool Executives in Solstice.

If the other party asks for help from the organization behind him, he may be able to get a large amount of electrical crystals.

If that's the case, then we've settled on this?

It's settled, as long as Mr. Diluc can fulfill the promise you made, I can sign the contract now.

Han Xiao didn't feel bad at all for giving Mondstadt the exclusive right to sell electric cars so simply.

Originally, he planned to hand over the exclusive sales rights to the Knights of the West Wind, but now that Diluc has stood up, it is not given to anyone.

Currently, these are the only two people in Mondstadt whom Han Xiao can trust somewhat, and he is not familiar with the rest.

Soon, Diluc and Han Xiao agreed on the details.

Chenxi Winery provides Liyue with a large amount of electrical crystals every year in exchange for the exclusive sales rights of electric vehicles in Mondstadt that year.

After talking about the business, Han Xiao looked at Diluc with a smile:

By the way, hasn't the dragon disaster in Mondstadt been solved just now? Why didn't Mr. Diluc stay in Mondstadt to help with the post-disaster reconstruction?

That's the job of the Knights. I have no obligation to help them rebuild after the disaster.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Diluc was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously put aside his relationship with the Knights.

He was not surprised that Han Xiao knew about Mondstadt. After all, Albedo was currently working in Guili City and served as the liaison between Monds and Liyue.

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