How much was Mond's compensation?


Guili City is indeed short of funds at present.

But compared with Abedo, this little money is nothing.

Chapter 193: Diluc is jealous of Liyue

I always feel like I've made a big loss.

After re-signing a new 'selling oneself' contract, Abedo also returned to his usual tone when chatting, and there was a bit more self-ridicule in his words.


Han Xiao curled her lips and glanced at Abedo.

What you said is so heartless!

I don't even ask for Mondstadt's compensation. Guili City is responsible for your research funds, and the surveillance over the snow mountain is done by the Qianyan Army.

We have to figure it out that Mondstadt is not at a disadvantage.

But you can't deny that Liyue makes more, right?

In response to Han Xiao's rather shameless explanation, Abedo gave him a speechless look in return.

According to Han Xiao's algorithm, Mond did not suffer a loss, but that's not how it worked out.

Abedo is not boasting. In fifteen years, the profit he can bring to Liyue is definitely a lot more than the compensation Mond has to pay.

If it weren't for Mondstadt's losses and the inability to pay due to the dragon disaster, Albedo wouldn't have sold himself so easily.

Hehe, I am also the Seven Stars of Liyue after all. I can't let Liyue suffer.

Han Xiao smiled and did not deny it.

He was not from Mondstadt, so he couldn't let Liyue suffer a disadvantage and turn against Mondstadt. Then he would still be a chicken's seven stars.

Fine, you're the boss for the next fifteen years anyway. You're right.

Abedo is very enlightened.

He took out a large stack of drawings from Yu Perry and handed them to Abedo. Han Xiao then stood up and walked to Abedo's side, reaching out and patting his shoulder, with a hint of smile in his tone:

Come on, this is the first batch of tasks that your boss will give you. Come on, Mr. Abedo!


Looking at the drawing in his hand, Abedo laughed dryly, and then read the contents on the drawing.

Now that the 'boss' has spoken, he has no choice but to work.


Wow, Liyue has changed a lot!

Just as Han Xiao and Abedo finished discussing the issue of compensation between the two countries, Diluc's electric car had already passed through the temporary trading area of ​​​​Shimen and entered the territory of Liyue.

Seeing through the car window the golden 'oceans' not far away in the wild, Paimon couldn't help but let out a series of exclamations.

The current scene was completely different from the Gui Liyuan in her image.

Obviously in my memory, Guili City was still deserted, but now the appearance of Guiliyuan still doesn't look deserted.

It's really a big change.

Diluc, who was holding the steering wheel, nodded after hearing Paimon's exclamation to express his agreement with the other person's view. At the same time, he explained in a rather complicated tone:

That's because Tianshu Xing Han Xiao, who served as the Seven Stars of Liyue a year ago, is a very capable person.

In just one year, he transformed Guiliyuan from its original desolate state into the prosperous place it is today.

Listen to what you said, that Qixing named Han Xiao is really powerful.

Ying on the side suddenly spoke in agreement.

As a traveler who once roamed the sea of ​​​​stars, she naturally knew that Han Xiao, as Diluc said, was indeed very capable.

You can tell the other party's ability just from the endless rice fields in front of you, not to mention that the other party has also built a new city on Guiliyuan.

Yes, the other party is indeed a very powerful young man.

Thinking of Liyue's rapid development this year, Diluc couldn't help but tighten his hands on the steering wheel, and the expression on his face also revealed a hint of resentment.

To be honest, Diluc is really envious of Liyue, because each of the other seven stars is not a simple person.

Not to mention anything else, among the seven stars who have appeared in public so far, Yuhengxing Keqing is in charge of land and construction. It is said that he is a person who is as dedicated as Qin.

Not to mention Tianquan Star Ningguang, even Mondstadt has heard the legendary story of the other party starting from scratch and building up such a huge business.

Now there are newcomers like Tianshu Xing and Han Xiao who have made countless achievements as soon as they took office.

Precisely because of Liyue as a neighbor for comparison, Diluc felt envious of Liyue for having so many talents, and at the same time he became increasingly dissatisfied with the current situation in Mondstadt.

Among Mondstadt's two official organizations, the Knights and the Church, only a few people could catch his eye, and among them Qin was the one he recognized more.

However, among the remaining few, there are various problems.

Due to historical reasons, Ura led her team to fight outside all year round and rarely returned to Mondstadt. Amber and others were also newcomers who had just taken office, and their abilities and experience were slightly inferior.

Apart from them, Lisa has outstanding strength and abilities, but is a fish monster.

Although Diluc doesn't like Kaia very much, he still has abilities, but he is still a fish monster.

Rosalia's strength in the church is not bad, but she is still a fisherman.

Even after joining the team to protect Tevalin, Diluc discovered sadly that Lianmond's Fengshen was a master who always liked to fish.

So sometimes we are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but we are afraid of comparing goods.

Compared with the Seven Stars in Liyue, the more Diluc thought about it, the more he felt that Mond was really hopeless.

It was precisely because of the comparison that he felt envious of so many conscientious talents in Liyue. At the same time, he was also quite resentful of Grand Commander Falga's decision to take away Mondstadt's elite.

After all, as the neighbor next door begins to embark on the fast lane of rapid development, the situation in Mondstadt is still in a mess. How can Diluc not be in a hurry.

Perhaps seeing that Diluc's face was a bit gloomy, Ying quickly used her eyes to signal Paimon to change the subject.

Understanding the meaning revealed in the eyes, Paimeng rolled his eyes and asked:

By the way, what are you going to do in Liyue, Master Diluc?

Go meet Han Xiao and discuss with him the sale of electric vehicles in Mondstadt.

As an excellent businessman, Diluc naturally knows that the future of electric vehicles is very bright and the profits can be huge.

So even if his job is to sell wine, if he can get the right to sell electric cars in Mondstadt, it will be a profitable business.

It happened that Diluc and Han Xiao met and got along well before. With this prerequisite, he naturally wanted to get the sales rights.


Return to Hanxiao's home in Licheng.

After reading the drawings in his hand, Abedo raised his head to look at Han Xiao and asked with curiosity:

Han Xiao, you must have been preparing these drawings for a long time.

In the drawings Han Xiao gave him, Abedo saw that the other party had designed a series of machines that use electricity, such as electric kettles, induction cooktops, refrigerators and even air conditioners.

Judging from the condition of the paper, Han Xiao might have already started designing a series of equipment related to electricity.

Chapter 194 Ying arrived at Guili City

Well, it's been about half a year.

After hearing Abedo's question, Han Xiao tilted her head and thought about it before speaking.

Since coming to Guili City to build the city, he has planned a lot of things for Guili City. He has also considered electricity, so he designed many things based on some convenient daily necessities in his previous life.

It's just that the power problem has not been solved before, so Hanxiao put these things on hold for the time being.

Now that Guili City has begun to popularize electricity, he has also taken out these daily necessities that use electricity.

How's it going? How long will it take to get it done?

Simple things like an electric kettle can be done in about a day, but things like refrigerators and air conditioners will take a little longer.

After a little calculation, Abedo gave Han Xiao a rough reply.

The technology and principles of electric kettles and induction cooktops are relatively simple. It can be done by making a heating chassis that is powered on and then putting on the shell mold. He can make a prototype within a day.

However, refrigerators and air conditioners are a lot of trouble. For example, the evaporator, condenser and other components of the air conditioner are definitely more complicated than a heating chassis.

If you want to make all the machines on the drawings given by Han Xiao, it will take a month anyway.

A month? It's up to you!

After learning from Abedo that it would take about half a month to conduct the experiment, Han Xiao felt that the speed was okay.

It only takes one month to reproduce so many machines on the drawing one by one. One month is already very short.

Soon, after getting the picture, Abedo plunged into the alchemy workshop and started a new round of research and development.

Seeing Abedo being so active, Han Xiao even touched his chin and was about to consider whether to award him an 'honorary resident of Guili City' medal.

After all, considering Abedo's positive attitude towards research and development, he felt that awarding him a medal did not seem to be a loss at all.

And in the next fifteen years, Abedo will live in Guili City for a long time.


The next day.

Guili City is ahead.

After driving along the cement road for about a day, Diluc's electric car passed through patches of golden rice fields and finally saw the looming figure of Guili City.

After hearing Diluc's prompt, Paimon and Ying looked outside the car through the glass on the window.

Sure enough, on the plain in the distance, a city with tall walls slowly became clearer and clearer in their sight.

This is Guili City.

Looking at the city that was getting taller in the distance, Paimon, as a guide, couldn't help but admire it.

There was no way, she, the guide, might not have updated the map yet, so Paimon also saw Guili City for the first time.

After driving for about twenty minutes, the electric car finally stopped at the temporary parking space at the gate of Guili City.

Come on, let's go register.

Diluc turned to say something to him, then opened the door and got out of the car. Seeing this, he also quickly opened the door and walked out.

The two of them followed the team entering the city to the registration office at the city gate. Diluc took the lead in getting the temporary access certificate.

I'll drive into the city now, and then you guys come to the hotel to find me. I've reserved two rooms.

No problem, Master Diluc, Ying and I will be here soon!

Knowing that Diluc had already prepared a room for them, Paimon quickly patted her chest and promised. When the other party left, she turned to look at Ying with a happy look on her face.

I didn't expect that Mr. Diluc not only drove us to Liyue, but also booked us a hotel in Xinyuexuan. I heard that things in Xinyuexuan are super expensive.

Traveler, things in Xinyuexuan are indeed not cheap, but you can consider Wanmin Hall.

The staff member who was registering Ying and Paimon couldn't help but raise his head and said with a smile when he heard Paimon's words.

Wanmintang has just opened a branch in the city in the past two days. It is absolutely affordable and delicious!

Xiangling's Wanmin Hall?

As soon as she heard Wan Min Tang, Ying immediately thought of the little cook she met in Mondstadt, and then nodded in agreement.

The food she cooks is really delicious.

Great, I didn't expect that we would be able to meet Xiangling again so soon!

Paimon on the side couldn't help but clap his hands and applauded, with a happy smile on his face.

The last time Xiang Ling competed with chef Brock in Mondstadt, they had a great time enjoying a delicious meal.

Thinking that they would see Xiang Ling again soon, Paimon almost drooled from the corner of his mouth.

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