Miss Namoko, let's go.

Following the maid Moko, Ying quickly arrived at the main entrance of the winery, where Diluc was standing at the door with his arms folded, waiting for their arrival.

Traveler and Paimon, you are here.

Seeing Ying and Paimon arriving in front of the winery under the leadership of the maid Moko, Diluc put down his folded hands and showed a faint smile on his face.

Long time no see, Master Diluc!

Paimon was the first to wave his hands happily, and Ying on the side also nodded to Diluc and said:

Long time no see Mr. Diluc.

You are here to get the electrical crystal, right?

Diluc asked Ying directly without talking too much.

Yes, we plan to go to Liyue to participate in the Immortal Invitation Ceremony.

I happen to be going to Liyue too, let's go together.

Seeing that his guess was correct, Diluc turned around and walked towards the open space outside the manor, while motioning for Ying and Paimon to follow.

Although Ying and Paimon didn't understand what each other meant, they still chose to follow.

After the two of them followed Diluc to the open space outside the manor, they immediately saw the electric car parked in the open space, and the sack she used to hold the electrical crystals was also in the back seat of the electric car. on the seat.

Is this a car?

Looking at the rather familiar shape of the car in front of her, Ying felt like she had returned to her hometown for a moment.

After all, it had been a long time since she had seen such a technological machine.

Well, the electric car developed by Han Xiao, Albedo and Immortal in Guili City is currently the most popular means of transportation among Mondstadt merchants. Unfortunately, the number is too small.

Although he didn’t quite understand why travelers could recognize electric vehicles at first glance and gave them a rough name, Diluc introduced the developers of electric vehicles in detail.

Electric cars are currently a hot commodity, and many businessmen in Mondstadt want to buy one for transportation. However, in addition to taking a driver's license test, buying a car also requires facing tight supply.

So currently not many people in Mondstadt have cars.

Perhaps after Liyue's production capacity increases that day, electric vehicles can slowly spread to surrounding areas.

While explaining, Diluc reached out to open the car door and got in, then turned to look at Ying.

Get in the car and I'll take you to Liyue.

Faced with Diluc's invitation, Ying did not refuse. After thanking him, he opened the passenger door and got in.

After all, it would be a good thing for her to hitchhike to the Liyue area faster. At least it would give her more time to think about how to contact the important people in Liyue.


After finally sending Yun Jin away, Han Xiao was just about to take a rest, but in the blink of an eye, Albedo came to the door again.

What happened again?

It's news from Mondstadt that the dragon disaster problem has been solved.

Abedo sat on the chair opposite Han Xiao and told him the news he had just received from Captain Qin.

Isn't this a good thing? Why do you still look so worried?

Han Xiao, who was slumped in a chair, looked at Albedo who was looking confused. Mondstadt's business could be restored after the dragon disaster was resolved.

This is a good thing.

Why does Abedo still have a troubled expression on his face?

Captain Qin told me that the cement formula may have been lost.


Upon hearing Abedo's words, Han Xiao immediately straightened up and looked at him, saying with disbelief:

Isn't that possible? What else can you say that it might be lost?

Because the Fools took advantage of Captain Qin's absence in Mondstadt.

Abedo could only shrug helplessly at Han Xiao's doubts. The Fools' attack was quite steady and ruthless this time.

Even though he made sure that Captain Qin was not in Mondstadt, he did not choose to steal the formula directly but sneaked into the raw material storage room of the factory.

If Qin hadn't inspected the factory after returning to Mondstadt and found signs that the factory might have been invaded, I'm afraid Mondstadt would still not know about the possible loss of the cement formula.

From what you say, this team of fools has something good.

Han Xiao raised his eyebrows. According to Albedo, the team of fools operating in Mondstadt this time was at least stronger in mobility and concealment than the team of fools he met on Wuwang Slope last time. Quite a few.

Then Captain Qin didn't ask Zhidong to give an explanation on this matter?

Without substantive evidence, Commander Qin may have a hard time handling it.

Abedo sighed helplessly.

The rights and interests he fought for for Mondstadt could be stolen so easily, and it might also cause losses to the cement market in Liyue.

So after Abedo got the news, he came to Han Xiao to discuss it as soon as possible to see how to minimize the losses of both parties.

Chapter 193 Abedo sells himself to pay off debts

How did things become like this?

After listening to Abedo's story, Han Xiao didn't know what to say.

Although he had known for a long time that Mondstadt's current security level was at its lowest level in history, letting fools steal the cement formula so simply was more useless than he thought.

Is it true that Mond today can no longer play without Qin?

Where's Lisa, where's Kaia?

Are they all fishing?

Han Xiao, how are you going to handle this matter?

Seeing that Han Xiao was deep in thought because of his words, Abedo hesitated for a while before opening his mouth to ask.

The cement formula was an additional condition earned when he signed the contract with Han Xiao. Now there is an 80% chance that the cement formula has been leaked, and Mond will definitely be responsible for this.

If Mondstadt lost the cement formula, the cement business in Liyue would definitely be affected.

I'm wondering whether to pretend I don't know.

Upon hearing Abedo's inquiry, Han Xiao directly expressed the idea she was considering without any concealment.

Although cement is an excellent building material, the recipe is actually quite simple.

Generally speaking, limestone, slag, etc. are used as the main materials, which are crushed, batched, and finely ground to form raw materials. Then the clinker is calcined, and then mixed with gypsum and ground.

So Han Xiao was not particularly annoyed about Mondstadt's missing cement formula.

Because he knew very well that with the use of cement in Guili City, other countries should gradually learn about the benefits of cement from traveling merchants and intelligence personnel. It is not difficult to decipher the composition of cement.

Han Xiao's original idea was to gain as much benefit as possible before the cement formula was cracked by other countries.

Now that the Fools have probably obtained the cement formula, it seems that they won’t be able to make money from Zhi Dong, but other countries can still make a fortune.

As for the fools stealing the cement formula, since there is no evidence, it is better to pretend that they don’t know and seize the market first.

After listening to Han Xiao's ideas, Abedo also admitted that the other party's idea was right. The cement formula was indeed not difficult for an alchemist like him to crack.

Zhidong already had a lot of scientific and technological talents, and even if he didn't steal Mond's formula, it would only be a matter of time before he could crack it.

I will find a way to develop automated cement production facilities.

After thinking for a while, Abedo gave his answer.

Since Han Xiao plans to seize the market before testing out the cement ratio in Zhiwin, what he can do is help him increase cement production capacity.

Then let's talk about Mond's lost formula again.

Abedo took the initiative to take over the job of increasing production capacity. Of course Han Xiao was happy to see it, but he still had to have a good talk with him about Mondstadt's lost formula.

After all, Mond finally lost the cement formula during the contract between the two countries, and according to the contract, he had to compensate Liyue for his losses.

Abedo, can you decide this matter?

Captain Qin has given me full authority to handle this matter.

Abedo nodded. The Mondron disaster has just passed, and Captain Qin is organizing manpower to deal with the post-disaster reconstruction work in Mondstadt.

She didn't have much else to do in this matter, so she could only entrust the matter to him.

Then how do you plan to compensate? This is not a small sum of money. Can Mondstadt get it now?

After learning that Qin had left the matter to Abedo, Han Xiao also changed her attitude to talking about business.

Even though Liyue and Meng had always had a good relationship, a contract was a contract, and Mond still had to compensate for Liyue's losses.

It's just because I can't get it out right now, that's why I came to find you.

Abedo showed a hint of helplessness on his face. Mondstadt had just suffered a dragon disaster and had to spend a lot of money on post-disaster reconstruction. Where could he find the money to compensate Liyue.

After all, Liyue has directly lost a country's cement market, and several countries will even face competition in the coming winter.

After all, this amount of money is really not something that the Knights can afford at once.

I have an idea, I wonder if you are willing to accept it.

What's the idea?

I don't need Mond's compensation, but I need you, Abedo, to make up twenty years on the previous employment contract.

Twenty years?

Abedo couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and looked up at Han Xiao, who had a serious look on his face:

You're asking me to sell myself to pay off my debt!

Well, although Liyue and Mondstadt have good relations, you also know that the emperor attaches great importance to contracts.

Han Xiao folded her arms and put them on her chest, and said calmly.

Even if we have a good relationship, Liyue's loss to Mond still has to be compensated.

Since Mondstadt can't pay compensation for the time being, then we can find another method that is acceptable to us.

Isn't twenty years too long?

Regarding using himself to sell himself to pay off debts, Abedo complained at first and then felt that this was also a good solution.

He is currently enjoying his stay in Liyue. Not only does he have a large number of topics, but he also has sufficient research funds.

Thinking about it this way, Albedo felt that it was not unacceptable to sell oneself to pay off debts. Not only would it not delay his research, but it would also save Mond a large sum of money.

It's just that twenty years is a little bit long.

How about adding five years to the original three years?

not enough.

Han Xiao shook her head decisively.

Perhaps from a profit perspective, the benefits Abedo has brought to Liyue over the past eight years must have completely exceeded Liyue's losses in cement.

But now that there is such a good opportunity for the lion to open his mouth, Han Xiao will not simply let it go. Naturally, the longer he can hire Abedo, the better.

Fifteen years, plus the original three years, a total of eighteen years.

Then the two started a fierce bargaining over the issue of years, and finally Han Xiao and Abedo reached an agreement.

Mond does not need to pay compensation for Liyue's cement losses, but the price is that Abedo needs to add 13 years to the original three-year employment contract.

That is to say, excluding the past year, Abedo still needs to work for Liyue for fifteen years.

During this period, Liyue would have a 65% share of the profits from any of Abedo's inventions that were put into the market.

Liyue is indeed a country of merchants, and you are so cruel.

After signing his name on the new contract, Abedo couldn't help but complain to Han Xiao.

I have sold my body twice.

It's just you, Abedo. I don't care about buying it from others.

Picking up the contract and seeing Abedo's name on the signature column, Han Xiao showed a satisfied smile on her face.

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