The first batch of gramophones put on the shelves at Liyue Music Store were quickly sold out, and many residents who had not bought a gramophone also ordered one.

Friends who have purchased a gramophone, please pay attention!

Xu Wan took out a square transparent resin box from nowhere. The box was divided into more than ten layers, and each layer contained a vinyl record.

We are now launching a limited-time album of original lyrics by Liyue famous actor Mr. Yun Jinyun. The initial price is only 180,000 molas. If you buy it, you will make money!

There is even an album of Mr. Yun’s lyrics!

Buy, buy, buy, if you don’t buy, you are not a Liyue person!

The residents of Guilicheng who had already bought a gramophone took out their money and bought Yun Jin's original album without saying a word.

Residents who bought gramophones and albums of lyrics left the Liyue Music Store happily, while those who didn't buy reluctantly signed on the reservation list and left the store.

After everyone was almost gone, Xu Wan breathed a sigh of relief. The task assigned to her by Master Han Xiao was finally not messed up.

Give me a gramophone too.

At this moment, a calm male voice suddenly reached Xu Wan's ears.

When Xu Wan heard the voice, she looked up suddenly and saw that the person standing in front of her was Zhongli, the school principal who had been personally hired by Master Han Xiao.

Mr. Zhongli, why are you here too?

I happened to be passing by and saw the crowd here, so I came over to take a look.

Faced with Xu Wan's doubts, Zhong Li explained rather casually.

Just now he was about to take a stroll on the street, and then he saw the bustle here, so he came over to see what was going on, and saw Xu Wan showing off the gramophone.

Zhongli's heart was moved at this moment. Being able to listen to Yun Jin's opera anytime and anywhere was quite attractive to him.

So that's what Zhongli told Xu Wan before to give him a gramophone.

Mr. Zhongli, Lord Hanxiao has already customized a gramophone for people like you and Lawyer Yanfei who have made great contributions to Guili City.

It should have been delivered to your home by now.

Then give me an album of Mr. Yun's lyrics.

Okay, a total of 180,000 molas.

Just let Han Xiao deduct it from my salary.

After receiving the album of lyrics handed over by Xu Wan, Zhongli left Liyue Music Store without saying anything.

He had to go back and try out how the gramophone sounded.

Chapter 191 Yan Fei: I’ve been tricked again

The first batch of users who bought back the gramophone were quickly immersed in the ultimate enjoyment of the original soundtrack, and the reputation of the gramophone gradually spread.

More and more people know that Guili City has released a new product, and it is a machine that can change the current entertainment methods.

A large number of people who had enjoyed the convenience of electric vehicles immediately went to Liyue Music Store and signed their names on the reservation form.

At the same time, a large number of Liyue storytellers, musicians and other top talents in the entertainment industry received invitation letters sent by Kuixing Tower officials.

After understanding the operation of the gramophone, these people accepted the invitation and went to Guili City with the intention of recording vinyl records.

For this reason, Yan Fei cursed and worked overtime.

After all, Han Xiao had to work overtime to formulate a series of related laws and regulations because of the gramophone and vinyl records that Han Xiao made.

As for where is Han Xiao, who was secretly scolded by Yan Fei?

He is sitting paralyzed at home and has not yet recovered.

After spending two days shopping with Yun Jin and Xiang Ling in the department store, Han Xiao almost fell into a state of 'semi-disabled'. After returning home, she didn't even want to move.

Really, are you so tired of going shopping with us?

Seeing Han Xiao transform into a salted fish again, Yun Jin couldn't help but complain as she walked into the room carrying a bowl of shrimp dumplings.

It was obvious that neither she nor Xiangling, the two little girls, felt tired.

It's because we're in a different mode.

Han Xiao sat up, stretched out his hands to take the shrimp dumplings handed over by Yun Jin, and explained:

Just like when I make clay puppets, I often fall into a state of forgetfulness. At that time, I don't feel tired or hungry.

Then you mean that Xiangling and I were in a state of forgetfulness when we were shopping?

Well, maybe.

Han Xiao replied vaguely while eating shrimp dumplings.

By the way, I heard from Xu Wan that gramophone sales are very popular.

Sitting on the chair opposite Han Xiao, Yun Jin held her cheek with one hand and rested her elbows on the table while watching her bamboo horse gobble it up while talking about the news she got from Xu Wan.

In fact, not only her phonographs were selling like hot cakes, but her albums with original lyrics were also selling well and were well received.

Of course.

After swallowing the last piece of shrimp dumpling, Han Xiao took out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth, and then said.

After all, if I want to hear you sing, Ah Jin, it's not only difficult to arrange the time, but sometimes the teahouse can't be squeezed in.

Now that we have the gramophone, we can listen to your opera for just a few moras, which is naturally very attractive to them.

I just didn't think I would make a small fortune from this.

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Yun Jin roughly understood the fundamental reason for the popularity of gramophone sales, and at the same time she couldn't help but sigh.

Because Han Xiao said when she was recording vinyl records that she would be given a certain share of each vinyl record sold.

Since Han Xiao just mentioned it in passing, Yun Jin didn't pay much attention to it.

But what she didn't expect was that it was this 'little thing' that she hadn't paid attention to before that actually added a lot of money to her coffers.

And this number continues to rise every day.

A Jin, I actually have a project here to make money. I wonder if you are willing to participate.

Seeing Yun Jin, who had made a lot of money from the original album's dividends, sighing, Han Xiao's eyes immediately lit up and he immediately mentioned a project he was preparing to launch.

Stop it, I don't want to go into the recording studio and sing for seven or eight hours straight!

When she heard that Han Xiao was preparing for a new project, Yun Jin couldn't help but lean back, and made a big cross in front of her chest with her hands, her eyes full of rejection.

She was exhausted from recording the original soundtrack before. Who knew what pitfalls Han Xiao would have waiting for her in the new project she was about to launch.

This time it's nothing like the gramophone.

As Han Xiao spoke, he took out a small prototype radio from his jade pendant and placed it on the table.

Just such a big little thing?

After carefully looking at the small radio on the table, Yun Jin looked at Han Xiao with some confusion.

Can such a small machine be described as a new money-making project?

Yes, this is the radio prototype I designed based on the theoretical plan provided by Ms. Alice.

Han Xiao enthusiastically talked about the function of the radio for Yun Jin.

Although gramophones are selling like hotcakes, the price of several million per unit is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people. Most of the people who can afford phonographs have some savings at home.

The radio was Han Xiao's solution to make up for the high cost of a gramophone and vinyl records.

He could have created a program like The Sound of Music or Folk Art Talk, so that ordinary families who couldn't afford a gramophone could buy a radio and listen to Yun Jin's operas or other storytellers' stories at any time.

At most, it's just a little bit worse in terms of sound quality.

When Han Xiao said this, Yun Jin understood.

Gramophones are more of a high-end product customized for avid theater fans, music fans, and some wealthy people.

Radio is Hanxiao’s trump card that he plans to spread to all households in Liyue.

So what are you going to let me do?

Although she understood the other party's plan, Yun Jin still looked at Han Xiao with vigilance.

I just want you to be the host of a show.

Seeing Yun Jin looking at her so warily, Han Xiao hurriedly explained.

I have now thoroughly understood the technology of radios and am asking the construction team to build supporting facilities. Once everything is completed, I will prepare to sell radios.

So I have to plan several programs for the radio first, so that by then it will be too late to make plans.

What programs have you planned?

Yun Jin raised her eyebrows. She was quite interested in the program planned by Han Xiao, so she planned to listen to it first before replying.

For example, I plan to ask the staff of Liyue Daily to create a news program in the morning, afternoon and evening, so that everyone can know some major news events without leaving home.

Others include Yanfei's law popularization program, Xingqiu's novel radio station, etc.

It sounds like this job is easier than recording records.

After realizing that the workload this time was probably not as big as before, Yun Jin felt a little relieved.

I can think about it.

This time she didn't say anything. If she found out that something was wrong, she could run away, right?

Believe me Jin, you will like this job.

In fact, there was one thing Han Xiao didn't say, which was that the friend from Yujingtai who was traveling to Qiu had already started filming Yingying.

Once the film is released, it will be a huge blow to Liyue's current entertainment industry.

He had to help his childhood sweetheart open up some opera channels before Yingying came out, so that he wouldn't be beaten to death by Yingying.

Chapter 192 Diluc: Get in the car, I’ll take you to Liyue

Maybe it was because she suffered a loss on the issue of recording vinyl records. Despite Han Xiao's persuasion, Yun Jin still didn't agree directly. She just said that she should take a look before making a decision.

Although Yun Jin did not agree directly, Han Xiao was not in a hurry.

Perhaps Ah Jin won't be able to sit still until the reflection comes out.

As for when Yingying will appear in Guili City, it depends on the quality of the photography taken by Xingqiu's friend from Yujingtai.

If the filmed stuff didn't make sense, he would rather have the movie be released later.

As for Abedo's animation, currently it's okay to make a short film with just one artist, but a long form would be too energy-consuming, so Han Xiao didn't take this into account.

After all, it would be too much of a waste of resources to let a master alchemist become an animation artist.


At the same time that the gramophone caused a buying trend in Guili City, Mondstadt had already followed the mainland through the Seven Heavens Statue and arrived near the Dawn Winery.

Seeing the looming manor not far away from the statue, Paimon was doing his duty as a guide and explained:

As long as we follow the winery and pass through the stone gate, we can reach the Liyue area.

Go to the winery first and get the electrical crystal before we set off.

While controlling the wings of wind to jump down from a high place and fly towards the winery, Ying answered Paimon.

There are still about two months left before the Immortal Invitation Ceremony, so there is plenty of time.

She planned to meet Han Xiao, one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, before participating in the Immortal Invitation Ceremony.

Maybe if you pass the other party, you can see Liyue's Rock God earlier.

Flying with the wind, Ying quickly glided to the ground near the winery and landed successfully.

As soon as she landed, she saw the maid named Moko she met before running towards her with her skirt in hand.

Miss Ying, Mr. Diluc is waiting for you at the winery. I hope you can come over.

The maid Moko who rushed to Ying's side did not bother to salute and directly said the order she received from Diluc.

Diluc is looking for me?

Ying was a little surprised when she heard the summons from the maid Moko, but she still nodded in agreement.

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