In the recording room, Yun Jin sat down in front of Han Xiao without caring about her image.

Seven hours. She has been singing opera arias non-stop for seven hours. The production team's donkeys can't be used like this. If she continues to sing, her voice will become hoarse.

Devil, Han Xiao, you are a devil!

Come on Ah Jin, there are still two verses left and all the lyrics have been recorded!

Seeing this, Han Xiao quickly squatted down to cheer Yun Jin up.

Ahhh, I won't listen!

As soon as she heard that there were more songs to record, Yun Jin quickly stretched out her hands to cover her ears, saying words of rejection.

Chapter 189 Lord Hanxiao’s move must have deep meaning

In the end, with Han Xiao's constant comfort and persuasion, Yun Jin finally insisted on recording the last two verses.

Almost at the moment when the recording was announced, she swooped over to her bamboo horse, pinched Han Xiao's waist with two slender jade-like fingers like lightning, and then twisted it hard like this.


Han Xiao, who was packing up the recording equipment, suddenly felt a heartbreaking pain coming from his waist. He couldn't help but scream, and his waist unconsciously arched up.

A Jin, let hurts!


Han Xiao begged for mercy in front of her, and Yun Jin felt that her anger had subsided a lot, and she let out a cold snort before loosening her fingers.

Reaching out to rub her waist, which was still aching, Han Xiao bared her teeth and gave Yun Jin a thumbs up:

A Jin, I haven't seen you with this skill for a long time. Your skills are still as good as before!

It's not like there's someone who's been making me angry all my life.

Rolling her eyes at Han Xiao, Yun Jin took a sip of the stewed snow pear with rock sugar sent by the other party, and then she felt that her throat was much better. ‘

Yes, yes, then Mr. Yun, can you forgive me magnanimously?

It's very simple if you want me to forgive you. You have to promise me one thing.

What's up?

Come shopping with me. I heard that a very large department store has opened in Guili City, which contains products from various countries.

Yun Jin thought for a while and then gave her conditions. She had also heard the news about Guilicheng Department Store in Liyue Port.

According to people who have been to Liyue Port, the types of goods in department stores are very diverse, and goods from almost every country can be seen in the malls.

Moreover, the entertainment and leisure facilities inside seemed to be quite good, so Yun Jin wanted to take a look around.

It happened that she and Xiang Ling were still short of someone to carry the bag.


Hearing Yun Jin's request, Han Xiao couldn't help but twitch her lips.

In his previous life, he had heard many people say not to go shopping with women, because women who went shopping seemed to be stuck in some kind of concentration mode, and they couldn't feel the passage of time at all.

Hanxiao had a deep understanding of this after coming to Teyvat.

He and Xingqiu once went shopping with Yun Jin and Xiang Ling during the Hai Lantern Festival, but in the end the two grown men were so tired that Yun Jin and Xiang Ling were chatting and laughing as if nothing happened.

So when he heard that Yun Jin wanted him to accompany her to the department store, Han Xiao subconsciously wanted to shirk it.

However, Yun Jin would not give Han Xiao a chance to run away. Seeing that the other party seemed a little reluctant, she immediately raised her tone and asked:

Ah, it seems that Young Master Han is unwilling?

How is that possible? I'm just going shopping with you. It's a trivial matter!

Han Xiao straightened her back instantly and pretended to be relaxed.

Then it's settled. I'll inform Xiang Ling later and remember to go out early tomorrow.


After getting an accurate answer from her best friend, Yun Jin smiled with satisfaction, then waved to Han Xiao and jumped up and left the recording room.

Han Xiao, who was scratching his head, was left alone.


Since Wendy's identity was known to Qin in advance, the operation to rescue Tevalin was carried out much earlier than in Han Xiao's previous life game.

Therefore, Ying did not have to rush to Liyue like in the game. Instead, after saying goodbye to Wendy, she went back to Mondstadt to return the carriage to the Knights.

Then she went back to the hotel to sort out her gifts, throw away some unnecessary things, and then walked out of Mond with Paimon leisurely.

Ying, are we leaving Mondstadt like this?

We have obviously stayed in Mondstadt for more than a month, but we don't seem to even have a chance to visit Mondstadt.

After leaving Mondstadt, Paimon, who was flying next to Ying, glanced at Mondstadt which was getting smaller behind him and said with some regret.

She and Ying had encountered dragon disasters since they entered Mondstadt, and basically spent most of their time helping the Knights solve the dragon disaster.

Even if they occasionally had some rest time, they would go to the Adventurers Association to take on tasks and make money. In the end, they didn't even take a closer look around Mondstadt.

Let's talk about it later when we have a chance.

Seeing that Paimon seemed to be regretting that he hadn't taken a good stroll around Mondstadt, Ying, who was heading towards Chenxi Winery, comforted him casually.

Unlike Paimon, she didn't feel it was a pity. She would come again when she had the chance.

When she was in Mondstadt, the reason why Ying helped the Knights to solve the disaster caused by Tevalin was mainly to gain the support of Mondstadt officials, so that she could use the power of Mondstadt officials to find her brother.

Moreover, she also took this opportunity to get to know Mondstadt's Wind God, and gained a lot of secret knowledge about Teyvat from Wendy.

Compared with these two points, visiting Mondstadt is obviously not the most important thing to Ying.


Paimon didn't think much about it. She was very happy when she heard that she planned to visit Mondstadt in the future.

By the way, the singer said that if we want to see Yanshen, we might have to go find that big shot named Han Xiao.

Have you ever thought about how to meet the other party? The other party is Liyue Qixing.

Remember the pile of electrical crystals we kept in the Diluc Master Winery? That is our opportunity.

Yingying was already prepared for Paimon's worries.

When she heard Paimon explain to the Adventurers Association that Liyue was currently jointly controlled by the Seven Stars, she deliberately left a lot of electrical crystals behind.

Just to take this opportunity to find a way to make the other party meet me.


Ying and Paimon were heading towards Chenxi Winery. The entrance of a store in the commercial district of Guili City was crowded with residents watching the excitement.

Liyue Lexing?

Looking at this newly opened store, the literate residents were the first to read the store name written on the store plaque.

Music store, could it be that this is a musical instrument store?

When they heard that the name of this new store was Liyue Music Store, some residents gave their guesses, but they were quickly denied by others.

It doesn't look like he's buying musical instruments.

That's right, don't forget that this is a new store sent by Kuixing Tower to open. Maybe this is what Lord Hanxiao meant.

I understand that Lord Hanxiao must have a deep meaning in this move. The last time Lord Hanxiao personally ordered the sale was an electric car, so this time it is definitely not as simple as a musical instrument.

Although the guesses of the onlookers were inconsistent, after discussion, they basically agreed on a guess.

That is, Mr. Han Xiao will never send the staff of Kuixinglou to open a new store in the business district with great fanfare just to sell some musical instruments.

Soon, under the expectation of everyone, the door of Liyue Music Store was slowly pushed open by the staff. Residents who had been watching outside for a long time rushed in to see what the store sold.

Chapter 190 Zhongli: Give me one too

Upon entering, many residents discovered that the store did not have a traditional counter for placing goods, only wooden rectangular wall cabinets on the walls.

There are also machines with big speakers in each wall cabinet.

What are these things?

I've never seen it before. It's so strange.

Many residents who entered the store looked at the strange-looking machines in the wall cabinets and couldn't help but start talking.

Although they all speculated that this Liyue music store might have opened under the instruction of Lord Hanxiao, but what exactly are these weird machines?

Just when everyone was puzzled, several store staff came out of the warehouse at the back.

Please line up first, we will introduce this latest product to you in detail.

Fortunately, due to Hanxiao, most residents in Liyue generally have a high degree of trust in the official staff of Kuixing Tower.

So they quickly lined up according to the staff's instructions, and the space in the originally crowded store was finally freed up.

Hello fellow residents, let me introduce to you the first product launched by Liyue Music Store.

After everyone lined up, Han Xiao's secretary Xu Wan walked out of the warehouse and came to the wall cabinet.

Two staff members who had been waiting for a long time worked together to take out a machine from the wall cabinet, and then placed it on the display stand to Xu Wan's left that was pulled by another staff member.

This machine is called a gramophone. It is a machine jointly launched by Lord Hanxiao and Ms. Alice, the great adventurer from Mondstadt, that can change the way you entertain yourself.

Xu Wan opened her left hand in the direction of the gramophone and spoke an advertisement written by Han Xiao herself.

Secretary Xu, is this machine called a gramophone really as amazing as you say?

Hearing Xu Wan playing the gramophone like this, even blowing out words that would change Liyue's mass entertainment model, someone in the team asked in disbelief.

If the electric car launched by Mr. Hanxiao and Abedo last time was said to change the way Liyue people travel, they would agree with it very much.

After all, electric cars do exactly that.

But this machine with a big speaker in front of us can change the entertainment style of Liyue people?

Many people can't believe it.

When Mr. Hanxiao launched this gramophone, I didn't really believe it at first.

Hearing that many people had doubts about the gramophone, Xu Wan did not panic at all, but instead talked about her own experience of using it.

But after I personally experienced this gramophone, I was convinced of Master Hanxiao's words, because it really changed my way of entertainment.

Seeing that everyone was still a little doubtful, Xu Wan immediately turned around and faced the gramophone, took the vinyl record from the staff on the side with her left hand and placed it on the gramophone's stage.

Next, I will show you how this gramophone works. I believe you will understand.

As she spoke, Xu Wan stretched out her finger and directly pressed the power switch of the phonograph. As the tonearm slowly landed on the vinyl record, a clear and high-pitched voice suddenly came from the speaker.

But it is the person who lives in the east of Pu County in the late spring. In the Xiaosi Temple with its gates closed, the flowers are falling and the water is red. There are thousands of idle sorrows, and I have no words to complain about the east wind.

In an instant, the entire store was boiling with disbelief on everyone's faces.

This is Mr. Yun's voice!

Yes, it is indeed Mr. Yun's voice, exactly the same!

This gramophone can actually play Mr. Yun's voice?

As Yun Jin's drama came to an end, these people finally understood why Secretary Xu Wan had said before that the emergence of the gramophone would change their way of entertainment.

With the gramophone, they can put one at home and listen to Mr. Yun's operas, storytelling, etc. anytime and anywhere.

And it's private and exclusive.

Secretary Xu Wan, how much does this phonograph cost? I want to buy one!

A voice suddenly emerged from the crowd, and all of a sudden everyone started shouting:

I want one too!

Secretary Xu, I want one too.

Seeing that the customers in the store were all thinking about buying, and the neat queue was showing signs of spreading out again, Xu Wan quickly stood up and said loudly:

Please don't crowd around. If you want to buy a gramophone, please register with our staff in the order of the queue!

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