However, the reality was far beyond her imagination.

When Yun Jin and Alice met in Liyue Port, the first thing the other party said was to invite her to join some kind of Teyvat girl group. The current members include Barbara from Mondstadt, and the tentative members include her and Daozuma's Shenli. Miss Ayaka.

After asking what a girl group was, Yun Jin decisively rejected Alice's invitation.

Since becoming famous in Liyue, she has been restricted by Yun Ning, the manager of Yunhan Club, in many things, which makes her feel a bit unfree.

And she still prefers singing to acting in a girl group.

Alice was not upset after being rejected. She had been teasing Yun Jin for the past two days, and also told many of her legendary experiences.

It was fine not to mention it, but it made Yun Jin even more nervous. The main reason was that Alice's experience was really different from what she had imagined.

In Yun Jin's mind, the so-called legendary experience was probably that Ms. Alice picked up a treasure map or found some clues by flipping through an ancient book, and then went through many difficulties and dangers to find the location of the final treasure.

There may even be a fight with the villains who come to snatch the treasure.

However, the reality is exactly the opposite. Usually Ms. Alice finds a clue, then enters the ruins, and finally leaves the ruins of the collapsed building clapping her hands.

The process is concise and clear, and the method is indeed legendary. The most legendary one is the time at the Wind Dragon Ruins.

It's just that the legendary process was completely different from what Yun Jin imagined, so that after listening to Alice's story, the look in her eyes when she looked at the other person was full of 'fear'.

The reason why Yun Jin chose to come to Guili City with Xiang Ling was that on the one hand she was afraid that her friend would be deceived by Han Xiao, and on the other hand she actually wanted to avoid Alice's entanglement. .

Well, Ms. Alice did jump a little bit.

After hearing what happened to his little green plum, Han Xiao felt a little guilty and rubbed his nose. After all, he was the one who introduced Alice to Yun Jin. Of course, he had to clean up her behavior.

That's no longer an escape, right?

Yun Jin rolled her eyes at her bamboo horse angrily, then walked around Han Xiao and sat down on the chair behind the desk.

A Jin.

Seeing this, Han Xiao walked to her side and said softly:

Ms. Alice is different from other adventurers. In addition to being an adventurer, she has made great achievements in alchemy, astrology, etc.

Perhaps it is because of her unconstrained personality that so many fantastic ideas were born.

So the thing you showed me this time is Ms. Alice's invention?

Hearing what her bamboo horse said, Yun Jin also became a little interested.

Although I have heard rumors before that Ms. Alice is a genius alchemist, her inventions rarely seem to be spread, so most people are more concerned about Alice's reputation as an adventurer.

Now it seems that there is Ms. Alice’s invention here.

My Ah Jin is so smart!

After praising Yun Jin without hesitation, Han Xiao took out the gramophone from his jade pendant that he had assembled under the guidance of Alice on the island.

What is this?

Watching Han Xiao place a machine with a large speaker on the table, Yun Jin couldn't help but lean forward slightly, as if she wanted to take a closer look at the machine.

Judging from the big speakers on the machine, Yun Jin knew that the machine was related to sound, but she couldn't guess its specific function.

Hold on!

Seeing that Yun Jin's curiosity had been attracted by the gramophone in front of her, Han Xiao didn't waste any time and directly took out another vinyl record from Yu Perry and put it on the gramophone.

The material used to make this vinyl record is a new type of resin made by Alice and Han Xiao using concentrated resin and a series of alchemical materials.

The graininess of the entire record is more delicate than the first version of the record produced by Alice. Even some tiny vibrations can be recorded, and it achieves high fidelity, which is the closest to the original sound.

Under Yun Jin's gaze, Han Xiao pressed the switch on the gramophone, the vinyl record began to spin, and the cartridge on the gramophone slowly landed on the record.

Ahem, sound audition!

The next moment, Yun Jin was surprised to hear the conversation between Han Xiao and Ms. Alice coming from the gramophone speaker.

Ms. Alice, it's up to you!

no problem.

Before Yun Jin could finish being surprised, a beautiful melody suddenly came from the gramophone, and then Ms. Alice's humming also sounded.

After the song, Han Xiao's office became quiet again, and Yun Jin was leaning on the chair with her eyes closed, recalling the melody that had just passed through her ears.

How about Jin, how about Ms. Alice's invention?

Seeing Yun Jin's expression of enjoyment, Han Xiao asked with a smile on her face what she thought after using it.

I believe what you said before.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Yun Jin slowly opened her eyes, sat up straight, and expressed her thoughts quite solemnly.

Through her personal experience with the gramophone, she already understood that Alice's invention was really, as Han Xiao said, an invention that could change the opera industry.

Usually, her fans would even temporarily put down their work and come to listen to her singing.

This has always made Yun Jin very distressed. After all, no matter how much she likes listening to dramas, she can't leave her job behind.

Now with this machine, which Han Xiao calls a gramophone, she can record the singing parts.

As long as theater fans purchase a gramophone and a vinyl record, they can enjoy an almost live soundtrack at home.

Well, Ah Jin, I wonder if you are interested in endorsing the gramophone?



Han Xiao pointed to the gramophone on the table.

I plan to start selling phonographs in Guili City, so I need your help, Mr. Yun.

I understand, you plan to let me record an opera record for you.

After hearing Han Xiao's thoughts, the smart Yun Jin immediately understood the meaning of her bamboo horse's words.

Chapter 188 Yun Jin: I will destroy it immediately!

After understanding Han Xiao's intention, Yun Jin knew that her lover had already dug a hole waiting for her, but she still chose to jump in and work in vain.

There was no way, just as Han Xiao said, after experiencing the effect of a gramophone, she certainly knew the effect of this thing.

With a gramophone that highly reproduces human voices, you only need to buy one to listen to opera, storytelling and other content at home.

Isn't this better than enjoying it in a teahouse?

So after some thought, Yun Jin decided to follow Han Xiao to the recording room that the other party had specially built next to the alchemy workshop in the past few days.

After a while, Yun Jin's clear, high-pitched, beautiful voice rang out in the recording room.


While Han Xiao was taking Yun Jin to record vinyl records in the recording room, Ying Zheng, who had experienced a big event, was driving a carriage along the road outside Mondstadt towards Fengqi Land.

She was going to Fengqi Land to see Wendy and see if she was okay.

In order to appease Barbara who almost collapsed due to the damage to the Sky Piano two days ago, Wendy had no choice but to use illusion to temporarily cover the Sky Piano.

Then he asked a few people to run away quickly, but he didn't expect to be ambushed by fools as soon as he ran outside the cathedral.

Ying watched helplessly as Wendy's heart was ripped out by a woman with a huge slime and the so-called Heart of God was taken away.

She herself was knocked unconscious, and when she woke up, Wendy's figure disappeared.

Then Ying learned from Barbara, who was taking care of her, that Wendy had gone to the 'Symbol of Mondstadt's Heroes'.

So after she had no health problems, she and Paimon immediately rushed towards Fengqi Land. After all, they had seen each other heal their injuries under the big tree in Fengqi Land.

Riding in the carriage arranged by Captain Qin, after more than a day of non-stop driving, Ying finally arrived at Fengqi Di in the shortest possible time.

When she got off the carriage, she saw Wendy standing under the big tree, wrapped in emerald green wind elements.

Ying, let's go quickly and check on the singer. I don't know if his injury is healed.


After hearing Paimon's suggestion, Ying nodded, tied the reins to a stone nearby and walked towards Wendy.

The wind among the trees is very good, and it has a smell that I like.

As if aware of Ying's arrival, the wind element on Wendy's body gradually dissipated. At the same time, she turned around and spread her hands with a smile and said:

Hehe, it seems I said the same thing last time.

Hey, why do you always say this when you are having bad luck?

So what is the Heart of God.

Ying didn't care about Wendy's self-deprecation, but asked her question directly.

Did you notice?

Jianying's focus was on the Heart of God, and Wendy did not hesitate but told the information she could tell.

Genshin Impact, Sky Island, Ice God and the Fool Executive Lady.

As Wendy told the information about the Heart of God one by one, Ying and Paimon also learned some secrets about the Eye of God, as well as the identity of the woman with the giant slime.

At the same time, Ying had a vague feeling in her heart that perhaps none of the seven gods of Teyvat was the god she was looking for.

Why does the Ice Queen want to steal your God's Heart?

You will naturally understand this after you find all the Seven Gods.

Wendy shook her head and did not tell Ying the reason why the Ice God took the Heart of God.

After all, this involves the secret of Sky Island. Telling Ying now will do no good to her at all. It is better to wait until the other party grows up.

As for the candidates to help the other party grow, he has also chosen them.

You can first go to Liyue, a neighboring country of Mondstadt, to find the Rock God. The old man is different from me. He is the eldest of the Seven Gods, and he definitely knows more than me.

There are less than two months left until the day when the old man comes to Liyue once a year. If you rush there now, you can see the ceremony of inviting immortals. If you miss it, you will have to wait another year!

How can I talk to the Rock God in person during the Immortal Invitation Ceremony?

Hearing Wendy mention the ceremony of inviting the Immortal to Liyue Rock God, Ying directly asked her doubts. It was not important to participate in the ceremony. She was more concerned about how to get the opportunity to communicate with the Rock God.

Before Wendy could answer, Paimon suddenly thought of something after listening to Wendy's story. He quickly flew to Ying's side and said:

Do you still remember the lucrative mission we received in the Adventurers Association?

You mean the mission about the electric crystal.

Ying's eyes lit up instantly, and she immediately recalled some things about Liyue that Paimon had popularized to her before.

The issuer of that mission is Han Xiao, one of the Seven Stars of Liyue. I remember you, Paimon, said that the Seven Stars of Liyue are the current rulers of the Liyue region.

Yes, yes, that's the big shot who was wronged...and made generous moves!

Paimon couldn't help but nod, secretly appreciating the danger. She almost said the nickname she gave to the other party just now, but fortunately she reacted in time and changed the term.

Wait, Hanxiao?

Wendy on the side suddenly interrupted the conversation between the two of them, with a slightly weird tone in her tone.

Could the Han Xiao you are talking about be Tianshu Xing who just took office recently?

Hey, how come you know how to sing?

Hearing Han Xiao's name from Wendy's mouth, Paimon and Ying looked at each other in surprise, and then Paimon couldn't help but asked out of curiosity.

Does he also have some special status?

The other party's ability is not ordinary. Maybe you want to see the old man fall on his head.

That's what Wendy said, and that's what she thought in her heart.

After all, Han Xiao's ability to accurately tell his black history that even the old man may not know is enough to prove the specialness of this person.

Moreover, the old man suddenly appeared some time ago and handed over the Heart of God to the other party for safekeeping. No matter how you look at it, there is something strange in it.

Seeing the answer to the question, Ying couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. It seemed that she had to find a way to meet Han Xiao before participating in the ceremony of inviting immortals.


Return to the city.

No, I really can't sing anymore.

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