I did bring it...but, uh, it's a little bit...

Don't worry, the church won't charge you rent. The church has special funds for worship.

Seeing that Barbara might not understand what they meant, Ying, under the urging of everyone's eyes, slowly took out the Sky Piano that had been destroyed by the Abyss Mage.

The moment she saw the Battle Damaged Edition of the Sky Piano, Barbara's eyes widened involuntarily, and her whole little face was filled with astonishment.

Ahhhh, the piano of the sky!!

Hearing a pop, Barbara's body softened and she fell to her knees.


The next day, Xiangling, who was sent back to Liyue Port in a daze, was picked up again by a car sent by Xu Wan, but this time there was one more passenger in the car.

When the electric car drove into Guili City and stopped at Kuixing Tower, as the door opened, the first person to get off was Xiang Ling, who was stunned by the 'Hanxiao speed'.

Then the door on the other side opened, and Yun Jin, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, also walked out of the car.

Yun Jin, why did you choose to come with me?

When Yun Jin came to her side, Xiang Ling asked curiously.

After she was sent back to Liyue Port yesterday, she happened to meet Yun Jin who was eating at Wanmin Hall. After the other party learned what happened from her own mouth, she chose to come with her today.

Because I'm afraid you'll be deceived by Han Xiao.

Looking at Xiang Ling, who still didn't understand the seriousness of the matter, Yun Jin gave her a speechless look.

As Han Xiao's childhood sweetheart, Yun Jin didn't know that her sweetheart had become a liar since he established Guili City.

As long as it was useful to Guilicheng, Han Xiao would try his best to fool the opponent.

Unexpectedly, Barrister Yan Fei was deceived into perfecting various laws, and was also involved in the work of popularizing the law in Guilicheng and taking care of the students in the school.

I am so busy every day that my feet never touch the ground.

The last time Yun Jin came to Licheng, she met Yan Fei. At that time, she kept complaining, saying that she believed in Han Xiao's evil deeds, and if she hadn't signed a contract, she would definitely accuse Han Xiao of cheating.

Even a barrister like Yan Fei was 'deceived' by Han Xiao. Yun Jin felt that if she didn't come, Xiang Ling would be deceived by her best friend and directly sell herself to Licheng.

Hey, did Brother Hanxiao lie to me?

Hearing that Yun Jin came here to prevent herself from being deceived by Han Xiao, Xiang Ling frowned and felt confused.

She didn't feel that Brother Han Xiao was lying to her.

Last night I talked about Hanxiao's suggestion with my father, who also thought this fast food model was good.

It's not that I'm lying to you about the pattern, forget it, just listen to me when the time comes.

Seeing that Xiang Ling still didn't understand the meaning, Yun Jin sighed deeply. Among her friends, Xiang Ling was the most 'dumb'.

Who among the others, such as Xingqiu Chongyun and others, didn't know how shrewd Han Xiao was as a child, with even more clever ideas than Hu Tao.

So much so that Xingqiu still thinks that Hutao's current personality was probably formed by the influence of Hanxiao when she was young.

As for why Xiang Ling is said to be the dullest, it's not that she's not smart, it's just that the other person puts all his thoughts on cooking, which leads to a lack of understanding of the world.

In addition, Han Xiao and Xing Qiu were always watching, and no one dared to trick Xiang Ling. This also led to Xiang Ling's trust in Han Xiao and Xing Qiu.

But the situation is different now. It is Han Xiao who wants to 'cheat' Xiangling now.

With Xiangling's innocent temperament, if Han Xiao really wanted to trick her into working for Guili City for free, she would be sure to do it every time.

Thinking of this, Yun Jin raised her right hand and kept moving her slender jade-like fingers. Maybe today she would use the secret technique of 'Pinching' on Han Xiao that she had not used for a long time.

I don’t know if my special skill is still effective after all this time.

Chapter 186 Ah Jin, I have a good thing here

Entering Kuixing Building, Xiangling, led by Yun Jin, walked through the office area in a familiar manner towards Han Xiao's office.

Hey, aren't Yun Jin and the others going to take care of us?

Seeing that she came in under the leadership of Yun Jin without even saying hello, Xiang Ling asked in a low voice while there was no one around.

Because I know all the employees here.

Regarding Xiang Ling's doubts, Yun Jin explained with a smile.

She was invited to the stage at a party in Guilicheng before, and then met Han Xiao's secretary Xu Wan.

Then Yun Jin got to know most of the staff working in Kuixing Tower through Xu Wan, and also asked the servants of the Yun family to bring small gifts to them from time to time.

As time passed, some people who didn't like to inquire into other people's private affairs also learned from other informed staff members that Yun Jin, the current head of Yunhan Society, and their immediate boss Han Xiao were childhood sweethearts.

A well-known actor in Liyue, he and his boss are childhood sweethearts, and they will send small gifts to them during the holidays.

Therefore, the employees working in Kuixing Building still have a good impression of Yun Jin.

What even Yun Jin didn't know was that these Kuixing Tower employees even gossiped about her relationship with Han Xiao in private.

They all guessed that Han Xiao and Yun Jin, the childhood sweethearts, might become a couple, so naturally no one would stop Yun Jin from entering.

After all, if you don't keep it all, one day the other party will become the wife of your immediate boss.

Yun Jin led Xiang Ling all the way to Han Xiao's office door, stretched out her hand and knocked on the door.

Please come in.

Hearing Han Xiao's voice, Yun Jin put her hand on the handle and gently pushed the door open, then let Xiang Ling go in first, while she followed behind.

Xiang Ling, you're here!

Seeing Xiang Ling coming in, Han Xiao immediately stood up and smiled, her tone full of hospitality.


As soon as she saw Han Xiao's 'unintentional' smile, Yun Jin immediately coughed and walked out of the shadow behind Xiang Ling.

A Jin?!

The next moment, Han Xiao's startled screams rang in the office.

What, are you surprised to see me?

Standing next to Xiang Ling, Yun Jin raised her eyebrows at Han Xiao, who was full of astonishment, with a hint of teasing in her tone.

Well, I'm a little surprised. Ah Jin, why are you here with Xiang Ling?

Han Xiao quickly suppressed the shock on her face, put on a warm smile again, and moved two chairs for Yun Jin and Xiang Ling to sit down.

Because I'm afraid that someone will make some crooked ideas and cause Xiangling to suffer.

Yun Jin stared at Han Xiao with a half-smile, speaking meaningful words, and at the same time stretched out her slender fingers to make gestures in front of the other person's eyes.

For some reason lately, my hands have been itching a lot, and I always want to find something to pinch.

Ah this.

Seeing Yun Jin making a pinching gesture, Han Xiao subconsciously stretched out her hands to cover her waist. Then she realized that she seemed to be overreacting, so she pretended to be okay and let go of her hands, pretending to be relaxed and said:

A Jin, you are overthinking. With me here, who dares to bully Xiang Ling?

Yun Jin, brother Han Xiao, what are you talking about?

Xiangling, who watched the entire conversation between Han Xiao and Yun Jin, was actually the most confused person at the scene. She seemed to know that the conversation between the two was related to her?

It's okay, it's okay, let's talk about business first.

Under Yun Jin's gaze, Han Xiao waved her hands repeatedly and then changed the topic.

Xiang Ling, how is your discussion with Master Mao going?

Oh, Dad said that the idea of ​​the fast food model is very good. Wanmintang can consider opening a branch in Guili City to try it out.

That's great!

Hearing that Master Mao agreed with his idea, Han Xiao was happy but also depressed at the same time.

Originally, I had already made preparations to include Xiangling's Wanmintang into the official catering system of Guili City.

Unfortunately, now that Jin is watching from the side, he may not be able to express his thoughts.

But fortunately, I still have plan B.

Han Xiao, who was secretly glad that she had made second-hand preparations, immediately changed her mind and said to Xiang Ling:

Xiang Ling like this, the workload in the fast food mode is still quite heavy. After all, a lot of dishes have to be cooked at once.

So I plan to let the official and Wanmin Tang jointly build a store, and Guili City will help you with the apprentices and helpers. What do you think?


Xiangling couldn't help but turn her gaze to Yun Jin.

Before she came, Yun Jin told her not to agree to Han Xiao's suggestion, and they would discuss it first, so she decided to listen to Yun Jin's opinion.

Hanxiao, how will the money earned from the joint venture store be distributed?

After thinking about it carefully, Yun Jin raised her question.

Well... the store of Wanmintang can be provided by the Guili City official. How about we split the amount earned 50/50.

Knowing that she must have some blood today, Han Xiao immediately gave her own advice, and at the same time she was full of 'sorrow' for her little green plum.

If Yun Jin hadn't been watching, he could have directly included Wanmin Hall in the official catering industry of Guili City. Then there would be no need for a 50-50 split.

That's fair enough.

After saving her friend from being deceived by Han Xiao into selling herself to Guilicheng, Yun Jin turned to look at Xiang Ling:

Xiang Ling, let's sign a contract.

With Xiangling's nod, Wanmintang was officially settled in Guili City.

Now that the things are done, Xiangling and I will go shopping!

After Xiangling put away the contract, Yun Jin held the other person's arm with one hand, smiled and waved the other hand to Han Xiao, preparing to say goodbye.

Ajin, wait!

But before they went out, Han Xiao called Yun Jin.

Is there anything else?

Yun Jin turned around to look at Han Xiao in surprise. The contract had already been signed. Could there be anything else?

I have something good to show you. It's related to the development of the opera industry.

Han Xiao suddenly smiled mysteriously at Yun Jin and said words that were sure to make her little green plum curious.

The development of the matter was just as Han Xiao had guessed. Yun Jin's curiosity was instantly aroused when she heard that he had something related to the development of the opera industry.

So Yun Jin asked Xiang Ling to leave first. She wanted to hear what would make Han Xiao feel that it could develop the opera industry.

As Xiang Ling left, Yun Jin and Han Xiao were left alone in the office.

Tell me what it is.

Don't worry, let me ask you a question first.

Han Xiao did not say it out immediately. Instead, she asked Yun Jin a question:

Ajin, Ms. Alice must have been looking for you recently.

After the words fell, Han Xiao was so keen that she noticed that Yun Jin's whole body froze instantly, and she suddenly laughed in her heart.

Chapter 187 Yun Jin: I endorse the gramophone

Han Xiao was also happy to see Ah Jin's face stiffen when she mentioned Alice.

Alice has left such a shadow on Ah Jin that her face becomes so stiff when she mentions the other person.

Are you okay, Jin?

It's okay, I just can't handle it a little bit. Here comes Ms. Alice.

Yun Jin covered her forehead with her hand and explained helplessly.

Originally, she was quite happy when she heard from Han Xiao that Alice was coming to visit her, because the other party was a well-known adventurer in the Teyvat continent.

There must be many legendary stories about him. One of the reasons why Yun Jin chose to meet him was to find some inspiration from his legendary experience.

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