I just want to ask Wanmintang if it accepts the fast food model.

Fast food mode?

Xiangling frowned, not quite understanding what Han Xiao meant. She seemed to be aware of the other party's doubts, so Han Xiao immediately explained to her what fast food mode was.

There are still many workers in Guili City spread out in places such as dams and cement factories. It is very inconvenient for them to eat, so they often bring some rice noodles to deal with it.

Therefore, Han Xiao has always wanted to launch a fast food model to facilitate workers' meals, but the restaurants in Guili City are either large brand branches of Xinyuexuan and Liuliting, or newly opened restaurants.

Liuliting and Xinyuexuan were immediately ruled out by Hanxiao because they were too expensive. However, although many of the newly opened restaurants in Guilicheng are cheap, none of them can satisfy the tastes of most workers.

So when she saw Xiangling coming back, Han Xiao immediately wanted her to take over the job of fast food mode.

After all, Wanmintang is famous for being affordable and delicious in Liyue, and most people in Guili City will never forget the food at Wanmintang.

By then, the workers working in Guili City will no longer need to deal with rice noodles every day, but will be able to eat delicious, cheap and hot meals.

Brother Hanxiao, let me think about it first.

After listening to Han Xiao's general explanation of the fast food model, Xiang Ling thought for a while and decided that it would be better to think about it carefully after going back.

After all, the fast food model sounds like a lot of work. If it is really going to be done, Wanmintang will definitely open a branch in Guili City.

Otherwise, if the dishes were prepared from Liyue Port and delivered to Guili City, they would have been cold long ago.

Okay, think about it first.

Han Xiao did not urge Xiang Ling, but let the other party think, while he sat at the desk and picked up the documents and read them for the first time in a long time.

After about twenty minutes, Xiang Ling raised her head from her contemplation and seemed to have made some kind of decision.

Brother Han Xiao, I decided to go back and discuss with my father to open a fast-food branch in Guili City.

That's great!

Upon hearing Xiangling's decision, Han Xiao immediately put down the documents in her hand, with a happy smile on her face.

When the time comes, I will find a few apprentices to help you. Don't worry, the workload will not be heavy!

At this time, the naive Xiang Ling did not know that Han Xiao's mouth had turned into a deceitful ghost in the eyes of Yan Fei, Xing Qiu and others.

Chapter 184: Abedo renovated a landmark building?

It has to be said that in order to build Guili City and attract various talents to the city, Han Xiao, a salty otaku, can be said to have used all kinds of words to 'deceive'.

If it were put into the game, the system prompt of [Eloquence +5] would probably be displayed directly.

Of course, the consequences of this are actually quite serious. After all, Yan Fei Xingqiu and others have almost tacitly accepted that they can no longer believe Han Xiao's lies.

Today's Han Xiao is no longer the same Han Xiao as before. Now Han Xiao's ability to deceive has greatly increased, and he will fall into his trap if he is not careful.

No, Xiangling, who had not considered opening a Wanmintang branch in Guili City for the time being, was already shaken after being deceived by Han Xiaohao.

Xiangling walked out of the office with the ideas instilled by Han Xiao, and was immediately notified that secretary Xu Wan, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, brought an electric car.

Before she could react, the electric car drove out of the gate of Guili City and headed towards Liyue Port.

Very good, one more thing to solve.

Standing at the window of the office and watching the electric car leave, Han Xiao nodded with satisfaction. With Xiangling's help, the fast food model should be able to be launched in Guili City.

And he can also predict that when this convenient and fast model emerges, the catering industry will definitely follow suit, and perhaps a few good Chinese fast food restaurants will be directly rolled out.

And Han Xiao very much believes in the creativity these businessmen will produce in order to make money. Maybe they can even roll out the takeout model.


Not long after Han Xiao returned home from Kuixing Tower, Albedo came directly to the door.

What happened?

Seeing Abedo come to the door, Han Xiao first welcomed him into the living room and then asked her question.

The main body of the theater is almost completed. Do you want to go check it out?

Abedo explained his purpose straightforwardly.

About a month ago, Han Xiao sent a construction team to build a new type of theater in Guili City, and then the other party handed over this matter to him.

After more than a month of continuous construction, the main part of the new theater is almost completed.

Abedo came here this time with the intention of asking Han Xiao if he wanted to go with him for a test.

Of course I want to go.

Hearing Abedo's inquiry, Han Xiao agreed without thinking.

He also hoped that the new theater would become an important entertainment venue for the residents of Guilicheng in the future. How could he not go and check it in person?

Okay, let's go.


So Han Xiao and Abedo didn't stay much, and left Han Xiao's residence and went straight to the construction site of the new theater.

When he arrived at the construction site, Han Xiao saw an elliptical arc-shaped building in front of him that was completely different from the architectural style of Guili City.

This building...

Looking at the arc top that looked like a seashell in front of her, Han Xiao couldn't help but squint her eyes. The more she looked at it, the more familiar it seemed.

What's going on? I remember that I didn't move the drawings of the Sydney Opera House?

Han Xiao, who was full of doubts, couldn't help turning her head to look at Albedo aside and asked:

Abedu, is this the look you designed?

Well, I considered the problem of radio reception, so I finalized this plan with reference to conches, seashells and other physical objects.

Abedo thought Han Xiao was dissatisfied that the shape of the building was inconsistent with the architectural style of Guili City, so he immediately explained to him the reason why he built it this way.

According to their previous discussions, the new theater is a comprehensive theater that combines projection and stage performances.

Therefore, Abedo chose to build the building like this after taking into account aspects such as sound reception and stage sound amplification.

Are you dissatisfied with this building? Is it because of the architectural style?

It's not that I'm dissatisfied, it's just that the style is quite bold.

Han Xiao shook his head. He was not without obsessive-compulsive disorder and insisted on stipulating that all buildings in the city must use a certain style. He just didn't expect that Albedo would build the new theater to be similar to the Sydney Opera House in his memory, so he was a little confused for a while. Just surprised.

The style is indeed a bit bolder, but according to my calculations, the sound collection effect in this mode is more ideal.

After seeing that Han Xiao was not dissatisfied with the style of the new theater, Abedo felt relieved. After all, the other party was Party A. If he was not satisfied, he would have to tear it down and rebuild it.

It's very good. The somewhat unique architecture can also give people a deeper impression of Guili City.

After a brief period of surprise, Han Xiao came back to her senses and was actually quite happy.

He originally planned to build a theater to expand the entertainment industry in Guili City in the future. Unexpectedly, Abedo directly built a landmark building.

The unique architectural style of the new theater will definitely impress the outsiders who come to Guili City. Thinking of this, he still made a profit.


Just when Han Xiao was thinking about her future in the entertainment industry in the city, the storm that had lasted for many months in Mond finally calmed down.

Ying and the members of the Dragon Guard Team returned to Mondstadt after successfully expelling the poisonous blood from Tvarin's body.

The dragon disaster has been solved!

After having lunch with Amber, Paimon happily flew around Ying with his hands covering his round belly, his little face was full of relaxation.

Ying, what are we going to do next?

First go to the church to see Captain Qin, and then I have something to ask Wendy.

Ying, who was walking along the steps towards the cathedral, heard Paimon's inquiry and whispered her plan.

After working with Wendy to save Tevalin, she already knew that the other party was not the god who stopped her and her brother in the first place.

However, Ying still wanted to take this opportunity to ask Wendy about that god. After all, even if Wendy seemed unreliable, she was one of the Seven Gods of Teyvat and knew a lot of secrets.

I just don’t know if the other party is willing to say it.

However, Ying and Paimon didn't know that as they were heading towards the cathedral, in a room on the top floor of the Goethe Hotel, a lady was standing in front of the window looking at them.

Is this the traveler who helped Barbatos deal with the dragon disaster?

Yes, my lady.

Where is Barbatos now?

The God of Wind is waiting for travelers in the church.

very good.

The lady couldn't help but sneer, and a trace of revenge flashed in her eyes.

Barbatos, just wait, you will pay the price!

Go down and have the Fools ambush outside the church. I want to personally go and meet this bard who has caused Mondstadt so much trouble.

Yes, my lady.

After receiving the lady's order, the subordinate dressed as the debtor immediately turned around and walked out the door and began to arrange people.

Chapter 185 Yan Fei: The first rule of anti-fraud in Guilicheng is, don’t trust Han Xiao

Ying, who walked to the cathedral, saw Wendy and Qin standing in front of a young priest with golden twin tails as soon as he entered the door.

The girl was about ten years old, wearing a priest's hat with a golden cross on her head, and a white one-piece priest's skirt with a bow-like pattern on her chest. The exposed calves under the skirt were covered with delicate white silk wrapped.

Seeing Ying's arrival, Qin immediately introduced her:

Traveller, here you are. This is the church's commissioner in charge of recovering the Sky Piano, Pastor Barbara.

Hello, I'm Ying.

Ying nodded and introduced herself, but her mind couldn't help but think of what happened some time ago.

That was when I was doing a mission in the Adventurer Association, and I received a mission from a nun. The requirement of the mission was to drive away Mr. Albert who had been wandering at the door of the church.

It was from the other party's mouth that I learned that Mondstadt also had a part-time idol priest named Barbara, and that Mr. Albert was an enthusiastic fan of the other party.

It's a pity that she has never met the other party, and now she finally meets him in person.

She is indeed very beautiful and has a soft temperament. No wonder she has such a fanatical fan as Albert.

May the wind god protect you.

Barbara raised her right hand and put it on her chest, saluted him, and then said a little embarrassedly:

Although I may not be qualified to say this compared to the acting team leader, I still want to thank you all for your efforts on Mond's behalf!

The next second, Barbara leaned forward slightly, clenched her hands into fists and placed them parallel to her sides, and looked at Ying with a touch of gratitude in her eyes:

Fortunately, it was resolved peacefully. If we really mobilized military forces to start a war with Long, it's hard to imagine how it would end.

Wow, that’s a bit impressive.

Ying raised her eyebrows, and suddenly she understood why Mr. Albert kept shouting, Come on, Barbara.

Before she could speak, Qin beside her took up the topic.

And the Fools can't say anything more. They must be secretly angry that things have turned out like this.

Qin seemed very happy.

With the dragon plague resolved, Mondstadt's foreign trade will soon be re-opened, and the Fools will have no chance to use the Solstice Merchants as an excuse to put pressure on the Knights of the West Wind.

Okay, have you brought the Sky Piano?

Seeing that Qin suddenly started talking about business again, Barbara couldn't help but put her hands on her hips and closed her eyes to interrupt the other person's words.

The acting head's guarantee is not unlimited. The Cardinal has been urging me for a while.

Ah this...

In an instant, Ying, Qin, and Wendy couldn't help but look at each other, not knowing what to say.

After all, it’s really hard to say that the Sky Piano was damaged.

Fortunately, there was Paimon. Seeing that none of the three people had any intention of speaking, Paimon could only stretch out his hands and scratch his head while explaining hesitantly:

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