Xiangling never expected that she was just traveling to other countries in Teyvat in search of some ingredients that could bring inspiration. As a result, it had only been less than a year since she returned home, and that such a big change would have happened to her when she left. The change.

What is going on?

With her mind full of doubts, Xiangling walked along the bridge of Wangshu Inn in the direction of Guiliyuan. She planned to take a closer look at what caused Guiliyuan's sudden change.

Walking across the bridge, Xiangling saw at first sight the embankment on the bank of Guiliyuan River, which was made of the same material as the road beneath her feet when she walked all the way from Shimen.

The length of the embankment is very long, at least Xiangling can't see the edge at first glance.

On the inside of the embankment, the originally uneven land has been shoveled into plains. The large rice fields seen before at Wangshu Inn were dyed golden by the grain that had begun to ear.

The breeze blows and forms waves of wheat, which makes people feel confident just by looking at it.

After all, there is an old saying in Liyue: if you have food in your hand, you will not panic in your heart.

Beside the rice fields, many Liyue people were working hard in the fields, and everyone's face was full of hope.

Seeing this, Xiangling couldn't help but run all the way to a rice field and squatted down, looking at a rice plant carefully.

Judging from the situation of the sword leaf sheaths, the main ears of these rice plants have been extracted, and the ears will be extracted one after another during the tillering stage.

Wow, so full!

Reaching out and pinching the main ears tentatively, Xiangling's face immediately showed a look of surprise. Based on her years of experience as a chef, these main ears will definitely produce good-quality rice after being shelled.

Xiangling stood up, clapped her hands back and forth, and then looked into the distance, where she could vaguely see the outline of a huge city.

Although she couldn't see the specific appearance of the city clearly, she felt that all the changes in Guiliyuan were inseparable from this large city.

With this thought, Xiang Ling immediately walked along the wide road towards the huge city.

But the closer she got to the city, the more impact she received.

Seeing the iron boxes with four wheels being used on the road, Xiangling felt a little doubtful about life.

I really only left Liyue for less than a year?

I can't even understand why there are so many changes. Let alone the rice fields and road embankments, why can even the iron box run on its own?

In a daze, Xiang Ling walked to the gate of the city.

Hey, isn't this Master Xiangling from Wanmin Hall?

A guard who was standing guard at the city gate immediately showed a surprised look on his face when he saw Xiang Ling.

As an ordinary person who once lived in Chihuyan, Chef Xiangling of Wanmingtang is deeply loved by the residents of Chihuyan. After all, the dishes he cooks are delicious and not expensive.

Well, that's if she doesn't come up with some weird new dish, of course.

Who are you...

Hearing someone calling her name, Xiang Ling couldn't help but turn her eyes to the person. The more she looked, the more familiar she felt. After carefully identifying her, she asked with a little uncertainty:

Brother Wenkang?

Yes, it's me!

The Qianyan Army guard, whom Xiang Ling called Wenkang, nodded vigorously. Boss Mao had previously heard that Xiangling had traveled abroad to look for ingredients. Ordinary people like them who were born in Huyan had not eaten each other's dishes for almost a year.

That's why guard Wenkang was so surprised and a little excited when he saw Xiangling in Guili City.

Now that I saw Chef Xiangling again in Liyue, doesn't it mean that he has completed his food journey?

They can finally eat cheap and delicious dishes again!

Master Xiangling, please come with me. I will take you to register first.

Oh well.

Following Wenkang to the registration office next to the city gate, Xiangling quickly filled out the registration form, and then got a temporary pass from the other party.

Master Xiangling, when you come back this time, can you ask Master Mao to drive Wanmintang to Guili City? Many of us can eat Wanmintang's food at any time.

After finishing the business, Wenkang immediately put on a smile and asked Xiangling enthusiastically.

I just came back, so I'm not sure yet.

Xiang Ling put her little hand on her chest and shook it with some embarrassment. She didn't even understand the situation yet, so it was really hard for her to agree to Wenkang.

That's it.

Guard Wenkang was a little disappointed, but he quickly and enthusiastically introduced Xiangling's return to the city.

This was so incredible that Xiang Ling instantly felt like she was listening to a fantasy story.

Wait, Brother Wenkang!

Xiangling quickly stretched out her hand to interrupt Wenkang's statement, covering her forehead with her other hand and asked with doubt on her face.

You just said that Guili City was built by Brother Hanxiao?


And Brother Hanxiao also became a Seven Star?

That's right.

Wenkang nodded. As a resident of Chihuyan, he naturally knew about Han Xiao.

To be honest, even the old residents of Chihuyan did not expect that Han Xiao, who moved to Chihuyan alone and rarely went out, would complete a gorgeous turn in a short period of time.

So Wenkang understood why Xiangling was so surprised.

Xiang Ling, who was sure she heard correctly, fell into deep thought. She never thought that Han Xiao a year ago was still a homebody who even had to bring food to her door.

How come after one trip, the other party suddenly transformed into one of the highest level Seven Stars in Liyue.

What have I missed since I was away for a year?

Brother Wenkang, do you know where Brother Hanxiao is now?

Master Hanxiao has just returned to the city. You can go to Kuixing Tower to have a look.

Okay, thank you, Brother Wenkang.

After saying goodbye to guard Wenkang, Xiangling walked into Guili City with full of doubts, and then she was shocked by the lively scene in the city.

The wide roads in the city were filled with hawkers shouting endlessly, electric cars passing by from time to time, etc., all of which showed her the vitality of this new city.

Especially after arriving in the business district, the large department store in the center made Xiangling feel like a country girl who had just arrived in the city. Many things made her feel extremely novel.

emmm, it’s probably similar to Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

It seems that Brother Han Xiao is really powerful.

After walking around the business district, Xiang Ling couldn't help but sigh in her heart, and at the same time she was happy for Han Xiao.

Soon, after asking passers-by about the specific location of Kuixing Tower, Xiangling walked along the street to Kuixing Tower, and immediately saw Han Xiao chatting with Xingqiu outside the building.

Brother Hanxiao!

Hearing someone calling him, Han Xiao immediately turned around and looked towards the source of the sound, and then saw Xiang Ling waving to him not far away.

Xiang Ling?

Chapter 183 Han Xiao’s mouth is a liar

Seeing Xiang Ling, who had been traveling for a year, appear in Guili City, Han Xiao also had a look of surprise on her face, and she and Xing Qiu immediately walked towards each other.

Xiang Ling, when did you come back?

Long time no see, Xiangling!

The two came to Xiangling and said hello one after another, and Han Xiao even asked when the other party would be back.

Long time no see, Brother Hanxiao and Xingqiu!

Xiangling replied with the same smile, and then answered Han Xiao's question:

I just came back from Mondstadt.

Speaking of which, Brother Hanxiao, you are so awesome. As soon as you arrived at Wangshu Inn, you saw a completely different Gui Liyuan. It really impressed me!

Speaking of this, Xiangling couldn't help but give Han Xiao a thumbs up, with admiration written all over her little face.

It's awesome, but it's quite inhumane.

Xingqiu on the side couldn't help but glared at Han Xiao angrily, and then complained to Xiangling.

There was nothing he could do about it. Ever since he was 'abducted' and brought to Guili City by Han Xiao and his father, Xingqiu had fallen into a busy schedule.

Especially Han Xiao, who would disappear from time to time for a few days and act as the shopkeeper. He was responsible for almost all major matters in Guilicheng.

Oh, Xingqiu, what you said is wrong.

Regarding Xingqiu's 'accusation', Han Xiao shook her head repeatedly to express that she did not agree with the other party's statement.

It was obviously Xingqiu's father who came to ask him specifically because he was worried about his youngest son's future. How could it be said that it was his fault.


Xingqiu glanced at Han Xiao, curled his lips and did not continue.

By the way, Xiangling, you won't leave when you come back this time, right?

Seeing that Xingqiu didn't say anything, Han Xiao turned to Xiangling and continued to ask.

Well, I won't leave for now.

Xiangling nodded. In the past year or so, except for Inazuma, she had been to the other five countries and found a lot of ingredients that could inspire her.

When she comes back this time, she plans to summarize the experience she has accumulated over the past year, and then integrate it into her cooking skills.

Okay, I'll arrange a place for you first, and I'll discuss something with you tomorrow.

no problem.


Early the next morning, Xiangling got up early after a good rest. After washing herself, she walked out of the room and walked towards Kuixing Tower.

After saying goodbye to Han Xiao and Xingqiu last night, she walked around Guili City for a long time and saw many new things.

Since Xiangling had a good reputation in Liyue, she easily found regular customers of Wanmin Hall and learned from them about the specific changes in Liyue over the past year.

Knowing that Guili City was almost built bit by bit by Han Xiao and the unemployed miners from Strata Rock Abyss, Xiang Ling immediately admired her little friend.

At the same time, she was also more curious about what Han Xiao wanted to talk to her about today.

Could it be that like Brother Wenkang, he wants me to open a Wanmingtang branch in Guili City?

Xiang Ling thought about it carefully and realized that she seemed to be good at cooking only. Maybe Han Xiao came to her because of this.

After breakfast, Xiang Ling came to Kuixing Tower with some guesses, and waited for Han Xiao to come under the arrangement of the secretary.

About half an hour later, Han Xiao yawned and walked into Kuixing Tower to find her.

Why do you still get up so early, Xiangling?

Brother Hanxiao, you woke up too late!

Looking at Han Xiao who was yawning continuously, Xiang Ling puffed up her face with dissatisfaction.

She originally thought that Han Xiao's personality would change slightly when he became a big shot like Qixing, but now it seems that he is still so lazy.

Tell me, Brother Hanxiao, what do you want to discuss with me?

Let's go to the office and talk.

Han Xiao did not answer Xiang Ling's question directly, but took her to his office before explaining.

Many residents of Guili City have reported to me the problem of food.

You have to know that many people in Guili City now live in Chihuyan. What they miss most after coming to Guili City is the food of Wanmintang.

Although Guilicheng and Liyue Port are connected by road, it would still take more than a day to drive an electric car back and forth.

So Brother Hanxiao, do you want me to open a branch of Wanmintang in Guili City?

Finding that things were indeed not beyond her expectations, Xiang Ling immediately revealed her previous speculation.

If you want to open a Wanmintang branch in Guili City, I would certainly welcome it, but I have something to ask you.

what is the matter?

Seeing that Han Xiao wanted to ask her for advice, Xiang Ling couldn't help but become curious. What would the other party want to ask her about?

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