Aware of the problem but not optimistic about Keqing's suggestion.

It's kind of interesting...

Han Xiao didn't think that Ningguang and the others were all fools, and that not being optimistic about Keqing's plan must be caused by other factors.

Even this factor makes Qixing rather temporarily endure the pressure caused by overpopulation in Liyue Port than choose to develop new land.

Hmm... maybe he knows how to write it.


So Han Xiao was really fooled as I said.

Putting down the tea in her hand, Yun Jin looked at Ke Qing with a smile, and her tone was unspeakably teasing.

They both grew up together, and the relationship between Ke Qing and Han Xiao has always given her and Xing Qiu some headaches.

It’s also hard for them to be caught in the middle.

Unexpectedly, Ke Qing would suddenly come to her today and wanted to ask Yun Jin how to get answers to certain questions from Han Xiao.

From Yun Jin's point of view, Ke Qing's desire to consult Han Xiao about the issue may be false, but this is definitely a good time for the two of them to break the ice in their relationship.

Faced with such an opportunity, Yun Jin naturally would not refuse. On the contrary, she was quite happy to make suggestions for Ke Qing.

Well... more or less.

Hearing Yun Jin's joke, Keqing also felt a little embarrassed and raised the tea cup in front of her. A trace of blush appeared on her cheeks and she replied in a low voice.

Chapter 14 The newcomer is here

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: So you were tricked into working, right?

In the chat group, after listening to himself in Teyvat complaining that he had been deceived, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

Not only him, Han Xiao from the clever world also wanted to laugh.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Oh, I don't even know what to say about you... just two words, shameful.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Shameful +1

[Original God·Hanxiao]: I didn't want to either. Who knew that dead girl A Jin would do such a damaging move to Ke Qing? I was confused at the time.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Stop making excuses, it's just embarrassing.

After the two people in the group laughed at Han Xiao, Han Xiao from the clever world took the lead and asked:

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Speaking of which, have you thought about how to write a proposal?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: That's about right. I probably know the thoughts behind Ningguang's Seven Stars' disagreement with Keqing's suggestion.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: If you need any help from us, just ask.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: It's true. I need a lot of formulas for building materials, such as cement, steel bars, and glass. Oh, and by the way, there are also some principle books on the power system.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Leave it to me. We have the cement formula here. As for the power system, it will take a lot of effort.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: The era I live in is the beginning of the 20th century. The Godalming Hydropower Station was established only about 20 years ago, and the electric power industry has just developed from its infancy to taking shape.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: I'm afraid I can't help you here. You also know that One Piece's technology has always been weird, and Coca-Cola can be used as a power source.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Well, I'll leave it to you, Jixiao. If there's nothing you can do about the power system, you can put it aside first and get the other formulas first.


Just as a few people were finalizing the plan, the three of them heard a notification sound coming from the chat group.

[My deck is not like hell at all. Join the group chat]

Newcomer coming?

Han Xiao and the other two people became energetic for a while and stopped chatting one after another to ponder the identity of the newcomer.

Judging from each other's nicknames, the newcomer should come from the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!

They just didn’t know if the other party would be as they guessed, and had traveled to Yu-Gi-Oh’s Hanxiao.

After a while, the newcomer left his first sentence in the group.

[My deck is not underworld at all]: Cute new report...wait a minute, the names of the big guys...seem a bit strange.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: First of all, welcome the newcomers. Are the newcomers from the world of Yu-Gi-Oh?

[World of Ingenuity·Han Xiao]: Welcome +1, Hai Xiao, don't talk about useless things. The newcomers can just state their names. You can tell by the other party's tone that our guess is right.

[My deck is not underworld at all]: It seems that the big guys are all called Han Xiao like me. What a coincidence.

[Original God·Han Xiao]: Welcome newcomers, and don't think blindly. We are all Han Xiao who were created and died by the reincarnation device in another world.

I don’t know if he was shocked by Han Xiao’s words, but the newcomer was silent for a while before continuing to speak:

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: Okay, although it's a bit unbelievable, are you all my clones?

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Now, it seems more suitable for us to call it an alien from another plane?

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Honestly, that dump truck was really powerful. It smashed our souls into dregs, and then formed us individually.

After the newcomer accepted the reality, Han Xiao and the other two people also roughly figured out some of the newcomer's situation.

Like them, newcomer Han Xiao was reincarnated into the world of Yu-Gi-Oh with his memories, and then relied on the memories of his previous life to embark on the path of playing cards.


[Original God·Hanxiao]: Tsk, tsk, tsk, traps, hand pits, blood-cutting and card-cutting, the Golden Kingdom of Male and Female Insect Girls... You really don't do anything about human affairs.

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: Yamiro, stop it, this is not a duel at all!

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Suddenly I remembered the game where I was ftk'd by someone, and I was autistic...

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: You are slandering me. I just want to bring happiness to my opponents! And those powerful cards are very rare. What else can I do if I don't rely on heavy pits to make a fortune.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Okay, no joke, I've sent you the group matters we summarized before. You can just think about how to develop it yourself.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Isn't this just right? The world for newcomers is modern. Yuanxiao, you have already acquired your knowledge of power systems.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: Thank you, boss. The knowledge of the power system is on my shoulders, right?

After receiving assurances from herself and the newcomers in the world of cleverness, Han Xiao casually chatted with everyone before closing the chat group and coming to the study room with Ke Qing's proposal.

Next, he would perform a serious 'surgery' on Keqing's proposal.


While Han Xiao was working hard, Ningguang, who was in Qunyu Pavilion, also received his own information.

Keqing actually used that proposal as a test question.

Ning Guang raised his eyebrows, looking a little surprised.

She and the other Seven Stars had read the proposal, and it had to be said that Ke Qing seemed to be a little too embarrassed for Han Xiao.

Liyue Port's population is overloaded, Ningguang and the other seven stars are naturally clear.

Keqing's intention to develop land to alleviate the population pressure in Liyue Port was very good, but things were not as simple as she thought.

First of all, developing land requires a lot of mola and materials, and transportation and manpower are also problems.

Furthermore, when the construction is completed, the surrounding supporting market environment and policy implementation will be needed to promote development.

More importantly, once we expand outward, these cannot be solved overnight.

Ke Qingguang wrote about how to reduce the burden on Liyue Port, but did not write down the follow-up arrangements.

Therefore, Ningguang and others rejected Keqing's suggestion.

The advice is good advice, but unfortunately it is not perfect.

Thinking of this, Ningguang took out a document from the pile beside her and looked at the information provided by Ye Lan, her face became solemn.

There is something strange happening in the giant layered rock abyss, and it is currently under investigation.

Right now, compared to the small problem of Liyue Port's population overload, this is the real big deal.

The mining industry has always been the real economic pillar of Liyue. Once there is a problem in the layered rock abyss, the consequences will be disastrous.

I don’t know if Ye Lan has investigated clearly, I hope there won’t be any accidents.

Thinking of this, Ningguang called his secretary Baiwen, handed her the note he had written, and said:

You go and give the note to Uncle Ke Qingtian and the others, and tell them that I will hold a seven-star meeting tomorrow.

Chapter 15 Seven Star Conference

Time comes the next day.

Early in the morning, Qixing boarded the Qunyu Pavilion one after another.

As soon as everyone sat down, Keqing couldn't help but take the lead and asked Ningguang:

Ningguang, is the content in your note true?

Hearing Ke Qing's inquiry, several other Seven Stars also turned their attention to Ning Guang, who was closing his eyes to rest.

To be honest, they were also shocked by the contents of Ningguang's note.

The Layer Rock Abyss is the most important area in Liyue, and something strange happened there.

If one situation is not handled well, Liyue may fall into unprecedented turmoil.

You must also know Yelan's abilities.

Ningguang slowly opened his eyes and said in a serious tone:

Since she has alerted me, it means something quite difficult must have happened in the Strata Abyss.

I believe in Yelan's abilities.

Tianshuxing Tianshu nodded and agreed with Ningguang's judgment on Yelan, and at the same time expressed his own thoughts.

After receiving the news yesterday, I sent people to the Strata Rock Abyss overnight. I believe we should get accurate news today, but before that, we may have to prepare for the worst.

Uncle Tian, ​​what do you mean?

Sealed rock abyss.

As soon as these words came out, the seven stars present were silent for an instant, and even Ning Guang's brows furrowed tightly.

Uncle Tian, ​​if the Layer Rock Abyss is sealed, can Liyue afford such a price?

You have to do it even if you can't bear it. Isn't this the meaning of our Seven Stars' existence?

I agree with Uncle Tian. If something serious happens to the abyss, the miners' lives will be threatened. We cannot sit idly by and wait for death.

After a long silence, Keqing was the first to agree to Uncle Tian's proposal.


No objection.

Soon Yaoguang and others also expressed that they agreed with Uncle Tian's opinion and were prepared for the worst.

Okay, I'll contact the alchemists. I believe they should have a large-scale formation that can seal the layered rock abyss.

After holding the cigarette rod and thinking for a while, Ningguang finally agreed with everyone's thoughts.

Of course, she also hoped that this would not happen.

As soon as the meeting ended, Qixing stood up and left Qunyu Pavilion quickly. They had to prepare to deal with it before the people of Liyue learned about the matter.

Keqing also wanted to leave, but was stopped by Ningguang before she could leave the Qunyu Pavilion.

I heard that you gave your rejected proposal to Han Xiao as a test question?

Why are you talking about this at this time? And your information came so quickly!

Keqing frowned slightly and looked at Ningguang with slight dissatisfaction.

A big thing like the Layer Rock Abyss is right in front of you, and you don’t want to think about how to deal with it, so why bring it up?

It's not that my intelligence is fast, it's just that the rumor that Yuhengxing is suspected of arresting Puppet Master Hanxiao spread too quickly in Liyue Port.

Ning Guang smiled softly and said pointedly:

You should go to Han Xiao to get the proposal today. You can try to reveal the news about the layered rock abyss to him. Just treat it as my test question.

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