With the radio, Hanxiao can set up a dedicated broadcasting department in Guilicheng, which not only expands employment opportunities but also enriches the entertainment life of Guilicheng residents.

You must know that he used to like the radio program where Chang Chen told ghost stories and midnight emotional stories.

Radio, this is easy to do.

After listening to Han Xiao's thoughts, Alice tilted her head and thought for a moment before giving an affirmative answer.

She did have the ability to make a radio, but she had never considered it because she thought it was useless.

Then Ms. Alice, can you sell me this technology?

Knowing that the other party indeed had this skill, Han Xiao immediately expressed his willingness to pay for this technology.

There's no need to sell it. It's just a small skill. With my talent, I can learn it quickly.

Alice waved her hand to indicate that there was no need to go to such trouble. If Han Xiao wanted it, she could leave it to him for free.

After all, Alice is not very short of money, and she doesn't like the radio technology very much. Technology that cannot explode is not considered a good technology for her.

And if you want to learn, I can also give you the technology of the Dudu communicator.

Thank you so much!

Seeing how generous Alice was, Han Xiao quickly stood up from the beach and bowed solemnly.

Maybe Alice looks down on these technologies, but to him, both radios and communication devices are technologies that are of great use to Guili City.

In the next few days, Han Xiao helped Alice make the final improvements to the mechanism on the golden apple, while learning the technical theory of radios and communication devices from her side.

As expected by Alice, Han Xiao quickly mastered the key points of these two techniques, and all that was left was practice.

Finally done!

Alice put her hands on her hips and stared with satisfaction at the completely changed Golden Apple Islands in front of her.

After Xiao Xiao sighed, she turned back to Han Xiao and said:

I will send you an invitation letter when it's Keli's birthday. Brother, you must come over.

Don't worry, I will make time to participate when the time comes.

Han Xiao nodded. He and Keli were originally like-minded good friends on the road to bombs, and Alice not only taught him a lot of useful knowledge, but also gave him two technologies for free.

He would come here regardless of circumstances or reasons.

Alice nodded and said:

Now that things here are settled, I'll send you back, little brother, and then I'll go to Liyue Port to have a good chat with Mr. Yun.

Then I'm sorry to trouble you, Ms. Alice.


Goethe Grand Hotel Mondstadt.

The lady was sitting upright on a rather noble chair, with her legs crossed under her long skirt, her elbows resting on the brackets on one side of the chair, her head resting on her fist-shaped palms, and her sharp eyes staring closely. The subordinate standing in front of her.

Tell me, have you found the person?

Madam, after our investigation, the bard Wendy who recently appeared in Mondstadt City is very likely to be Barbatos, the God of Wind.

Facing the lady's questions, the subordinates did not dare to neglect and immediately reported the information they collected truthfully.

Ha, as expected, he is still such an unreliable Fengshen.

Hearing that the recently appeared bard Wendy was probably her target, the lady couldn't help but snorted, her tone full of sarcasm.

Ever since that incident happened five hundred years ago, she had developed a great resentment towards Barbatos, and of course she couldn't stand the other party's undisciplined behavior.

Remember to keep an eye on them and notify me immediately if the opportunity arises.

Yes, my lady.

The subordinate responded respectfully, and then prepared to leave the room, but just after taking two steps, the lady's voice came from behind again.

By the way, were there people from Dadalia who came to Mondstad a few days ago?

After hearing the lady's question, the subordinate quickly turned around and nodded and said:

Yes, the team directly under the Young Master has indeed arrived in Mondstadt.

Oh, so I saw it right.

Knowing that Dadalia really sent people to Mondstadt, the lady couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and then asked:

Do you know the purpose of Dadalia sending people here?

The captain of the team directly under the Young Master claimed that they came to Mondstadt City to look for something on the orders of the Young Master. As for the specific subordinate, it is not clear.

But they claim they will never hinder our operations.

It's interesting. Is there anything in this little Mondstadt city that Dadalia cares about?

The lady immediately became interested. In her eyes, Dadalia was just a reckless warrior. She didn't expect that he would send people to Mondstadt to look for something.

That means that even a fool like Dadalia cares about this thing.

Can you determine their purpose?

Back to Madam, according to the few clues we have so far, their purpose is probably to send something to Mondstadt from Guili City.


When she heard her subordinate mention Guili City, the lady fell into rare silence.

Some time ago, she received news from the Ice Queen that Morax's Heart of God was in the hands of Tianshu Xing Hanxiao, who is now in charge of Guili City.

And according to the contract signed by the Queen and the Rock God, they all need to steal the heart of God from the other party.

This makes it even more difficult for women.

If the Heart of God is still in Morax's hands, they can get it as long as they cooperate with each other's actions.

But it’s not easy to do now.

As someone who was able to build Guili City in just one year and maintain the city in an orderly manner, Han Xiao's abilities should not be underestimated.

It may be harder to get the Heart of God from the opponent than from Morax.

This is why women find it difficult.

Chapter 181 The power of rumors

The lady didn't know that Dadalia sent people here for only one thing, and that was the cement formula.

Since Qin had been keeping a close eye on the Fools in private some time ago, the team sent by the Young Master never found a suitable opportunity to steal the cement formula.

It wasn't until Qin temporarily left Mondstadt to solve the problem of the Wind Demon Dragon that they seized the gap and began to infiltrate the newly built cement factory in Mondstadt.

The captain of the team sent by the Young Master is a very clear-minded commander. He knows very well that Mondstadt must be very careful about the cement formula, and the possibility of directly obtaining it is almost zero.

So the team commander took a different approach and chose to send people directly into the raw material workshop of the cement factory, and then recorded the raw materials used there one by one.

After all, there is no shortage of researchers among fools. After having a detailed list of raw materials, these researchers only need to slowly find the appropriate ratio through experiments.

It was precisely because of the commander's correct instructions that the team members sneaked into the cement factory with almost no effort and successfully obtained the raw materials they wanted to use to make cement.

Moreover, this commander was also extremely experienced. While memorizing various raw materials, he also observed the machines in the factory, and then gave his own rough guesses about these machines.

With the support of these data, even if the complete cement formula is not obtained, it is only a matter of time before Winter Kingdom wants to reproduce the cement.

Well, it's not that Qin didn't send someone to guard it, it's just that most of the knight guards currently guarding it are new recruits who have only been in the army for a few years, and their vigilance is not as sharp as that of veterans.

In addition, the team sent by Dadalia was a team of confidants directly under him. There was a big difference between the two in terms of execution and ability, so it was normal for others to take advantage of them.

Who caused Mondstadt's elite troops to be taken away by Grand Commander Falga?


Liyue returned to the flat ground near the city. After another rapid flight, Han Xiao crawled out of the big mouth of Bang Bang Magic Ball Castle just like last time.

After coming out, he kept telling himself that he must let Alice set up an automatic flight mode in the future.

Although Han Xiao was not prone to motion sickness due to his physical condition, the mental impact that the Magic Ball Castle brought to him was still sufficient.

Emmm, it's probably like a person who usually only drives for forty yards, and even if he gets on the highway, he can only drive for more than a hundred yards, suddenly he drives a jet fighter.

The speed suddenly increased by at least nine times.

It's exciting just thinking about it.

That is to say, because of Han Xiao's outstanding physical fitness, if an ordinary person had taken the ride, he would probably have fainted immediately due to the excessive G-force impact.

Just when Han Xiao was complaining about the excessive flying speed of Bang Bang Magic Ball Castle in her heart, Alice's head poked out of the Magic Ball Castle's mouth, and then stretched out a hand and waved to Han Xiao, and said in her mouth Saying farewell words:

Brother Hanxiao, I will send you here. I have to rush to Liyue Port to see Mr. Yun.

Goodbye, Ms. Alice!

Hearing Alice's farewell, Han Xiao also turned around and waved to Alice.

Then he saw the Bang Bang Magic Ball Castle suddenly leaping into the sky, flying towards Liyue Port like a flying monkey.

It turns out that this is how the Magic Ball Castle took off when I saw it outside.

Han Xiao stood there and raised her head, looking at the figure of Bang Bang Magic Ball Castle disappearing into the horizon. It took her a long time to come back to her senses, and she couldn't help but mutter something.

Since the Magic Ball Castle landed near Guili City, the huge movement naturally attracted the patrolling Qianyan Army guards.

It was only after they saw that it was Lord Han Xiao who emerged from the Magic Ball Castle that they took the initiative to retreat.

As he receded, a piece of conversation drifted into Han Xiao's ears along the wind.

Captain, was that Lord Hanxiao just now?

Well, I guess Master Hanxiao is experimenting with some new products.

That thing can fly. Does Master Hanxiao want to develop a flying car again?

If you ask me how I know, just go on patrol immediately.

Sorry, I'm not that capable at the moment of developing a flying car.

Overhearing the conversation between the Qianyan Army guards, Han Xiao couldn't help but twitch her lips. She really admired him for developing an aerial vehicle.

He hasn't even managed to fly yet, and he still wants to jump into the air and fly. When did his image become so impressive in the eyes of the people of Liyue?

In fact, what Han Xiao didn't know was that he was gradually becoming 'omnipotent' in the eyes of the people of Liyue, especially the residents of Guili City.

After all, in the early days of Guili City's construction, almost all matters were completed by Han Xiao, and a series of policies and public welfare facilities that benefit the public today were also formulated by him.

Moreover, he and Abedo also developed many new equipment, such as street lights, electric vehicles, etc.

This made the residents of Guili City gradually realize that their new Lord Tianshu Xing not only handles government affairs properly, but is also excellent in research and development.

As we all know, rumors tend to become more and more outrageous as they spread. Han Xiao's reputation was not bad at first, that is, he was rumored to be the next master of alchemy.

However, since the emperor appeared in person to reward him, the rumors about Han Xiao have become more and more outrageous. In the latest rumor version, he has been said to be an 'omnipotent' person, and he has also won the support of most people. Always agree.

Even if he now says that he can develop an aerial vehicle within a year, the residents of Guili City will probably be stunned for a moment and then choose to believe it.

I can only say that the filters used by Emperor fans are so terrifying.

Speaking of the emperor, the movement outside Guili City naturally attracted Zhongli's attention, and the other party was now a little melancholy.

What made him sad was that Han Xiao came back so early.

In the past few days when the other party was away, he had been much more comfortable than before. He didn't have to worry about the sudden extra workload on his body, nor did he have to worry about whether Guili City would be bombed at any time.

Zhongli only needs to go to school every day to have a meal, and then he can walk around the city and drink tea. This gives him the feeling of leisurely wandering in the world for a long time.

Unfortunately, Zhongli used his spiritual mind to pay attention to Han Xiao who walked through the city gate and walked into Guili City. Zhongli put down the tea cup in his hand and sighed deeply. Such good days will probably end in a few days.


Just when Han Xiao returned to Guili City, a figure at the foot of Wangshu Inn who had not been seen for a long time was looking at the large rice fields that were about to ear in front of him, and couldn't help but exclaimed:

Wow, what's going on?

I've only been traveling for a year and returned to Liyuan, so why have I changed so much?

Seeing the completely different Gui Liyuan in front of her and in her own memory, Xiang Ling, who had just returned from her trip, had dumbfounded expression written all over her little face.

Chapter 182 Xiang Ling: What did I miss this year?

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