Feeling the sense of weightlessness brought about by the continuous upward climb of the Magic Ball Castle, Han Xiao couldn't help but be shocked by Alice's skills.

Thinking about it, even though the technology of Teyvat continent is generally not very high, Alice can actually create a vertical take-off and landing flying vehicle. This ability is unparalleled.


His eyes turned towards Mondstadt.

Alice and Han Xiao set off for the Golden Apple Islands. They also witnessed Wendy using her power to open the wind barrier and enter the Wind Dragon Ruins, and soon they found the light-guiding mechanism that opened the Wind Dragon Ruins.

On the high mountains in the distance, Kong, who had already rushed back to Mondstadt from the Rock Abyss, did not come forward to stop the actions of Ying and the members of Hu Long's team. He just stared at his sister from a distance, his eyes full of nostalgia.

Your Highness, why don't we take care of it?

Seeing Ying and Qin entering the ruins one after another, the abyss mage asked their prince, Kong, with some doubts.

Do you want my subordinates to send someone to stop them?

No need, the left and right are just stupid beasts from the east wind. The failure of the plan will not hinder us.

Kong shook his head and rejected the suggestion from his abyss mage.

Tevarin, the Dragon of the East Wind, was just his experiment to verify the magic circle. There wouldn't be much difference between his presence and absence.

It can be said that from the moment Tevalin was 'enslaved' by the magic circle, Sora's goal has been achieved.

The next step is to see if the demon will be bound by the magic circle.

Glancing at the figure of his sister and her friends jumping into the core area of ​​the Wind Dragon Ruins one after another, Sora had a slightly relieved smile on his face.

It seems to be a good deal to use an East Wind Dragon that has lost its use value to help my sister gain a lot of friendship.

By the way, have you found the eyes of the cultivator?

After retracting his gaze, Sora turned his head and looked at the Abyss Mage on one side and asked.

I'm very sorry, Your Highness, because of that traitor, our plan to find the eyes of the world's first cultivator has been greatly hindered.

Traitor... Dain?

Upon hearing Master Abyss's report, Kong's expression suddenly became complicated, and he couldn't help but mutter something to himself.

Facing this former travel companion, he was a little hesitant about how to face him.

In the end, Sora still didn't make up his mind to target Deinsreib.

Forget it, you can find a way to avoid his search.

Yes, Your Highness the Prince!


Deep in the sea, the small island wrapped in mist finally welcomed the long-lost outsider. With a rumble, the Bang Bang Magic Ball Castle successfully landed on a beach.

Phew, finally landed.

Han Xiao put his hand on his forehead and emerged from the big mouth of the Magic Ball Castle. After his feet stepped on the soft sand again, he couldn't help but let out a sigh similar to the survival after disaster version.

Although Han Xiao didn't know how long Bang Bang Magic Ball Castle had been flying, his physique was already a little uncomfortable from the G-force caused by the high-speed flight just now. One can imagine how fast Alice drove.

On the contrary, Alice couldn't help but let out a cheer after emerging from the mouth of the Magic Ball Castle, without any signs of discomfort.

Sure enough, the soul of opening the Magic Ball Castle is to speed up!

Ms. Alice.

Hearing that Alice was already a bit like the 'will-o'-the-wisp', Han Xiao quickly spoke to try to calm her down.

I think it's better to prioritize comfort for flying props. Maybe you can try autonomous driving?

Autopilot, let me think.

Alice was immediately attracted by Han Xiao's thoughts and immediately fell into deep thought.

But it didn't take long before she nodded vigorously and said words of agreement with Han Xiao.

Brother Hanxiao, your suggestion is very good. I will try to change the Magic Ball Castle to automatic. Then little Keli will be able to come to the Golden Apple Islands whenever she wants!

Chapter 179: The most beautiful thing is fireworks 40 fire

After setting up a simple umbrella with Alice on the beach, Han Xiao stepped on the soft sand with her bare feet and gazed at the endless sea.

The morning breeze touches my face, refreshing and pleasant. The smell of the sea hits your nose and touches your soul.

The white waves rolled across the sky and the earth, and they were really powerful as they rolled up and down.

“The view here is really nice.”

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of her, Han Xiao couldn't help but admire.

Of course, I have chosen carefully.

Hearing Han Xiao's approval, Alice proudly put her hands on her hips, obviously very satisfied with the place she chose.

Brother Hanxiao, let's quickly discuss how to arrange the mechanism.

Speaking of which, Ms. Alice, I almost forgot. Why didn't Albedo come with you?

You said little Abedo, he is too late this time.

Alice couldn't help but sigh when Han Xiao asked why Abedo didn't come, and then told the reason why the other party didn't come.

Abedo had promised to help Alice set up the mechanism before, but unfortunately, until Han Xiao and Alice set off to leave Guili City, the music device created by Abedo still did not satisfy him.

So he planned to play the game in another way, that is, to play a 'player' who was tricked into coming to the Golden Apple Islands.

As for the mechanism puzzle, it’s not too late to leave it until Keli’s next birthday.

It's a pity that Abedo didn't come. The scenery here is really good.

But soon, he put Albedo's matter behind him, turned around and happily arranged various decryption mechanisms with Alice.

Time ticked by for a few more days.

Han Xiao and Alice's arrangement work is nearing completion.

During this period, the two not only used the landform adjustment function to renovate several small islands, but even built an underwater sightseeing tunnel under the sea.

Alice's original plan was to build a maze in the water, but Han Xiao rejected the idea as soon as it came out.

In Han Xiao's words, the purpose of setting up the mechanism is just to add a little surprise to Keli's birthday, not to set up a complicated maze to turn a good vacation trip into a headache-inducing decryption activity.

That's simply putting the cart before the horse.

In the end, Han Xiao's idea was recognized by Alice, and then the undersea sightseeing tunnel appeared.

Of course, not all Alice's suggestions were rejected by Han Xiao. For example, Han Xiao agreed with the other party's idea of ​​a fireworks display.

For setting up, he also specifically consulted the sand sculpture netizens in the group on how to configure various fireworks.

Ever since, in front of two people with explosive DNA, they had fiddled with a launch tube called the Fireworks and Fireworks Shell Launcher Barrel.

With this barrel with a long name, the loadable yield of fireworks has been greatly improved, and the height at which the fireworks are launched has also been effectively increased.

And Alice also thoughtfully gave this barrel a short name, Fireworks 40 Fire.

Han Xiao couldn't complain about this, because the barrel they studied was really comparable to a rocket launcher if the fireworks were replaced with cannonballs.

But I have to say that Alice has too many and profound skills. In the past few days, Han Xiao has learned a lot of practical tips from her that were not recorded in the tutorials.

It can be said that after Alice's 'training', Han Xiao is already a mature and qualified 'weapons manufacturer'.

This can be proved by the extra hill made of fireworks and 40 fires in Han Xiao's jade pendant.


It's done.

After setting up the last mechanism, Han Xiao couldn't help but slumped on the ground and yawned widely.

In order to arrange the mechanism, he followed Alice back and forth between several islands almost sleeplessly these days.

Now it's finally done.

Thank you for your hard work, Hanxiao!

Alice brought a drink to Han Xiao and said thanks.

If Han Xiao hadn't helped adjust the terrain during this period, many of her whimsical ideas would have taken a lot of time to transform, which would have definitely missed Keli's birthday.

It's okay. I've learned a lot from you these days.

Han Xiao took the drink and responded with a smile.

Although he has been quite tired these past two days, he has learned a lot of tricks from following the other party. In the end, he is actually quite profitable.


Alice took another drink, followed Han Xiao's example and sat directly on the beach, then turned her head and looked at the other person and asked:

By the way, Brother Hanxiao, have you contacted Mr. Yun for me?

A Jin, over there, I asked.

Seeing Alice mentioning this matter, Han Xiao also nodded. A few days after the last communication, he got in touch with Yun Jin and informed the other party of Alice's plan to meet her.

How about it? Did Mr. Yun agree?

After taking a sip of the drink in her hand, Alice looked at Han Xiao with a little nervousness in her eyes. This was her Nth time to participate in the Teyvat girl group project.

Ajin would be happy to meet you, madam. She has a lot to talk to you about.

This is true.

When Han Xiao contacted Yun Jin, she told Ms. Alice that she wanted to meet her. After hearing this, the other party readily agreed.

In Yun Jin's words, Ms. Alice, as a well-known adventurer in Teyvat, must have endless stories to tell, and she also hopes to get inspiration for writing dramas from her.

Really, that's great!

When she heard that Yun Jin was very willing to meet and have a chat with her, Alice's eyes immediately lit up and she looked very excited.

Ahem, Ms. Alice.

Seeing Alice so happy, Han Xiao couldn't help but cough in an attempt to cool her down:

I haven't said anything yet about your desire to get her to join the girl group. Ah Jin may not agree to this, so you'd better not have too much hope.

It's okay, I will find a way to convince Mr. Yun.

Alice didn't pay much attention to Han Xiao's reminder, and she was already mentally prepared for failure.

After all, didn’t Ms. Kamisato, who invited Inazuma before, also failed six times?

Good luck to you then.

Regarding Alice's optimistic attitude, Han Xiao could only wish her well, even though he was not optimistic about her plans.

Han Xiao didn't dwell too much on this matter. He quickly chose to change the topic to another thing that he cared about more.

Ms. Alice, can't that be a gramophone?

Pointing at the machine with a big speaker under the umbrella, Han Xiao couldn't help but ask. He had wanted to ask before, but now he had the opportunity.

Yes, Han Xiao, are you interested?

That's really awesome!

Chapter 180 Alice’s technical support

Han Xiao's interest in the gramophone may be greater than Alice imagined.

First of all, gramophones can be sold as musical instruments, and he thought of a series of promotional methods.

For example, a vinyl album of Ah Jin's opera soundtrack, storyteller's commentary, etc. You can even invite Ms. Barbara to come to Liyue to record a record.

Han Xiao believed that as long as she presented Ah Jin's opera vinyl album, Uncle Zhongli would definitely buy it immediately.

After all, Guilicheng currently pays a lot of salary to the old man, so it would be nice to be able to recycle it legally.

In addition to this, through the gramophone Hanxiao also recalled an older thing in his memory, that is, the radio.

Although in his previous life on Earth, except for a few places where radios were still in use, radios were basically in a state of obsolescence.

But if you put it in Teyvat, the radio is a very trendy product.

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