Even when he signed a contract with the Ice God last time, he took the initiative to be a fun person, which he would never have dared to think about before.

Of course, maybe it was because Han Xiao often behaved inappropriately that Zhongli didn't think about it at all, and he didn't realize that he had actually had some changes in his mentality.

It's no longer as quiet as it used to be.


Just when Han Xiao and Alice were heading to the Golden Apple Islands to arrange a birthday venue for Keli, the members of Mondstadt's dragon protection team finally arrived at Star Reaching Cliff after several days of long journey.

Then, let's get ready.

Looking around at the prepared Yingyueqin and Diluc, Wendy took out the repaired Sky Piano and said with a little pride:

The best bard in the world is beginning to strum his strings!

As the melodious music of the piano sounded, Wendy walked towards the cliff step by step, and wisps of breeze carried the music of the piano towards the distance.


After a while, the sky suddenly became gloomy, and then a strong wind swept up the Star Picking Cliff. With the arrival of the hurricane, Tevalin's body shot straight into the sky from the bottom of the cliff, and then landed in front of Wendy:

At this point, there's nothing left to talk about, Barbatos!


Hey, it looks like the matter is about to be resolved.

Alice, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly put her head out to look in the direction of Mondstadt in the distance, then put her head back and muttered to herself thoughtfully.

What happened, Ms. Alice?

Looking up at the scene in front of him where nothing happened, Han Xiao turned his head and asked curiously.

It's just a small problem.

Alice shook her head nonchalantly. Through astrology, she already knew that the dragon disaster would be resolved in a short time. In this case, there was nothing to worry about.

Why not think about how to set up more interesting features for your baby daughter’s birthday venue?

Chapter 177 Han Xiao: I have a novel way of flying

Just when Ying and the others temporarily repelled Tevalin, they headed to the Wind Dragon Ruins to prepare for a decisive battle.

Han Xiao drove Alice to the Mondstadt area in an electric car.

Looking at the rapidly retreating scenery outside the window, Alice commented with interest.

The speed is just okay, but it's still not as fast as a car that burns gasoline.

Ms. Alice, I didn't find oil on Teyvat.

Hearing Alice's comment, Han Xiao, who was holding the steering wheel, curled her lips, with a little grievance in her tone.

Do you really think he doesn’t want to build a car that burns oil? Didn't they find oil?

After all, gasoline is extracted from petroleum. If you can't even find petroleum, why don't you think of a hammer?

That's right. Who gave Teyvat the earth connection?

Alice could only shrug at this. She had also tried to find oil during her travels and adventures in various countries in Teyvat, but unfortunately she could not find it either.

It was precisely because no oil was found and gasoline and kerosene could not be refined that Alice's development of liquid oxygen kerosene fuel failed.

This also caused the rockets she launched from Fengqi Land to reach the hunter's cabin near Qingquan Town.

For this reason, Alice also lost several good Qiuqiu people'astronauts'.

emmm... Or maybe an experimental product is more appropriate?

Speaking of which, Ms. Alice, aren't we going to the Golden Apple Islands? Why do we have to go around LeMond?

While Han Xiao controlled the steering wheel skillfully, she changed the topic and asked her doubts.

Previously, he had always speculated that the Golden Apple Islands were within the sea area surrounded by Mondstadt, Liyue, and Inazuma based on the information he obtained from playing games in his previous life.

This can be inferred from the information left on the Golden Apple Islands.

In the past, there were rice wives who accidentally wandered up there, and the Golden Apple Islands were formed from the 'leftovers' discarded when Barbatos flattened the Pointed Hat Peak.

Therefore, Han Xiao has always believed that the Golden Apple Islands are actually in the waters shared by the three countries.

However, when he planned to drive Alice to the nearest estuary in Liyue and then to the Golden Apple Islands, Han Xiao was stopped by the other party and asked to drive to Mondstadt.

Because there is a large area of ​​dense fog around the Golden Apple Islands. If you try to get there by boat, you will most likely get lost in the fog.

So I usually fly to the Golden Apple Islands.

Regarding Han Xiao's question, Alice calmly explained why she took a detour to Mondstadt in the first place.

The reason why I came to Mondstadt is because the aircraft I took landed near the Dawn Winery.

I see.

Hearing Alice's reply, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He had almost forgotten that he still had flying tools after staying in Teyvat for so long.

However, Han Xiao did not expect that Alice's travel tools would be so high-end. You must know that before he developed the electric car, the travel tools in the other six countries except Fontaine were either horse-drawn carriages or beasts of burden.


The electric car drove forward and soon arrived in front of Chenxi Winery along the cement road.


As soon as the car stopped, Alice couldn't wait to open the door and jumped out, and then stretched greatly.

It's been a long time since I've been on a public transport for such a long time. My shoulders are sore from sitting there.

I think that might be caused by the falling sensation caused by slime.

Han Xiao thought to herself, and then found the maid Moko who was cleaning in front of the winery.

Is Mr. Diluc here?

you are...

The maid Moko raised her head and looked at Han Xiao. She was a little hesitant at first, but then quickly thought of the other person's identity:

You are Mr. Hanxiao who was here last time. You are not at home now. If anything happens to you, I will inform the housekeeper.

Then the little maid hurriedly put the broom aside, opened the door and walked in.

After a while, the housekeeper Eze walked out under the leadership of the maid Moko.

Mr. Hanxiao...

The first time he saw Han Xiao, Eze quickly said hello respectfully. At the same time, from the corner of his eye, he also spotted Alice who was looking at the scenery not far away.

It's Ms. Alice. You and Mr. Han Xiao are here to see the master, right?

The master just left with Captain Qin and the others two days ago. You two can stay at the winery now. I will notify you as soon as the master comes back.

That's no longer necessary.

Han Xiao shook her head, then pointed at the electric car parked at the door of the winery, then took out a card from her pocket and handed it to Eze.

Ms. Alice and I have some things to do. The car may not be convenient to use. I would like to ask the housekeeper to help me drive the car back.

This is a discount card for Guilicheng electric vehicles. In the future, Mr. Eze can enjoy a 30% discount when purchasing new electric vehicles.

Don't worry about leaving this little thing to me. I will definitely send the car back safely.

Eze took the discount card handed over by Han Xiao, and the smile on his face couldn't help but grow a little more.

Han Xiao is Liyue's Seven Star, and he is as big a figure as the top brass of the Knights. He can get discounts on electric cars just by doing a small favor.

It's a deal worth doing.

After a brief exchange of greetings with Eze, Han Xiao finally said goodbye.

Then Han Xiao, led by Alice, walked toward the woodland near Chenxi Winery, passed through the forest, and arrived at the lake.

On the small island in the center of the lake, a round machine with a height of two people was parked there.

That's my transportation!

Alice pointed to the chubby machine with a hint of pride in her tone.

Bang Bang Magic Ball Castle, Teyvat's unique flying tool at present!


Looking at the 'Bang Bang Magic Ball Castle' not far away with a big mouth and two ears, Han Xiao didn't know how to describe it for a while.

Somehow, he suddenly didn't want to go to the Golden Apple Islands.

Let's go, let's go quickly!

Alice didn't see the embarrassment on Han Xiao's face. She jumped onto the top of the tree happily, then unfolded her wings of wind and flew to the island in the center of the lake.

So we want to play Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea again this time?

Seeing that Alice had taken off, Han Xiao couldn't help but get more playful. He took out the Heart of God and imitated Uncle Zhongli and said, Refuse to accept the sick son-in-law.

As a rock pillar burst out of the ground, he kicked it down and took a few steps back.

Run up, accelerate, fly into the air, kick and then do a big jump.


The stone pillar suddenly cut through the air and flew towards the center of the lake. Han Xiao also took the opportunity to jump on the stone pillar and stood up straight with his hands behind his back, making a concave shape.

It feels like flying with a sword, but it's a manual version.

Chapter 178 Keli who is about to become the island owner

The stone pillar flew straight towards the small island in the center of the lake like a sharp arrow. The moment the stone pillar was about to land, Han Xiao jumped slightly and landed lightly on the ground.

Immediately afterwards there was a loud bang, and the stone pillar was deeply inserted into the land of the island. It seemed that it had sunk more than twenty centimeters.

Facing the small hole made by his own tricks, Han Xiao calmly activated the Heart of God, and the stone pillar immediately transformed into rock elements and penetrated into the soil, and then filled the small hole until it was as perfect as new. .

Bang bang bang——

A series of slaps sounded behind Han Xiao. It turned out that Alice was applauding crazily on the side, with an excited look flashing in her eyes.

If I had known, little brother Hanxiao, that you still had this skill, I wouldn't have used the Wings of Wind.

“It’s such a shame not to experience it.”

She really didn't expect that Han Xiao would use such a cool maneuver to cross the river. She originally thought that the other party would use the wings of wind like her.

After briefly expressing her appreciation for Han Xiao's way of crossing the river, Alice brought the topic back to business.

Come on, little brother, come and experience my Bang Bang Magic Ball Castle!

Okay, Ms. Alice.

Looking at the Bang Bang Magic Ball Castle with its big mouth open in front of her, and its overall shape vaguely resembling a pot, Han Xiao got in from the open mouth of the Magic Ball Castle with doubts and expectations.

As soon as Han Xiao entered, her eyesight went dark, and then she fell into a state of visual loss.

Brother Hanxiao, go inside and I'll turn on the light!

Hearing Alice's voice behind him, Han Xiao took a few steps forward in the dark, then heard a snap, and the surrounding area was finally enveloped in light.

Only then did he see clearly the internal structure of Bang Bang Magic Ball Castle.

Unlike the high-tech products Han Xiao imagined, the interior of the Magic Ball Castle is filled with all kinds of strange alchemy devices, which makes it look quite high-tech at first glance.

In addition, he also discovered that the two eyes of the Magic Ball Castle were inlaid with two pieces of glass, and the outside scenery could even be seen from the inside.

There is a seat not far in front of the glass, which is obviously the driver's seat.

Hold on tight, little brother Hanxiao, I'm about to take off!

Alice jumped up and down and sat on the driver's seat. While signaling Han Xiao to quickly grab the armrest, she pushed the lever in front of the driver's seat with her left hand.

The next moment, a wave of air caused the Magic Ball Castle to shake instantly.

Han Xiao, who had listened to Alice's suggestion, had already grasped the handrail on the wall tightly with his hands and looked out the window involuntarily.

Sure enough, as the Magic Ball Castle continued to vibrate, the trees outside the window gradually became shorter, and soon he could see the tops of the trees.

Good guy, this Bang Bang Magic Ball Castle also has a vertical take-off and landing function?

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