After all, if a natural disaster is mixed with a potential natural disaster that is still developing, the destructive power may not increase exponentially.

That's right, Mr. Zhongli.

Seeing that Zhongli had no intention of giving up questioning, Han Xiao finally stood up and explained:

Ms. Alice and I are setting up a protection system for Guili City.

As he spoke, Han Xiao pointed to the large machine in the center of the underground laboratory.

Chapter 175 Guili City Defense Plan

Zhongli looked in the direction of Han Xiao's finger and saw a huge cylindrical machine standing in the center of the underground space.

Countless cables as thick as a fist extend from the machine's trunk, and these cables are connected to various small machines around it.

Can you tell me the uses of these machines?

Although Zhongli had dabbled in alchemy and mechanism arts for so many years, he did not spend much energy on research.

So he could only see that the machine in front of him was probably an energy supply system.

Hehe, little brother Hanxiao, let me explain to Mr. Zhongli.

Alice on the side immediately came over and asked Han Xiao with a smile. After getting a nod from the other party, she looked at Zhongli and explained:

This is a computing center that Han Xiao and I built based on the counting machine principle from Fontaine and combined with some other knowledge. It can effectively use algorithms to perform multi-threaded work.

It sounds interesting.

Zhongli nodded first, then changed the subject:

But what does this have to do with the protection system?

It has a lot to do with it!

Faced with Zhongli's doubts, Alice immediately explained the principles of the computing center.

Simply speaking, the middle computing center is responsible for data calculation and energy supply, and then distributes the tasks to various small machines.

Han Xiao and I are planning to install a certain number of small machines along the walls of Guili City. These machines can effectively deploy energy shields to resist strong external attacks.

Yes, this is what Ms. Alice and I planned.

After Alice finished explaining, Han Xiao next to her also echoed.

He and Alice had talked about developing the functions of the Heart of God after meeting before.

After Han Xiao planned to use the Heart of God as a simple coin minting machine and terrain adjustment device, Alice felt it was too wasteful, so she proposed the Guili City Defense Plan.

After hearing this, Han Xiao was very moved, so she used the function of God's Heart to dig out such a large underground space in two days.

They even used the jade pendant given by Zhongli as a large space storage device to transport a large amount of building materials to build the computing center in front of them.

This computing center not only includes the coin minting function and the landform adjustment function, but once Guili City is attacked, Han Xiao can control this machine to raise an energy shield for the entire city.

According to the two's estimation, the energy shield constructed with the energy provided by the Heart of God can even withstand the explosion yield of an ultimate bungee bomb.

Emmm, it was the one that Alice used to blow up the wind dragon ruins into wind dragon ruins.

In that case, this is a pretty good invention.

Han Xiao and Alice's explanations gave Zhongli a rough understanding of the machine's function, but he still felt that they must have hidden some functions.

After all, how could these two guys only develop this kind of defensive mechanism?

Thinking of this, Zhongli stared at Han Xiao and asked:

If I guess correctly, this machine should have more than just defense functions.


Han Xiao and Alice glanced at each other subconsciously, and then Han Xiao cautiously added with the encouragement from Alice's eyes:

Isn't it because we don't have enough time? Ms. Alice and I are planning to imitate the final machine and then put them on the city wall as a counterattack.

This was what Han Xiao had thought of when he saw Xing Xiao in the group before. After all, a certain Shan in Xing Yue World had done something like setting up weapons on top of the city wall, and the effect was not bad.

So Han Xiao also plans to do it, and maybe he can shout The Divine Power Seal Launches when the time comes.

Nothing else?

there is none left.

Really, I don't believe it.

Zhongli raised his eyebrows and got to the point in his words:

High-precision machines like this generally have mature self-destruction systems. Can you tell me what kind of self-destruction system you have installed on this machine?

After all, the self-destruction system was designed on the terminal, but he didn't believe that Han Xiao and Alice didn't take this into consideration.

Faced with Zhongli's question, Alice and Han Xiao looked at each other, a little hesitant to answer the question.


Seeing this, Zhongli sighed helplessly. He probably guessed what kind of self-destruction system these two guys had installed on the machine.

It's a bomb, right?

Brother Hanxiao won't let me pretend.

Alice curled her lips and made a small retort.

According to her idea, this computing center should be equipped with a self-destruction system that can detonate, so that once the machine falls into the hands of the enemy, it can be detonated through remote control.

Unfortunately, Han Xiao decisively rejected Alice's proposal.

After all, he didn't want to think that if one day he accidentally made a mistake in operating the machine and detonated the machine, then the entire residents of Guili City might have to see his grandma.

Therefore, at Han Xiao's strong request, the self-destruction system of the computing center was filled with a large amount of white phosphorus and other flammable substances.

This is also the reason why Han Xiao chose to build underground, because even if the self-destruction system is activated, the worst thing that can happen is that the entire machine is burned, and he has embedded steel plates in the surrounding walls, which can still be very good. to prevent the fire from spreading.

Although Han Xiao is very satisfied with her design, Alice has always been dissatisfied with the self-destruction system that cannot be detonated.

So when Zhongli asked if the self-destruction system contained a bomb, she seemed a little aggrieved.

Knowing that the self-destruct system was not a bomb, Zhong Li felt relieved, but he still glared at Han Xiao with a straight face.

Although it is not a bomb, a self-destruction device mixed with various flammable substances seems to be no better, right? careful.

Looking at the machine that had taken shape in front of him, Zhongli also knew that it would be impossible for Han Xiao and Alice to give up. He could only tell them to be careful.

Don't worry, Mr. Zhongli, I will take good care of Ms. Alice!

Han Xiao quickly straightened his back and solemnly assured Zhongli that he would definitely keep an eye on Alice and prevent her from adding explosives to the machine.

You're not much better off either!

Zhong Li couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. Alice's destructive power was indeed terrifying, but Han Xiao's destructive power seemed to be slightly inferior.

He couldn't believe this kind of guarantee.

After thinking about it, Zhongli felt that he had to keep an eye on it himself to be safe.

So in the next few days, Han Xiao and Alice were still carrying out their Guili City Defense Plan in the underground space.

At the same time, Uncle Zhongli moved a chair from nowhere and sat in the open space far away. There was also a tea table filled with tea sets next to it.

While reading the newspaper in his hand, Zhongli would reach out to pick up the teacup and take a sip from time to time.

Chapter 176 Although Han Xiao has a conscience, it’s not much

Because Zhongli came to 'supervise the work', Han Xiao and Alice obviously restrained themselves a lot on certain design discussions.

Moreover, Han Xiao also deleted many of Alice's more 'prominent' plans.

The old man was very pleased with this. At least Han Xiao had not been completely brainwashed by the witch Alice into a fan of Big Bang.

Perhaps without those additional designs, Han Xiao and the others' construction speed has been greatly improved, and they completed the debugging of all the machines in less than a week.

Then Han Xiao and Alice walked out of the underground every night and came to the city wall of Guili City to build a hidden lifting system for the city wall.

Finally done.

When the last elemental version of the final machine was installed into the hidden elevator, Han Xiao couldn't help but let out a sigh.

With this defense system, Guili City's defense capabilities have finally been qualitatively improved.

It's just that he still hopes that this defense system will not be used.

Now that it's built, let me go to the Golden Apple Islands with me!

Alice on the side quickly urged, the early stage of this construction was okay, but in the later stage, being stared at by Zhongli was too restrained, and many of the suggestions were rejected by Han Xiao.

She can't wait to build a new computing center on the Golden Apple Islands, and then install all the previously rejected suggestions.

Okay, I'll go talk to Mr. Zhongli.

Hearing Alice urging him to go to the Golden Apple Islands with her, Han Xiao agreed with a hum.

After all, thanks to Alice's help this time, otherwise it would be impossible for him to build the Guili City defense plan within a week by himself.

Moreover, he also promised Alice to help her perfect the mechanism puzzle for Kelly's birthday surprise. Now it is time to fulfill his promise.

But before that, Han Xiao had to report to Zhongli.

Soon, Han Xiao and Alice found Zhongli together.

When he learned that Han Xiao planned to leave Guili City temporarily and then go to the Golden Apple Islands on the sea with Alice, the old man nodded in agreement without even hesitating.

The speed with which he agreed was completely beyond Han Xiao's imagination.


Early the next morning, we returned outside the city.

Then Ms. Alice and I will leave first!

Mr. Zhongli, Abedo, please pay more attention to Guili City for the time being.

After waving to Zhongli and Albedo who came to see him and Alice off, Han Xiao opened the door of the electric car and let Alice sit in first, then he went to the driver's seat on the other side and sat in as well.

As the electric car started slowly, Han Xiao and Alice embarked on a journey to the Golden Apple Islands under the watchful eyes of Zhongli and Albedo.

Finally I can stop for a while.

Watching the electric car gradually go away, Zhongli suddenly relaxed a lot. After all, staring at the two troubles, one big and one small, all day long was really draining.

Originally, he thought that he would suffer more wear and tear under the 'torture' of these two demons.

As a result, Zhongli was surprised to find that not only did his wear and tear not increase, but it actually stabilized a lot?


Did you say that a strong sense of mental exhaustion will cause wear and tear?

He obviously suffered the mental shock from Han Xiao and Alice, but why was the wear and tear suppressed a lot?

After coming to this conclusion, Zhongli fell into deep thought, with confusion written all over his face.

If Han Xiao were here, he might be able to answer Zhongli's question.

Regarding the issue of wear and tear, Han Xiao had already discussed the reasons with the members of the group. Although they could not analyze the nature of wear and tear, they generally agreed that wear and tear was a spiritual shackles imposed by heavenly principles on the Seven Gods.

Zhongli has lived for too long and has been used to the ups and downs of the world and the gradual departure of his old friends. His mentality has become very old and tired, and the wear and tear is naturally quite serious.

Han Xiao naturally wanted to help Zhongli. Even if he couldn't completely solve the wear and tear, he still wanted to try to stabilize it.

He had no clue at first, but later he woke up when he was chatting with a group of friends about the difference between long-lived and short-lived species.

There is an old saying that goes, your mentality is never old, you are always young.

If Zhongli's old mentality can be made younger, the wear and tear will surely be alleviated to a certain extent.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao immediately took action, leading to a series of actions that had previously stirred Zhongli's nerves and the birth of various new things.

In addition to having the idea of ​​gathering a handful of Zhongli wool, Han Xiao also had the attitude of looking at the efficacy.

From this we can see that Han Xiao actually has some conscience, although not much.

However, it was precisely because Han Xiao kept trying different ways to 'trouble' Zhongli that the other party's already silent heart began to ripple again.

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