This is the same style as the chess pieces she saw at Inazuma Yae's place!

Ms. Alice, this is your tea.

Just as Alice was deducing her conclusion, Han Xiao also placed the freshly brewed tea on the tea table in front of her, and then sat down on another chair.


After thanking Han Xiao, Alice asked meaningfully:

When I first arrived in Guili City, I learned that little brother, you had been praised by Emperor Yanwang and personally given you a token.

That so-called token should be the chess piece on your waist now.


Han Xiao nodded. It was not beyond his expectation that Alice could recognize this thing. As an elf, his lifespan is different from that of humans. The long time has given her a long experience.

In addition, Alice herself knows many secrets of Teyvat, so it is not surprising that she can recognize this thing.

It seems that Prince Yan of Liyue really values ​​you. He actually entrusted you with such an important thing for safekeeping.

Seeing that Han Xiao did not deny it, Alice held the tea cup in both hands and sighed while feeling the warmth coming from the cup wall.

When she first saw this thing at Miss Yae's place, she wanted to play with it, but was warned by the other party.

It was then that Alice realized that the thing that looked just like a chess piece was actually the Heart of the Seven Gods.

That's why she felt that Han Xiao was really valued by Liyue Rock God.


Alice's conversation suddenly changed, and a fox-like smile appeared on her face:

Brother, don't you want to try the power of this thing?


Oh, it seems that I have already tried it!

Seeing Han Xiao subconsciously turn her head, Alice raised her eyebrows and showed a hint of a smirk.

Darling, little brother Hanxiao is more courageous than she thought. He started testing things not long after he got them?

As expected of the junior she values, she should have this kind of curiosity!

Thinking of this, Alice quickly looked around and confirmed that no one was there before asking Han Xiao in a low voice:

Brother, can you tell me how powerful this thing is?

very nice.

In the end, under Alice's instigation, Han Xiao finally revealed her feelings about using the Heart of God.

Forging Mora and adjusting the terrain?

After listening to Han Xiao's introduction, Alice became more concerned about the Heart of God's ability to adjust the terrain.

For a person like her, rubbing her hands is actually not a difficult task. At most, it won't be recognized.

Sure enough, I made the right choice to come to my little brother!

Alice was delighted that Heart of God could fine-tune the terrain, because she felt that this function could be used in Kelly's birthday plan.

Then Alice took Han Xiao and talked about her birthday plan for Keli, while encouraging Han Xiao to conduct in-depth research on the Heart of God.

It happened that Han Xiao himself was also thinking about how to use the Heart of God to a greater extent. Now that an alchemy master like Alice came to his door, it fit his mind.

So after a brief communication, the two quickly reached an agreement to cooperate.

Han Xiao used the terrain fine-tuning function of the Heart of God to help Alice perfect the puzzle in Keli’s birthday surprise.

And Alice helped him research and design more practical functions around the Heart of God.


Three days have passed quickly, and Mondstadt has made rapid progress. The dragon protection team composed of Captain Ying and Qin has successfully collected three tears and brought the Sky Piano back to life.

We are currently heading towards Star Reaching Cliff.

But here in Guili City, Abedo became more and more restless day by day.

Ever since Alice and Han Xiao met, there was no news about the two of them. Even when he came to the door, he found no trace of the two of them.

Having lost two potentially dangerous targets at once, do you think Abedo can remain calm?

No, I have to find a way to find them!

In the alchemy workshop, Abedo walked around distractedly, not even thinking about doing the experiment anymore.

The last time Aerith disappeared like this for a few days and then reappeared, Mondstadt's city gates were damaged.

This time, the other party also dragged Han Xiao away with him. He could no longer imagine what kind of impact Guili City would suffer when the two of them came out again.

But who should I go to?

After thinking for a long time, Abedo finally thought of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun who was over there in Mingyun Town. He immediately found Xingqiu and asked him to send a few alchemists to contact him using immortal magic.

What are you talking about, that woman Alice is actually in Guili City?

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, who received the message from Abedo, immediately let out a scream, completely losing his immortal demeanor.

There is no way, mainly because Alice is too dangerous in the eyes of high-level people in Teyvat.

You must know that the last time Alice came to Liyue, the emperor personally monitored her and prevented her from causing damage in Liyue.

Yes, Emperor!

Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun suddenly became energetic and quickly gave Abe one more word.

You continue to look for the two of them first, and I will go find the emperor now!

Chapter 174 Zhongli: Others sleep on the bed, but I sleep on the bomb?

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng moved very quickly. After hanging up the communication with Abedo, he immediately flew towards Guili City.

Its speed even left a sonic boom cloud in the sky.

The huge whistling sound made many people who were working in the planting areas outside the city raise their heads and look at the sky, looking at a long white line on the horizon with doubts on their faces.

Soon, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun found Zhongli who was sitting in the school rooftop pavilion with his legs crossed and reading Liyue Daily.

The cold tea on the tea table next to him showed that he had been here for a while.


Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun flew directly into the pavilion and stopped in front of Zhongli. The newspaper in his hand rattled due to the rapid wind.

Liu Yun, why are you here?

Zhongli folded the newspaper in his hand and put it on the tea table. He glanced at Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng standing in front of him with some surprise.

Emperor, Liu Yun has something important to report to you.

Although she was a little panicked, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun still did not forget the etiquette. After bowing to Zhongli, she revealed the reason for her coming this time.

Albedo sent me a message that the witch Alice is now in Guili City.

Ah this!

The corner of Zhong Li's mouth twitched. No wonder Liu Yun ran to find him in a hurry. It turned out that it was the troublesome witch who came to Licheng.

It was only then that he finally realized what was going on with the uneasiness that suddenly surged in his heart two days ago. His years of combat intuition had already warned him.

And there's some not-so-good news.

Suddenly, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's tone became a little hesitant.

What else? Tell me.

Zhong Li frowned. Is there any worse news than Alice landing in Guili City?

According to Abedo, Alice came to the city to find Han Xiao. After the two met two days ago, Abedo never saw any trace of them again.

Good guy!

After listening to Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng's account, Zhongli almost made a 'subway, old man and mobile phone.jpg' expression.

It seems that she is still too 'young'. It turns out that there is worse news than Alice landing in Guili City.

Did Albedo say where they might be?

According to Albedo's statement, he asked the guards. Han Xiao and Alice have not been seen leaving in the past few days. Of course, it is not ruled out that the two chose to avoid the guards and leave the city.

So it's very likely that they are still in Guili City?

Okay, let me handle this matter.

Then Liuyun will leave first.

After saluting Zhongli again, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun flapped his wings and flew towards Mingyun Town again.

Oh, it's troublesome.

After sending away Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng who came to report the news, Zhongli sighed helplessly, and then started to search Guili City with his spiritual thoughts.

As his mind enlarged the search area in circles, he never found Han Xiao and Alice.

Did they really escape the guards and sneak out of the city?

With some doubts, Zhongli focused his spiritual search on the area near Han Xiao's home, and soon he found some clues.

In Han Xiao's secret laboratory, Zhongli discovered the traces left by the two of them, and judging from the traces, they seemed to be heading downwards?

Zhongli followed the traces they left with his spiritual mind to explore downwards. After passing through a layer of soil, a tunnel that was two people tall and wide enough to accommodate three people walking side by side appeared in front of him.

What have Han Xiao and Alice been doing these two days?

Why dig a tunnel when you have nothing to do?

Full of confusion, Zhongli's spiritual thoughts extended along the direction of the tunnel.

The tunnel is very long, and the surrounding walls are even reinforced with iron plates and cement. There are shining light bulbs at regular intervals in the tunnel for lighting, and steel rails are laid on the ground.

These measures made Zhongli feel more and more uneasy. He always felt that Han Xiao and Alice were holding back a big job.

As he continued to explore the tunnels, Zhongli felt more and more that his guess was correct, because he discovered that the tunnels dug by Alice and Han Xiao spanned almost half of Guili City.

And judging from the direction of the tunnel, why does it feel like the end point is near the small villa given to him by Guili City?

The fact was indeed not beyond Zhongli's expectation. When his mind came to the bottom of his residence, he saw Alice and Han Xiao who were busy in the tunnel.

Surrounding them was a space the size of half a football field, filled with all kinds of instruments and metal wires.

Zhongli's face instantly darkened when he saw such a large underground laboratory dug out by two people under his small villa.

His right hand clenched involuntarily, and his knuckles made a clicking sound.

Without thinking too much, Zhongli's figure flashed in front of Han Xiao and Alice.

Han Xiao, and Ms. Alice, can you tell me what you are doing?

Zhongli asked with a straight face, clasping his hands on his chest.

He no longer cares that his identity will be exposed in front of Alice.

Anyway, Alice may have already guessed his identity last time she came to Liyue, and the other party knows a lot of secrets, so she should know what can and cannot be said.

Zhongli now wants to know what the two of them want to do!

Thinking about it, no one would be in a better mood if they knew there was a time bomb suddenly appearing under their butt.

Hey, Mr. Zhongli!

Zhongli's sudden appearance startled Alice and Han Xiao, and then they heard Zhongli's 'questioning'.

Han Xiao immediately turned her head and whistled, putting on an expression that said she didn't know anything.

Seeing this, Alice rolled her eyes at him rather speechlessly. This useless little guy was frightened so easily. Let's look at my big sister!

Then Alice greeted Zhongli with a smile.

Long time no see, Mr. Zhongli. It seems that my last guess was correct. Your identity is indeed extraordinary.

Ms. Alice, please explain the behavior of the two of you now.

Zhongli was unmoved by Alice's act of reminiscing about the past. He had to figure out what the two of them wanted to do today.

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