This... I understand, please wait a moment!

Like the previous guard in front of Kuixing Tower, this Qianyan Army guard was also surprised by Alice's identity and young appearance.

But since the other party so generously asked him to inform Master Abedo, there must be no lie.

Thinking of this, the guard quickly turned around and walked towards the alchemy workshop.

Master Abedo.

Entering the workshop, the guard saw Albedo who was doing research in front of the experimental table. He quickly came to the other party and said respectfully.

What's the matter?

When he heard the guard calling him, Abedo held the test tube in his hand and turned around and asked with some doubts.

Did Han Xiao have any instructions?

No, it's your mother Alice waiting for you outside the door.


Abedo was suddenly startled and couldn't help but loosen his hand holding the test tube. The test tube fell to the ground due to gravity and exploded, with glass shards splashing everywhere.

Who are you talking about?

Your mother, Ms. Alice.

After confirming that he heard the name correctly, Abedo felt relieved. For the first time, he, who was usually quite calm, showed a panicked look in front of outsiders.

Die, die! Why did Aunt Alice come and leave the city?

At this time, Abedo no longer cared about the fact that the other party claimed to be his mother, because now his mind was filled with images of mushroom clouds rising from Guili City.

After all, it was in the opponent's hands that the Wind Dragon ruins became the ruins they are today.

Thinking of this, Abedo did not dare to neglect, and rushed out to the outside of the alchemy workshop without even paying attention to the guards.

Yo, Albedo!

Seeing Albedo rushing out of the alchemy workshop, Alice jumped up and down and waved, with a bright smile on her face.

Aunt Alice, please come with me.

Abedo grabbed Alice's wrist and walked towards the alchemy workshop.

Hey, hey, Abedo, do you really miss your mother that much?

I have told Aunt Alice several times that there is only one mother.

Really, little Abedo is not cute at all.

Alice, who was dragged away by Abedo, couldn't help but pout and her cheeks bulged after hearing the other party's decisive words that he didn't want to be her son.

Dragging Alice into the alchemy workshop, after the guards left, he looked at her seriously, with a very solemn tone:

Aunt Alice, may I ask why you came to Guili City?

Of course it was agreed upon with Brother Hanxiao!

Chapter 172 Han Xiao: Keli has a promising future!

When did you meet Han Xiao?

Abedo looked at Alice in shock. He really didn't expect to hear Han Xiao's name from Alice's mouth, and it seemed that the two of them knew each other?

This sudden information made Albedo unable to react. There was only one thought in his mind, and that was that Han Xiao and Alice had never met before. How did they know each other?

Although I haven't met him in person, Brother Hanxiao and I had a great time chatting!

Alice was quite happy to share the opportunity of chatting with Han Xiao.

I see!

After listening to Alice's story, Abedo realized that Aunt Alice had contacted Han Xiao after hacking the communication of the Dudu communication device.

No wonder he didn't know.

But having said that, as for inviting Alice to come to Guili City, Abedo felt that Han Xiao was really brave and stood out as someone who was not afraid of death.

Aren’t the things recorded in the Teyvat Tour Guide not outrageous enough?

Thinking of this, Albedo thought it would be better to first ask Alice about her purpose in coming back to Licheng.

Although judging from his current place of residence, he has moved his registered residence from Kanria to Mondstadt, but he also contributed a lot to the construction of Guili City.

So Abedo didn't want Guili City, which he had put a lot of effort into, to be 'destroyed' in Alice's hands.

Aunt Alice, why did you come to Han Xiao this time?

Isn't it Xiao Keli's birthday? I want to hold a super large birthday event for her.

As soon as she mentioned her purpose of coming to Guili City, Alice immediately became excited. She pulled Albedo and began to talk endlessly about the birthday celebration plan she had prepared for her baby daughter.

For example, Keli's best friend Duduke was used as a threat at the beginning, and then she was tricked into going to the Golden Apple Islands.

Some of the institutions on the natural island are exactly the purpose of Alice’s visit to Guilicheng to discuss with Han Xiao.

That's right Albedo!

Speaking of creating level puzzles, Alice immediately looked at Albedo with bright eyes and a hint of encouragement in her tone.

I remember you are also good at this. Do you want to join us?

Well...this is it.

Abedo was lost in thought. In fact, he was quite curious about the Golden Apple Islands mentioned by Alice, but wouldn't it be a little bad to design level puzzles to embarrass his sister?

Seemingly sensing Albedo's hesitation, Alice quickly struck while the iron was hot and said:

Let me tell you, there are many rare natural works of art on the Golden Apple Islands. For example, each island is a natural musical instrument. You will be amazed when you see it.

Okay, I promise you will.

I have to say that Alice is indeed very good at prescribing the right medicine. Initially, Abedo was a little hesitant, but as soon as he heard that there was art on the island that he had never seen before, he immediately agreed.

But Aunt Alice, let's agree first that we can't set up any dangerous mechanisms.

No problem, let's go!

Seeing Albedo agree, Alice immediately grabbed his hand and walked towards the door, saying as she walked:

Let's go find Brother Hanxiao quickly.

This time, with Abedo's guidance, the two of them had a smooth journey to Han Xiao's house.

Abedo was about to knock on the door, but he was stopped by Alice before he took two steps.

Aunt Alice?

Hey, look at me!

Regarding Abedo's confusion, Alice did not rush to explain. Instead, she took out the Dudu communication device and dialed Han Xiao's communication with a smile.

Which one?

Soon, Han Xiao's voice came out from the communication device.

Yo bro! It's me, Alice!

Ms. Alice, what do you need from me today?

Hurry up and open the door!

As soon as Alice said her words, there was an eerie silence from the communication device. After a while, Hanxiao asked cautiously with a slightly nervous tone:

Ms. Alice, I didn't seem to hear clearly just now. What did you just say?

I said I'm at your door now, come out and open the door!


A muffled sound came from the communication device, followed by the sound of a chair falling to the ground, the sound of glass breaking, and a series of footsteps.

Then the communicator was hung up.

Look, Brother Hanxiao is here right now!

Putting away the beeping communicator, Alice couldn't help but raise her eyebrows at Albedo proudly. She hated knocking on the door and waiting for someone. It was better to contact him directly.

It's convenient for you. I'm afraid Han Xiao was shocked.

Thinking of the sound he heard from the communication device just now, Albedo could already imagine the chaos in the laboratory after Han Xiao heard Alice arriving at his door.

Not long after, the sound of hurried footsteps got closer and closer, and with a creak, the door opened, revealing Han Xiao's figure.

Perhaps due to the rush or other reasons, Han Xiao's clothes looked a little untidy, and the corners of his clothes seemed to be stained with a lot of alchemical reagents.

Fortunately, his appearance is outstanding, but it also adds a bit of messy style.

After opening the door, Han Xiao saw Abedo standing at the door of his house with a blond lady.

This lady wears a red witch hat on her head, and her clothes are also in red and white, giving her a passionate and unrestrained feeling.

The long golden hair is naturally scattered on the back, and from time to time it is blown by the breeze. The red pupils and the elf ears that are different from ordinary people add a mysterious and exotic style.

You must be Ms. Alice!

Although it was their first meeting, Han Xiao still saw the similarities between Alice and Keli.

With similar facial and physical characteristics, and the ancestral red and white color scheme, he could even say that Ms. Alice is exactly what Kelly will look like when she grows up.

Although this is the first time I've met her in person, Keli is indeed your daughter. She looks almost exactly the same.

Hey, hey, thanks for the compliment!

Alice smiled and waved her hands, and the slime on her chest was rising and falling due to the shaking of her body.

His eyes involuntarily fell on the tall slime on the opponent's chest for a moment. Han Xiao immediately looked away, sighing secretly in his heart.

It seems that there is still a lot of room for little Keli to grow in the future. Tsk tsk. It seems that Hu Xiaotao is the worst among the owners of the fire god's eye. In the future, even a child may not be able to compare with her.

It is worthy of being Teyvat’s first fire A.

Please come in. Let's talk about anything in the living room.

After quickly dissing Hu Tao in his mind, Han Xiao immediately turned aside and extended his hand to invite the two of them to come inside.

Then don't disturb Brother Hanxiao. Let's go in, Abedo.

Aunt Alice, please talk to Han Xiao. I still have some research to do, so just let me know when you have discussed it.

Chapter 173 The disappeared Han Xiao and Alice

Regarding Alice's suggestion, Abedo just shook his head, rejected the other party's suggestion and said goodbye.

First, he was only halfway through his previous experiment, and he had to go back quickly to continue his research.

As for the second point, now that the two have met, Albedo feels that Han Xiao should be left to do the task of 'monitoring' Alice.

Anyway, he felt that staying in Alice was a bit unbearable. After all, you have to devote your energy to taking care of the other person anytime and anywhere.

So Abedo decisively started the running mode with a bucket, and he disappeared in front of the two of them almost in the blink of an eye.

Tsk, he slipped away so fast!

Seeing Albedo running away quickly, Han Xiao couldn't help but made a fuss in her heart, and then welcomed Alice into the living room with a smile on her face.

Ms. Alice, please sit down first and I'll make you a pot of tea.

After Alice sat down, Han Xiao immediately turned around and prepared to go to the kitchen to prepare tea for her.

Then I'll bother you, Brother Hanxiao.

Seeing Han Xiao turning around to make tea for herself, Alice said her thanks, but her eyes were on the other person's waist.

To be more precise, she focused her attention on the monkey version of the God's Heart pendant wrapped with gold thread around Han Xiao's waist.

That thing looks familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere.

Alice held her elbow with one hand and her chin with the other hand and fell into deep thought. She kept recalling where she had seen similar things in her mind.

Wait, I remembered!

A flash of inspiration made Alice's eyes suddenly light up. She finally thought of why she felt so familiar with the pendant on Han Xiao's waist.

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