As the earth trembled slightly, gravel and smoke fell from time to time in the dim underground mine.

Sora wore his hood and silently moved towards his destination.

The environment in today's giant rock abyss was very complicated, and the black and yellow boots under his feet were covered with rancid mud, which made him frown.

Your Highness, it's better to leave such a dangerous matter to us. There is no need for you to take risks yourself.

The Priest of the Abyss who was following Kong saw His Highness frowning and immediately couldn't help but persuade him.

Hearing his subordinate's concern, Sora just shook his head slightly, with a sad expression on his face.

Being too focused on the great cause of fighting against the will of heaven made me forget the mission of restoring the country. Maybe I shouldn't spend all my energy on revenge.

Your Highness, do you agree?

Well, let's try it with that relic device, right...

Kong suddenly turned his head to look at the Abyss Priest beside him and asked:

How is the situation over there in Mondstadt?

Your Highness, things may be beyond your expectation. Your blood relatives seem to be working with the Mondlanders to rescue the Dragon of the East Wind.

Yes, she has always been so kind.

Hearing that his sister was preparing to fight against him, Sora was not angry but instead showed a warm smile for a long time.

Chapter 170 ‘Natural Disaster’ Alice is landing in Guili City

However, Sora's smile soon disappeared and he returned to his previous taciturn appearance, as if the smile he showed just now was just an illusion.

There is no room for failure in our plan. I will leave for Mondstadt immediately. I will leave it to you to handle the Abyss. Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, we will try our best.

Yes, Your Highness.

In response to Kong's instructions, the Abyss Priest respectfully responded.

I hope I can hear some good news before I come back!

A dark blue teleportation gate appeared next to Sora. He sighed deeply, took one last look at the layered rock abyss, then walked into the teleportation gate and disappeared without looking back.


We will talk about the love and murder between the brothers Kong and Ying later, but first turn our attention to Han Xiao.

After several days of retreat and research, he found two relatively reliable ways to use the Heart of God after eliminating a series of unsatisfactory ways to use it.

The first one is to install the Heart of God on the body of the doll Yanxing as something similar to the Heart of Eve.

According to Han Xiao's guess, Yanxing will truly transform into the Teyvat version of the 'Forbidden Doll' after he is equipped with the Heart of God. By then, he will not only have a talking combat power around him, but he will also have an unlimited quota. mobile ATM machine.

It's exciting just thinking about it.

Han Xiao had already thought of her behavior of throwing coins crazily in front of Zhongli by relying on Yan Xing.

Of course, this is not without its shortcomings. If the 'surveillance system' of Sky Island in the Heart of God is not solved for one day, this thing will always be a time bomb.

Therefore, he prefers the second use of the Heart of God, which is to use the Heart of God to build a mechanism that automatically casts Mora.

Han Xiao learned this from Xumi.

With the development of Guili City, traveling merchants from various countries also came to the city to do business. It was through the merchants from Xumi that he learned that there was a void system in Xumi.

It is said that the void is the legacy left by the former Grass God, the Great Merciful Tree King. Sumeru people can connect to the void and obtain the wisdom of the gods as long as they open and wear the void terminal.

In this regard, Han Xiao said that the sacred F2A connects you and me...ahem, I made a mistake, let's start again.

He had already thought that the legacy left by King Daci Shu should be the Heart of God representing the God of Grass.

Now that there was a living example in front of him, Han Xiao naturally had thoughts about the Heart of God in his hand.

Zhongli's God's Heart not only has the authority to cast mora, but also has the ability to manipulate rock elements. He feels that in addition to making a coin minting machine, he can even create a terminal to sort out Guiliyuan's land. machine.

Comparing the two methods, the second method is naturally less dangerous. After all, the mechanism will be fixed in one place after it is built.

That's why Han Xiao thinks that the second method is more suitable for him at present, and he is not lacking in strength now.

Han Xiao has not given up on cultivating the Heart Flower during this period. Through the live broadcast function of the chat group, he has successfully observed the world where other Han Xiaos in the group are.

And with the integration of nutrients, he now has several new abilities.

For example, the [Skilled Hands] obtained after merging the world of Jiji greatly increased his hands-on ability, and the fusion of Xingyue and the world of Jojo brought the ability to help him increase his mental power, etc.

In short, today's Han Xiao has made great progress in terms of force value than before.

He even felt that he could defeat the best toy salesman in Solstice Kingdom with one hand now.

Well, Han Xiao also knew that this was probably an illusion caused by his sudden surge in strength, but defeating Dada Duck with one hand would be too underestimated.

I need to add another hand anyway.

Dadalia, who was far away in the Northland Bank, suddenly sneezed and felt a wave of malice surrounding him.


Although Han Xiao has been staying behind closed doors for several days, the development of Guili City is still progressing steadily.

Through the Liyue Daily, residents of Guili City learned that Guili City is building a new bus route to facilitate public travel between the two cities.

At the same time, the newspaper also explained in detail what a bus was.

As expected of Mr. Hanxiao, who was commended by Lord Yan for thinking about us ordinary people.

In the Angel's Gift branch in Guili City, a bartender named Bo Hao praised Han Xiao loudly while looking at the contents of the newspaper in his hand.

Because he is the kind of ordinary family who cannot afford an electric car.

As a street vendor, Bohao earns enough money to live on, and the rest is enough for him to drink some wine. In his opinion, the price of electric vehicles is sky-high.

So every time he saw those rich people driving their electric cars in the city, Bo Hao couldn't help but feel envious.

Now that Guilicheng has officially launched the bus service, he can finally experience the feeling of riding a bus.

Yeah, I didn't expect that we could also spend a little money to experience how fast electric vehicles are.

The drinkers on the side heard Bo Hao's loud shouting and immediately agreed.

Come on, let's drink to Lord Hanxiao!

Hearing the echoes of the drinkers around him, Bohao slammed the table, then raised his glass and shouted loudly.

Cheers to Lord Hanxiao!


In an instant, the tavern was filled with the sound of clinking glasses.

At the same time, similar discussions like the one between Bohao and the drinker took place all over Guili City.

Many people who couldn't afford electric cars but wanted to experience them gathered together, and everyone's eyes were full of expectations.

Looking forward to that day coming sooner.

However, just as everyone is immersed in expectations for the future, an unprecedented crisis is about to land in Guili City.

The bus is really interesting. It seems that Brother Hanxiao knows a lot of things.

Outside the gate of Guili City, a beautiful blond girl (woman?) looked at the Liyue Daily in her hand, with a happy smile on her face, and her pointed ears proved that she was not an ordinary person.

That's right, it was Keli's mother, Tyvat's real natural disaster, Alice, who appeared at the gate of Guili City at this time.

Didn't she say it before, she had already discussed with Han Xiao about coming to Guili City.

In fact, Alice originally didn't want to come so early, but she found that Mondstadt seemed to have begun to deal with the dragon disaster, so her baby daughter Keli probably didn't have to stay in the knights and was strictly prohibited from going out by Qin.

So in order to make her baby daughter's birthday plan more interesting, Alice hurried to Guili City without even notifying Hanxiao.

Looking at the newly built city in front of her, Alice put away the newspaper and walked into Guili City with a smile on her face.

Guilicheng, I'm coming!

In an instant, Zhongli, who was drinking tea, shook his hand and the tea in his hand spilled onto the table.

An uneasiness slowly grew in his heart.

Chapter 171: Panic Albedo

Because of Alice's outstanding appearance and unusual ears, she soon received a lot of attention from the residents of Guili City.

However, she herself didn't care about the looks of these people at all. She still walked around the streets with her hands behind her back and looked around with great interest, like a curious big child.

Many facilities in Guili City may be relatively new to Teyvat, but they are quite familiar to Alice.

Especially the city's architectural planning. Being knowledgeable, she soon discovered that it was very similar to the buildings in the history books of a country in the world with the Rubicon River that she had visited.

This made Alice even more curious about the source of Han Xiao's knowledge. There were many people in Teyvat who could receive news from other worlds, but she basically knew them all.

After all, Alice has been patrolling several weak points on the border of Teyvat.

However, before her daughter talked about Han Xiao, Alice had never heard anything about her. How could she not be confused?

Well, let me think about how I can find Brother Hanxiao?

Standing on the side of the street, Alice was lost in thought. She planned to give the other party a surprise, but what was a little troublesome was that she didn't seem to know where the other party was.

But it wouldn't be a surprise if we used a Dudu communicator to contact us.


Alice suddenly had a flash of inspiration. She made a fist with her right hand and slammed it on the palm of her left hand, making a crisp sound.

Yes, I can find Abedo. Isn't he in Guili City now?

Thinking of this, Alice asked pedestrians on the roadside for the route to the official agency in Guili City, and then hummed all the way to Kuixing Tower.

Hello madam, do you need any help?

As Alice arrived at the door of Kuixing Tower, the guard rushed up to greet her and asked in a rather enthusiastic tone.

After all, Alice looked like a foreigner at first glance, and she must have come here to seek help. Master Han Xiao had just been praised by the emperor recently, and they could not embarrass Han Xiao.

Hello, my name is Alice. Could you please tell me where Abedo is? I'm his mother.

Alas, are you Master Abedo's mother?

Hearing Alice's words, the guard screamed in surprise, his eyes full of surprise.

Because no matter how he looked at it, the lady in front of him seemed to be as big as a jade in her prime. He didn't expect that she would be the mother of the alchemist Master Albedo?

Ms. Alice, Master Albedo is usually in the alchemy workshop. I'll find someone to take you there. What do you think?

He murmured in his heart that Master Abedo's mother took good care of herself, and the smile on the guard's face was even more enthusiastic than before.

After all, who in the city didn’t know that Master Abedo and the others were the super geniuses specially hired by Lord Hanxiao from Mondstadt to develop alchemy products and teach.

The children in his family have also taken each other's alchemy enlightenment courses in school.

Now that he met Albedo's mother, Alice, the guards were naturally more enthusiastic than before.

That's no need. Brother, just tell me where the alchemy workshop is. I'll go there myself.

Alice shook her head and rejected the guard's suggestion. At the same time, she put her index finger in front of her mouth and winked playfully.

I want to give Abe a surprise, please remember to keep it a secret!

Okay, Ms. Alice, please wait a moment while I draw the location of the alchemy workshop.

Faced with Alice's sudden cuteness, the guard turned around with a blush on his face as if he had been shot in the heart.

He was moved for a moment just now, which was really a sin.

The guard soon found a pen and paper to draw a route to the alchemy workshop and gave it to Alice. During the process, he kept his head down and did not dare to look up.

Thanks, little brother!

Accepting the route map handed over by the guard, Alice waved goodbye to the guard with a smile on her face, and then quickly followed the directions on the route map to the location of the alchemy workshop.

The alchemy workshop is very important to Guili City, so there are many guards standing at the door.

Seeing Alice's arrival, a guard stepped forward to stop her.

Madam, this is an important part of Guili City. Please leave quickly.

Brother, can you tell Abedo that her mother Alice is here to see him?

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