After walking out of the house again, the first thing he did was find Zhongli.

Our Lord Tianshu Xing is out again?

The first time he saw Han Xiao, Zhongli, who was sitting in front of the tea table, put down the tea cup in his hand and joked with a smile.

Yes, thanks to you.

Han Xiao curled her lips, pulled out a chair and sat down in front of Zhongli, then took out her imitation of the monkey version of God's Heart from the jade pendant and put it on the tea table.

Please help me take a look at this first.


Glancing at the object on the tea table that was very similar to the Heart of God, Zhongli couldn't help but let out a sigh, then raised his head and looked at Han Xiao.

Although the monkey version of the God's Heart was very well imitated both in terms of appearance and the flow of rock elements inside, Zhongli had been the owner of the God's Heart for so many years, so he could tell at a glance that this thing was a high imitation.

...The craftsmanship of the imitation is very good. It uses some technology other than Teyvat, right?

Do you think this can fool the fools?

Zhongli was not surprised at all when he recognized that this was a fake God's Heart Hanxiao. He just wanted to know from the other party whether this guy could deceive the executive of the Fools.

I will definitely not be able to deceive the Ice Queen, but it is more than enough to deceive the Foolish Executive Officers.

Seeing that Han Xiao had been working behind closed doors for several days to create a counterfeit product, and planned to use it to deceive the Fools and Executives, Zhongli gave his opinion after some thought.

The imitation is indeed good, but it's a pity that only the rock element flows in it and has no authority. It can be used to deceive the fools and the executives.


Taking the Monkey God's Heart on the tea table, he played with it and put it back on the table. Then Zhongli turned to Han Xiao and asked:

Han Xiao, I signed a contract with the Ice God. Isn't it a little bad for you to come out with a fake heart of God?

In response to Zhongli's question, Han Xiao directly crossed his arms and said in a slightly arrogant tone:

Mr. Zhongli, I remember that your contract only allowed fools to come and snatch the Heart of God in my hand. You didn't seem to prevent me from making a fake one to deceive people, right?

Because taking on such a hot thing as the Heart of God, Han Xiao has been thinking a lot behind closed doors these days.

Among them, the contract between Zhongli and the Ice Queen was the focus of his research, and some loopholes in the contract were keenly discovered by Han Xiao.

The contract only stated that the Fools would try their best to obtain the Heart of God from him without harming their own lives, and there were no other supplementary conditions.

Han Xiao felt that she had not violated the contract at all by forging a monkey version, even if the fools finally found out that what they grabbed was a fake.

Then they can only admit their mistakes. Who told them not to know the goods?

Quite astute.

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Zhongli picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea, then nodded slightly.

When he signed the contract before, the conditions were deliberately very loose, just to see if Han Xiao could think of this.

Now it seems that he has not been disappointed.

This is indeed a loophole left intentionally by Mr. Zhongli.

Han Xiao couldn't help but clicked his tongue. He knew how Zhongli could deliberately leave such a big loophole unattended.

Wouldn't the Winter Ice God mind if you do this?

Don't worry, she won't mind.

Zhong Li shook his head slightly. Han Xiao's worries would not come true at all. From the moment he chose to sign a contract with the Ice Queen, he had actually made his position and attitude clear to the other party. The Heart of God was more like a gimmick to them. '.

As for whether the Fools will be defeated in the end, that is Bing Shen’s own business.

Zhongli would be happier if he really wanted to be deceived by Han Xiao and go back to be punished.


It's probably the kind of paternalistic happiness where your cub is being played around by my cub, and obviously my cub is smarter.

That's it...that's good.

Hearing Zhongli's assurance, Han Xiao felt relieved.

Since Uncle Zhongli said that he doesn't need to worry about the Ice Queen, he can rest assured and use the monkey version of God's Heart to play with the fools.

But before that, Han Xiao had one more thing to ask Zhongli.

Mr. Zhongli, I would like to ask whether Mora was created by your own power or by the authority of the Heart of God?

That's the question.

Holding the teacup in both hands, Zhongli was silent for a long time before answering again:

After losing the Heart of God, I can indeed create Mora, but it may be a little different from today's Mora.

I see!

After hearing Zhongli's explanation, Han Xiao probably understood what the so-called power of casting Mora was in the Heart of God.

As the champion of the Liyue subdivision of the Demon God War, Zhongli received the Heart of God given by heaven after winning.

This thing is probably like the 'official seal' of a region. Only Mora with the official seal is the currency recognized by the continent of Teyvat.

After losing the Heart of God, Zhongli could indeed continue to rub the mola with his hands. The only thing missing was the official seal.

No wonder the game says that the God of Rock paid too much in this transaction, and even the divine power to protect Liyue Port will be lost.

The feeling is that Zhongli not only resigned from the position of 'Governor' of Teyvat Liyue Province, but also incidentally resigned from the position of 'Director of the Mint'.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao took out the real Heart of God from her jade pendant and asked Zhongli:

Mr. Zhongli, you don't have any objection if I want to use this Heart of God, right?

Everything is given to you, what do you think?

Zhongli said nonchalantly that the things had been given to Han Xiao anyway, and it was up to him how he wanted to use them.

Even if Han Xiao used the Heart of God to smash walnuts, Zhongli would have no objection. He even wanted to taste whether the walnut kernels smashed with the Heart of God would taste better.

Then I'm relieved. Thank you Mr. Zhongli for clarifying my doubts!

After getting the information she wanted, Han Xiao took the Heart of God back into her jade pendant, then picked up the monkey version of the Heart of God on the tea table, stood up and thanked Zhongli.

Then he hurriedly left here and walked towards his secret laboratory.

With Zhongli's guarantee, he also had a bolder idea. He wanted to study the use of God's Heart.

Originally, Han Xiao thought the Heart of God was hot to touch, but now she thought about it, this thing was actually a key tool in making Mora.

Doesn’t this mean that he now holds the power to issue currency throughout Teyvat?

Han Xiao, who suddenly became the second director of Teyvat Central Mint, suddenly felt that he was about to reach the top.

Chapter 169: Uncle Zhongli’s eight hundred tricks

Although he said that he was about to become the second director of Teyvat Central Mint, Han Xiao still had some doubts about how to use the Heart of God.

At first, he planned to install the Heart of God on his Vientiane Codex, so that it could be kept close to his body and enhance his combat power.

I just gave up the idea after thinking that the Heart of God seemed to be a 'monitor' for Sky Island to monitor the seven gods.

After all, if you really want to install the Heart of God on the Vientiane Codex, wouldn't it be equivalent to installing a GPS transmitter on yourself?

On the way home, Han Xiao kept thinking about the use of God's Heart. When he got home, he immediately got into the secret research room.

Han Xiao first wrapped the monkey version of the God's Heart with gold thread, and then used her nimble hands to weave it into a waist hanging ornament.

To be honest, after confirming that only gods could see through the monkey version of God's Heart, he actually had the idea of ​​giving away the genuine God's Heart.

Anyway, as long as Zhongli doesn't say anything, others won't be able to tell if there is a monkey version, right?

But then I thought about Han Xiao and decided to forget it.

Zhong Li said that the contract he signed with the Ice God was deliberately very loose. Could it be that the Ice Queen couldn't see this?

I'm afraid not necessarily.

How long have the Ice God and the old man known each other? How could they not know each other's rigorous character? Then why did the other party still sign this contract?

Han Xiao sat on the chair in front of the experimental table, resting her elbows on the table and her chin on her palms. After thinking carefully, she came to a conclusion.

That means Zhongli was probably not kidding when he said he and Bing Shen were playing a 'game'.

The Ice Queen's real purpose should be to test Zhongli's attitude towards the laws of heaven through the Heart of God. As for the Heart of God, perhaps Han Xiao and the Fools didn't attach as much importance to it as they imagined.

Therefore, after confirming that Zhongli was vaguely on his side, Bing Shen readily signed this not very thorough contract.

As for the game between Zhongli and Bing Shen, perhaps they wanted to see who would win in the game between Han Xiao and the Fool Executives.

This is like having a piece of fine jade in Liyue, and then people from Zhidong took notice of it, and used various methods to get the jade.

If the Fools got the real jade in the end, they would naturally win, and Liyue would have paid the price in exchange for stability.

But if they get back a high imitation, the fools will have no choice but to admit that they are unlucky and admit that their eyesight is not good. It also proves that the people of Liyue are still capable of avoiding danger even if they are separated from the Yanwang Emperor.

It was precisely because he understood this that Han Xiao decided to give up the idea of ​​giving up the genuine God's Heart to the fools.

After all, he represents the whole of Liyue in this game.

Although Zhongli might not say anything if he lost, Han Xiao might not have the confidence to negotiate terms with the other party or even try to trick him in the future.

It's really a heifer wearing an X-masculine mask, one set after another!

After understanding the tricks Zhong Li played on the contract, Han Xiao couldn't help but complain about him.

There are too many little thoughts here. If I change to someone who is heartless, I'm afraid I will be played to death by Uncle Erzhu!


While Han Xiao was complaining about Zhongli and thinking about how to use the Heart of God, Mondstadt was in a mess.

Originally, Ying and Qin had planned to transfer some of the guards and then go to the church to 'get' the Sky Piano.

It went really smoothly at first, but in the end, a group of fools, Lei Ying, a warlock, intercepted the Sky Piano.

Fortunately, perhaps due to the darkness or other reasons, the guards of the Knights did not recognize Ying's appearance, and after a chase, she successfully arrived at the intended hiding place, which was the angel's gift.

In the tavern, after sending away the guards who came to inquire, Diluc walked up to the second floor, folded his hands on his chest and looked at Qin, Wendy and Ying sitting at the wine table.

Tell me, what is the reason why you chose to steal something that cannot be sold.

After a short pause, Diluc turned to look at Qin who lowered his head and said nothing. His tone was a little weird:

And it's actually the plan made by you, the acting captain. Is this a self-inflicted theft?


After hearing Diluc's words, Qin knocked his head on the wine table, unable to get up again.

Master Diluc, this is actually what happened!

Seeing that Qin was so ashamed that she was paralyzed, Paimon quickly opened her mouth to explain, but before she could finish her words, Wendy stood up beside her.

Let me explain it!

Wendy looked at Diluc and said in a mysterious tone:

After knowing the truth of the matter, Mr. Diluc will be involved in this trouble.

Hmph, I'm not afraid of trouble. I myself am the Knights' trouble.

In that case, let me add another story.

Soon, melodious chanting sounded in the tavern, and a long-lost story reappeared in the world.

I see...

After listening to Wendy's story, Diluc fell silent for a rare moment. He first glanced at the reconnected piano and then glanced at Wendy.

An incredible guess flashed through his mind.

If his guess comes true, it may explain why Qin behaves in such an 'irrational' way.

Thinking of this, Diluc said slowly:

Forget it, although I don't like the Knights myself, this is a rare opportunity to cooperate!



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