We plan to use the Sky Piano to solve Tvarin's problem.


Hearing Wendy's thoughts, Qin's face suddenly became embarrassed.

What, is there something wrong?

Because the Sky Piano is the token left by the God of Wind in Mondstadt, the West Wind Church attaches great importance to it.

Qin glanced at Wendy subconsciously, and then explained the difficulty of borrowing the Sky Piano from the West Wind Church.

Currently, the Sky Piano will only be used during the badminton festival, and the loan requires the agreement of the group leader, bishop and public representatives, and the Sky Piano can only be borrowed after signing the documents.

Now Grand Commander Falga and the Archbishop of the Church are going on an expedition together. Although I can agree on behalf of Captain Falga, it's hard to say about the Church.

That means you can't get the Sky Piano through formal channels?

After listening to Qin's story, Ying Ye couldn't help but frowned delicately. Wendy needed to use the Sky Qin to summon Tevalin.

Without the Sky Piano, their plan would not be possible.

I'm very sorry, I want to get the Sky Piano unless...

Unless a certain Lord Fengshen comes in person, right?

Before Qin finished speaking, Ying covered her forehead with her hands and looked at Wendy who was smiling beside her, and said in a rather helpless tone.

Actually, there is another way!

Seeing that everyone present turned their attention to herself, Wendy quickly stretched out her finger to make a gesture.

He didn't want to descend on Mondstadt like a god. Doing so completely went against his original intention.

After all, what Wendy wanted to give Mondstadt was complete freedom, not freedom under the constraints of gods.

emmm, it’s actually just lazy!

Singer, is there anything else you can do?

Hearing that Wendy still had a way to do it, Paimon couldn't help but ask curiously, gesticulating as he spoke.

For example, when you wave your hand to the Sky Piano, it flies over by itself?

That's not true. I need a little help from Captain Qin to do this.

Me? Mr. Wendy, please speak.

Seeing Wendy mentioning herself, Qin subconsciously straightened her back and said seriously.

Hey, the guards guarding the Sky Piano should all be knights of the Knights of the West Wind, right?

Captain Qin, do you think you can reduce the number of guards a little bit?

While telling her plan, Wendy looked at Ying with a smile and continued:

It just so happens that our honorary knight is a skilled master.

You want me to steal it?

Ying looked at the smiling Wendy with a shocked look on her face, feeling bad all over.

What the hell is this a bad idea!

Barbatos, the majestic wind god of Mondstadt, actually instigated her, an outsider, to steal it in order to get his former musical instrument?

And he said it in front of Qin, the acting leader of the Knights of the West Wind.

How could there be a god with a broken brain like Wendy in the world?

How can you say it's stealing? It's just a little borrowing!

Wendy curled her lips, as if she was very dissatisfied with Ying's choice of words, completely unaware that Qin beside her had already turned to stone on the spot.

And do you have other ways to get the Sky Piano?

Faced with Wendy's rhetorical question, Ying didn't know how to answer.

Under the premise that the Wind God is unwilling to come to Mondstadt in person, there is really no hope for them to obtain the Sky Piano through formal channels.

On the contrary, the method proposed by Wendy actually works.

I just don’t know what Captain Qin thinks of Wendy’s idea?

With such doubts, Ying turned her head to look at Captain Qin, and was surprised to find Qin whose body was gradually crumbling.

Captain Qin!

Seeing that Qin was about to fall to the ground, Ying couldn't help shouting, and instantly rushed to her side and hugged her soft waist with both hands.

Chapter 167 The Heart of the Monkey God

It took a while before Qin recovered from her dizzy state.

Captain Qin, are you okay?

Seeing Qin open her eyes, Paimon quickly approached her and asked with concern.

I'm fine now, thank you Paimon.

Reaching out to rub her swollen temples, Qin stood up again and took a deep breath.

I have to say that Wendy's operation shocked her greatly.

With complicated emotions, Qin looked at Wendy and said:

Mr. Wendy's idea... seems to be the only way at the moment.

Captain Qin, how could you give in so easily!

The corner of Ying's mouth twitched. Even though the God of Wind was completely ruined, Qin could still agree to the other party's suggestion in the most complicated tone.

Nothing to say!

But although I can reduce the manpower of the guards, I can't do it too obviously, so I am an honorary knight.

Perhaps because she had broken through her own bottom line, Qin's words became more fluent:

The guards will probably really chase you then. You need to find a safe spot to hide in advance.

I think the angel's gift is pretty good.

Wendy quickly raised her hand and gave her proposal. He felt that he could wait for Ying to arrive with the Sky Piano in the tavern and enjoy the wine at the same time.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Senior Diluc's place, it's a good place to go.

Compared to Wendy, who was less reliable, Qin thought about it carefully and felt that it was good to regard the angel's gift as a safe point.

First of all, Senior Diluc doesn't have a good deal with the Knights of the West Wind. If there is anyone who would help others avoid being pursued by the Knights without knowing it, he is probably the only one in Mondstadt.

Furthermore, senior Diluc has a deep affection for Mondstadt. If he learns the truth of the matter, he will definitely choose to help. In this way, they will have one more helper.

Ah, this...don't you want to ask my opinion?

Seeing that Qin and Wendy had even chosen a place to hide after being chased by the knights, Qin opened her mouth but didn't know what to say.

Forget it, anyway, I agreed to the singer's help to solve Tevarin's problem. Isn't it just to steal the Sky Piano? That's not a trivial matter.

Moreover, this operation was planned by the acting head of the Knights and the god of Mondstadt. She must have committed theft under orders.

Thinking of this, Ying suddenly lost his burden and felt a lot more relaxed.


Return to the city.

After handing over the bus route planning to Xingqiu, Han Xiao left Kuixing Building directly. The main reason was that he was surrounded by all the staff as soon as he went out, which was a bit too much for him.

And he has a more important thing to do now.

Han Xiao, who faced countless gazes along the way, quickly returned home along the street. As soon as he entered, he slammed the door shut and sighed helplessly.

Now it seems that the fanatical atmosphere in Guili City will have to wait a few more days to slowly subside. He has decided that it is better not to leave this gate until Guili City returns to its former peace.

After her mood calmed down, Han Xiao quickly walked to her secret research room and opened the chat group.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Everyone, have you done what I asked you to do?

Ever since she got Zhongli's Heart of God, Han Xiao has been having a headache about how to deal with this hot thing.

First of all, it is definitely not okay to give to others, especially fools.

Zhongli used the Yanwang Emperor's trumpet to almost give him the Heart of God as a token in front of everyone in Liyue.

If Zhongli is compared to an emperor, then this thing can be used as a token of the next emperor's successor.

Therefore, the token must not be lost. If it is lost, Han Xiao feels like she will have to run away with the bucket to collapse the world next door.

It's just that the Heart of God is too hot to handle, especially since it is the target of fools. Han Xiao can only think of forging a fake Heart of God under the premise that it cannot be thrown away.

However, the Heart of God is not that easy to imitate after all, so he made a request to his friends, hoping that they would help him imitate the Heart of God.

Soon, someone in the chat group responded to Han Xiao's question.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Sorry, the world level here is not high, so I can't help you much.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Xingxiao and I discussed it. We can imitate the outer shell and internal alchemical structure of the Heart of God, but there is nothing we can do about it with authority.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: There is no way, after all, the heart of God contains some authority, and we have not reached this level yet.

[World of Warcraft·Han Xiao]: We can only see how Xi Xiao is doing. He hasn't been online for several days since he heard your request for help.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: You guys are talking about me again?

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Good guy, Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Xixiao, what have you been doing these days? Why haven't you seen anyone?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Hey, wasn't I helping Yuanxiao find materials?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Have you found the boss?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: I've found it, but I don't know if it can be done.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Tell me what's going on, and we'll help analyze it.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Since I succeeded in cultivating the Flower of Heart, I was noticed by a big boss who also cultivated the Flower of Heart and invested a lot of resources in me.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: In the words of the boss, everyone who successfully cultivates the Flower of Heart is their help in expanding the world.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: I'm off topic, let's get down to business.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Don't worry, the business will come soon. When I received Yuanxiao's request, I went to find the big boss.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: What then?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Then the boss went to an elemental world and killed a... creature with rock elemental abilities?

[World of Machinery·Hanxiao]: “666, I’m convinced by this operation!”

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: I have put the core that the boss took out in the mall. Yuanxiao, you can buy it with points from me. I basically don't need the points.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: It's so dazzling. Is this the legendary rich man's light?

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: Xixiao, hungry, hungry, rice!

The muscles on Han Xiao's face kept twitching, and he was also shown off by Xi Xiao.

Mechanically, he opened the mall and bought the liquid rock element core that the other party had just put on the shelves, and received the imitation shell of the Heart of God from Jixiao and Xingxiao.

After constant tinkering, a monkey version of the God's Heart that was quite similar to the God's Heart and also exuded the power of the rock element appeared in front of him.

Well, I'll just use it like this for now, hoping to fool the stupid executive.

Looking at the Monkey God's Heart in front of her, Han Xiao reached out and rubbed her chin as she thought.

Chapter 168 Han Xiao, the second director of Teyvat Mint

After a few days, the frenzied atmosphere in Guili City gradually calmed down, and Han Xiao could finally walk out of the house again.

Although he was no longer surrounded by countless eyes, he clearly felt that he seemed to be more respected in the eyes of the people.

Han Xiao thinks this is okay, at least once he has a reputation, it will be much smoother to issue decrees.

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