It is indeed such a thing!

As soon as she saw the Heart of God, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun sighed repeatedly. At first, she couldn't believe it when she saw the picture in Liyue Daily.

After all, judging from the picture, the emperor entrusted his little apprentice with the heart of a god.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be this thing.

Thinking of this, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun looked at Han Xiao with more and more satisfaction.

She really didn't expect that the apprentice of machine arts that she took on on a whim would be so valued by the emperor.

For a moment, she was proud of you.

Okay, okay, Han Xiao, you did a great job, I am proud of you!

While praising Han Xiao, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng also did not forget to tell Han Xiao:

Hanxiao, since the emperor has entrusted this thing to you for safekeeping, you must remember not to neglect it, you know.

I understand, Master Liuyun.

Han Xiao turned her head and responded softly, and couldn't help but curl her lips in the blind spot of the two people's perspectives.

Haha, if the real thing hadn't been photographed, he would have thrown away the hot thing as soon as possible, and then found something as a token.

Zhenjun Liuyun, since Han Xiao is here too, let's talk about business.

Seeing that Lord Liuyun Jiefeng was still looking excited, Abedo quickly reminded him.

They gathered here today not only to congratulate Han Xiao, but also had a serious matter waiting for them to discuss.

Oh yes, I almost forgot about it.

After hearing Abedo's reminder, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun calmed down and quickly said to Han Xiao:

Han Xiao, since the emperor personally helped you solve the road problem, then the bus designed by this immortal should come in handy!

It's okay, but we'd better lay a layer of cement on the road first.

Considering that the new road opened by Zhongli was made of stone, Han Xiaowei thought about it and decided to smooth the road first before talking about anything else.

Chapter 165 Xingqiu’s Business Awareness

“What are you thinking about buses?”

In the alchemy workshop, Han Xiao looked curiously at Abedo and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, intending to hear their arrangements for the bus.

After all, the road has been paved directly by Zhongli, and it only needs to be laid with a layer of cement to put it into use.

Let me tell you. I have also seen the charging device that you and Abedo set up.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun was the first to stand up and talk about her thoughts.

So Benxian has made some modifications to the buses and added charging interfaces. We only need to set up some charging stations on the roads to ensure the long-distance operation of the buses.

Albedo on the side also added after Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun finished speaking:

At the same time, Zhenjun Liuyun and I also considered the problem of the route being too long, and planned to build several temporary stops in conjunction with charging stations.

This will also make it easier for adventurers to catch a ride back to Licheng or Liyue Port in the wild.

Well, that's a good idea.

After listening to Abedo's explanation, Han Xiao nodded slightly.

He has discovered that Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Abedo's thinking has become more and more open recently, and their thoughts have become more and more thoughtful.

Han Xiao was very satisfied with their plan for putting the bus into use this time, but he still pointed out a few small doubts in the plan.

According to your thinking, we may have to build several service stations along the highway.

I wonder if you have ever considered whether the service station will be attacked by monsters if it is built in the wild?

Although Han Xiao has been sending people to eliminate the monsters in Guiliyuan area since the establishment of Guili City, these monsters are like leeks, they keep popping up one after another after being cut.

If a service station is built in the wild area according to Abedo's idea, the problem of monsters must be solved.

Fortunately, Abedo and the others had already thought that Han Xiao would ask this question, so after Han Xiao asked her doubts, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun opened his mouth and explained:

I think we can arrange for the Qianyan Army to be stationed at the site. On the one hand, it will serve the buses, and on the other hand, it will also ensure the safety of the site.

The problem that Han Xiao was thinking about was not a problem at all in Liuyun Jifengzhenjun's opinion, and could be solved by Qianyan Army.

After all, before Guili City was established, Qianyan Army had already set up garrison areas in Guili City.

Nowadays, when a new road is built into the city, soldiers are naturally required to guard it along the way. In this case, it is better to have the Qianyan Army stationed at the charging station.

It not only saves maintenance manpower, but also ensures the safety of the charging site.


After discussing the bus arrangements with Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng and Abedo, Han Xiao came to Kuixing Tower.

As soon as I entered the building, the whole floor suddenly became quiet.

All the staff members lowered their heads and pretended to be working seriously, but from time to time they raised their heads and peeked at Han Xiao, betraying them.

They looked at Han Xiao with a little more admiration in their eyes.

If placed in some online games, Han Xiao's system would probably keep popping up prompts of 'Reputation +1'.

You must know that the official staff of Guili City are the most proud of Han Xiao being personally commended by Lord Yan.

Because most of them followed Han Xiao to Guili City, which was built from scratch, it would not be too much to say they are veteran figures.

Now that Han Xiao has been praised by Prince Yan, it indirectly means that the emperor is also very satisfied with them.

This is simply the highest honor for Liyue people who are almost all Zhongli fans in Liyue.

And Han Xiao, the number one hero who allowed them to obtain this honor, naturally won the admiration of all of them.

Xu Wan, tell Xingqiu to come to my office.

Feeling the weird atmosphere around her that was different from usual, Han Xiao couldn't help but clicked her tongue, gave Xu Wan some instructions and hurriedly walked into her office.

Although it is a good thing to have the respect of your subordinates, too much respect can be a bit unbearable.

Not long after arriving in the office, Xingqiu walked in under the guidance of Xu Wan.

Hanxiao, that's awesome!

As soon as he walked into the office, Xingqiu started to praise Han Xiao like everyone he had seen in the past few days.

Can we not mention this matter? I've been annoyed to death these days.

Han Xiao glared at Xingqiu angrily, her tone full of complaints.

Hey, you are one of the few Seven Stars in Liyue's history to be personally commended by the emperor.

Xingqiu casually pulled up a chair and sat across from Han Xiao, his tone a little more teasing.

But even though he was teasing Han Xiao, Xingqiu was still happy for his little friend in his heart.

His little friend has finally changed from the salty fish in the past to a big shot in Liyue who is now famous.

The only thing that made Xingqiu feel a little depressed was that Han Xiao's transformation was getting better and better, but it also dragged him down, causing him to have endless government affairs to deal with every day.

Don't mention this anymore, let's get down to business!

Han Xiao waved her hand repeatedly to signal Xingqiu not to talk about this topic again. He had heard so many compliments in the past two days that he was almost stressed.

Okay, what do you have to do with me this time?

Since Han Xiao didn't want to discuss this topic, Xingqiu didn't continue talking and asked directly what kind of work the other party wanted to give him.

I called you here this time to ask you to send some people to lay a cement layer on the new road.

Han Xiao said as he took out the jade pendant. He, Abedo and Liuyun Jiefengzhenjun had planned out the drawings before, and then spread them out on the table in front of Xingqiu.

Then after the cement layer dries, we will build some service stations along the road according to the marks on the drawing. I plan to open a bus line between the two cities.

No problem, I'll make arrangements later.

After having been involved in government affairs with Han Xiao for so long, Xingqiu naturally knew what the bus mentioned by the other party was for.

In his opinion, although buses are not very profitable, and even the annual maintenance costs are not low, from the perspective of benefiting the people, buses are better than electric vehicles.

After all, electric vehicles are expensive, and not all families can afford them.

With buses, these people can enjoy fast transportation services between Guili City and Liyue Port at a small cost.

This project is worth doing.

However, while looking at the drawings, Xingqiu also burst out with an inspiration, so he raised his head and looked at Han Xiao and asked:

By the way, Han Xiao, I have an idea, is it okay?

what idea?

When the bus is put into service, can the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce spend money to paint some advertisements on the exterior of the bus?

Chapter 166 Wendy’s bad idea

Okay, Xingqiu, it's a good idea!

Hearing Xingqiu's thoughts, Han Xiao glanced at him in surprise.

Although Xingqiu always said that his father and eldest brother were in charge of family affairs and that he was not good at business, he could immediately think of making money by advertising the bus as soon as he saw the bus route plan. eyeball.

It would be a fool to say that he has no business sense.

Han Xiao can guarantee that Xingqiu's reaction speed and business thinking are probably among the best in Liyue.

So you agree?

Hearing Han Xiao's compliment, Xingqiu's face also showed a hint of joy.

He is not one of those spoiled playboys in Yujingtai, so he naturally knows the living standards of ordinary families in Liyue.

Hanxiao wants to build a bus route between Guili City and Liyue Port. By then, buses will definitely become the most popular and most used means of transportation for residents of the two cities.

If Feiyun Chamber of Commerce's slogan can be painted on buses, the advertising effect will definitely be much better than the previous publicity methods.

Even though Xingqiu has always said that he doesn't like business, if there is really an opportunity to contribute to the growth of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, he will not give up fighting for it.

Well, this can be added to the plan.

Han Xiao nodded and agreed to Xingqiu's suggestion, but soon he added another one:

But if you want to paint Feiyun Chamber of Commerce's advertisement on the exterior of the bus, I will charge a small fee as the rental of the advertising space.

The buses themselves are not very profitable, and Guilicheng needs to invest a lot of money in maintenance.

Now that he can make money by renting out advertising spaces, Han Xiao won't mind making less money. After all, every little bit he can save is worth it.

I understand, I will tell my father about this.

Xingqiu felt that Han Xiao's thoughts were understandable.

There are too few places to make money in the bus industry. Whoever made it appear is to benefit the residents of the two cities.

Now Han Xiao has adopted her own opinion and is planning to rent out advertising space, which can be regarded as relieving some of Guili City's financial burden.



After Ying agreed to help Wendy solve Twalin's troubles, the two of them came to the Knights together to find Qin.

Ba...Mr. Wendy, honorary knights, why are you here?

The first time she saw Ying walking in with her Fengshen, Qin stood up from her chair and said hello.

Captain Qin, the singer has something to do with you!

Pamon flew to Wendy's side and looked at her with his hands on his hips, his face bulging with anger.

Although Wendy's identity was exposed in advance, when she asked him many questions about the keeper of heavenly principles, he used hey to get through.

So the super brave Paimon still let Wendy give her the nickname Singer.

That's what Captain Qin is like.

When Wendy heard that she was called a singer, she was not angry. Instead, she smiled and explained to Qin the reason why he and Ying were here:

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