Oh~ Isn't this the eldest lady Ke Qingke? Why do you think of coming to my humble home now?

Of course I have something to do with you.

Ignoring Han Xiao's somewhat artificial tone, Ke Qing gave him a blank stare and walked straight into the house.

The moment he passed Han Xiao, Ke Qing stretched out his ruthless iron hand and grabbed Han Xiao's collar and pulled him in together.

You come in, too.

Being attacked suddenly by Ke Qing, Han Xiao couldn't help but stagger, and her body couldn't help but follow suit.

Pedestrians on the road were also stunned by the scene in front of them, and then there was a buzz of discussion all around.

Isn't that Master Keqing?

Shh, keep your voice down. Didn't you see that Han Xiao was dragged in by Master Keqing?

Are you talking about the clay puppet master who made the new emperor statue?

It's over. I estimate that the puppet master is probably in trouble this time and fell into the hands of Yu Hengxing.

I think so. Who in Liyue doesn't know that the one who has the most objection to the emperor is Yu Hengxing. Master Han Xiao is afraid of pills.

It seems that in just half a day, the whole of Liyue will know that Yuhengxing actually strangled Han Xiao, the puppeteer who made the emperor's clay puppet, in broad daylight.

After being dragged all the way into the yard, Han Xiao broke free from Ke Qing's hand. While adjusting her somewhat messy collar, she complained:

Hey, hey, hey... I'm just teasing you, but why don't I just attack you directly?

No one answered...

Han Xiao looked over with some confusion, and then couldn't help laughing.

I saw Keqing's cherry lips slightly parted, her eyes widened, and she looked at the uncolored [Emperor's Gun Town Osel] in front of her with surprise.

He stretched out his hand and waved it up and down in front of Keqing's eyes several times. While shaking, Han Xiao was still holding back a smile:

Come back to your senses, Miss Ke.

Cough cough cough... I'm not distracted.

Ke Qing, who suddenly woke up, pushed Han Xiao's hand away, her face unnaturally blushing, and she said in a calm tone.

Damn it... I really want to take this clay puppet back!


Han Xiao didn't expose the other party's little lie. He pulled up a chair and lay down on it, with a sense of laziness all over his body.

Then could you please tell me what the instructions are for Miss Ke to come to the door in person?

You've been like this since you were a child, can't you change your lazy temperament?

Facing Han Xiao, who had turned into a salted fish, Ke Qing frowned at first, and then lectured Han Xiao with a tone of hatred.

Yes, you read that right.

Hanxiao has another green plum.

No problem, it's all a blessing from being born in this world.

How could Han Xiao, who was born in the Han family, not know Ke Qing, who was also from a famous carving family.

But the relationship between the two is really not that good.

It's just a little bit better than the average friend.

Han Xiao has been a homebody since she was a child, lazy and often finds herself in trouble. This is completely different from Ke Qing, who has been serious and strong for as long as she can remember.

Ke Qing couldn't stand Han Xiao's laziness and always wanted to help him correct it.

Han Xiao didn't want to be forced to 996 by Keqing.

The two of them have been trying to reduce the number of meetings as much as possible to avoid quarreling when they meet.

But it was precisely for this reason that Ke Qing lost the opportunity to buy the [Emperor's World Map] immediately.

By the way, the relationship between the two of them, Xingqiu and Yun Jin is quite good.

For a moment, it was impossible to tell which of the two had the problem.

Okay, okay, Miss Ke, can we not argue first? Why do you want to see me all of a sudden?

With his hands raised in a gesture of surrender, Han Xiao directly stopped Keqing's lecture and asked him why he came to the door.

You...hum, forget it.

Ke Qing gritted her silver teeth secretly, glared at Han Xiao angrily, and said in a somewhat solemn tone:

I have a form here, please fill it out for me first.

With that said, Keqing took out the form from the Eye of God and patted it directly into Han Xiao's hand.

What the hell?

Han Xiao first glanced at Keqing in confusion, and then focused her eyes on the form.

After a while, the expression on his face became strange.

Chapter 13: Dying, Ke Qing actually lied to others

Regarding the land development proposal around Liyue Port?

Han Xiao frowned and looked at the densely written 'form' in her hand, and from time to time she raised her head and looked at Keqing with a strange expression.

He was completely confused by Ke Qing's operation. Why was this thing thrown to him for no reason?

Also, isn’t that the form we agreed on?

What the hell is this thing in his hand?

Since I can’t figure it out, I simply don’t think about it.

Han Xiao raised her head and shook the so-called 'form' towards Ke Qing:

Miss Ke, please tell me something precise. What does this mean?


Keqing's little face turned to one side, her eyes constantly wandering around.

According to Han Xiao's observation, Keqing's eyes fell on the earthen idol in the courtyard about three-quarters of the time.

If you don't make it clear, don't blame me for not filling it out~

Han Xiao raised his eyebrows. He was not used to the other party. This thing looked weird. Who knew what big pit was waiting for him inside.

However, what Han Xiao didn't expect was that Ke Qing immediately turned her little face back when she heard this, her lavender eyes were quickly covered with a layer of mist, and then she quickly lowered her head.

Ah this...

What's going on? I didn't say anything harsh?

Han Xiao looked confused.

Why does it look like the other person is about to cry? Did I say anything too much?

Everyone else...opposes my proposal...

Keqing, who lowered her head, suddenly whispered.

Hi...so that's what happened.

When Ke Qing said this, Han Xiao understood.

Co-authoring means that people object to it a lot, so I come to complain on my own side.

Thinking about it, Keqing was already a strong person, and because she was in a high position at a young age, there were very few people who could be friends with her.

Even though the relationship between the two is not particularly good, they are still childhood sweethearts who grew up together.

It's understandable to run to him.

Okay, okay, isn't it just a form? I'll fill it out for you, and I'll make sure that others are speechless.

You said that yourself!

As soon as Han Xiao finished speaking, Ke Qing immediately raised her head. There was no mist in her eyes, only the slightly raised corners of her mouth seemed to be 'taunting' Han Xiao.

Today's work is done today. I'll pick it up tomorrow!

That's it, let's go!

After saying that, Ke Qing turned into a bolt of lightning and quickly escaped from the courtyard before Han Xiao could react.

Han Xiao was stunned as she watched Keqing disappear before her eyes, with only one thought running through her mind.

Too old...Ke Qing is actually able to pretend to cry and lie...


Hmph, it's just Hanxiao, I can handle it in a minute.

On the way back to the General Affairs Department, the corner of Keqing's lips never dropped.

Ever since he was a child, every quarrel would end with him crying because of Han Xiao, but this time he finally got the better of the situation.

Yun Jin was indeed right. It was easy to be deceived by Han Xiao, an acquaintance.

It was a little difficult for her to pretend to cry, but fortunately, she used the thunder element to slightly stimulate the tear ducts, and she managed to get over it.

After coming down from Qunyu Pavilion, Keqing has been thinking about Ningguang's words.

In the end, she had to admit that she was indeed curious about why the emperor chose Han Xiao.

Thinking that it had always been Ke Qing's habit to do the best, she took out the Proposal for Land Development around Liyue Port directly from her official duties and found Yun Jin.

After getting the method of 'dealing with' Han Xiao from Yun Jin's mouth, the previous scene happened.

However, Ke Qing did not lie to Han Xiao, that is, her proposal was indeed disliked by many people.

Originally, Keqing had planned to shelve the proposal temporarily, but the sudden appearance of the emperor reminded her of the proposal.

Using this matter that embarrassed even Liyue Qixing as Han Xiao's 'examination question' wouldn't kill two birds with one stone.

First of all, the test questions are about government affairs at the level of Liyue's Seven Stars, which can completely test Han Xiao's 'talent' that was so favored by the emperor that he personally issued an oral edict.

Furthermore, if Han Xiao handles the situation perfectly, not only will Han Xiao's ability be verified, but she will also get an 'ally' who may be on her side.

She, Keqing, is the Yuheng star of Liyue.

Big victory!


Damn it, I was deceived...it must have been the trick of that dead girl Ah Jin.

While Ke Qing was excited about her 'big victory', Han Xiao was still sitting in the courtyard in a state of doubt about life.

No matter how much he thought about it, he could only come to one conclusion.

That was this kind of 'damaging' move, and it could only mean that Yun Jin didn't run away.

Ah Jin, bad!

Looking at the 'form' in her hand, Han Xiao sighed silently.

Now that things have come to this, what else can be done?

It's not like he didn't know Keqing's temperament. If he said he would pick it up tomorrow, he would never delay it until the next day. If he knew that he couldn't give the other party what he wanted, he would probably be annoyed to death.

It's just a pity that my plan today may be in vain.

Picking up the 'form', Han Xiao began to read it word for word.


Good idea...

After about an hour, Han Xiao put down the proposal written by Qing Qing in her hand, reached out and pinched the bridge of her nose, looking thoughtful.

In this Proposal for the Development of Land Around Liyue Port, Keqing proposed that the population of Liyue Port has been overloaded, and hopes to release the population pressure of Liyue Port by developing the land from Tianheng Mountain to Qingxupu.

How should I put it, just like Han Xiao said, the idea is very good.

I believe that except for Ke Qing, the rest of the Seven Stars may have already realized the problem.

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