To be blunt, they had almost never seen Qixing Liyue treated like this in thousands of years.

For a time, all the residents of Liyue began to ask what Han Xiao had done to make Prince Yan so favored.

In just one night, Han Xiao's deeds spread quickly.

Born into a branch of a large family, he went out to make a living on his own very early and quickly established a foothold in the local puppet industry.

Then it stood out in the Strata Rock Incident, not only promulgating a series of regulations to stabilize the market, but also solving the living and work problems of hundreds of thousands of people in Liyue in one fell swoop, preventing Liyue Port from experiencing large-scale turmoil.

At the same time, he also brought the people of Liyue back to the old capital and built the current Guili City.

All of this makes people talk about it. The legend of Han Xiao being promoted to Tianshu is no less legendary than when Ningguang was the Tianquan Star.

After all, no one could have imagined that an ordinary puppet master would develop such talent.

Moreover, as Han Xiao's deeds spread, they also learned of an even more explosive rumor, which was said to have been 'inadvertently' revealed from the mouth of Master Ningguang of Qunyuge Pavilion.

That was the reason why Han Xiao was able to stand out in the Strata Rock Abyss incident. The fundamental reason was that Lord Yan took a fancy to the solution proposed by the other party and even personally recommended him as the Seven-Star successor.


Thinking of the residents of Guili City looking at her with fanatical eyes today, Han Xiao, who was hiding in the secret room, couldn't help but sigh, and at the same time opened the chat group to complain.

And when the Han Xiaos in the group listened to his complaints, the whole group suddenly became lively.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: It's like walking by the river without getting your shoes wet. I won't be able to dance anymore, haha!

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: This wave of Lantern Festival is a typical skin-broken leg.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Don't talk about me now. I'm almost dying of worry. How do I solve the problem of the Heart of God?

[One Piece: Han Xiao]: I have to say that Zhongli's move is very powerful. Not only does he get rid of the trouble of God's Heart, but he also pushes you into the sight of the fools, and then he can edge you when you are facing each other.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Not only that, now the whole Liyue knows that Lord Yan has given you a token, and you can't get rid of it even if you want.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: It is estimated that after a night of fermentation, the Fools may also know the specific situation, and you will be in trouble.

Distraughtly, Han Xiao closed the chat group and sighed again.

Although the sand sculpture group friends are quite happy about the misfortune, what they say is also true.

Ever since he got the Heart of God, he had thought about how to deal with this tricky thing.

At first Han Xiao wanted to hand over the Heart of God directly to the chat group for recycling, but in the end she chose to give up.

Just as the sand sculpture friends said, now the Heart of God has become a token given to him by the Rock King, and it has even been given the function of seeing the token is like seeing the emperor.

If Han Xiao really lost this thing, he might really have no choice but to run away with the bucket.

Therefore, not only can the Heart of God not be handed over to the chat group for recycling, Han Xiao may also have to face off against the fools who want to steal the Heart of God.

When he thought of the fighting maniac Dadalia who was currently stationed in the Northland Bank, he felt his scalp numb.


northland bank

While Han Xiao was hiding in the secret room and worrying, Dadalia was listening to his men reporting on the news collected last night.

So the token given to Han Xiao by the rock god Morax is a chess piece?

Yes, Sir.

Last night, one of our teams was attacked by a mysterious person. When we woke up, we found that they were on top of a high mountain and witnessed the whole process.

Mystery man?

Yes, no one saw the mysterious man's face clearly. They just felt a breeze blowing past them and then they all fainted. When they woke up, they were on the mountain.

It's interesting.

After listening to his subordinates talk about the process of the Fools gathering specific information, Dadalia couldn't help but raise her voice and slightly raise the corners of her mouth with a smile.

Interesting, really interesting.

This mysterious man seems to have taken action specifically to allow the fools to witness the transfer process of the Heart of God.

Moreover, the opponent could knock out all the fools in a small group in an instant, which showed that the force value was extremely high. Dadalia suddenly felt his hands itching.

However, he has not been carried away by the desire to fight. He still has to do business now. As for the mysterious man, we will talk about it later.

How are you doing in the infiltration process of Guili City during this period?

Your Majesty, we have sent real Zhidong merchants to Guili City to do business.

Well done, let them help me keep an eye on Han Xiao and find a way to find the location where the emperor's token is stored.

Yes, Sir!

After seeing off his men, Dadalia stood up and walked to the balcony. He looked far away in the direction of Guili City and murmured to himself:

Han Xiao, I have always wanted to fight with you, but it's a pity that I can't find a good opportunity.

I didn't expect that Morax would choose to entrust the Heart of God to you for safekeeping. It seems that you and I are destined to fight.

I wonder if you can bring me the joy of fighting.

At the same time, the wind rose in Mondstadt.

Ying, who had already agreed to meet the bard, came to the tree early, and then saw Wendy who had been waiting for a long time.

Hello, traveler.

Seeing Ying's arrival, Wendy waved to her with a smile on her face and said in a brisk tone.

Well, he was really happy from the bottom of his heart.

Thanks to Tochin, Wendy had a lot of fun drinking in the past two days, and she didn't have to pay for it herself. All she had to do was say, Send the bill to the Knights.

Do you think he can be unhappy?

Chapter 164 Zhongli’s two combos

Hello, Wendy.

Seeing Wendy greeting him, Ying first replied politely, then paused, and then plucked up the courage to ask:

Or should I call you Barbatos, the god of wind?

Hey, you discovered it!

Seeing this, Wendy stretched out her hand to scratch her head and laughed in a pretense of embarrassment.


Ying couldn't help but curled her lips and said angrily:

You obviously discovered me when you were talking to Captain Qin that day.

Oh! I don't want to disappoint you.

Wendy didn't panic at all when her lie was exposed. Instead, she explained plausibly.

After all, I'm probably very different from the god you imagined.

That's true.

Regarding Wendy's explanation, Yingye nodded in agreement.

Ever since she learned that Wendy was Mondstadt's wind god Barbatos, she had been in a daze.

At first, she thought that the gods of Teyvat were as indifferent and aloof as the keeper of heaven, but as soon as Wendy appeared, her filter was broken.

Paimon didn't expect that either!

Paimon, who was following Ying, also echoed.

Well, after all, Mondstadt is a free city. Whether or not there are gods is not that important!

Let's not talk about this for now, let's get down to business.

Wendy waved her hand to ignore this topic for the time being. It was more important to talk about Tevalin now.

After all, after solving Tevalin's problem, he still had to go to Liyue to meet the guy named Han Xiao, and he also had to ask him why he knew everything about him.

If we want to get down to business, Ying...

Paimon took over Wendy's topic, then turned to look at Ying and asked:

Can you take that out and show it to him?


Ying nodded, and then took out the crystal he obtained earlier from his pocket.

Oh! This is it?

Looking at the crystals emitting blue light, Wendy couldn't help but scream in surprise, her eyes fixed on the crystals floating in the air.

Hey, the crystal was purified? When did it happen?

Paimon also cried out in surprise. It was clear that what she saw before was still a scarlet crystal full of impurities.

Somehow it became like this.

Regarding Paimon's doubts, Ying shrugged and said that she didn't know. Anyway, when she took it out to look at it this morning, it was like this.

These are Tevalin's tears of pain.

Wendy withdrew her eyes and explained to Ying and Paimon the experience of Tevalin being corroded by the poisonous blood with a hint of sigh.

After he finished speaking, he looked up and down Ying with incredible eyes:

You really have incredible power. Maybe Tvarin's problem can be completely solved this time.

Traveller, I hope you can do me this favor. I wonder if you are willing.

Okay, but after solving Tevalin's problem, I also have questions to ask you.

After thinking for a moment, Ying agreed to Wendy's request.

At first, she also felt that Tevalin, who had been infected by poisonous blood for nearly five hundred years, was in pain. It would be a good thing if she could help him free himself from the pain.

Secondly, Yingya wanted to ask Wendy about the keeper of heavenly principles by asking him to help Tevalin.

Although Wendy doesn't look like the god in her image, the other person is still a real wind god, and maybe he really knows about the keeper of heavenly principles.


Return to the city.

Han Xiao now has a headache.

In the past few days, he has become the biggest influencer in Liyue. Wherever he goes, he will be stared at with fanatical eyes.

What made his scalp numb even more was that the front page headline of the latest issue of Liyue Daily turned out to be the scene when Zhongli handed the Heart of God into his hands that night.

After asking, I learned that the photo was actually taken by a 'traveler' who went out to climb mountains in the middle of the night.

Suddenly, Han Xiao's whole body felt bad.

Damn, traveler?

Don’t think I didn’t see the mask inadvertently captured somewhere in the photo. Are you telling me it’s called a traveler?

When did the Great Sage of Conquering Demons also make a guest appearance as a traveler?

As for why Mandrill appeared there, Han Xiao also realized that this was completely Zhong Erzhu's double blow to him.

The other party even called the Great Sage of Conquering Demons to take a picture of the token clearly, even if he wanted to change it to a random object as a token.

With resentment towards Uncle Zhongli, Han Xiao walked into the alchemy workshop under countless hot gazes.

In the alchemy workshop, Abedo and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun had been waiting for a long time.

I didn't expect you, Han Xiao, to be praised by the Rock God! Congratulations!

As soon as he saw Han Xiao walking in, Abedo directly held up his hands and congratulated him.

As for Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, he immediately flew to Han Xiao's side and urged:

Han Xiao, quickly take out the emperor's token and show it to me!


Compared to Abedo and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun who were looking happy, Han Xiao took out the Heart of God from the jade pendant quite calmly.

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