After looking at Han Xiao, Zhongli nodded but stopped talking. Just when Han Xiao felt a little confused, the originally dark sky changed drastically.

The golden vortex suddenly cut through the night, and the dazzling light illuminated the entire Guiliyuan.

The residents of Guili City who were still asleep were startled by the light coming from the sky, and soon the streets were filled with people who came out to see the situation.

Even people as far away as Liyue Port noticed the changes in Guiliyuan.

How is this going?

Who knows, I've never seen it before!

No, why do I feel that this scene looks familiar?

In the two cities, everyone was talking non-stop, and everyone was curious about the vision that appeared in Guiliyuan tonight.


A loud roar resounded through the sky, and Morax's body suddenly emerged from the golden vortex.

In an instant, everyone cheered.

The Emperor, the Emperor!

I just said why it looks familiar to me. That's how Lord Qingxian Dianyi appeared!

Why did the emperor suddenly appear? Is there something big going on?

Different from the cheering residents of the two cities, Ningguang, Keqing, Ganyu and the immortals who were working all looked at the Rock King Emperor flying and circling over Guiliyuan.

There was a puzzled look on everyone's face.

There are still several months to go before the Immortal Invitation Ceremony, so why would the Emperor suddenly appear?

Before they could figure out the reason for the emperor's appearance, Zhongli's body, which was wandering and hovering in the sky, emitted a golden light.


The next moment, the ground shook.

The originally undulating mountains suddenly seemed to come alive and kept crawling, forming patches of flat land.

Countless boulders broke through the constraints of the soil, and the airflow generated by the impact carried the dust and dispersed it in all directions.

The boulders are wrapped in earthy yellow rock elements and fly into the sky with anti-gravity, forming a semicircular mountain range around the flat land.

Han Xiao, who was standing beside the statue of the Seven Heavens, first looked up at Morax high in the sky, and then turned to look at Zhongli, who was holding his arms next to him.

Ah, this, it’s not like turning on such dazzling special effects in the middle of the night.

Looking at the giant dragon high in the sky that almost turned the night into golden color, the corners of Han Xiao's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

He had an ominous premonition.

It was clear that Zhongli could complete the transformation quietly, but now he did it with such a big fanfare that he even revealed his original dragon-like image.

No, I have to run away.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao quietly moved her steps and prepared to run away.

Chapter 162 Han Xiao: Those who cheat others will be cheated by others

However, just as Han Xiao moved to prepare to run away, Zhongli, who had been staring at the sky with his arms folded, immediately turned his head as if he noticed it.

Little friend Hanxiao, where do you want to go?

I'm afraid it's a pill!

Zhong Li's faint voice sounded in her ears, and Han Xiao couldn't help but freeze on the spot, her whole body felt bad.

Uh...Mr. Zhongli, the wind is too strong on the mountain and it's a bit cold. I want to go down to take shelter from the wind.

Is it.

Zhongli raised his eyebrows, then stretched out his right hand, and a stream of earth-yellow rock element enveloped Han Xiao.

Before Han Xiao could react, he felt a sudden force pulling him toward the sky.

Mr. Zhongli!

Han Xiao suddenly turned her head to look at Zhong Li, and the expression on Han Xiao's face became more panicked.

What are you doing?

Didn't you say the wind is strong? It must be the wind caused by the impact of the boulders. There would be no wind in the sky.

Zhong Li stared at Han Xiao with a smile on his face. The rock element in his hand increased instead of decreasing, and he had the intention of sending it to the sky in one breath.

Feeling the force pulling on her getting stronger and stronger, and looking at Zhongli who was not ready to give up, Han Xiao sighed silently and gave up resistance.

As the saying goes, those who cheat others will be cheated by others, so don't resist.

Anyway, Uncle Zhongli shouldn't be able to find any reason to trick him.

As Han Xiao gave up resistance, his body was gradually pulled high into the sky by force.

Combined with the rock elements around the body, countless people in Liyue saw a figure with bright light slowly rising into the sky and flying towards the emperor.


On the Jade Pavilion, Ningguang leaned against the railing, his eyes fixed on the figure in the sky who was gradually approaching the King of Rocks.

Thumb thump thump——

A burst of hurried footsteps came from behind. Ningguang turned slightly to look sideways, and it was Ke Qing who was rushing over.

Keqing, who do you think is the person approaching the emperor?

Now shouldn't we be more concerned about why the emperor suddenly appeared!

Ke Qing, who came to Ningguang's side, first calmed down her breathing that had become somewhat disordered due to trotting all the way, and then asked angrily.

After all, in Keqing's view, it is not important who the figure is for the time being. What should be more concerned about now is why the emperor who only appeared at the Immortal Invitation Ceremony suddenly appeared.

I think that person is Han Xiao.

Faced with Keqing's question, Ningguang did not answer the question but answered his own question, with a bit of gritted teeth in his tone.

Even her hand holding the railing was so strong that she almost dug several holes in the railing.

From what you're saying, do you know what happened when the emperor showed up?

Looking at the condensed light emitting severe low pressure in front of her, Ke Qing frowned slightly, feeling very puzzled.

It's strange. Ningguang has always been calm and effortless in everything. Why does she look so angry today?

And why did Ningguang guess that the figure approaching the emperor was Han Xiao? Was there something she didn't know about?'ll find out as you read on.

Hearing Ke Qing's inquiry, Ning Guang suddenly sneered, turned his head and continued to look in the direction of Gui Liyuan, with a bit of 'murderous intent' showing in his beautiful phoenix eyes.

She probably knew the reason why the emperor suddenly appeared, and it was probably related to what she had discussed with Han Xiao before.

I just took away some of your shares, and then you backhanded me for a huge sum of money.

I really have you, Hanxiao!

Ningguang had to be convinced by this method. After all, she did not expect that Han Xiao and the emperor had a closer relationship than she imagined, and that she would personally take action for him.


What happened next was just as Ningguang expected, and the emperor's loud voice soon came from the sky.

Tianshuxing Hanxiao, what do you want today?

Looking at the huge dragon head in front of him, Han Xiao flying in the air twitched the corners of his mouth. He could even see the smile flowing out of his eyes.

A sense of shame suddenly spread throughout his body.

Damn it!

Zhongli couldn't find a way to deceive him, so he planned to let him die in front of the people of Liyue?

Of course, this was also because Han Xiao and Zhong Li were relatively familiar with each other, which made him think so.

If it were any other Liyue people, they would be able to talk to Lord Yan for generations.

Your Majesty, in order to facilitate the passage between Liyue Port and Guili City, please use your divine power to open up a new road for the two cities.

Although he was ashamed in his heart, Han Xiao felt that he could not be cowardly, so a series of embarrassing words that made his toes curl up continued to come out of his mouth.

Anyway, it’s just for fun, he can do it too!

Yes, I agree!

Morax's huge dragon head nodded slightly, and then more dazzling rock elements emitted from all over his body fell downwards.

With the influx of rock elements on the originally flat ground, a stone avenue stretched towards both sides of Guili City and Liyue Port.

After doing all this, Morax suddenly raised his voice and praised Han Xiao.

Tianshu Xing is worthy of praise for being able to consider the people of Liyue.

I hope you and Qixing can continue their efforts in the future and contribute to Liyue.

After saying that, Morax's chest lit up with a golden light, and a chess-like piece appeared in the air as the light dissipated, and then slowly fell to Han Xiao's hand.

This is my token. From now on, seeing this token will be like seeing me.

What am I doing?

Looking at the chess piece-like object in his hand, Han Xiao felt his scalp numb. Isn't this Zhongli's God's Heart?

How come it’s in my hands?

No, you can't take this thing. If you take it, a lot of trouble will come to your door.

Han Xiao quickly raised his head and prepared to refuse, but before he could speak, Morax let out a dragon roar and flew into the vortex and disappeared into the night sky.

And he himself slowly fell back to the ground driven by the rock element.

Ah this...

Standing on the stone avenue that had just been built by Morax's divine power, Han Xiao felt for a moment that the melody of the north wind and the fluttering snowflakes was ringing in her ears.


Just behind Han Xiao, Zhong Li crossed his arms and walked to his side, his tone more relaxed.

Little friend Hanxiao, your cooperation is good.

Mr. Zhongli...

Han Xiao mechanically turned her head to look at Zhongli, with a hint of resentment in her tone.

Can you take this thing back? I don't really want it.

Sorry, I recently signed a contract with the Ice Queen of Solstice, as for the content.

The corner of Zhongli's mouth curled up slightly, and at the same time he said something that made Han Xiao's scalp tingle:

My God's Heart will be entrusted to you for safekeeping. The Fools will try their best to get the God's Heart from you without harming your life.

This is a little game played between me and the Ice God. Come on, little friend Hanxiao!

Chapter 163 Congratulations to Hanxiao Liyue for achieving a well-known achievement in the entire region

The next day, Hanxiao’s residence.

In the secret room, wall lamps running on current on the wall emitted soft white light, and neatly arranged experimental tools were placed on the experimental table.

The cabinets on the side are also filled with various alchemy materials.

In front of the experimental table, Han Xiao was sitting on a chair, with his left elbow on the table and his cheek on his palm, while his other hand kept playing with the khaki chess pieces.

There was a bit of 'melancholy' in his eyes.

There was no other way, he really didn't expect that Zhongli would entrust the Heart of God to him for safekeeping on such an occasion last night.

Although it was night, the other party turned on the special effects and shouted so loudly.

If Han Xiao was only famous in Liyue Port and Guili City in the past, then things changed after Zhongli's 'public execution'.

From Qingce Village to Qiaoying Village, it can be said that wherever there are people living in Liyue, everyone knows that the name of the latest Tianshu Star is Han Xiao. He is so valued by Prince Yan that he even gave him a representative rock. The king's token.

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