This Paimon is greedy, greedy for money, and takes pleasure in being praised. He is really a useless little thing.

Ignoring the delighted Paimon, Ying directly asked Qin about the scene she just saw:

Captain Qin, who was the person who spoke to you just now?

I wonder if you have ever heard of the Fools?

It turns out that all the fools have indeed heard of it!

Seeing that Qin and Ying were talking about business, Paimon quickly came over and told them the information he knew.

It's just that bad reputation.

Because of the dragon disaster, the pressure exerted by the Fools has become too great to ignore.

Talking about the fools, Qin also had a headache.

Due to the Dragon Disaster, many trade routes in Mondstadt were cut off. It was normal for the Winter Country to send fools to put pressure on them due to economic problems.

However, according to the information obtained, the Fools seem to covet the power of the Wind God's Familiar, so Qin has always refused to cooperate with them to solve the dragon disaster.

However, due to the current lack of combat power in Mondstadt, she was not very confident when facing the Fools.

Forget it, let's not talk about the fools for now. Traveler, come with me to the Knights headquarters.

We discovered something very important while cleaning the temple.

Chapter 157 Han Xiao: Boss Ningguang is awesome!

Knights Headquarters.

Ying, Qin, and Lisa were in the office looking at the crystals floating in the air and emitting scarlet light at the same time.

It's a crystal that contains some kind of power. Lisa, can you analyze its composition?

Qin carefully looked at the ominous crystal, then turned to ask her best friend.

Yeah, but let me take a look first.

Lisa carefully observed the crystal and shook her head.

I'm sorry. At present, we can only find dirty impurities inside the crystal. If we want to find a solution, we may have to go to the forbidden book area to find information.


As she said that, Lisa stretched out her right hand to reach for the crystal, but unfortunately she didn't touch the crystal yet. She suddenly retracted her hand as if she was electrocuted, and she couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.

But it was precisely because of this that she seemed to understand something, a look of realization appeared on her face, and she immediately came to her preliminary conclusion.

The dirty power in the crystal seems to be very repellent to the Eye of God.

It's actually like this!

After listening to Lisa's judgment, Qin somewhat understood why even Lord Barbatos, the God of Wind, was troubled by the dirty power in Tevalin.

I'm afraid it's because this dirty power will repel, entangle and kill each other with elemental power.

But it's really weird.

Lisa on the side suddenly turned her gaze to Ying, who had remained quiet since entering the office, her eyes full of inquiry.

Traveler, you can obviously use elemental power, but you are not affected like us. It seems that the little cutie should keep the crystal. Putting it in our hands will only leave pain.

In response to Lisa's sudden cue, Ying did not answer, but just looked at the crystal, with some vague guesses in her heart.

If she guessed correctly, elemental power was probably the kind of power she thought.

So, Traveler.

Seeing that Lisa planned to hand over the crystal to Ying for safekeeping, Qin straightened her back, put her right hand on her chest and said sincerely:

This is the second merciless invitation from the Knights. Please accept the title of Honorary Knight of the Knights of the West Wind, and please help us find the answers to these mysteries again.


After thinking for a while, Ying agreed to Qin's request. Although she knew that the honorary knight was also a sweetener given by Qin to win her over, she felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

If she can help Mond solve the dragon disaster, her relationship with the Knights of the West Wind will be further developed, and she can use Mond's power to help her find her brother.

When both parties have just met each other, it is obviously the best way to cooperate.


Just when Ying became an honorary knight of Mondstadt, Han Xiao was chatting with Ningguang about investments with her Dudu communication device.

You hide projects that can make money, but end up spending a lot of money on welfare projects. You think of me immediately, right?

In the Qunyu Pavilion, hearing Han Xiao's idea of ​​investing coming from the communication device, she gritted her silver teeth and asked with an annoyed look on her face.

She really wanted to hit someone now, because Han Xiao was so inappropriate.

Starting from cement, a series of products that can make a lot of money, such as light bulbs and electric cars, the other party can hide them as long as they can. Only when they can't hide them anymore will they give her a little profit.

Then what did Han Xiao get her to invest in?

Alchemy workshops, ordnance and equipment, etc. are all particularly important industries but cannot sell their products at all.

The more Ningguang thinks about it, the angrier she becomes. She has never met such a shameless boss in all her years of business. She makes money secretly on her own, and only comes to her in industries that are not very profitable but important.

This wishful thinking... is so shrewd!

You can't say that, Ningguang, you are not responsible for such a profitable project for the bank?

Is that my mother's? It's Liyue's!

Perhaps because Han Xiao was too 'shameless', one Buddha with condensed light energy was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, and even the boss even cursed him with curse words for a while.

Do banks make money? Make money!

It can be said that the bank makes more money than all the industries Han Xiao opened combined. The key is that the money does not belong to her alone.

Liyue Bank is directly under official control. Although Qixing is nominally the leader of Liyue, public and private matters still need to be clearly distinguished.

At most, Seven Stars is a controlling shareholder, and the biggest stake still falls on the official account.

Even if you control a small amount of shares, the money you make is not a small amount of money.

On the other end of the communication device, Han Xiao added cautiously.


Hearing this, Ning Guang couldn't help but sneer.

Everything I earn is hard-earned money. Think carefully about who runs the bank to suppress Beiguo Bank.

Okay, then how can you agree.

Seeing that asking for money directly was not an option, Han Xiao immediately changed her strategy and planned to reluctantly cut off some of the benefits to Ning Guang.

I want electric vehicle technology.

Hey, hey, you lion is opening your mouth, no!

Seeing Ningguang directly asking for electric vehicle technology, Han Xiao refused without hesitation. This was a big moneymaker.

I remember that electric vehicles are only under the official name. In fact, you account for the majority of the profits. Then I want to become a shareholder, and I will need a certain amount of equity in your projects in the future.


As for Ning Guang's choice to take a step back, Han Xiao thought about it again and decided to bleed out. After all, after hearing the other party's accusation, he felt that he was not very 'kind'.

That's pretty much it.

In front of the communication device, Ning Guang's face finally showed a smile again. Although he didn't get the electric vehicle technology, it was not bad to be able to buy shares and receive dividends.

Moreover, Han Xiao will definitely be able to do more projects in the future. Not only will she not lose money but she will also be very worry-free if she makes a small amount of money by following her.

This transaction is not a loss.

Thinking of this, Ningguang revealed the strategy she had already thought of:

The official accounts of Liyue Port and Guilicheng jointly contribute part of the capital, and I will pay for the rest.

Boss Ningguang is grand and boss Ningguang is open and bright!

After getting the investment, Han Xiao hurriedly gave Ningguang a series of nice words.

I'll forgive you for flattering me. I'd like to thank you if you, Master Han, don't keep hiding it if you have a money-making project next time.

No way, I will definitely take you with me next time!

There was nothing he could do about it. The investor was a rich woman like Ning Guang. Before she got the money, Qian Hanxiao could only coax her.

But when he thought about the benefits he had given up, he couldn't help but feel heartache.

Although on the surface it seemed that the benefits he gave were not as great as Ningguang's taking out a large sum of money at once.

But these benefits are long-lasting, especially after the market is opened to the other six countries, the profits will skyrocket.

If the electric vehicle industry hadn't just started and the profits weren't enough, Hanxiao would have built this road by himself.

Wait, do it alone?

Suddenly a bold idea popped into his mind.

Chapter 158 Zhongli: Believe it or not, I will perform a Gui Li Falling Dragon today

Question, who has the most power and who is the strongest in Liyue?

I believe that all Liyue people will answer this question with one name, and that is Prince Yan of Liyue.

Who doesn't know that Liyue is the city built by Prince Yan himself, and in ancient countries, he is the emperor.

As for power, the story of Prince Yan’s conquest of the Demon God is one that has endured for a long time.

Today's Guyun Pavilion is the island formed after the giant rock gun smashed by the emperor was shattered.

So there is no one else in Liyue who can compare with Prince Yan.

Well... regardless of whether Ruotuo Dragon King under the Fulong Tree is convinced or not, at least the people of Liyue agree that Lord Yan is the strongest, so there should be no problem.

Coincidentally, Han Xiao thought so too.

And the bold idea he came up with was also related to Morax.

Hanxiao can't build the road alone, but Zhongli can.

With the old man's ability, it is not easy to open up a new path in Guiliyuan!

The more Han Xiao thought about it, the more he realized that his idea was really good. He only needed to spend one Zhongli to open up a main road in a short time.

Save money and time.

As for the funds from Ningguang, they can be used to build other public facilities in Guili City.

Such as city expansion, alchemy workshop capital investment, etc.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao decided to go to school tomorrow to talk to Zhongli.

I believe that the old man will choose to support himself...right?


What does it mean to become an honorary knight?

So far she has not received any substantial benefits.

However, as the title spread, Ying is now very popular and trusted by the residents in Mondstadt. Of course, part of the reason is because her mission completion rate in the Adventurer Association so far is 100%.

On the day he left the Knights, Ying saw the green man with the dragon that he had seen in the Whispering Forest.

She tracked him all the way to the square. After a brief inquiry, she learned that this guy was named Wendy, who claimed to be the three-time winner of the 'Most Favorite Bard in Mondstadt'.

Realizing that the other party directly called the dragon Tevalin instead of calling the dragon the Wind Demon Dragon like the residents of Mondstadt, Ying realized that the identity of the bard in front of him who spoke in a cloudy manner was probably not simple.

So she deliberately made friends with Wendy, and after spending a few drinks, she made an agreement with the other party to meet under the big tree in Fengqidi in a few days.

But early the next morning, Ying came to the Knights headquarters to find Qin, and revealed her suspicions about Wendy's identity.

You said you met a bard named Wendy and called the dragon Tvarin?

Qin, who was working, raised her head and looked at Ying in astonishment. She didn't even notice that the quill in her hand fell on the table.

Captain Qin, what's wrong with you?

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