Seeing Qin's shocked expression, Ying frowned in confusion. Is that bard really an extraordinary person?

It obviously doesn't look like it.

Sorry, I lost my temper.

Realizing that her reaction was too strong, Qin quickly suppressed her excitement, apologized to her, and also explained the reason for her gaffe:

Because I have always wanted to find out something about the other person, but I missed the opportunity to meet each other every time.

Do you need me to ask for you?

Tilting her head, Ying suddenly asked a question. She could already see that Qin seemed to have some words that she had not yet said.

Thank you Traveler, but let me talk to him in person.

Qin first politely declined her offer of help, and at the same time said she wanted to talk to him in person.

I wonder where the bard named Wendy is now.

It should be in a pub. I think he likes drinking.

Thinking of how many times Wendy had cheated her out of her drinking money yesterday, Ying betrayed the other party without hesitation.

Anyway, she now finds things more and more interesting.

Wendy's identity as a bard is not simple, and Captain Qin seems to have consciously helped the other party conceal it, so Ying wants to see what Captain Qin will look like when he sees Wendy.

Thank you traveler.

Hearing that Wendy might be in the tavern now, Qin couldn't help but feel excited again. After all, this matched the rumor again.

After Ying left, Qin suddenly stood up from the chair, hurriedly walked out of the gate of the Knights, and walked in the direction of the 'Angel's Gift'.

However, shortly after she walked out of the knights, Ying's figure emerged from the grass at the corner.

Ying, isn't it good for us to do this?

Looking at Ying who was about to follow Captain Qin, Paimon, who also emerged from the grass, asked hesitantly.

It's okay, I just went to take a look. Don't you want to know Wendy's true identity?

Jumping off the city wall along the blind corner, Ying walked towards the 'Angel's Gift' and asked Paimon.

Okay...but we have to apologize to Captain Qin afterwards.

Unbeknownst to Paimon and Ying, Lisa and Kaia were watching them through the library window.

Lisa, our honorary knight seems to be following Qin.

Leaning in front of the window, Kaiya glanced at Lisa with interest, as if asking her what she planned to do.

Don't worry about it. I probably know where Qin plans to go. Sooner or later, the little cutie will know about it.

Regarding Kaia's question, Lisa looked at Ying's figure jumping off the city wall and said without looking back.

It seems that there is a secret between you and Captain Qin. Can I know this secret?

Let's wait until Qin is sure.


Just when Lisa was secretly observing Ying, Ying followed Qin, and Qin went to find Wendy in Mondstadt, there was also a good drama just beginning in Guili City.

Why did you suddenly come to see me today?

Facing Han Xiao who suddenly came to the door, Zhongli couldn't help but speed up his fingers on the table. If he hadn't stopped his force, he would have poked small holes in the solid wood table.

In fact, it's not surprising that Zhongli is so extreme, mainly because he is really 'panic' now.

Because Zhongli knew clearly that as long as Han Xiao came to the door in person, nothing good would happen, so Bao Buqi planned to give him some more jobs that he couldn't refuse.

The key is that now he not only has to manage the school, but also drafts relevant regulations for the insurance industry.

Zhongli felt that if Hanxiao came this time, he would still 'trick' him. Believe it or not, he would fly from Liyue Port to the gate of Guili City forcibly to cause a dragon fall in Guili City during this year's Immortal Invitation Ceremony!

Ahem, just kidding.

Guili's falling into the dragon probably won't happen, but Zhongli thinks it's okay to leave some last words before 'fake death' to add a little trouble to Han Xiao.

Chapter 159 Han Xiao: Running away after cheating Zhongli is so exciting!

Perhaps because he saw that Uncle Zhongli was extremely wary of his arrival, Han Xiao did not go straight to the topic as soon as he got up, but started to have a family affair with him.

Mr. Zhongli, haven't you been driving an electric car during this time? I would like to ask you what you think of electric cars.

Based on common rationality, electric vehicles are more comfortable and convenient than horse-drawn carriages.

Hearing Han Xiao ask about his driving experience on electric vehicles, Zhongli thought about it carefully and gave satisfactory feedback.

Although horse-drawn carriages equipped with the shock-absorbing system developed by Albedo are no longer as bumpy to ride as before, electric vehicles still have the upper hand in terms of comfort and convenience.

Mr. Zhongli, what do you think of the current traffic regulations in Guili City? Is there anything that needs improvement?

The traffic regulations were formulated by Yan Fei and Ning Guang together. It seems that they have seriously considered various situations, but...

Zhongli suddenly paused, as if he was considering what words to use to express his thoughts and suggestions.

But what? Mr. Zhongli, please tell me!

Maybe I'm thinking too much. There are more and more electric vehicles returning to Liyue City, and the traffic on the road to Liyue Port is getting bigger and bigger. I'm afraid it won't be able to carry the load in the future.

Under Han Xiao's urging, Zhongli still expressed his thoughts.

For the time being, he felt that the traffic regulations enacted by Yan Fei and Ning Guang were quite organized, and some small loopholes would be gradually improved later.

But at another point Zhongli became a little worried.

Nowadays, more and more Liyue residents are returning to Licheng to buy electric cars. Not only businessmen, but also some ordinary families with some savings have begun to purchase electric cars.

After all, having a car can not only carry the whole family on a trip, but also make it much more convenient to go out to do errands. It can be seen that electric vehicles are gradually replacing the function of horse-drawn carriages.

However, in Zhongli's view, as the number of electric vehicles increases, the pressure on the main road from Guili City to Liyue Port will increase, and sooner or later it will no longer be able to afford the huge flow of people.


After hearing Zhongli's thoughts, Han Xiao's expression remained unchanged but her heart was frantically calling for Uncle Zhongli.

Originally, Han Xiao just wanted to find a random topic to chat about before talking about the serious matter, but he didn't expect that the other party would divert him to what he planned to talk about.

What is the name of this wave? This wave is called Scheming Xiao uses clever words and stupid Zhongli throws himself into a trap.

As expected of Mr. Zhongli, his vision is long-term.

Han Xiao praised Zhongli as soon as he came up. At the same time, his hands were not idle, he took out the map from the jade pendant and spread it on the table.

What are you...

Zhongli, who vaguely sensed something was wrong, tilted his body back involuntarily, as if he could get further away from the map.

Albedo and I have also discussed the issues that Mr. Zhongli is considering, and we have discussed a plan and asked him to help us correct it.

Come and take a look, we plan to build another road next to the main road to ease the pressure on traffic running back and forth from the city in the future.

As he spoke, Han Xiao picked up a pen and drew two relatively winding dotted lines on the map on both sides of the main road between Guili City and Liyue Port.

The first idea is to open a mountain tunnel highway along Luhuachi. The advantage is that the scenery along the way is beautiful.

As for the second idea, it is to open up a road on the other side. Although the scenery may not be as good as the previous one, it is more functional.

After drawing a circle in the lower right corner of the map near the sea, Han Xiao continued:

During the previous planning, this area was planned as the future urban expansion direction of Guili City. If a new route is opened here, transportation will be more convenient.

And a small port can be built below, allowing direct shipping to Liyue Port.

Mr. Zhongli, which choice do you think is better?

In terms of general rationality, the second idea is more in line with my preferences and more practical.

Although he was still wary of Han Xiao, Zhongli still gave his opinion realistically.

If Han Xiao and the others follow their ideas, the traffic load problem he was worried about before can be effectively improved.


You should have inspected the terrain there. How do you plan to deal with the mountainous environment on both sides?

Looking at the two dotted lines on the map, Zhongli couldn't help but frown.

Opening a new road requires a lot of manpower and material resources. The workload is much greater than laying cement on the main road before.

The coastal embankment construction project in Guili City has never stopped. Now that the food is almost mature, many people have returned to work in farming. Can Guili City really afford the construction of new roads now?

Originally, I planned to call Keli to blast the terrain with me.

Han Xiao took a pen and clicked several small dots on the map. Upon seeing this, Zhongli quickly recalled in his mind the actual terrain of the place circled by the other party.

The result was not what he expected, those places were perfect blasting points.

I think this method is inappropriate.

Zhong Li immediately shook his head and rejected Han Xiao's plan. It wasn't that this method was bad, it was because he was afraid that Han Xiao's shaking of his hand would mean he made a miscalculation, which would not be fun.

Alice has a criminal record in this regard.

But this method works quickly.

Seeing Zhongli shaking his head, Han Xiao deliberately put on a worried expression.

Currently, Guili City has just made a profit, and it is also responsible for the major project of building coastal dams. We really do not have enough manpower and material resources to undertake two major projects at the same time.


Unless what?

When he saw Han Xiao deliberately prolonging his tone, the corners of Zhongli's mouth couldn't help but twitch. He suddenly didn't want to hear what the other person said next.

However, Han Xiao still said what he least wanted to hear.

Unless Emperor Yanwang shows compassion for the people of Liyue and personally displays his power to move mountains and seas.

I knew that something bad would happen if this unlucky kid like Han Xiao came to me.

Zhongli couldn't help but close his eyes and almost sighed to the sky.

Even though the other party knew his identity, he even used an aria-like tone to praise the King of Rocks.

Not scary!

Zhongli didn't know what other people would think. Anyway, he just felt terrified all over.

You...let me think about it.

Finally, after a long silence, Zhongli opened his eyes, glanced at Han Xiao with complicated eyes, and then said helplessly that he would think carefully before making a decision.

Okay, Mr. Zhongli, I won't disturb you for now. You can think about it slowly and I hope you can give me an answer as soon as possible.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Han Xiao stood up and retreated outside the office very consciously, and fled the scene in a flash.

Chapter 160 Wendy: Slander, absolute slander!


After walking out of the Knights, Qin quickly followed the stone steps to the door of Angel's Gift.

Captain Qin, why are you here?

Barton, the bartender who was standing at the door soliciting customers, saw that the person who came was Qin, and he immediately came over with an attentive smile.

I suddenly wanted to have a drink today, so I came to relax.

After making a casual excuse and saying something perfunctory, Qin nodded slightly to Barton, then reached out and pushed open the door of the tavern.

In an instant, a strong sound hit her eardrums.

Although it was daytime, the business of the tavern was still very good, and many drinkers gathered in twos and threes at the table to drink and chat.

Even if today is a holiday, are there so many people in the pub during the day?

Looking at the bustling tavern, Qin suddenly didn't know what to say.

If she hadn't come to the tavern during the day because of something to do today, she would have never known that so many people in Mondstadt started drinking during the day.

Even on a day off, it’s a bit too indulgent.

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