Dawn Winery.

Diluc stood at the door of the manor early in the morning, his eyes looking in the direction of the stone gate in the distance. If you look carefully, there will be a glimmer of expectation in the other person's eyes from time to time.

Due to geographical reasons, Diluc's winery is very close to the temporary trading area near Shimen, so he received news within a few days of the electric vehicle's release.

When he saw the picture of an electric car printed on the headline of Liyue Daily, Diluc felt his heart flutter for the first time in a long time. Without thinking, he sent his butler to Guili City to queue up to order one.

Come to think of it, Cheche was a big toy for men in Han Xiao's previous home, so it was normal for Grandpa Lu to have a heartbeat.

No, when he learned that today was the day when the electric cars would be delivered to the winery, he got up very early and even came to the gate of the manor just to see the car he bought as soon as possible.

Not long after, a small black dot appeared on the road in the distance, moving towards the winery.

As the black dot got closer, Diluc could see clearly the other party's true appearance.

Butler Eze is sitting on a carriage, and there are two carriages running parallel to him. Behind the three carriages, there is a thick rope extending backward and tied to a large cart.

Parked on the large truck was the black electric car purchased by Diluc.

The carriage quickly stopped at the gate of the manor. After the steward Eze directed the workers to unload the electric carriage from the pallet, he came to Diluc and said:

Master, I bought your car.

Well, thank you for your hard work.

Diluc nodded reservedly, but judging from his leaning forward body, it could be seen that Diluc was not as calm as he appeared.


As if seeing Diluc's eagerness to try, butler Eze was hesitant to speak.

What's wrong?

When I was selling the car, I took a driver's license test before buying it. You may not be comfortable with it for the first time...

Seeing Diluc look at him, Eze thought it would be better to tell the matter first. The first time he bought a car, he was rejected by the salesperson in Guili City because he did not have a driver's license.

After finally learning to drive and getting a driver's license, Eze bought an electric car from a salesperson.

Mr. Diluc wants to get started without even learning how to drive. What if something happens to him in danger?

The operating guide for electric vehicles is written in Liyue Daily, and I have studied it carefully.

After listening to Eze's explanation, Diluc explained in a leisurely manner that judging from the operation instructions recorded in the daily newspaper, operating an electric vehicle is not difficult, and he is quite confident in his learning ability.

As for the driver's license...

Diluc shrugged at this, with a hint of smile in his tone.

We're not in Guili City here. It seems Mondstadt doesn't have a law on electric vehicles yet.

Ah, Master Diluc, aren't you taking advantage of this?

Butler Eze couldn't help but widen his eyes, with a look of surprise on his face. He really didn't expect that his master would one day take advantage of the legal loopholes.

Don't worry, I'll be walking around the winery, and I've already notified Kaia and asked him to talk to Qin about the traffic regulations on electric vehicles.

I believe that by the time all the businessmen in Mondstadt buy electric cars, the traffic law will also be introduced by the Knights.

After saying that, Diluc couldn't hold back his excitement anymore, strode to the electric car, opened the door and got in according to the steps in the operating guide in his memory.

Holding the steering wheel, stepping on the pedal, and pressing the switch, Diluc slowly stepped on the accelerator, and the stationary electric car began to move forward driven by the motor.

At first, the speed of the electric car was very slow, because Diluc was still a little unfamiliar with the operation, but after he was basically familiar with it, the speed of the electric car became faster and faster.

On the empty road, the black electric car galloped like a wild horse.

Sitting on the soft and elastic leather seat of the electric car, feeling the violent push on his back and the whistling wind in his ears, Diluc had only one feeling at this time.

That’s the real value of buying this electric car!

Not only is it fast, it is also comfortable and worry-free to sit on.

As for the horses?

Hahaha, this thing is much easier to use than a horse!


While Diluc was happily playing with his big toy, Han Xiao was also called to the alchemy workshop by Albedo.

As soon as he entered the door, Han Xiao asked loudly to Albedo:

Albedo, what do you want from me?

Well, I have two things to tell you.

Abedo hummed first, then took out two documents from the Eye of God and placed them in front of Han Xiao.

First of all, I have improved the switching speed of the horse-drawn slide projector. Basically, it can be observed with the naked eye without lagging. Of course, I am referring to ordinary people. Those with particularly strong dynamic vision are excluded.

Great, let's go try out the effect after the movie theater is built.

Hearing that Abedo had completed the transformation of the horse-drawn slide projector, Han Xiao nodded with satisfaction.

With this machine, the normal operation of the movie theater can be guaranteed, and his Teyvat film and television industry has the capital to take off.

By the way, what's one more thing?

After being happy for a while, Han Xiao thought that Abedo seemed to have one more thing to say, so she turned around and asked.

There is news from Zhenjun Liuyun that the ambulance has been modified, and a bus has also been built together.

I know the ambulance is provided to Bubulu, but how do you plan to solve the bus problem?

What? Is there something wrong with the bus?

Hearing Abedo specifically point out the bus, Han Xiao's happy face also softened a lot, and she quickly asked questions.

There is no problem, I just think the bus is of little value.

Abedo rubbed his chin with his hand and carefully considered his words before explaining his thoughts.

It takes at least several hours to drive from Guili City to Liyue Port.

The number of people a bus can carry is fixed. If you want to achieve rapid population circulation between Guili City and Liyue Port, a large number of buses will be needed.

Funds and materials are a big expense.

Moreover, buses are much larger than electric vehicles, so it is very easy to cause road congestion when driving on the road.

This is a nuisance.

After listening to Abedo's thoughts, Han Xiao had to admit that the other party's considerations were indeed reasonable.

Then what's your suggestion, Abedo?

Chapter 156 Han Xiao: I need investment from a rich woman

I didn't think of any suggestions...

Abedo first said that he didn't have a good idea. Before Han Xiao could be disappointed, he changed the topic and talked about Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun.

But Zhenjun Liuyun did come up with an idea that sounds good.

Oh, what's your idea?

It turned out to be the idea of ​​I Love Inventing the True Lord. Han Xiao's curiosity was suddenly aroused. He really wanted to hear the advice of his teacher of mechanism skills.

Since Han Xiao was so interested, Abedo did not disappoint. He directly took out the map of Liyue and laid it on the table, and then used a red pen to draw another red line between Guili City and Liyue Port.

This red line followed the mountains on the lower right side of Guiliyuan and circled around the Seven Heavens Statue before returning to the only channel from Guiliyuan to Liyue Port.

If the previous road was a straight line, then the line drawn by Albedo obviously went around in an arc.

You see, the road between Liyue Port and Guili City has been paved with cement road by you, but this road is only being renovated, and the road is not actually too spacious.

Zhenjun Liuyun's idea is to open up a new channel to connect Guili City and Liyue Port more closely.

But this will result in a huge amount of work.

Han Xiao stretched out her right index finger and pointed at the area where Abedo had drawn the line, with a more questioning tone in her tone.

I have gone to the field for field inspection and have seen that there are mostly mountains and the terrain is not flat. If you want to build roads, it will take a lot of manpower and material resources to repair them.

At present, the construction of the coastal dams has not stopped, and the day when the food is ripe is getting closer and closer. Han Xiao estimates that Guili City may not be able to recruit so many workers to build a new road.

The idea of ​​Liuyun Borrowing Feng Zhenjun is good, but it is a pity that it is time-consuming and laborious to implement.

Currently, there is only one main road between Guili City and Liyue Port. Sooner or later, a second road will be built.

Abedo did not refute the issue of the large amount of work. After all, it was an obvious thing, but he still felt that building another road was the best option.

With the development of Guili City, sooner or later the population will increase, and the communication with Liyue Port will become closer and closer. By then, one main road will not be able to satisfy the traffic between the two cities.

But building a road specifically for buses feels a bit like a loss.

Abedo's consideration was correct, but Han Xiao felt that it was not cost-effective to dedicate a road for buses to run.

Buses are not a money-making project like electric vehicles. They have been part of the urban service industry since their birth.

At present, Guili City is just getting on the right track, and it would be a bit overwhelming for him to suddenly spend a large sum of money on laying public facilities.

After all, the current Guili City is far from reaching the saturation level, and urban transportation planning can be put on hold for a while until Guili City has sufficient funds before considering it.

Of course, if a wealthy woman like Ning Guang could be attracted to invest, Han Xiao felt that it was not impossible.

After all, road construction will be beneficial to both cities.

As if he noticed that Han Xiao's wind had loosened up a bit, Abedo immediately struck while the iron was hot and said:

If you don't think it's cost-effective to use the road only for buses, we can also switch to a model with a higher capacity.

Zhenjun Liuyun has made a machine car that runs on the track before. What if we build a powerful front car and then connect the carriages at the back?

“Such a tram can carry people and transport goods, killing two birds with one stone.”

Isn't this a train?

Han Xiao raised her eyebrows, somewhat surprised that her mechanism master had also made a mechanism similar to a train?

He is worthy of being called the ‘I Love Invention True King’.

It’s just that trains are not that easy to build.

After thinking for a moment, Han Xiao shook her head.

Trains cost more to build than a road and require massive amounts of steel.

At present, the stratigraphic abyss is sealed, and the mineral resources have been reduced sharply. There is not enough steel to build railway tracks.

Let's build the road. As for the tram, we can wait until later.

In the end, Han Xiao decided to open another road to Liyue Port in Guiliyuan according to Abedo's suggestion.

However, the prerequisite for road construction is that he must first find Ningguang Lala to invest. The newly profitable Guili City alone is not enough to afford large-scale urban public facilities such as buses for a long time.



Just as Han Xiao and Abedo were discussing planning for the future of Guili City, Ying, who had just made a small profit from the task issued by Han Xiao, happened to meet Captain Qin who was negotiating with the fools.

However, it seemed that the conversation between the two was not very pleasant, and they broke up quickly.

Ying, let's go over and say hello to Captain Qin!


Hearing Paimon's thoughts, Yingya nodded, and then walked towards Qin who was left alone to think.

Captain Qin!

As soon as he got closer, Paimon happily waved his little hand and said hello.

Ah, travelers, you are back.

Attracted by the sound, Qin raised her head and saw Paimon and Ying walking towards her. She quickly put her right hand on her chest and saluted:

Thank you very much for your assistance. The current element cycle around the city has finally stabilized.

Don't worry about this little thing!

Hearing Qin's thanks, Paimon repeatedly waved her hands to indicate that she didn't have to pay attention, but the smile on her face never stopped.

Glancing at Paimon sideways, Ying sighed helplessly.

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