Keqing really couldn't understand that the reputation of the Fools in the countries of Teyvat had not been very good, but the other party actually wrote in the official letter that they voluntarily went deep into the rock abyss in order to protect the people of Liyue from the Black Disaster.

When did the people of Liyue need the protection of the Fools?

It's so ridiculous, you really think they Qixing are doing nothing, right?

The fools just chose a barely passable excuse.

Unlike some angry Keqing, Ningguang still appreciates Yu Fangzhong's cheeky style.

Diplomacy is not a shabby thing to do.

They should come here for the black mist under the giant rock abyss and the mysterious artifacts that were dug out.

Thinking of the ancient objects that were dug up by miners before the abyss was sealed, Ningguang felt that this was probably why the Fools came.

Have you ever seen anyone look at those things?

Hearing Ning Guang talk about the ancient objects dug out from the giant rock abyss, Ke Qing asked thoughtfully.

We have looked for many people, but we can't tell when the objects are from. The only thing we can be sure of is that these objects may be older than we expected.

Then how are you going to respond to the Fools' request?

Of course I agree. Anyway, even if they send people to investigate, they will be responsible for the danger, and there is no harm to us.

Rather than sending people deep into the rocky abyss to investigate, Ningguang was more willing to see the fools explore the path for them first.

An old saying in Liyue goes: The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind.

If something important is really discovered, Yelan will be the oriole.


Return to the city.

The ladies of the Fools want to cooperate with us in investigating the Strata Abyss. Have you decided to agree?

Yes, Keqing and I think this cooperation model is good. What do you think?

Since the fools are willing to contribute to our Liyue, why don't you agree.

After hanging up the communication with Ning Guang, Han Xiao closed the book recording Alice's explosion theory in her hand, with a hint of amusement on her face.

Before he traveled through time, he had heard the insider reveal that there were quite a lot of secrets in the giant layered rock abyss, but he didn't expect it to be confirmed so quickly.

To protect the people of Liyue from the black disaster?

Hehe, stop joking.

Han Xiao didn't believe that the Fools would be so kind. I was afraid that investigating the secrets buried under the giant rock abyss was their real purpose.

Of course, Han Xiao also believed that Ning Guang must also be aware of the problem. Since the other party decided to cooperate with the Fools, he probably had his own plan.

So after hearing Ningguang ask for his opinion, he agreed without thinking.

But I seem to remember the plot where the ghost uncle broke the news that there seemed to be a mandrill in the deep rock abyss.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao put away her books and shouted softly into the air:

Senior Mandrill!

Soon, a breeze came, and then the mandrill's figure appeared in the wind.

Is something wrong?

As soon as Mandrill showed up, he imitated Zhong Li and crossed his arms, and asked in a calm tone. After all, he had figured it out, so he couldn't give Han Xiao a good look, otherwise he would definitely kick his nose in and create a lot of things for you to solve.

Didn't you see that even the emperor was assigned a lot of work by this guy?

So when facing Han Xiao, Mandrill has decided to face it with a distant attitude as much as possible, otherwise it will be really difficult for him to resist putting He Puyuan on each other's knees.

Senior Mandrill, I invited you here this time because I have something I want to ask you.

Chapter 154 The tacit understanding between Zhongli and Han Xiao

Senior Mandrill, I wonder if you know what happened in the Strata Rock Abyss half a year ago?

Why are you asking this suddenly?

Hearing Han Xiao mention the layered rock abyss, Mandrill suddenly frowned and his tone became serious.

Of course he knew what happened in the Layer Rock Abyss half a year ago. After all, how could he not know about it after he worked hard in Liyue to hoe the earth every day.

Mandrill originally planned to enter the layered rock abyss to see if he could solve the problem, but the emperor stopped him before he could move.

There is news from Ningguang...

Soon Han Xiao revealed everything about the Fools' plan to go deep into the rocky abyss to investigate.


After hearing everything, Mandrill immediately snorted, obviously very dissatisfied with Ningguang's decision.

The matter in the Strata Abyss is very difficult. How can we make such a hasty decision?

Senior Mandrill, the Strata Rock Abyss is very important to Liyue. It is good to be able to seal it off for more than half a year. Besides, this time we are going to investigate the cause of the formation of the black mist.

Seeing that Mandrill seemed a little angry, Han Xiao quickly tried to smooth things over for Ning Guang, and at the same time asked in a slightly curious voice:

Could it be that there are other secrets in the Strata Abyss?

That's not what you should know right now.

Mandrill shook his head, obviously not wanting to continue talking about the issue of the layered rock abyss.

Does the Strata Abyss hold a secret?

Yes, and there are many secrets.

At least Mandrill knew that before Dragon King Ruotuo lost his mind, he had discussed the topic of the Strata Rock Abyss with them at a party.

It was from the other party's mouth that Mandrill learned that there was a city ruins buried deep in the rocky abyss for who knows how many years.

Besides that, there was another thing that concerned him even more.

That was the time when the Warcraft caused disaster. An unknown Yaksha once appeared in the Rock Abyss to lead everyone to resist the disaster.

That's all, if you want to cooperate with the Fools, just cooperate!

Suppressing the chaotic thoughts in his heart, Mandrill sighed slightly, acquiescing to Han Xiao and his generation's Seven Stars plan, but he still gave a slight warning.

But remember not to go too deep underground when investigating, otherwise it may bring danger to Liyue.

Okay, Senior Mandrill!

In that case, I'll take my leave first.

Nodding to Han Xiao, Mandrill's figure turned into a breeze and disappeared into the room again.

It seems that there are many secrets in the layered rock abyss.

Looking at the place where Mandrill disappeared, Han Xiao couldn't help but murmured to herself, and a thoughtful look flashed in her eyes.

I'm afraid there are many people who can discover the secrets hidden in the giant abyss from the mandrill's attitude. No wonder the Fools came to ask for cooperation in person. They probably got the clues from somewhere.

It's a pity that Mandrill is not willing to tell him the secrets in the rocky abyss.


In the school/principal's office.

After leaving Han Xiao, Mandrill did not leave Guili City immediately, but instead headed to Zhongli's current location.


Mandrill emerged from the wind and immediately bowed respectfully to Zhongli who was sitting at his desk.

Mandrill, why are you here?

Zhongli put down the pen in his hand and looked at Mandrill who suddenly appeared in front of him with some surprise, as if he was surprised by his appearance.

Emperor, Han Xiao and Qixing plan to cooperate with the Fools to investigate the problem of the Rock Abyss. You have warned me before not to go deep into it, so I want to ask you if you want to stop them.

Faced with Zhongli's doubts, Mandrill quickly stated the reason why he came on his own initiative.

Hanxiao and the others are cooperating with the Fools to investigate the layered rock abyss?

After hearing the news brought by Mandrill, Zhongli frowned slightly and began to think about the pros and cons of this matter.

It didn't take long for him to make his decision.

Let them go with this matter. The problem of the Strata Abyss is not that simple to investigate.

But the emperor...

Seeing this, Mandrill was about to continue saying something, but was interrupted by Zhongli who raised his hand just before he started speaking.

Don't worry. If the secret was so easy to dig out, it would have been dug out long ago. Why wait until now.


Since Zhong Li didn't intend to stop him, Mandrill didn't continue to ask questions, but changed the topic to himself.

Then Emperor, can I investigate the rumors about the appearance of the nameless yaksha in the giant rock abyss?

not the right time yet.

Zhongli refused Mandrill's request, but he was thinking about something else.

Some time ago, he put information about the Layer Rock Abyss into Yan Fei and Ye Lan's homes, and he didn't know when they would be able to see it.


Seeing that Zhongli rejected his idea, Mandrill couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He really wanted to find out whether the nameless Yaksha who appeared in the Layer Rock Abyss was his eldest brother Fushe.

Perhaps seeing the disappointment in Mandrill's eyes, Zhongli couldn't help but explain:

The conditions for going to the depths of the Rock Abyss are not yet mature at the moment. When the time comes, I will allow you to go.

Thank you, Emperor!

Mandrill, who didn't expect that things would turn out to be a turn of events, quickly thanked Zhongli.

Perhaps because his request had gained hope, Mandrill's mood improved a lot. When he relaxed, he noticed the hill-like pile of documents on the table in front of Zhongli.

Emperor, what are you doing?


Hearing this, Zhongli's expression froze, and then he couldn't help but put his hand to his forehead and let out a helpless sigh:

It's not because Han Xiao and Hu Tao, these two unlucky kids, insist on getting some kind of insurance. Such a big thing can affect the whole body. I can't let them do whatever they want.

Although Zhongli said it more 'tactfully', Mandrill still reacted.

Come on, the emperor may have been assigned another job by that boy Han Xiao.

When I thought that the emperor, who had always been extremely majestic, was actually 'possessed' by Han Xiao and the little girl from the Palace of Purity, even the usually stern mandrill felt dumbfounded.

Emperor, you are a little too lenient towards them.

The main reason is that Han Xiao's proposal is very good to Liyue. I can still afford this bit of leniency.

Zhongli shook his head.

Hu Tao won't talk about it for now. He has watched this child grow up since he was a child. He has always had an eccentric temperament, and he has long been used to it.

As for Han Xiao, Zhongli thought that the other party knew how to measure things best.

Even though Han Xiao knew his identity, she kept jumping in front of him repeatedly and often added some extra workload to him.

But whether it is the position of school principal or the current insurance issue, in the final analysis, it is beneficial to Liyue's future.

This is where Han Xiao knows how to measure things. He will only use major events related to Liyue's development to 'trick' himself.

This is the reason why Zhongli can always indulge Han Xiao in committing suicide.

It can be said that the two of them have a tacit understanding in this regard.

Chapter 155 Diluc: This thing is much easier to use than a horse!

As electric cars are selling like hotcakes in Guilicheng, the front page of Liyue Daily for several days has been filled with news related to electric cars.

Soon, Mondstadt, which was closest to Liyue, was the first to receive the news.

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