Yes, we can discuss the details after Ms. Alice comes to Liyue.

After the matter was settled, Han Xiao hung up the communication and put the Dudu communication device aside, falling into deep thought.

To be honest, he was not optimistic about Alice's idea of ​​forming a Teyvat idol group.

Ah Jin still has a slight chance.

After all, Ah Jin still likes trendy pop music, and she also loves performing very much.

But another eldest lady worshiped by Inazuma Club, Kamisato Ayaka, was different. Han Xiao remembered that Keli said that Alice had invited her six times but was rejected.

To sum up, Han Xiao felt that Alice might still end in failure this time.

But what does this have to do with him.

Han Xiao quickly forgot about the idol group. After all, whether the idol group could succeed or not was Alice's business. He was more concerned about the theory of electromagnetic waves now.

As long as we have this thing, radios, televisions and other machines that need to transmit signals through electromagnetic waves can be manufactured.

Wouldn't Guili City's entertainment industry be able to kill the entire Teyvat continent?

Thinking of this, Han Xiao hopes more and more that Alice can arrive in Liyue as soon as possible with the electromagnetic wave theory.

While Han Xiao was still thinking about the great entertainment business in Guilicheng, Xu Wan took the Yingying Theater construction drawings modified by Abedo and personally led the construction team to start breaking ground at the selected address.

What else are you going to fix?

I don't know, it seems I haven't heard anything before.

Many residents of Guilicheng watched Xu Wan and the construction team working enthusiastically and couldn't help but discuss it with their friends.

They were all very curious about the sudden action of the Guili City officials, and everyone wanted to know what the purpose of this building was.

Chapter 152 Ying: Han Xiao? A scapegoat who knows how to spill money

At the same time that Guili City was carrying out construction for the future entertainment industry, Captain Qin from Mondstadt had already met the man who had defeated Tevarin.

The two parties also had a friendly conversation, and Ying also agreed to help Mondstadt against the dragon plague.

According to Lisa, the reason why Tevalin was able to set off a storm that covered the entire city was with the help of the remaining power there.

So Qin asked Lisa and Kaia to act separately, each responsible for a temple.

As for Ying, she helps wherever she is needed.

Soon the remaining power of the Temple of the Four Winds was wiped out by a few people, and the storm outside Mondstadt also weakened a lot as Lisa guessed.


The next morning after cleaning the Temple of the Four Winds, Ying woke up from her hotel room.

First, he crossed his fingers and raised his arms high, turned his palms to the sky and stretched greatly. Then he picked up the toiletries and prepared to go to the bathroom to freshen up.

Ying, you woke up so early!

Not long after, Ying, who was brushing his teeth, heard Paimon's voice behind him. He looked back with a toothbrush in his mouth, and sure enough, he saw the other party appearing behind him.


Ying gave a vague hum, then turned around and continued washing.

By the way, why did you agree to Captain Qin's help in fighting the dragon disaster?

Paimon asked curiously as he picked up the children's toothbrush placed aside.

Because it's necessary.

After picking up the water cup and gargling her mouth, Ying opened her mouth to answer Paimon's question, but this answer was basically nonsense.

So what are you going to do today?

Go to the Adventurers Association to receive some quests.

I always find it strange to meet you. Didn't I say that I wanted to find your brother?

Paimon, who was holding a toothbrush, was very puzzled. He had obviously said that he was going to find his brother before, but after arriving in Mondstadt, he either helped Captain Qin fight against the Wind Demon Dragon or went to the Adventurer's Association to take on quests.

I can't see the idea of ​​looking for my relatives at all.

I'm not doing this just to support you!

Upon hearing Paimon mention this matter, Ying immediately looked at Paimon with his hands on his hips and a speechless expression.

I really think she likes to go to the Adventurers Association every day to do some tasks to help the Mondlanders find cats and walk dogs. The key is Mora.

The food and accommodation they had in Mondstadt all came from Mora. The key was that Paimon looked petite, but had a surprisingly big appetite.

If she doesn't find a way to make money, she will really continue to wander in the wild.

Thinking of the days when he was wandering on the Teyvat continent, and comparing it to the comfortable environment of living in a hotel now, Ying suddenly felt a chill.

What she meant was that she never wanted to go back to her wandering days of being hungry and full.

As for agreeing to help Captain Qin fight against the Wind Demon Dragon, Ying also had his own considerations.

The Knights of the West Wind are the official authority of Mondstadt City. If you establish a good relationship with them, you will not only have a greater chance of meeting the Wind God, but you can also use Mondstadt's power to help her find her brother.

After all, the continent of Teyvat is so big, searching for it by herself would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

However, she was not ready to share these thoughts with Paimon. They had known each other for too short a time and had not yet reached a relationship where they could talk about everything.

After washing up, Ying and Paimon went downstairs to have breakfast in the hotel lobby, then got up and walked out of the hotel towards the Adventurers Association.

Soon the two arrived at the location of the Adventurers Association.

Purchase a large quantity of electrical crystals at ten thousand molas each?

Seeing the task on the taskbar, Ying couldn't help but clicked her tongue. The current market price of the electrical crystal was between one thousand five thousand and three thousand molas.

The premium of 10,000 mola is too high. Who is so rich?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but ask Miss Catherine, the receptionist of the Adventurers Association, with some doubts:

Miss Catherine, is the price determined for this electrical crystal task correct?

That's right, it's just one ten thousand mola.

Wow, the person who issued this task is so rich!

Hearing Catherine's answer, Paimon on the side couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, and at the same time looked at Ying with eager eyes:

Ying, I remember we saw electric crystals on the road!

Hmm...I also remember the mineral point.

Ying nodded. She had indeed encountered a lot of electrical crystal ore in the wild, but because the package was too small, she collected a few pieces to measure the price of Mondstadt City.

Then what are you waiting for? Let's go mining quickly!

Hearing that Ying had memorized the mineral spots of the electric crystal, Paimon spun around in the air several times excitedly. This kind of business was very rare, and it would be a pity not to do it again.

But she quickly thought of something, quickly turned her head to look at Catherine and asked:

Miss Catherine, if we collect a lot of electrical crystals, does this publisher really have Mora to buy them all?

Don't worry about this. The person who issued this mission is Master Hanxiao, one of the Seven Stars of Liyue. Mora is not a problem at all for him.

Oh my God, it's actually the Seven Stars of Liyue!

When he heard that the person who issued the mission was Liyue's Seven Stars, Paimon couldn't help but cover his mouth with both hands and let out a cry of surprise.

Liyue? Qixing?

Ying on the side looked at Paimon in surprise, as if asking what these were.

Liyue is right next to Mondstadt. It is the country of the rock god Morax and it is also a very prosperous commercial country.

As for Qixing, they are the top seven business representatives in Liyue. They are also the people in power in Liyue, just like the Knights.

Paimon whispered in Ying's ear and explained the meaning of Liyue and the Seven Stars, and then said excitedly:

Since it's a mission issued by Qixing, we don't have to worry, they are super rich!

Liyue, the rock god Morax and the Seven Stars.

Ying secretly wrote down several names Paimon said in her heart.

Of course, Han Xiao, one of the Seven Stars, was also firmly remembered by her. After all, it would be difficult for such a wealthy owner not to remember her.

Miss Catherine, we have accepted this mission.

With a sigh at Han Xiao's lavish spending, Ying accepted the task very simply.

At this time, Han Xiao, who was far away in Guili City, probably never dreamed that the image he would leave on Ying was that of a person who was taken advantage of and was good at throwing away money.

It was clear that the other twin even went out of his way to meet with him and extend an invitation to join the Abyss.

In fact, many people in Mondstadt were puzzled by Han Xiao's behavior of purchasing electrical crystals at a high price, but considering that the other party was one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, there must be a reason for doing so.

So they all subconsciously hoarded some electrical crystals, and at the same time actively inquired whether Guili City had developed new uses for electrical crystals.

However, because Han Xiao is very strict about the material formula of electric vehicles, not many people know about it yet, and many people can no longer stock up and plan to sell them.

Chapter 153: The Current Situation of the Strata Abyss

Guili City is developing step by step, but at this time, Liyue Port has received bad news.

It has been more than half a year since the Layer Rock Abyss was sealed, and the minerals in Liyue Port's inventory have basically been depleted.

Recently, both the Huishan Department in charge of the mining industry and the Shenglu Department in charge of the glass industry have vague intentions of restarting the Strata Abyss.

After all, the glazed sand and other precious ores produced in the Strata Abyss are an important source of wealth for Liyue Port.

In particular, the glazed sand has a gorgeous luster that doesn't seem to come from this world. The porcelain produced from it is extremely valuable and very popular among the other six countries.

Now that the stock of minerals is about to be exhausted, do you think Shenglu Hall, which is responsible for the glass industry, should not be anxious?

So Shenglu Hall, together with Huishan Hall, which is responsible for mining in Bamen Middle School, submitted the Opinion Letter on Reopening the Strata Abyss to Qixing.

In the Qunyu Pavilion, Ning Guang saw Ke Qing coming after receiving the news and talked to her about the matter.

Are these people crazy? They want money at the expense of their lives?

Ke Qing looked at the document handed over by Ning Guang, her almond-shaped eyes widened in disbelief.

In the past six months, Seven Stars had not sent people to explore the Strata Rock Abyss, but the news they received was that the Strata Rock Abyss was shrouded in mysterious black mist, making it impossible to go deep into it.

Now Shenglu Hall and Huishan Hall actually plan to restart the Strata Rock Abyss. Are they not even afraid of losing their lives in order to make money?

They were also pushed into a hurry.

Compared to Keqing's dissatisfaction, Ningguang was relatively calm. She took a small sip from the jade cigarette rod, then exhaled white smoke before saying slowly:

The reason why Liyue's glazed industry is so popular in the other six countries is ultimately because of the superior raw materials. If the glazed sand is lost, Liyue's porcelain will have no significant advantages.

The gradual reduction in porcelain production in the past six months has caused great losses to Shenglu Hall. It is reasonable for them to want to restart the Strata Abyss.

But even so, we can't ignore the danger.

After hearing Ningguang's explanation, Keqing couldn't help but retort.

It's not that she doesn't know the importance of the Strata Abyss to Shenglu Hall and Huishan Hall, but even if it is important, the dangers involved cannot be ignored.

That's why they handed over their opinions to us for decision-making.

Then I don't agree.

Keqing immediately shook her head, expressing her disapproval of restarting the Strata Abyss before the danger was resolved.

Don't rush to a conclusion. Take a look at this first.

Putting down the cigarette rod in his hand, Ningguang reached out and pulled out a piece of information from the pile of documents on the desktop and handed it over.

Taking the document in Ningguang's hand again, Keqing quickly opened it and her expression suddenly became strange.

The document is an official document sent from Zhidong Kingdom. It states that Zhidong has also learned that the Strata Rock Abyss has been swallowed up by a mysterious black disaster. The executive lady of Fools said that she wanted to protect the people of Liyue from being infected by the black disaster. , the Fools are willing to cooperate with Liyue to go deep into the abyss to investigate.

Isn't this really a joke between you and me?

I have to say that after reading the document, Ke Qing was a little dumbfounded. When did the Fools become so kind?

The document is an official document from Winter Solstice Kingdom. Do you think I will lie to you?

But why would you send such an official letter from the fools?

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