Before Han Xiao could finish speaking, the woman on the other side of the communication device interrupted him with a somewhat surprised tone, and then introduced herself in a lively tone:

Although Brother Hanxiao may have guessed who I am, I still want to introduce myself.

I am Alice, Keli's mother. I have heard Keli mention a lot about you, little brother Hanxiao.

It is indeed you, Ms. Alice!

Chapter 150: Two people who met each other late

Congratulations on guessing it right!

Hearing Han Xiao accurately say her name, Alice, who was at the border of Teyvat, couldn't help but smile.

She had previously observed a dragon disaster in Mondstadt, and because she was worried about her daughter's safety, she contacted Keli through the Dudu communication device.

As a result, during the emotional exchange between mother and daughter, Alice accidentally discovered that there was another communication going on. Out of curiosity, she started to 'hack' into the other party's communication.

However, Alice is still quite satisfied with her action this time.

Because not only did she hear the voice of her good friend Han Xiao, who had been mentioned in Keli's mouth, but she also unexpectedly learned a topic that interested her very much from him.

That's the Shadow Project.

So there was the incident in the last chapter where Alice suddenly spoke and shocked Han Xiao.

Ms. Alice, even if you are the inventor of the Dudu communicator, it is not good to eavesdrop on other people's conversations at will.

Seeing that the other party admitted his identity without any care, Han Xiao complained helplessly.

Sorry, sorry, I couldn't help but move my hands because I was curious about who was communicating.

Perhaps because she felt that her behavior was indeed inappropriate, Alice immediately changed the subject:

Okay, how about I teach you how to encrypt the communication device?

And don't worry, this encryption method will take even me a long time to crack.

Thank you very much, Ms. Alice.

Hearing that Alice planned to teach him how to encrypt communications, Han Xiao instantly forgave her previous rude behavior.

What is this called? This means that as long as the compensation is in place, he dares to lose his memory in an instant.

Compared with a small call intrusion, the encryption method provided by Alice deserves more attention from Han Xiao.

After all, who knows if anyone besides Alice will be able to steal communications.

Unfortunately, Han Xiao didn't know that after he traveled through time, a character who could intercept other people's communications actually appeared in the game.

Well, who told him to travel to Teyvat after only playing the version of Yuanxia Palace?

Soon, Han Xiao memorized the encryption method described by Alice, and planned to modify the Dudu communicator as soon as the communication ended.

Brother Hanxiao, I didn't expect that you have a good academic talent.

Are you interested in discussing the explosive formula with me? I heard from Keli that the two of you have deduced many formulas together.

Alice did not expect that she just mentioned the encryption method in the communication device, and Han Xiao could not only write it down verbatim, but also raise her own doubts.

This shows that Han Xiao is not memorizing by rote but really understands the principles of encryption methods.

She likes this kind of talented players, and it is very easy to teach them.

Moreover, Alice also roughly figured out Han Xiao's character through Keli's narration.

Being able to become good friends with his precious daughter so quickly, and also making achievements in the field of explosions, one can tell at a glance that Han Xiao is probably a restless master as well.

Sure enough, when he heard that Alice planned to discuss the explosive formula with him, Han Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up and he said quickly:

It's a great honor. Ms. Alice, please first listen to my newly developed formula No. 61.

Then Han Xiao poured out all the explosive formula he had recently developed, like pouring beans through a bamboo tube.

The other end of the communicator.

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation of his latest explosive formula, Alice raised the corners of her mouth and narrowed her eyes, obviously very happy.

Thinking about how I had planned to help Amber and the Nagano Hara kid improve the formula, both of them sternly refused, and then look at Han Xiao who is now talking non-stop.

Good boy, this is a good boy.

Keli is such a valuable friend!

With secret joy in her heart, Alice listened to Han Xiao's narration. After the other party finished speaking, she immediately expressed her own evaluation:

Your formula is not bad, but you can add more rock essential oil. This thing has miraculous effects in the field of explosions.

In just a moment, Alice rattled off more than ten improvement plans in one breath, leaving Han Xiao stunned for a moment.

Is this the top blasting master in Teyvat?

Praise the Great Sun Tathagata, Fusion King Buddha!

Looking at the Dudu communication device floating in mid-air, Han Xiao couldn't help but clasped her hands together and bowed respectfully.

Although the two had never met each other during their first conversation, both Alice and Han Xiao found chatting with each other a very pleasant experience.

How should I put it, Han Xiao herself carries the memories of her past life, and Alice has received a lot of knowledge about other worlds. There are significant differences between the two of them in some concepts and the locals of Teyvat.

Just like the matter of explosions, Han Xiao was very interested in some of Alice's feats, perhaps because the fear of lack of firepower was engraved in his DNA from birth.

If he didn't have the ability, he would even want to learn it.

Now that Alice has given her all the help, Han Xiao feels that if she had an experience bar, she might not be able to rise quickly.

Hand-fried fried rice is just around the corner!

The same goes for Alice. Apart from her own precious daughter, she has never seen anyone who can keep up with her thinking before.

Now, Han Xiao is not only as talented as Keli in the field of explosions, but also has a very broad mind. She can occasionally make quite constructive suggestions, which has given her a lot of new inspiration.

To describe the two of them in terms of one word, it would probably be a shame that they met so late.

After chatting for more than an hour and discovering that the Dudu communicator had begun to enter the load state, Alice said with unfinished meaning:

It seems that we can only talk here today. It's really nice to chat with you. Brother Hanxiao, let's have a good chat in person if we have a chance!

This is also my honor, Ms. Alice. I have benefited a lot from your teaching today. I look forward to chatting with you in person.

Then it's settled. It will be Keli's birthday in a while. I have already decided where to celebrate her birthday. I will come to Liyue then. I think you should be able to help me design something super interesting. level.

no problem!

After hanging up the communication, Han Xiao was very interested in the last thing Alice mentioned.

If I remember correctly, the place where Alice planned to celebrate Kelly's birthday should be the Golden Apple Islands, which were formed from the fragments that Barbatos used to flatten Mondstadt's terrain with the wind.

An uninhabited island and surrounded by ocean, it’s a great place to experiment with explosive recipes!

But Alice is coming to Liyue to take him to the Golden Apple Islands?

Han Xiao was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously looked in the direction of the school.

I wonder if Uncle Zhongli will be happy when he hears the news?

Chapter 151 Alice: I want to form a Teyvat girl group

Han Xiao thought about it for a moment and chose to keep it a secret, not even telling Albedo that he had gotten in touch with Alice and had a very good chat.

If more people know, there will be more risks. Although Abedo is not a person who likes to talk nonsense, what if it is accidentally leaked?

Han Xiao didn't want to see herself running in front while Uncle Zhongli was throwing stones at her from behind.

That picture is too miserable to think about.

So he just copied all the knowledge points that Alice mentioned about explosions and stored them in the jade pendant, intending to conduct experimental demonstrations step by step.

As for why I plan to experiment slowly, it is because the knowledge given by Alice is a bit too hardcore.

The other party was no longer satisfied with a single chemical explosion or physical explosion. Han Xiao saw from the knowledge Alice gave him that she had begun to study mixed types of explosion methods.

Thinking of a very familiar mass-energy equation that she had seen in the knowledge points she had written down, Han Xiao suddenly felt that it was quite normal for Alice to be stared at by Uncle Zhongli the whole time after coming to Liyue.

Time soon came to the next day.

Just when Han Xiao was sitting at home reading Alice's Explosion Theory·Han Xiao's Handwritten Version with gusto, the beeping communicator suddenly rang again.

Who is calling this?

She connected to the communication device with some coldness, and soon Alice's energetic voice rang through the communication device:

Hey, little brother Hanxiao!

Ms. Alice, why is it you?

Han Xiao was a little surprised when she heard Alice's voice coming from the other end of the communication device. She had just contacted him yesterday, so why did she contact him again today?

I was so happy chatting yesterday that I forgot all the important things.

As if aware of Han Xiao's doubts, Alice calmly stated the reason why she contacted him again.

Originally, she planned to have a good chat with Han Xiao about animation movies yesterday, but the two of them became happier and happier as they chatted about explosions, causing them to completely forget about it.

After suddenly remembering today, Alice dialed Han Xiao's communication again.

So that's what happened. Ms. Alice, what do you think?

When he learned that Alice planned to ask him about animation imaging, Han Xiao suddenly realized, and then happily expressed that he would be happy to answer the other party's questions.

That's right, the reflection you and Abedo created should be a movie.

On the other end of the communicator, Alice, who was standing at the border of Teyvat, looked at the dark sea shrouded in darkness in the distance, with some inexplicable meaning in her tone.

It seems that you, Brother Hanxiao, are not an easy person.

Han Xiao didn't answer, mainly because he didn't know how to answer the other party. After all, reincarnation in another world couldn't be discussed casually.

Fortunately, Alice didn't get too entangled in this aspect. She just mentioned it and then changed the topic to business:

The main reason I contacted you today is to do a business deal with you.

what business?

I have a theory of electromagnetic wave transmission that conforms to Teyvat's rules. It is one of the results of my many years of research. I believe you, brother, should also know the importance of this theory!

Good guy!

Alice actually wrote this theory?

Han Xiao was startled at first, then immediately suppressed the excitement in her heart and asked slowly:

What do you need, Ms. Alice!

Brother has already made a movie. I wonder if you have no idea about radio or TV?

Yes, that’s really an idea!

Han Xiao couldn't help but scream deep in his heart, but because the other person hadn't spoken yet, he couldn't bear to interrupt him.

Sure enough, Alice's voice came from the communication device again.

My transaction is very simple. The first one is that I want you to introduce me to Yun Jin. The last time I came to Liyue, Mr. Zhongli stopped me from going to see Mr. Yun. I am very disappointed with this.

As for the second item, after you build the TV, little brother, I need to create an idol program on the TV.

How about my request? Is it very simple?

After listening to Alice's story, Han Xiao finally understood why the other party wanted to see A Jin.

He once heard from Keli that Alice planned to invite Barbara, Ayaka Kamisato and Jin to form the Teyvat idol group. However, due to various reasons, in the end, only Barbara chose the idol career. .

Now it seems that Alice has not given up the idea of ​​forming a Teyvat idol group!

I can promise you the second one right now. As for the first one...

After pondering for a moment, Han Xiao continued:

If you want to get to know Ah Jin, I can help you connect, but I can't guarantee anything else.

That's it. I can do the rest myself.

Alice's rather happy tone soon came from the other side of the communication device.

That's what we've decided, little brother Hanxiao!

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