Qunyu Pavilion.

When Gan Yu boarded the Qunyu Pavilion, he was immediately led into Ning Guang's office by Bai Wen and others who were waiting outside.

In front of the desk, I saw a beauty with long platinum hair rolled up by black and gold hairpins, holding a cigarette rod in her left hand. The gold, white and black cheongsam made her look even more elegant and mysterious.

It is one of the seven stars of Liyue, Tianquan Star Ningguang.

Seeing Gan Yu's arrival, Ning Guang put down the cigarette rod in his hand and looked at Gan Yu sitting in front of him with a smile:

It's really rare to see you in such a hurry, Gan Yu.

Ning Guang was very surprised when he received the news that Gan Yu suddenly put down his work and came to his Qunyu Pavilion.

Nothing big happened in Liyue recently?

Why does Gan Yu seem so anxious?

So before Gan Yu arrived, Ning Guang also temporarily put down his work, thinking about whether there was any loophole in Qixing's recent policies that he had not considered, while waiting for Gan Yu to come.

I'm sorry, Ning Guang.

After thinking about it all the way, Gan Yu also knew that he was a little impulsive.

Of course, Gan Yu cannot be blamed for this.

One is that Gan Yu has not heard the emperor's personal order for a long time, and the other is about the person in the emperor's oral order, that is, Han Xiao.

Both of these aspects really caught her off guard.



Did the emperor say it himself?

After Gan Yu explained his purpose, a hint of astonishment flashed through his bright red eyes, and his tone of voice couldn't help but rise a bit.

She expected that something big must have happened when Gan Yu came, and she was prepared to deal with it.

It's just... I didn't expect the content of the message to be so shocking.


Gan Yu nodded.

She was not surprised that Ning Guang would be surprised.

In other words, any Seven Stars would be surprised when they heard the news.

This is really surprising, that little guy.

After confirming that the information was correct, Ningguang picked up the cigarette rod on the table again, with his usual elegant smile on his face.

Only the flash of light under her red pupils from time to time revealed that her mood was not as calm as she showed.

There was silence in the room for a while, and Baiwen and the other three had already left.

Gan Yu didn't speak, just quietly waiting for Ning Guang's answer.

Since it is an oral order issued by the emperor himself, we must obey it.

After a long time, Ningguang spoke.

The first sentence settled the matter.

Ning Guang believed that the decisions made by other Seven Stars here would be the same as his own.

Oh no...

Maybe Keqing, the upright and serious guy, would raise objections.

It will still be some time before Tianshu Star retreats. Besides, didn't the Emperor also say that he will only be included in the inspection first?

After setting the tone, Ningguang's thoughts began to flow smoothly:

Investigation and investigation. Whether you can become a seven-star candidate naturally requires assessment and review.

Uncle Tian recommended Zhiyi, Qianwei and Mingbo some time ago. It wouldn't be a bad idea to add Hanxiao as well.

I see.

Now that Ningguang has made his judgment, Gan Yu also expressed his remaining questions:

This time it will be inspected by [Yuehai Pavilion] as usual, or...

Of course, together with our Seven Stars.

Faced with Gan Yu's question, Ningguang chose to investigate together without hesitation.

After all, there are usually no candidates for the emperor to vote for, right?

She wanted to see with her own eyes what talents the emperor was interested in in Han Xiao.


The emperor ordered Han Xiao to be listed as a seven-star candidate for inspection?

Looking at the list jointly listed by Ningguang and Gan Yu in their hands, Tianji, Tianxuan, Kaiyang and Yaoguang were stunned for a moment, then silently stamped their own seals.

Apparently, they were fine with the decision.

I didn't expect that my matter would bother the emperor's attention. I really didn't expect it.

Uncle Tian, ​​who was fishing in Liyue Port, was also a little shocked after receiving the document from Yuehaiting's secretary, but he stamped his seal without hesitation.

Even Han Xiao, a young man who had only heard about it a little, was even more important in the hearts of several Seven Stars than the previous three candidates.

Even the recommender, Uncle Tian, ​​is no exception.

No way, who said this is the weight of the rock.

Oh...except for one person...


There was a violent table slamming in the General Affairs Department, and then the secretaries of the General Affairs Department heard Ke Qing's incredible shouts.

What's going on? Why did the emperor suddenly make such a decision?

For a moment, the secretaries of the General Affairs Department were silent and lowered their heads one after another, for fear of being seen by others.

There is no way, Lord Yu Hengxing's words are all about saying that the emperor is extremely hasty in his actions.

They didn't dare to answer the phone.


The door to the office was pushed open violently, and Keqing walked out angrily.

She was going to Qunyu Pavilion to ask Ningguang properly.

The three people recommended by Uncle Tian have been secretly investigating for some time. How could they temporarily parachute in at this time?

Just as she walked out of the General Affairs Department, Keqing was stopped by Bai Shi, who had been waiting for a long time.

Lord Keqing, Lord Ningguang has an order to invite you to Qunyu Pavilion for a talk.

let's go.

Keqing raised her eyebrows and nodded quite simply.

She wanted to see what Ningguang planned to say to herself.

Chuan passed through Yujing Terrace and Keqing and the two quickly boarded the floating platform to Qun Yu Pavilion.

When they arrived at the Qunyu Pavilion, they saw Keqing rushing into the Qunyu Pavilion in three steps and two steps at a time. The first thing she said when she saw Ningguang was to ask quite directly:

Ningguang, what is going on?

Don't be impatient, I'm just a candidate for inspection.

This is not the reason for the selection at all. It has been under investigation for some time. How can we add someone temporarily at this time? I think this is an unfair decision.

You, you...

Seeing the seriousness written all over Keqing's delicate little face, Ningguang shook her head helplessly:

Let me ask you, what do you think of the emperor's past decisions?

There are no errors at this time.

Keqing gave her answer without thinking too much.

Thousands of years of history have proven that following the emperor's footsteps is the right thing to do, but in her opinion, obeying the emperor's orders in everything is nothing more than an excuse to be lazy.

Being born as a 'human' should have the pride of being a 'human', and the thoughts of a 'human' should also be valued. If you are used to living under the protection of gods, you will never take the initiative to think about the future of mankind.

You are just a candidate for inspection. You don't want to know what kind of talents Han Xiao has attracted the emperor's attention.


For a moment, Keqing also fell into silence.

I have to say that Ning Guang's words really aroused her curiosity.

Chapter 12 This familiar Hisi

The sun was in the sky, and Huyan was already bustling with traffic and people.

Our protagonist, Han Xiao, had just gotten up from the bed.

There was no other way. It was hard to see off Uncle Zhongli last night. Naturally, I wanted to be lazy and get up late today.

Anyway, Zhongli had already promised him that as long as it didn't involve earth veins or abyss, everything else was up to him.

Just worry about a hammer.

After washing up slowly, Han Xiao first went to Wanmin Hall to pick up his 'breakfast', and then sat on a chair in the courtyard.

Read the book leisurely and take a few bites from time to time.

It was a pleasant little life.

Han Xiao has already planned today's itinerary.

Later, he will write the letter that will arouse Albedo's curiosity, and then go out to the Adventurers Association to place a request to purchase materials, and buy some paint by the way.

Finally, I sent the letter to Xingqiu and came back to do the final repairs on [Emperor Gun Town Osel].


After finishing the meal, Han Xiao stood up with satisfaction, raised his hands in the air and stretched lazily.

Then he opened the door and leaned against the door frame, squinting his eyes and scanning the flow of people coming and going on the street.

He looks like a complete bastard.

Well~ In fact, Han Xiao is not a bad guy. His consciousness is immersed in the chat group, and he is passionately fencing with the other two.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: I finally got Zhongli's promise, and I can take off now.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Then you plan to make dolls next? Have you decided who your wife will be (laughing). I recommend Miss 2B, a white-haired machine girl, who is completely in the good zone.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Maybe Qiong, a white-haired girl with two pony tails, will do the trick. I also know a little bit about taboo dolls, so I guarantee they will be realistic!

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Guna, what on earth have you studied!

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Okay, okay, taboo dolls are just the same thing in my opinion. Do you know how I understand the three types of dolls?

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Please give your speech.

[World of Jiji·Hanxiao]: It's very simple. Ordinary dolls can't play poker. Taboo dolls can generally play poker. Divine Jiji definitely can!

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: I understand, normal manual, taboo semi-automatic, divine fully automatic.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Zhuo...that's enough for you two.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Hey, wait...I have someone here, so I'll hide for now.

After closing the chat group, Han Xiao leaned against the door frame with her arms folded in front of her chest, her eyes slightly opened with bright red pupils looking at the purple figure walking towards her in the distance.

This familiar purple-haired cat head, and this Hisi.

It's not Keqing or anyone else.

When the other party came to her, Han Xiao raised her voice and asked in an exaggerated tone:

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