308 The Lord of the Three Jars of Great Wisdom, the One Who Is Looking for (Subscribe)

Three-pot big-pot world, this is a name for the endless world, which means the endless world in the world, and then somehow, it is considered to be the three-dimensional world of great beauty.

In fact, it is not. The real three-pot big-pot world is just a generalization, and there is no real value at all.

It may be a few Yan, it may be tens of thousands, or even hundreds of millions.

At this moment, Dong Mingzhuan spoke lightly and continued to explain the true origin of this world to Xuanqing.

In the Buddhist worldview, the three rough worlds can be referred to as tens of billions of Mount Sumeru and tens of billions of sun and moon. In ancient times, the three-pot world was generally referred to as the real immortal and endless world.

The living beings living in the world of three pots and big pots will not die of old age and death, in the true sense of immortality – immortality.

And the real Daluo means eternal freedom in time and space, and Daluo is the same forever.

Daluo means broad and infinite, and it is the most extensive name.

The master of the three-pot and big-pot world was once called the master of Daluo in the past, because he was the only existence in history that has recorded that he achieved this realm.

This three-mine Dayan world was created by him, so it was called Da Luojie by Hua Mingzhuo.

In addition, the master of the three-pot and big-pot world has also established the Da Luo Taoist Palace in Tianwaitian, and all beings in the world can go to listen to the Dao and obtain the Dharma of Da Luo.

For this reason, the three-pot world of the big pot was considered to be the most powerful world in the world.

However, Dong Mingzhuan said that this is because the master of the three-pot and big-pot world wants to create a real Daluo immortal world. When he is immortal, all creatures in the world can live forever.

He passed on Daluo’s free time and space law, and it was also for this reason.

“The master of the three-pot and big-pot world once made a big wish that when he attained immortality, all spirits in the world would attain immortality. Such courage is admirable…”

“The name of Da Luo Dao Palace has spread throughout ancient and modern times, shocking the universe, endless time and space, endless ethnic groups, no one does not know its name.” Dong Mingzhuan still said lightly.

However, when she said this, she still couldn’t hide some complicated meanings on her face.

“When you have eternal life, will all the spirits in the world have eternal life?

Hearing these words, Xuan Qing’s face was full of shock, she had been so shocked by these secret rumors that she was completely unaware of it.

The so-called Great Luoheng One Realm, in her eyes, is extremely unfamiliar and distant, and she doesn’t know what it means.

Moreover, even this so-called three-pot world has such an ancient origin and origin.

It seems that the so-called heavens and worlds are not worth mentioning in front of these three big pots of world.

“But since that’s the case, why do you say that the three big pots of the world are already rotten and no longer exist?

Xuan Qing couldn’t help asking, but he still couldn’t understand.

In the words of Hua Mingyuan, all the creatures in the world of the three jars can be immortal, so why do they decay and rot?

What she sees now is the Three Is Domain, full of vitality and prosperous ethnic groups, is it just a false dream?

Huang Mingzhuan shook his head without saying a word, and continued to walk with her. The scene of the three regions under his feet was changing rapidly.

The mountains and lakes are like emerald green belts, surrounding and embellishing the earth, and the scenery everywhere is beautiful and magnificent.

Xuanqing didn’t know her intentions either, if it wasn’t for Hu Mingzhuo’s deliberately talking about it, she would never have believed these words.

The magnificent mountains and rivers, beautiful scenery, and prosperous ethnic groups that I saw before my eyes turned out to be illusory scenes, not real.

It was too shocking to be believed.

“It seems that you still can’t wake up, is your injury so serious?

Huang Mingzhuan noticed the undisguised vibration on Xuan Qing’s face, and shook his head gently.

She would tell Xuan Qing about this, and she just wanted to help her wake up.

However, Xuanqing also seemed to have a big problem, and after telling these things, she still did not wake up.

This made Lei Mingzhuan think that Xuanqing’s injury was too serious, and the real memory of the soul had not yet recovered.

“Wake up?” Xuan Qing’s brows furrowed tightly, still unable to understand the words that Hua Ming earned.

“You will remember sooner or later, you are my junior sister.” Dong Mingzhuan still shook his head gently.

Her eyes were flat, and it seemed that all the rough emotions could hardly make waves in her eyes.

After saying this, it was proved that Zhuang Yuan did not continue to talk. She continued to walk around the Sanji region with Xuanqing, as if she was looking for something.

“Are you looking for someone?

Xuan Qing noticed her intention and was very surprised.

Dong Mingzhuan didn’t explain anything, just nodded and said, “I have the fate of endless beings and all beings on my shoulders, and I came to this world. Now I have to find my other soul and fuse with her, and then there is a way to stop this. 99

“Stop this?

Xuan Qing was startled again.

She is not saying that this world has long since decayed and ceased to exist, but she still needs to stop it.

Xuan Qing really did not understand.

“If I fail, then except for the Daluo Realm, the rest of the world will cease to exist, and no one can stop this. Huang Ming sighed lightly, his eyes deep.

Xuanqing was completely puzzled by this. Although Huaming said that he was her junior sister, Xuanqing did not have any relevant memory.

In the following time, Huang Mingxi took her to many places in the Sandi domain, but did not find the person she mentioned.

Huang Mingzhuan guessed that the soul she was looking for was probably not in the Sanda Domain in the rest of the small world.

“Unfortunately, I can’t perceive her whereabouts, let alone know who she was reincarnated as.

She sighed lightly, knowing that someone was fighting with her, making her unable to perceive the existence of her other soul.

However, this is not difficult for Huaming to make money today, it just takes a little more time.

・・・ Flowers・

Afterwards, she brought Xuanqing to the Kunlun Saint in the Sandi Domain, and stayed there for a while, as if waiting for someone to come.

On the other side, Hua Minghan, who disappeared for a long time in the Three Cans Domain, finally found the woman in Hua Mingxian’s memory on a road that ran through time and space.

This road that runs through time and space was originally a heavenly road that connected the rest of the small worlds and the Sancai Domain after the Conferred God Heavenly Ladder Battle was opened.

He relied on Hua Mingxian’s memory to describe and record the woman.

Waiting at the end of the space-time road, I finally saw her bathed in blood all the way and killed her.

This is indeed a transcendent woman like a fairy. Although she is bathed in blood, she cannot hide her extraordinary temperament.

Of course, what made Jiang Minghan most concerned was that this woman’s appearance was exactly the same as Lei Mingzhuan.

This is exactly the same as his guess.

Luo Jiutian, this is actually the real name of Jiutian Xuannv.

“Both of them are the reincarnations of Jiutian Xuannv, but it seems that there should be an instant change in the Xuannv Palace now, and the Xuannv Palace in the Lower Three Realms should be her handwriting. Going back to the mountains and accepting the inheritance is a wrong decision, which may cause her to restore the memory of Jiutian Xuannv.

“If this is the case, why is Jiutian Xuannv such a plan?”

Huang Minghan looked at this figure calmly at the end of the space-time road, and his thoughts were full of thoughts.

The space-time road connects all the lower realms of the Sanda domain, and as a heavenly road that runs through time and space, it allows the geniuses of the lower realm to fight and kill all the way to the Sanda domain.

On this road, if you kill all the enemies and achieve your own self, you can obtain all kinds of luck, and you can achieve the title of battle on the Conferred God Ladder.

However, for today’s Hua Minghan, all this is meaningless.

He didn’t know if the part of Hua Mingxian’s memory, from the perspective of Jiutian Xuannv, explained her past life and was a true portrayal of everything that happened to her.

Or the Nine Heavens Xuannv, the destiny arranged for her own reincarnation.

“Who are you?”

“Are you here, just waiting for me?”

When Dong Minghan was thinking about it, Luo Jiutian’s calm and slightly wary words came on the road of time and space, interrupting his thoughts.

She had a hunch in her heart that this young man who stood at the end of the space-time road, like an immortal, had actually been waiting for her.

This made Luo Jiutian have to cheer up, full of vigilance.

She had just experienced a slaughter battle and had not really recovered yet, and the young man in front of her was unfathomable and unpredictable.

Although it may seem young, it must not be taken lightly.

“Could it be the rumored descendant of the immortal race?”

Luo Jiutian secretly speculated in his heart that among the great worlds, there are many clans, and the immortal clan is a rather mysterious clan among them.

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