309 is to deal with me? It’s so rotten (please subscribe)

Dong Minghan’s thoughts came back, looked directly at the woman in front of him, and nodded slightly, “I am indeed waiting for you here, but I have nothing to do with the immortal clan you mentioned.”

He found Luo Jiutian, just to verify some things, but now, everything can be connected.

As for whether Luo Jiutian is the reincarnation of Jiutian Xuannv, or is it a figure reflected by his past experiences and transformed into reality.

It doesn’t matter anymore.

“Who are you, why are you waiting for me here?”

Luo Jiutian was still full of vigilance, but Hua Minghan didn’t plan to explain anything to her, he just stepped forward, pointed a hook, and landed between her eyebrows.

Luo Jiutian, who originally wanted to resist, was shocked and found that he seemed to be completely imprisoned here, unable to even move.

She was full of shock, this kind of method was the first time she had encountered since she traveled the time and space road, and it was beyond her imagination.

However, when Dong Minghan’s finger on June 4th “three” landed on the center of her eyebrows, it was like an unsolvable mark, and it was dissolved and loosened at once.

A large number of memory fragments poured out like a tide, completely occupying her mind.

Luo Jiutian, who was originally full of vigilance and vigilance, looked slightly stunned, and seemed to be in place.

And Hua Minghan didn’t say much, just looked at her quietly.

After a long time, Luo Jiutian came back to his senses, the expression on his face was a bit strange, but more of it was a bit dazed and unbelievable.

“Are these memories true?”

she asked murmured.

What Huang Minghan passed on to her was exactly the part of the heroine’s memory that Hua Mingxian said, and the moment he touched Luo Jiutian’s eyebrows, Hua Minghan had already read many of her memory fragments.

And that part of the memory can be said to be exactly the same.

Luo Jiutianyun was born in a small world called Chimingjie. His father was the head of a clan in the wild and ancient forest, and his mother was a disciple of the peerless great sect of that world.

For some reason, he eloped with Luo Jiutian’s father.

While the two were escaping, Luo Jiutian’s father was injured, his dantian was broken, and his cultivation was abolished…

According to this part of the memory, the past nine days should be almost the same as the memory of the book-piercer that Hua Mingxian obtained.

But looking at it now, the so-called memory of the book-piercer should be an existence that intercepted part of Luo Jiutian’s fate and wrote the relevant experience.

For example, before painting Minghan, you can see someone’s fate at will, and manifest it as a real book of fate.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there is the Supreme Being and possesses such means.

Moreover, this part of Luo Jiutian’s experience, in Hua Minghan’s view, is likely to reflect the past that happened to Jiutian Xuannv.

In other words, the Luo Jiutian in front of him was actually the Xuannv Jiutian from a long, long time ago.

At that time, the Nine Heavens Xuannv had not yet attained enlightenment, and had not yet created the Nine Heavens Realm, that is, the great world of the heavens behind.

“In this time and space now, not only the unreal and the real are combined, but even the past events are also reflected, and it really happened…”

Thinking of this, Hua Minghan felt a little more certain about all these real guesses.

His presence, perhaps the can is the biggest source of all this.

Otherwise, how can his thoughts and thoughts change the state of existence of this world, the transformation between all illusory and real matter.

All the previous speculations were actually asking him to get closer to the truth. Although Hua Minghan also had guesses at that time, it was still difficult for him to accept the so-called truth.

What is the meaning of all this?

The real and the unreal, the past and the present, are constantly exploring a complex world.

Hua Minghan has been thinking about it until now, and took Luo Jiutian away together. Although she was still very vigilant towards him, there was no change in her memory because of that part of her memory.

In this regard, Huang Minghan did not explain much.

He knew that after he found Luo Jiutian, there would definitely be someone waiting for him in the Sandi Domain.

The appearance of Luo Jiutian and Dong Minglin should not be an accident.

The two have a deep connection with Jiutian Xuannv, or it is very likely that they are the reincarnation of Jiutian Xuannv, or the body of reflection.

It’s just that Hua Minghan is still unable to know the purpose of Jiutian Xuannv doing this.

If it’s just because there was a war between Daluo Realm and Nine Heaven Realm? Then this reason is hard to stand.

Jiutian Xuannv’s arrangement of these means does not look like she intends to capture the Three Can’s Domain.

In terms of the strength of the current Three Is Domain, once the various races invaded, it would be impossible to resist.

Huang Minghan also knew from Liuli that the strength of the three saints of heaven, earth and man on the endless continent is only comparable to that of the saints of all the heavens and races. .

With the three saints of heaven, earth and man alone, it is naturally impossible to stop so many saints in the heavens.

Of course, this premise is to exclude Hua Minghan himself.

Because, even he himself does not know what kind of state he is in.

If Jiutian Xuannv was to deal with him, would she have arranged so many tactics?

“To deal with me?”

Huang Minghan’s mood is mixed,

After taking Luo Jiutian away from this space-time road, Huang Minghan set foot on the road back to the Sandi Domain.

Luo Jiutian was still very vigilant towards him, believing that he was plotting something wrong, but until now, he has no plans to explain the cold incident.

Whether she likes it or not, she can only follow him.

And even if he doesn’t come to look for Luo Jiutian now, it is estimated that Hua Mingzhuan will leave soon.

This is Hua Minghan’s premonition.

And during the period when Hua Minghan left the Sanda Domain.

At the end of the sky, the dazzling door of light appeared again, and the saints of the heavens once again hooked their hands to open the passage through the two realms and let the army descend.

All the young taboos in the heavens are still in the hands of Hua Minghan, which is equivalent to the lifeblood of the future of the heavens and the world in his hands.

The young taboos carry the Taoism behind them and the luck of the big world. Once they fall, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

Compared with the first time that the two realms were opened up, this time the fisherman had more saints.

They ripped apart time and space, and the dazzling rays of light pierced through the sky and covered the universe, making the sky barrier outside the Sancan Territory become crystal clear.

The shadowy and dense army stands behind the gate of light, and it seems that it can come at any time.

Behind these great armies, the existences of the saints of the heavens and the worlds have all appeared, like the stalwart gods, looking at this side indifferently.

The Tiangong seemed to have become transparent, and countless monks and creatures from the Three Cans Domain looked at all this in shock and horror.

They don’t know why this is because of the reason 2.3, the existence of the heavens and the strong that has been shot before, is about to come again.

Moreover, the power this time is far more astonishing and terrifying than before.

The mighty terrifying aura was like a boundless mountain, pressing on everyone’s heads, making it hard to breathe.

“The aura of this world has already decayed to such a degree. I still remember the records in the classics, the glory of the Daluo World at the beginning, endless time and space, don’t dare to be disrespectful…”

“It’s really impermanent, if the person who built the Da Luo Dao Palace had not left, how could the Da Luo world fall apart?

“I just didn’t expect that the breath of this world has already passed away. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would have suspected that I had stepped into a depleted place in the ancient times. 33

Beyond the transparent barrier layer, several holy monarchs stared at the Sanda Domain across time and space.

Many people frowned, perceiving the aura of the Sanji domain, it was very rotten, not as vibrant as they had seen,

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