307 this world had withered, it was fleeting dream (subscription required)

For Dong Han, this thing, it is only small waves, not how many cases even full.

In the holy city of Kunlun sit a half months, he did not gain much, just a little thoughts spread a lot, think a lot of things.

Heavens to commit for the entire three domains do it, there is no effect.

It’s that continue after a half months to find proves cold glass again, I would like to invite him go to the other side, where she met Sam.

Since invading the heavens, through time and space road, trying to come to the issue, the Dong Han beat its breaking, endless continent that attracted the attention of three, would like to personally ask him something.

Glass connectivity as the only person on either side of the land, nature as a sounding board, Trinity have made her a message informing Huang Han.

As to why they show up uninvited, in fact, because there are a lot of trouble, you worry monarch is the heavens, determined to capture traces, thus cutting off their hideout, were Wei Sha.

Dong Han currently does not intend to see this Trinity, it rejected the request directly to the glass.

He still left in the Kunlun holy city, small-world prototype for concise polished before in accordance with their own, continue to improve.

Do changes in three domains of world environment, the more concentrated Reiki camp, many places have had a remarkable longevity substances.

It’s all painted bright cold expected.

However, the so-called fairy domain, is still not showing any signs.

After Huang Han think the situation, I think this is also a real lack of opportunity.

Is this whole pieces of three domains, and since his little world prototype, almost exactly the same.

He created a small world, is not it also can affect the real secular?

According to this idea forward, drawing out the cold and try to change the presence status of a small world.

In this process, drawing out the cold finally found some clues and signs, he affected not only this world, but a whole era.

In his sense of thought among those three cents domain Is domain countless creatures mouth spread, and indeed is gradually emerging.

“If it’s just because my thoughts exist, that my thoughts may naturally change this world, naturally, you can create so-called Sin domain ……” 643

“And in this process, from the virtual to physical process, not just all of a sudden now, but the memories emerge from beings, it does not exist in the original fairy domain, for this reason, continue to hook now.”

Huang Han noticed drastic changes in the outside world, bright light rain fell, if Han Haibo Li, Xian turned large tracts of fog, lingering at the end of the world.

That place, began to have a concentration camp Feixianguan breath, but there is a vast expanse of islands in evolution.

This is more clear coat can remember flying Xiandao.

In the patch of fly Xiandao which has a real chance to become immortal, many places do three fields have been moved, and the monks began to catch the creatures of the past.

And when the fly Xiandao ground now, the more clear coat also look over and asked painted bright cold reason.

“In other words, the fairy domain or, this side of the world worth mentioning, in fact, about the actual situation and, perhaps even the so-called creatures are not necessarily true to survive, but are likely to appear from among fantasy ……”

Although the clear coat is too early to guess the origin of flying Xiandao, but from the mouth of cold drawn out, learned the truth, or while stunned.

She is now also clear that there Huang Ming cold, the in this world, in the end is what belongs to.

Why is his idea, the change will affect the world?

He can change the existence of heaven and earth, can really create simply do not exist, but there is out of the fairy domain.

“You in the end is what people ……” The more complex clean clothes everywhere.

“The problem, I think I will soon know the answer.” Dong Han gently shook his head.

The next day, the entire three domains do, actually quite quiet, heavens major world seems to have come for the time being given up the idea.

Is it outside the desolate three star field, with Feixianguan islands appear, attracted monks and creatures of all ethnic groups are fighting to go, I want to get an opportunity to become immortal.

Ancient fairy domain rumors, it seems to be obvious when tests in the world, everyone has the opportunity to step into fairy doors, in one fell swoop become immortal.

This world for creatures and the shackles of repression and monks, inexplicable overstating a lot.

Many monks had not see the road ahead, all of a sudden feel practice has become a lot easier.

Which should be in tip waves of cold drawn out, it seems all of a sudden disappeared, and even the portrait of a poly tribe, did not know he went.

Tien there is chaos standings, not because this time the heavens of the world’s major attacks, but any change.

A minority of the younger generation, are also still in contention for the ranking, opportunity and experience four

It was during this time famous, sonic booms major road domain.

Some people have a great opportunity, repair leaps and bounds, broke through to a great level.

Instant, several years past.

Among the younger generation, to break the curse of the ancient Godhead Wang Yu, in an ancient city, and Wan Long Ridge successor Longsheng fight, and finally beheaded, shake dry three in one fell swoop Did domain.

But now she is very different now, had told the truth in the ancient god of the cemetery, attracted uproar parties.

Wan Long Ridge even angry, she was looking for revenge, but also completely untenable Genjiao and grounds.

Who would have thought just a few years, Wang Yu and so they grow up to this point, has become the leader peers.

As the rest of the younger generation, Joan yugao Yao Chi, also demonstrated a very good strength, considered by many, was undoubtedly the peer of the most powerful, one of the most mysterious of a few people.

The former Sky saint scare the moon, and then boarding God, but her performance is very low-key, if not the glimpse and peers Tianjiao fight people, I am afraid no one knows, had the fall of the Sky God seam saint, and restoration the cultivation.

We can say that the younger generation Tianjiao three domains are extremely brilliant pass each fling, dominate.

But it is far and can not be compared to the original cold drawn out, difficult to match and a half minutes brilliant.

The past few years, some people have been trying to find traces of cold drawn out, but do not have any clues and whereabouts.

Even the portrait of the tribe, also did not know Dong cold to go.

Sky before Joan earn the moon, bright as the cold before they got engaged about painting fiancee, we have also ignorant.

Way this period, the Master who worked on her quest to repair the root causes of back, from a forbidden them, escaped.

It is reported that she was forbidden to spy on the accident to some incredible secret, after returning to the Sky Church, it is the first time to retreat.

Under the three realms, Xuannv palace depths, painting Ming Xiao Xi also shut out, in addition to off-limits, Miyaji Xuan Qing has long been waiting for her.

But after this time the painting Ming Xiao Guan, and compared to before, with a lot of changes, to a very cold Xuan Qing lofty, not like the mundane world of feeling.

While making clear the previous draw cool little words, but there are not so aloof cicada music, as if already not between people (bhcd), but at a lofty area, overlooking tied beings.

Even though as ruler of Xuan Qing, in front of her, but also give birth to a mention of the feeling of awe to.

As if to see the real Xuannv general.


Huang Ming Xuan Qing earn looked at the eyes, very calm light, even its title, but also completely changed.

Xuan Qing eyes a hint of confusion, I feel this call seems very familiar, in the long ago, so some people call her.

Moreover, in front of paintings earned Ming Although there has been no small change, but a sense of exceptionally cordial to her.

However, she can not remember, and feel a lot of memory loss, blurred and broken.

Huang earned shook his head, did not call for this, what care.

She did not explain what to Xuan Qing, but said, “This side of heaven and earth, that you take a trip with me now.”

A few years, it has been enough to make three domains do great changes occur.

Especially after flying Xiandao appeared, rumors fairy domain, intensified, spread in road parties domain.

Countless monks assured, when the world will definitely appear fairy door, someone will become immortal.

And at that time, and everyone will usher in an unspeakable creature, fairy doors open, waiting for their fairy domain, everyone has the opportunity to go to that community.

On humanitarian absolutely top, there is another place in the world, waiting for them.

Huang Mingxi with Xuan Qing, came three domains do, for a lot of speculation and talk that tied beings, like turning a blind eye.

Touches Xuan Qing, more prosperous world for this, amazed.

This is just a few years, the three do change the domain, can be used to describe the earth-shaking, but also no way an exaggeration.

“Already decadent world, even if the technology is virtual reality, what is the use, do not as a direct remodeling world, re-interpretation of everything.” Dong earned is shaking his head whispered.

Xuan Qing puzzled, I feel the rhyme since Xuannv palace after Xuan Qing seems to be the same as for the individual.

She seems to be a statue created a Xuannv Patriarch Palace, the real Xuannv general.

Demeanor, all with hehe dignity, it can not disrespectful.

“This world has in fact already decayed, gone, do not know which section buried in the ancient era years, but it was nothing …… do not want to make it disappear.”

“What you hear can see, know and feel, is nothing but a fleeting dream. As that water of the month, shake their dream actually. After the wake, methodology are dry, all are rotten, soil into the earth, dust to seat. 99

Huang Ming Xuan Qing earn looked, he sighed softly.

Language heard these words, Xuan Qing was completely stunned to live, and some disbelief.

“How can it be?”

This fact already decadent world gone?

“Then I saw these, in fact, not true?

She couldn’t believe her ears.

But now painted bright earned, obviously not before been to the Palace of the painting Xuannv Dong Ming earned frigid, she now seemed real Xuannv Pro dust.

He said these words, Xuan Qing absolutely does not dare to doubt.

Huang earned gazing head, what seems to be to look at, she calmly said, “you can see really, is not necessarily true, but do you think really, it must be fake ……”

Xuan Qing Zheng Zhu, and for a time she did not react from this discourse.

Seen really, it is not necessarily true?

Think really, it must be false?

What does this mean, she is seen telling the King, is not necessarily true, it could be false, or perhaps that is true? Well, this world is in a state of what is real and unreal like to ask together?

But she believes is true, but it must be false.

Think this word, let Xuan Qing head some love, she thought, it must be false?

Huang did not earn too much to explain Xuan Qing, walked with her to continue, said, “You should know these three do outside the domain, as well as local party called the heavens, where the community named nine days, heavens just inquire behind many of the world and the universe, will continue saying this ……. ”

She said these Xuan Qing actually know that she and the show Chu memory occurs before the smoke through melting asked, knowing a lot of things about the heavens.

She is also known that the heavens do over there for a three-field side of the rhetoric, the opposite.

The two sides are uncompromising, considered to be the opposite invaded captured over the other, their joints are the victims, the injured party.

“Three Is domain, was originally three cans large tank called World, which means that three cans large tank ride in the world, it means a thousand, but in the back, three cans large tank collapse decadent world, continuing three Kam name down, following the With this call .22

“Compared to three domains do, I prefer to call here, called the large Luo community.

Huang Ming said dismissively make clear,

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