306 One palm traverses the road of time and space, to an unattainable degree (please subscribe)

Huang Minghan did not continue to disturb the Golden King, and then left the valley silently. He returned to the Holy City of Kunlun and began to think about many things in the village.

Especially his so-called Fan Tong, a while ago, his Fan Tong was like sleeping, no matter how he woke up, there was no response.

But looking at it now, the time when Fantong was sleeping was when Hua Minghan went to the trial grounds of the heavens, and it was at that time that he gradually discovered some truths about this world and began to contact the heavens.

Is there anything special about this time?

Or, it had something to do with the female figure he saw in that blurry mirror-like space.

Who is she, and why is she similar to the daughters of luck that he is familiar with?

“Have I been looking for her all the time?”

In the Kunlun Holy City, Huang Ming sat in cold and dry for half a month, and finally he couldn’t help but open the wooden box. The shadow of a woman, both familiar and unfamiliar, appeared again, like a deep sleep, with his eyes closed, his facial features were flawless, like a painting. The fairy in the middle is unbearable to blaspheme.

Huang Minghan looked at this woman’s phantom, and his heart seemed to be severely throbbed.

He sighed slightly blankly and gently stroked his heart, this place would actually hurt because of this seemingly familiar woman but had no memory.

This reminded him of the scene when he saw the Golden King holding the tombstone.

To him, it seemed a little familiar, as if he had seen it before.

“Aren’t you very important to me? The so-called “traditional tradition” is just my own imagination, I just want to find a shadow of you?” Lei Minghan looked at the woman’s figure and asked softly.

The daughter of luck he was bound to, except for Hua Mingzhuan, actually had inexplicable similarities with the figure of this woman.

After he saw the figure of this woman again, Fan Tong also fell asleep inexplicably, as if his mission had been completed.

Huang Minghan is now beginning to wonder if these daughters of luck have an inexplicable connection with her, or are they all her?

A few months later, the terrifying momentum of the collision of the universe and the rupture of space and time came again from outside the Three Cans Domain.

The supreme figure in the heavens reappeared, causing a sensation that was far more terrifying than before.

The entire Three Cans Domain was disturbed. Countless forces and cultivators watched the boundless light path running through the entire cosmos sea, breaking the space barrier and coming.

In that boundless light path, many vague and terrifying figures stood, incomparably tall, far exceeding hundreds of millions of feet, as if they had existed since the beginning of the world.

Light is a ray of light, which can traverse the endless starry sky, cut off the galaxy, and collapse the universe.

They are looking at the situation on the side of the Three Cans Domain from a long distance.

Beside them, a black army like a torrent gathered together, and they seemed to be able to follow their thoughts and enter the Sancan realm.

There is no doubt that Hua Minghan suppressed all the taboos of young people, and really angered the saints in the universe.

They appeared in person, looked over in another time and space, and could do anything at any time.

The entire Sanji domain was trembling and fell into an apocalyptic panic.

All the creatures and monks felt a chill and fear that their vitality was dying.

Ordinary creatures don’t know what’s going on at all, only the most powerful ancestors and people of all ethnic groups know what this means.

They were terrified, and under this almost world-destroying atmosphere, they didn’t even dare to have the thought of resisting.

At the end of the world, it seems that the poverty is about to melt, and there are terrifying gaps, all kinds of terrifying thunder lights fall, and the dazzling flaming meteors like flaming fire, constantly passing by, falling from the sky.

This is the real power of heaven, a terrifying chain of rules and order, emerging there, ups and downs.

Each one is as thick as a mountain ridge, and like a star, it can pierce through the heavens and the earth.

The mighty aura of the Holy Monarch, like the autumn wind sweeping leaves, swept in from the distant land of the heavens.

Every big universe is trembling, about to collapse and crack.

All the creatures in the Three Cans Domain feel that this is a real catastrophe, and all life will be wiped out.

This hasn’t really come yet, it’s just opened up a vague space-time pathway, and the existence there is looking at this place in the distance.

If it really came, they couldn’t imagine what it would bring to the Three Cans Domain.

And on this day, in the Holy City of Kunlun, a radiant divine light suddenly appeared, running through Xiao Han.

If the smoke billows, it will cover thousands of miles, and it will fall straight into the sky.

The incomparable chaotic energy is surging and turbulent, and each strand is as heavy as the sea, where there are hundreds of millions of strands, turning into a chaotic waterfall.

Huang Minghan got up from the dry sitting, he knew it was coming for him.

However, he didn’t make too many movements, just tried to probe.

Under the horrified gazes of all beings in the Three Cans Domain, a terrifying golden hand, surrounded by endless chaotic energy, lay on its back from the Kunlun Holy City, crossed over, and shot down towards the passage that runs through time and space.

This big golden hand is too shocking, as wide as a million zhang.

The palm lines are clear, the mountains, rivers and lakes are hard to touch with one finger, and even the stars are as small as dust.


Just a moment, the whole world seems to be shaking, like forging a peerless immortal soldier, endless fire is coming and going.

The entire Tiangong was shaken, and countless extraterrestrial stars were shaking and shaking, and they were about to fall from the outer territories.

This is an unimaginable shocking scene. A giant palm that lifts the sky for fishing, directly shattering the bright light path.

The torrent-like army standing above it collapsed and exploded in an instant, turning into an endless rain of flying ash, and was engulfed in chaos and darkness.

In the deeper time and space, those terrifying figures have even more cold eyes.

However, they did not hook their hands, just watched this scene indifferently, and their figures gradually disappeared into the light rain (king).

This aura of destruction that enveloped the entire Sanji domain came and disappeared quickly.

However, the entire Three Cans Domain was still in a shocking and terrifying atmosphere, and it was impossible to recover for a long time.

There is no doubt that the person who just walked around the fisherman was Dong Minghan. Who would have thought that his strength had reached such a terrifying and incredible level.

This is already beyond the means of the immortals they understand.

– The palm traverses the road of time and space, wipes out the boundless army, and blocks the heavens from attacking.

The younger generation who had fought against Huang Minghan felt that their mouths were bitter and dry, and they could not understand all of this.

For them, the existence of Hua Minghan is not as simple as the invincible myth of the younger generation.

They can’t find words at all to describe today’s painting Minghan, enchanting? Monster?

For the same generation, this is no longer a question of whether it can be reached, but it is completely incomprehensible.

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