305 to the contact part of the truth, so-called dream shines into reality (subscription required)

Bright longevity material pouring, flowing around the three domains do, many places Fang Dousheng amazing visions come.

Ordinary monks perhaps not aware of the benefits brought about this change, but those who repair to advanced exist in the eyes, but it is hard to put into words the great good fortune, excited, excited to difficult to restrain.

At this moment, many Heaven World Habitat heavens in the presence of the same felt, looking after another change.

Mediastinal endless time and space, between heaven and earth but the kind of far-reaching great power, penetration is still diffuse away.

Like a burst of spring breeze blowing it off, so cold frozen snow defuse the stem.

“” Great Luo community in the end what happened? Why am I left decree breath gone? “In the recovery Hongdian Yu, repeated changes in a monarch complexion, very shocked.

Sang extension within the ancient city, Huang Ming cold breath of the same is undergoing tremendous change.

Rivals look in front of him suddenly changes, all of a sudden pressure doubled.

Even if the gift is wielding a decree under the monarch, but also feel difficult tricky.

At the moment of cold drawn out, like the creation of the whole world has become a deity, divinity vast, such as prison-like Senleng.

This feeling, he was just in the audience with the monarch had ever encountered.

Can love long ago, painted bright cold just is not his junior in the eyes of 17 on, nothing more than to go the Grand Canal, get a change of era, vancomycin product Kam strong air transport, following the come this far.

But now, Huang Ming cold atmosphere has changed, just stood there, it may wish to charge cycle of birth and death, Heaven cycle.

He became like the heavens and the earth, and his idea is God.

Rebelling against his idea, and that is against this side of Heaven.

“Minus.” Dong Han just quietly overlook him.

This fall a word, it is like a touch of dawn rule between heaven and earth, there is any, any creature, any substance, it must be observed “off” character.

Goes bright golden decree, yet fell in front of Dong Han, in the place exploded, turned into God Xia bright.

Coming from the heavens this respect Xeon exist, though unwilling, but finally in the midst of light rain dissipated collapsed, even the ash did not exist.

Heavens the younger generation in the ancient city of Rio mulberry, give all horror, disbelief.

The monarch sent down Xeon characters are turned into rays of life, drawing out the cold in the end now reached the realm of what in front of them.

“He in the end is what people?”

Chu Sau smoke although confined to live, but in the distance, also looked at the occurrence of this scene.

Her heart horror, pale whitish.

It has been unable to use common sense and also describe thought, how this world there may be an idea to break Nirvana Road, means people in one fell swoop all day?

Moreover, now cold storage out of strength, in her view, even more horrible than Heaven, unfathomable.

“Unless these forces really belong to him, but now he is back to get it back ……” Chu show smoke thought of only one explanation.

Besides, she really can not figure out what the reason.

Huang Han did not kill the younger generation here in the heavens, but to make mulberry portrait tribe outside the ancient city of Rio, all imprisoned them all.

Heavens universe in a public monarch, certainly will not stop the.

Sang extension of the city, Zhou Xuan Chan Master Jin Yi and her mother came up and wanted to thank, but painted bright cold waved refused.

After all, the matter because he caused, Chan Zhou Xuan just been implicated to it.

The bronze mask man named Xiao Ming, supposed to be the owner of the book about the death, but because the painting Sin Ming’s sake, so that his life was completely disturbed number, also lost this treasure was supposed to belong to him .

Huang Han and without him, the same tribe to make the artist, this man held up, as to how to deal with, he intends to draw out their own fairy to deal with.

Is it three-domain change what happened, while making a sensation all over, speculation about talk, but also did not let the cold draw out too concerned.

A few days later, he saw Liuli again. Liuli already knew what happened in the ancient city of Tuosang. She contacted the other side of the Xianhuang clan, and planned to take Hua Minghan to Hentai through Xuan Angel. mainland.

The three saints of heaven, earth and people all have their opinions on Dong Minghan. The arrival of the Xeon in the heavens this time has completely dispelled their doubts and worries.

In their original speculation, Huang Minghan seems to not exist in any time, space and latitude, neither in the world nor in the future.

All kinds of things made them feel strange and confused, and at the same time they were worried that Hua Minghan would be the chess piece or the reflection of those sage kings in the heavens.

However, Huang Minghan and Liuli did not go to that side immediately.

From Wang Yu’s side, he learned about the madness of the Golden King, so Hua Minghan went to the Golden Statue Family again to inquire about the final disappearance of the Golden King.

When the Golden King was in Cangming Mountain, he obviously had an unusual experience, which caused him to glimpse something unexpectedly.

The last time they met in Kunlun Holy City, the Golden King also obviously wanted to say something to him, but due to some unknown reasons, he was unable to say those words.

Huang Minghan felt that when he found him this time, he should be able to ask Yun what to do.

He already had a lot of doubts about the authenticity of this world, and even thought that this would be his own dream of Huangliang.

According to the clues provided by the Golden Statue Clan, Dong Mingsai went to find the whereabouts of the Golden King.

He felt that the most likely place should be the burial place of the former wife of the Golden King.

Then, not as Minghan expected, in a slightly quiet valley with flowers and birds singing, he saw the seemingly crazy Golden King.

Compared with the appearance of Shenwu at the beginning, the current Golden King, with disheveled hair and bloodshot eyes, is holding a tombstone, mumbling something.

Huang Minghan appeared here silently.

When the Golden King saw him, he didn’t seem surprised at all, and he didn’t react at all, as if he didn’t notice anything, he just kept holding the tombstone.

Engraved with his wife’s name, the tombstone is very new, the writing is strong but crooked, the last stroke, with clear blood and some tears.

Obviously it was rewritten by the Golden King, not by the previous clansmen.

Around the tombstone, a colorful butterfly flew and landed on the golden king’s hair. It was very quiet, as if it was accompanying him.

“Caidie…” The Golden King read his wife’s name in his mouth.

This scene made Hua Minghan look a little dazed, as if he had thought of something.

Subconsciously, he wanted to let go of the female phantom that was sealed in the wooden box.

“A hundred years of life, maybe ten thousand years, is nothing more than a dream in the void, with white heads and withered bones, but the past, the reality and illusion, are also in a single thought. Only the way of heaven is constant, and it repeats itself in a cycle forever.

The Golden King seemed to have finally sensed Hua Minghan’s arrival, and 643 murmured.

Huang Minghan looked at the Golden King, without saying a word for a while, it was really and illusory, just a thought?

What is he reminding himself of?

What did the Golden King really see at that time?

“Senior…” Huang Minghan thought for a while before speaking.

However, the Golden King just shook his head and laughed miserably, “What senior, this name is not suitable. I just want to see Caidie again, but why no one believes that Caidie is alive? She is by my side. , I can feel her accompanying me all the time, and I believe she will reappear one day.”

Today’s scene, no matter who sees it, will feel that the Golden King is crazy, and he will say some crazy words.

Huang Minghan was silent.

He felt the almost crazy obsession of the Golden King, as long as he believed that his wife was not dead, would his wife really come back to life?

This made Lei Minghan guess what, if the obsession is deep, it can change the real and the unreal. Does it also mean that the unreal becomes the real, that is, the so-called dream is reflected into the reality?

When he was in the Cangming Mountains, the Golden King must have experienced this, and Jihui firmly believed that he could change all of this.

“He has already experienced death, but because he wanted to see his wife’s last side, he lived again, all surrounded by Cangming Mountain, and lived for so many years?

Huang Minghan felt that this should be part of the truth that the Golden King came into contact with.

This world has the power to turn the illusion into reality, isn’t the part of the matter that he and Yue Qingyi saw before, the best proof?.

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