280 The established future, the original world line (please subscribe)

This book is only the size of a palm. It is written in elegant and ancient handwriting with the three characters “Wang Yulu”, full of ancient meaning. There is some mysterious atmosphere around.

Hua Minghan casually flipped through it, just like the book of destiny he condensed for the first time, this “Wang Yulu” records Wang Yu’s life and past.

Including things in the other world, when I was young, I was taken abroad, and I fought with many girls of the same age. to this world.

Originally, Hua Minghan felt that these things could not be inquired about by prying eyes. After all, Wang Yu herself was the daughter of luck, and with luck around her, it should be difficult to predict the fate, and it was impossible to deduce and predict.

But looking at it now, it is completely beyond his 17 expectations.

It is clear that Wang Yu’s past experiences are clearly written on it, and they are even detailed. After she has crossed into this world, she has obtained dragon eggs in the restricted area, met Lei Minghan, and was defeated by Wanlongling and other forces during this period. After chasing and killing, and befriending the demon girl Qimei, and later in the ancient god cemetery, I got too many things inherited from the ancient gods…

Hua Minghan also knew about these things, and had experienced it personally. He continued to read, although the power of the mind in his mind was constantly being consumed, but now he couldn’t care about it.

This time line continued until Wang Yu accidentally rescued the Golden King, and in the holy city of Kunlun, on the night of the full moon, breaking through the border and breaking the curse of the ancient god body.

Seeing this place, Dong Minghan’s face was a little pale, and the power of his mind was constantly being consumed.

He could only swallow some medicinal pills, regain the power of his mind, and continue to read.

However, the pages at the back were extremely heavy, filled with hazy chaotic energy, and even now, he felt extremely exhausted.

After all, this is related to the future, something that has never happened at this time.

“The past has been fixed, but it is easy to speculate, but the future is unpredictable. When I know a corner of the future, then at this moment, there will be many changes in the future.”

“These things are actually recorded so clearly, even my existence appeared in the evening, and there is such a deep connection with Wang Yu.”

Huang Minghan was really surprised. He felt more and more that many of his judgments at the beginning were wrong. It is true that Wang Yu is the daughter of luck, and it is true that luck is favored, but it is not necessarily the result of this world. favor.

You can’t think about these things, or you’ll be absolutely terrified.

In the Book of Destiny, Wang Yu would come to him before breaking through the border this time, and because she had no hope and felt that the chance of breaking through the border was slim, she talked about the township, and could not help but miss her.

Afterwards, he used wine to drown his sorrows, gradually opened his heart, and remembered his kindness to her, but he couldn’t repay it, so the two people had a relationship in confusion.

During this process, Huang Minghan himself used a Nirvana Sutra, supplemented by double cultivation, which enabled Wang Yu to refine the many medicinal powers of dragon eggs and lay a solid foundation…

In the back, under the circumstances that the world is not optimistic, Wang Yu succeeded in breaking through the border and breaking the curse of the ancient gods…

Seeing what was recorded in the Book of Fate, Hua Minghan frowned.

If this is Wang Yu’s next fate and his entanglement with him, then he knows this in advance, this part of the future is bound to change, and the trajectory of the world in the dark will be corrected.

But what happens if he follows this future?

If everyone’s fate is predestined long ago, then when one of them knows part of the future, then every thought or action may cause countless possible changes in the future.

These causal fates will be constantly entangled and intertwined, and at the moment he sees this part of the future, the original future has already changed.

The future is not as constant as the past, at least for now, Huang Minghan can’t change the past.

“If there is some kind of power in this world that is guiding and perfecting all this, then it must be following something…

“What was the original world line? And how was it determined?”

In Huang Minghan’s mind, all kinds of thoughts passed by, trying to verify his guess.

If he knows the future that is going to happen, then if he does not make changes in 627, will there be no power to correct mistakes?

Or is it that the moment he knows the future, the future has changed? Even if he does nothing, the future will change?

If it is the first possibility, it means that the world that has been perfected and evolved is really following a certain trajectory or a certain idea.

This made Hua Minghan ponder and fear, especially when he thought that this thought was probably his own thought.

Before, he created his own self-conscious mind, thinking about everything and everything he wanted, and it might be the blessing of heaven.

But after experiencing these things, Hua Minghan had a deeper thought.

Now he only hopes for the second possibility, otherwise, if it is the first possibility, some things will be even more amazing and incredible than he imagined, and he will be terrified if he thinks about it carefully.

For the next few days, Huang Minghan stayed in the city lord’s mansion, waiting for the arrival of Wang Yuchong’s breakthrough. During this time, anyone’s visit was shied away by him, except for the Holy Maiden of Yaochi and some men who reported the matter.

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