281 Who is he? Deduction speculation in another place (please subscribe)

The Kunlun Holy City became more and more lively, with people coming and going, all eyes focused on the residence of the Golden Statue Clan, and many resources were transported over and sent here.

Many Taoist forces also want to know whether this Wang Yu can break such a curse and successfully become the ancient god of this era, and the future will be called the enlightened Taoist.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it was the night before the full moon. Just like what was recorded in the Book of Fate, Wang Yu came to visit late at night, Hua Minghan looked calm and let her in.

As if he didn’t know what was going to happen next, he and Wang Yu talked about many things in the courtyard. The two were drinking and talking, and when they talked about their interests, he would also agree and smile, without revealing anything. Exception comes.

And Wang Yu talked about his past, his homeland, on the other side of the starry sky, and he didn’t even know if he was still in this universe. Later, he talked about the kindness of Hua Minghan to her. He was very grateful and felt that there were no words from Hua Minghan. , She probably died in the mine with Zhao Shaoyue long ago.

The following things are still as recorded in the Book of Fate. She was drunk and her eyes were hazy. She took the initiative to catch Hua Minghan’s neck and felt that his kindness was difficult to repay. .

If she fails, then she will also choose the path of annihilation of body and spirit, and will not leave life for herself. In the future, she will be a waste person who cannot cultivate, and there is no point in living.

Huang Minghan’s great kindness and great virtue, she can’t repay, it seems that the only choice is to promise each other.

“Young Master Gai, Wang Yu’s appearance as a willow, I don’t know if you mind…” She murmured softly, her blue silk scattered.

“Why would I mind…” Dong Minghan replied gently with a gentle face.

But there is no temperature in his eyes, and his heart is even more cold for some reason.

The first horrific and terrifying possibility appears to be fulfilling.

Who is he?

The future is set, even if he knows, there will be no change if he has not made diligent changes.

He knows the future, and will not touch the cause and effect in the dark, as long as he does not interfere with all this, then nothing will change.

And all this development and error correction seems to be done according to his ideas?

Late at night the next day, on the night of the full moon, in the center of Kunlun Holy City, Wang Yu rushed through the border.

Under the attention of all parties, she stood in the sky, her white dress was moving, her crystal clear face was flawless, her facial features were exquisite, and her blue silk was flying, just like a real exiled fairy. .

Endless brilliance poured down, and countless spiritual stones and other objects were poured out.

The aura here is so abundant that it is unimaginable, the rays of the sun are bright, and the auspicious colors are intertwined, as if it has been transformed into a fairy pond.

“I won’t let you down…”

Wang Yu’s eyes swept across the silhouettes of all sides, there were people she didn’t know, Long Sheng from Wanlongling, and some people who watched her joke.

When she finally saw the painting Minghan standing on a pavilion hanging in the distance, she smiled, and the beauty was amazing.

In the depths of the sky, the golden king hooked his hand, broke the pouring thunder, and protected the law for Wang Yu.

A terrifying muffled thunder sounded in the void, as if brewing a catastrophe and destroying all living beings.

Many monks felt heart palpitations, as if the world was about to die.

Huang Minghan stood in the distance for a moment with a calm expression, and then lightly shredded the book of destiny condensed in his hand, then turned and left.

The result is already doomed, he has nothing to see, everything is as recorded in the book of destiny, according to the trajectory of the operation.

As long as he doesn’t interfere, everyone’s fate and future are already doomed from the very beginning.

This world has no ability to correct errors at all, it is just moving towards a certain trajectory to improve its operation.

“What is the meaning of existence in this world? What is true and what is false?

Huang Minghan didn’t know this. At this moment, he only felt an unprecedented nothingness, enveloped by an invisible sound.

With a sound of his figure, he disappeared into the Kunlun Holy City.

At the same time, in the mysterious palace hidden in the void, the figure of Liuli appeared in it.

The two mysterious angels wearing one black and one white mask respected her very much and seemed to know the origin of Liuli.

“Can’t I even go back to that side now?” Liuli frowned and asked about the two mysterious angels.

“Miss Liuli, although you have a distinguished status and are the princess of the Xianhuang family, but now the portal between the two places has been isolated and broken, we can’t let you go back to that side.”

The mysterious angel wearing a black mask replied.

These words made Liuli’s brows furrowed tightly, and she seemed a little unhappy, and asked, “What happened to such a big thing, why is there no movement on that side? , This is an opportunity for our Daluotian, why not firmly control it?

She originally thought that after the arrival of the Xuantian Chaos Ranking, especially after Xiaolei Minghan was a young taboo, it would definitely attract the attention and attention of the other side, and connect the two places again.

But until now, there has been no movement or news from that place, and she had to come here to ask these two mysterious angels.


Hearing this question, these two mysterious angels seemed to be hesitant, considering whether they should say these words.

Looking at their appearance, Liuli knew that they must know something, and even got an order from the other side.

Wrinkling her brows, she said, “If you have something to say, say it directly, why hide it? Could it be that something, or this princess, is not qualified to know?”

The two mysterious angels looked at each other, as if they were a little tangled and embarrassed.

However, this princess of the Immortal Phoenix clan was indeed ordered to come to this side and had great authority, so they had to obey his orders.

The mysterious angel wearing a white mask couldn’t help but smile bitterly, “Don’t dare to hide Miss Liuli, at first we also believed that Hua Minghan would be the destined person, and it was the opportunity for our great Luotian to rise again. , But the existence over there, after deduction (Wang Liao Zhao), it is found that this person will not exist in this world at all, nor will it be possible to be born and appear in today’s big river in any time, space and time since ancient times. Luo Tian. 33

“So, they suspect that this person will be the existence of the rest of the heavens and the rest of the world. Through a certain method, the variables will be thrown over. You also know that such methods are not uncommon. Many people with unpredictable fates are actually not big. Luo Tian’s native creature, but with the breath of an outer domain.”

“Furthermore, there is another even more terrifying possibility. This person will be the eternal existence of the rest of the heavens, projected on the body of Da Luotian’s projection. Once he finds out that he has come into contact with another place, the consequences will be unimaginable…

Hearing this, Liu Li’s complexion also changed slightly, knowing the terrible consequences.

She didn’t think so much at first, but this kind of speculation is not necessarily true.

There is no sufficient evidence to prove that Huang Minghan will be the projection of the eternal existence of the rest of the heavens and the rest of the world.

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