279 The truth you see? Try to condense the book of destiny again (for subscription)

“This is what this old man wants to tell Master Hua.»

The Golden King Qingfa had a wry smile on his face, making it difficult for people to associate him with the invincible Golden King who made all parties come to worship.

“Senior’s meaning, I have already vaguely guessed.” Dong Minghan was silent for a long time, then nodded.

He used the power of his mind to deduce, but he did not notice any abnormality.

There is no change in time, space, and nothingness here, and there is no power that penetrates here.

If it is involved in the cause and effect, it is not realistic.

Because Hua Minghan can see the line of cause and effect, he can even use it to condensed and inquire about the book of destiny about cause and effect, and rewrite and read a person’s destiny and past.

If it involves the power of causality, he can’t feel it.

Then why did this creepy scene happen, and why did the Golden King think about telling him instead of telling the police?

Why did the body of the Golden King become faint and blurry in an instant, like the rumored Taoist transformation.

This kind of thing makes Hua Minghan difficult to understand.

The Golden King shook his head and sighed, his expression was very complicated, he just said, “This old man asked Young Master Huang, but he just wanted to remind Young Master Hua, there are many things that this old man can’t talk about, otherwise the scene I just went around will happen again.

His tone seemed to contain deep exhaustion and vicissitudes. After saying this, the whole person was a little old-fashioned.

“Senior, is there anything else you want to say to me?” Lei Minghan was silent for a moment, then asked again.

His eyes fell on the golden king’s eyebrows, where there was a knife mark that seemed to be unable to answer the question of “six two seven”, as if there was an invisible blade just around, and it was going to penetrate there.

The Golden King just shook his head and said, “This is all this old man can say and do.”

Everyone knows that he was swallowed for 100,000 years in Cangming Mountain, but they don’t know that he actually died tens of thousands of years ago.

The Golden King didn’t know how he survived, but he remembered that he really died completely, the light of his soul dissipated, and the fire of life went out.

But behind it seems to be because of deep unwillingness and obsession, and then opened his eyes from the boundless darkness.

He didn’t know why, but he came to live by himself and lived out his second life in Cangming Mountain.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw some terrifying, terrifying, and unbelievable scenes, and even saw a picture of himself dying and coming back to life.

The Golden King once suspected that what he saw was the truth, but he couldn’t believe it, whether it was a false dream of his own.

In those pictures, the only figure he saw was Dong Minghan.

The Golden King regarded it as a bizarre and unbelievable dream, but why he had never seen Hua Minghan before, but was able to see him again in his dream.

That figure was clearly the same painting Minghan in front of him, although it was blurry, it was absolutely infallible.

What kind of place is that?

After the Golden King was rescued and left Cangming Mountain, he also planned to tell other people about the matter, but every time there was a terrifying feeling of palpitations that enveloped him, as if he only wanted to say something and say something. , it will completely disappear from this world and completely turn into nothingness.

Even any creatures and monks other than him seem to dissipate.

This thought made the Golden King extremely horrified, feeling that he was in a certain situation at the moment of the second activity, which made him understand and perceive the truth of some of the world.

And this truth, he can’t tell and sell it, can’t let other people know.

Afterwards, the Golden King stopped talking, and both of them left this palace hidden in the void, and now they are outside.

The smile on Huang Minghan’s face has also disappeared. While thinking about things, he and the Golden King didn’t talk much about it. Before this, he and the Golden King were not familiar with each other, and there was no intersection.

From the perspective of Hua Minghan, what the Golden King’s actions are reminding him? Or is it a warning?

In the future, there will be catastrophic disasters in the Three Can Domains, or Daluotian?

All kinds of questions popped up in Hua Minghan’s mind, making him hard to understand. It seems that since he first came into contact with the heavens, many things that he had never imagined before have appeared.

Wang Yu and Tang Mei, waiting for him outside the courtyard, seemed to be curious about what the Golden King said to him, and they all seemed to be very worried.

This was not like the Hua Minghan they knew.

“This time, about Miss Wang Yu’s breakthrough, I have already discussed it with Senior Golden King. When there are not enough resources, and with the support of the portrait, Miss Wang Yu doesn’t have to worry about it. Huang Minghan opened his mouth and gave an order at the same time. Send it to the messenger, and let the portrait begin to do so.

With his current strength, many things can be decided on his own without needing to discuss with the elders of the clan.

“How do you feel that Young Master Huang has a lot of thoughts?” Wang Yu didn’t really care about this, but asked with concern.

It proves that he is too fascinated, and he seems to be thinking about those issues, too.

“It’s nothing, I just thought of some difficult questions, and it’s just a headache.” He waved his hand and smiled.

Wang Yu still felt a little puzzled, but Hua Minghan didn’t want to say more, and she was not very good at continuing to ask.

In the following days, the news that the Proof Competition appeared at the Golden Statue Clan’s residence and would also help Wang Yu to break through the border also quickly spread to all parties in the Gulf, causing a lot of waves.

Originally, his appearance in Kunlun Holy City was enough to shock people, but now there is news that he wants to help Wang Yu.

“What does this painting Minghan mean? Why do you want to help Wang Yu, a guy who is destined to be impossible to break the curse, is he worth it?”

Long Teng’s complexion was cloudy and uncertain. He was pacing in a palace. He also appeared in the Holy City of Lin Kunlun, but he did not show up.

However, now Shu Minghan is also intervening, making it impossible to guess what his purpose is.

Now, the strength of Xu Minghan is unfathomable, and it is listed in the taboo of the Xuantian Chaos List.

When he appeared in Kunlun Holy City, he would definitely attract many monks.

In the past few days, when the shocking news caused a sensation in the outside world, Dong Minghan was not idle either. He consulted many documents related to the immortal realm, and even planned to visit the Kunlun Xianxian Ruins in Kunlun Holy City, wanting to know what was in it. have what.

It’s just that the Kunlun Wonderland, only in a specific time and space, will reveal Bao’s traces.

On weekdays, the vast space and time are covered by clouds and mists, and even those with advanced cultivation will be caught in it.

Therefore, Dong Minghan had no choice. In the end, he could only think of the Yaochi saint, Xiyan. After all, she was conceived from an immortal womb.

“You still know how to come see me.

In the gambling stone workshop of Yaochi Wonderland, Xiyan sat by the window, her wrist resting on her chin, as if she was looking sideways at the scene outside the window, and only said lightly when she heard Dong Minghan’s footsteps.

Huang Minghan knew that she was angry for the fact that she was always on the police in the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao.

But he had expected it long ago, and replied, “At that time, I accidentally met a person in the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao, and I had to go deep into the ancient medicine garden…”

“Then you got the elixir of good fortune?” asked the Saintess of Yaochi.

Huang Minghan shook his head and said, “I didn’t get the elixir of creation, but I did get the energy of creation later.

As he said that his sleeves were rolled up, a sealed jade jar emerged, and strands of black and yellow were intertwined, giving people an ancient and profound sense of oppression.

“The spirit of creation?

At this moment, Saintess of Yaochi didn’t care to make trouble with him, she turned her head and asked in a different place.

She could naturally feel that the amazing aura contained in this jade jar seemed to carry a thick earthy sky.

“This is in the great world of the heavens, and every heaven’s arrogant is desperately trying to fight for something, and a ray of good fortune is enough to make them scramble for blood.” Dong Minghan smiled lightly and said, “I spent a lot of thought. And strength, and then snatch a little from it.


“Really?” The Holy Maiden of Yaochi glanced at him suspiciously. She could indeed feel the amazing and mysterious meaning. I am afraid that the preciousness of this spirit of creation is more than what Hua Minghan said.

Naturally, “It’s true.” Dong Minghan still smiled faintly.

While he was talking, he placed the jade pot in front of the Saintess of Yaochi.

The Saintess of Yaochi looked at him from a different place, and said, “Would you be so kind to give me this good fortune?

“This energy of good fortune is not given to you so easily, you have to answer some of my questions… Huang Minghan said.

The Saintess of Yaochi snorted softly, “I knew you were not so kind. What questions you want to ask, as long as I know them, I will naturally tell you.”

Huang Minghan didn’t talk nonsense, and said straight to the point, “I want to know about Kunlun Wonderland, you should know something about it?

“Kunlun Fairy Ruins?

When Saintess Yaochi heard this, Daimei frowned, as if she was thinking about something.

She stared at Hua Minghan with her beautiful eyes, and said, “Why do you suddenly want to ask about the Kunlun Fairy Ruins?

“I want to know, about Xianyu, I read many books and found one thing, the existence of Xianyu seems to be more like a phantom legend, it does not really exist in such a place, It’s more like a world that was constructed by someone, and all the monks in the Taoist domain pursued.”

in order to choose

“If Kunlun Xianxu is really related to Xianyu, then I think there should be something to prove that Xianyu really exists.” Dong Minghan said.

In fact, he is also considering, these immortal forces, including Gai, since the ancestors have appeared immortals, why is the understanding of immortal realm so shallow?

Or is there something that has obscured the concept and existence of sentient beings for the immortal realm?

The Saintess of Yaochi fell into thinking, and took a detour for a long time, “The Kunlun Fairy Ruins are not as beautiful and mysterious as the world thinks, in my opinion, it is more like a chaotic place of time and space, it does have the breath of the fairyland, but there are also The rest of time and space, the fluctuations of the universe…

“According to the rumors in the Three Cans Domain, the Kunlun Fairyland is a mysterious area that fell from the Fairy Land. In fact, it is not without a purpose, but has a basis. I also have a vague memory of the Fairy Land.

“But it’s just a vague memory, it seems that I can’t convince you that Xianyu really exists…”

“Well, how do you feel that after you said this, those vague memories seem to become clearer. The Immortal Domain is more vast and vast than the Sandi Domain, the divine mountains are towering, the ancient trees are towering, and the immortal energy is so strong that it seems to be alarming. drip down…

She was also a little surprised. Originally, the memory of Immortal Domain was very vague in her mind, but it gradually became clear as she mentioned it.

At this moment, she seemed to see the glowing world full of longevity substances.

Speaking of which, she became confused. When did she remember so many things about Immortal Realm?

“A chaotic time and space?”

After Huang Minghan left the jade pot, he left, but he was thinking about the many things that the Saintess of Yaochi said about the Kunlun Fairy Ruins.

If the Immortal Domain really exists, then it must be a world universe at the same level as the Sanda Domain, and it belongs to Daluotian.

But since it is a world of the same level, why is there a theory of ascension?

“Or, is this itself a world of uncertainty and unknown? I’m always looking at everything with a certain mindset?

Huang Minghan’s mind was full of thoughts, he felt that he was in the dark, controlling some very important clues.

It seems that the world view of this world is not always the same, but evolves and develops according to his vision and vision?

Is this world changing? Is it improving? Is it developing on a certain trajectory?

After returning to the City Lord’s Mansion, Proving Han planned to try again to confirm his guess.

He directly took Wang Yu as the object to capture the fate and cause and effect of her in the dark.

Last time in the portrait, he used the same method to capture the fate of Lin Boots, and condensed it into a Lin Lilu, which recorded Lin Li’s life and past, and even glimpsed into some future.

However, at that time, for Hua Minghan, the power of the mind was consumed a lot.

Now, his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, and he has easily captured Wang Yu’s fate. This is a long and tenacious thread of fate, and he still has many entanglements.

Huang Minghan touched the past, and in the void that only he could always see, these lines of destiny continued to intersect, emitting a dazzling light, constantly condensing the book of destiny about Wang Yu.

“Wang Yulu…”

Soon, a simple and profound book landed in his hands,

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