247 This peach or not forget, you own it roll? (Subscription required)

Many Tianjiao first time I saw Joan Jade Pool Lu Bao such a demeanor, the stunning apart, full of envy.

I am afraid that in addition to drawing out the cold outside, peers could not find the second person, let Yao Chi Joan so to speak.

It also further confirms They speculate for their relationship.

Although Yao Chi Joan has always been aloof aloof, not stained mundane examples of children not married.

But if there really anything between the two men, this example is not can not be broken.

After all, the Jade Pool Wonderland there is no such rule exists.

Speculation about the hearts of everyone, no matter where they are the same, except for the outer strength, the younger generation of gossip, they also always talked about things.

Huang Han eyebrows hop, always felt Yao Chi saint in front of everyone so to speak, is want to get things look.

He did not believe in front of outsiders has always been detached refined, elegant Joan Jade Pool will suddenly so to speak.

However, a sudden, he did not even know the purpose of Joan Jade Pool.

“Joan joking, but the next is only just arrived, how could you see caught in distress, and stand by?

Huang Han Dan Xiao hook sound, equally poised.

“Then thank in advance the main draw little kindness thing.”

Joan Jade Pool reaching a wisp of hair rope scrambling ear, Mouguang police advised him, and then received back, face the front of these beasts, without a care.

“Who are you?”

Seeing this scene, a public Xiongshou here, have some angry.

In particular, among the other end of the temper of the mob more rhinos, huge eyes, Leiguang flashing, glowing chill, watch intently draw out cold.

Joan Jade Pool is not a place them look like the eyes, they still do not care aside, just keep talking and Dong cold.

This is simply to them as the air, to provoke them.

“Who am I? You’ll soon know.” Dong Han is just a faint smile.

“This young man is very strong, A white police you underestimated him .99

Old Monkey opening, with the eyes of thinking humanity, address him by the name of the rhino.

Anyhow, it is the last generation of monkeys Monkey King, long live the years.

Although not necessarily comparable Terran smart, but experienced things more amazing eyesight.

Suddenly hook now painted bright cold, though it seems young, but those who race around Tianjiao to see his expression, reveals a fanaticism and awe.

Even those older people, but also with fear and dignified, can not be underestimated.

Also, Joan Jade Pool is too calm, even if it is surrounded by them, and no fear.

These are in the description, this young man is not simple.

“But a young family man just to see if I tore him.

“He is far better than I would like to Zhang.

However, to hear the words of the old Monkey King, rhino and do not care, covered Leiguang filled, thud, out cold rush painting, want to Li Wei.

Seeing this scene, here everyone intently looked over.

If you can draw out cold watched hook shot, and that for them, there is a worthwhile trip.

Many young people also look hot, implied expect, want to know now draw out the cold, the strength in the end how to achieve the level.

Joan Jade Pool is a blink Meimou looked at him without blinking.

She was not wondering now how strong cold drawn out, purely because he wanted the matter, so draw out cold for her to solve such a trouble, the way to blow off steam.

Although the last time she and draw out cold, making for a little twist police.

She did not reply to his letter book, but directly give the tear, after all, was true he was furious.

But the painting out cold like nothing happened like, simply do not take the initiative to mention, not thought to contact her and explain.

Joan Jade Pool seemingly clear sky, but the mind can not wait to tie a small Huang Han people, filled Fuxin Han words.

In her view, she and Dong Han is actually very simple.

Have to pay the real immortal, not the name of the partner, but far more so-called companion are also close.

Otherwise she would not be able to perceive the arrival of cold drawn out in an instant.

Although I did not want to admit Joan Jade Pool, but she and Huang Ming cold have been closely linked to the rest of his life ……

This state of mind, she made it clear that it is difficult.

Obviously there is no birthright, not a husband and wife companion, has chosen another person as the other half.

Thoughts come back, Joan Jade Pool to see the field.

This is the first half-step God king of rhino habitat, is indeed one of the dominant nearby area, driving wind and thunder, the earth shook.

It is the rush drawing out cold, fast if SG, the body is ambitious, but not significantly clumsy, like a surging Thunder flooded over, you want to give everything in heaven and earth covered live.

In this momentum, it can not help but be terrified Yu Xiushi are difficult to contend with.

However, the picture looked bright cold but not much change.

He is only raising his hand to beat down, beat up this pressure off if wind and thunder, clouds destroy the city, both in heaven and earth rumbling.

Rune sky hook now, there interwoven building, it seems to become a party to prison, nether can blockade nine days.

He is not always low-key person, appears in the Tianjiao ancient battlefield, the siege has already done for the rest of the force intends to Tianjiao Court.

This time hands, the idea is just to deter some of the selling small, lest they should move some of the action of mind.


This beat exploded, Rune sky, like a heavy rain the next, these rhinos directly to drown.

SG terrible out of order, the fallout spread, shrouded cover day directly to some of the nearby hill gave slashed.


The rhino, look great changes, the original painting still feel the cold Ming applause potential is too small cause for concern.

But when fall came true, sewing perceived that terrible pressure.

Its talent mine operation, even in an instant collapse of the crash, even a breath can not resist.

This beat fall, even if it is rough skin and flesh, could not also feel that some parts of the flesh blooming, hooks made terrible fragmentation tone.

“It is the younger generation to have the strength?”

“It is terrible.

In addition the number of head watching this war beasts, look also became pale, very shocked, aghast.

But leukonychia of them, belonging to the defense extremely alarming exist.

Among the results of the war and the young man, just beat up, it was nearly shattered?

Have to say, this scene of horror in their minds, to understand why the people in the painting after coming out next winter, so will look.

This is definitely a monster.

“Good strong, indeed the main draw less …… makes me helpless and other beasts, in his hand, absolutely no resistance to the force.”

The people in the distance were also shocked. During this time, Hua Minghan disappeared, and there was hardly any news about him.

As a result, there were a lot of rumors that the young Supremes who had risen during this period might be able to fight him.

But after really seeing his diligent hands, you will understand how terrifying the gap is.

“Young Master Huang’s strength should be above the Heavenly God Realm, maybe he hasn’t really made a move…

Those of the older generation, someone whispered, with unique eyes, guessing like this.

The rules of heaven and earth in the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao will only suppress the characters of the older generation, and there will be no suppression of the younger generation.

What kind of strength the younger generation has in the outside world, what kind of strength is here.


At the same time when everyone was shocked, Huang Minghan’s palm had already fallen down, like a prisoner, slapped on the head of this fierce beast.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of bone cracks, large bloodstains moved beautifully, extremely dazzling.

The white bone slag was mixed with blood and splashed like a rain of blood, and the head of this fierce beast blew a terrifying hole directly.

It screamed and wanted to escape, but without the strength and arrogance that it had just surrounded, its eyes were full of fear, and it never thought that it would encounter such a tough stubble.

However, since Huang Minghan planned to stand up, he didn’t plan to let it go, so he chased after him and killed him directly.

The rest of the ferocious beasts looked terrified, they originally wanted to stop it, but suddenly lost their courage.

Their strength is actually similar to that of the white armor, but in the blink of an eye, the white armor was killed, and even if they stepped forward, they would die.

Although the peach fruit is precious, how can a small life be important?

The Fire Spirit Monkey King, whose face was dyed in color, was also dignified at the moment, and quietly clenched the wishful stick in his hand. It could defeat the white armor, but it was absolutely impossible to kill the white armor so easily.

The young man in front of him has a terrifying strength and is definitely far above him.

“Let’s not forget about this peach fruit…

The ferocious beasts that originally surrounded the Saintess of Yaochi quietly swallowed, looked at each other, and planned to retreat.

The Saintess of Yaochi is not weak, even if they ask them to be diligent, they may not be able to take them down in an instant.

They are not stupid. They struggled for a while in their hearts, but they still planned to give up. The most important thing was to save their lives.

Immediately, these fierce beasts that rushed over were scattered as birds and beasts, away from the immortal pond here.

Yaochi Saintess Xiyan shook her head gently, which was not surprising.

Huang Minghan’s strength, she still understands, at least for now, in the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao, there is not much that can threaten his existence.

“Are you going to get out on your own? Or do you want me to do it?”

Huang Minghan came over and took down this rhinoceros-like beast. For him, it was just a trivial matter, and it didn’t take much effort at all.

He looked at the two Fire Spirit Monkey Kings and asked casually.

The old monkey king obviously also had the intention of retreating, with fear flashing in his eyes.

However, the other monkey king was very unwilling, holding the wishful stick tightly, not willing to give up the peach fruit.

Eating pantao can make it break through the bottleneck of cultivation base, compete for more resources, and more territory.

66. “Do you want to die?

However, Dong Minghan obviously noticed its intention and raised his eyebrows slightly.

The old monkey king quickly grabbed it, shook his head and said, “We will retreat.”

The matter has come to this point, I am afraid that if they add up, they cannot all be the opponents of this young man in front of him.

Such a character, impossible to borrow nameless, is definitely one of the most powerful characters of his generation.

The fire spirit apes and monkeys retreated, and there were a total of nine peach fruits. Hua Minghan alone picked seven of them, and the remaining two were left to others, which was considered to be the best of benevolence and righteousness.

If those ferocious beasts are fierce, it is hard to say whether the rest of the people here can pick two of them.

As for the two, how they want to divide it is not something Huang Minghan has to consider.

On the mountain in the distance, Lin Geng was covered in cold sweat when he saw this scene, and he felt a little palpitation and fear.

If he was slower, he would probably collide with Dong Minghan, and he would definitely not be able to escape if he wanted to.

And what is the end like this, don’t think about it, Lin Xue shudders.

Fortunately, when he snatched the pan peach fruit, he didn’t show people with his current appearance, and he could play a role in concealing it to some extent.

Unless someone later uses the method of returning to the lake to investigate his origin, it will not be easily exposed.

In this regard, Lin Boot was still slightly relieved, not too worried.

Although she offended the Saintess of Yaochi, the Saintess of Yaochi did not know his identity.

But he had other doubts in his mind.

Why is the red dress of Xuannv Palace among the many followers of Hua Minghan?

That cold and glamorous woman has always been blunt and disgusted with men.

Didn’t expect her to have such a day, willing to become a follower of proof cold?

Or did something happen that he didn’t know about during this time?

Lin Gu suppressed the abnormality in his heart. Now it seems that he can only find Hong Nishang in person, and then he can ask the truth.

Huang Minghan didn’t plan to stay here for too long. After picking the peach fruit, he left with someone and went to the ancient medicine garden.

For him, the meaning of these peaches (Wang De’s) is not very meaningful, and they can’t directly help him improve his cultivation, but they are better than nothing.

Keep it in your hand, maybe you will be able to use it someday.

The Holy Maiden of Yaochi walked with him, and the rest of the female disciples of Yaochi followed behind.

Now that the news has spread, many monks and Tianjiao have learned about the matter here, and they are very surprised by the relationship between the two.

The Holy Maiden of Yaochi didn’t care about it at all, but at the moment, her teeth were itchy, and she felt that Hua Minghan was doing it on purpose.

She knew she needed pan peach fruit, but after picking it, she accepted it all.

A calm look that if she doesn’t speak, she won’t give her.

“The peach tree in Yaochi Fairyland was originally cultivated by the fruit core obtained from the Kunlun Fairy Ruins, and I want to try it to see if it can grow a new peach tree.

However, the Holy Maiden of Yaochi was also calm, and instead explained the purpose of her plan to pick pan peach fruit.

On the face under the veil, there is a light cloud.

“Oh, if you have the opportunity, you must go to the Yaochi Wonderland, taste the pantao there, and see what the district police are with the wild pantao here.

Huang Minghan nodded, looking like he didn’t understand what she meant.

The Holy Maiden of Yaochi wanted to kick him, knowing that he was pretending, so she said it on purpose.

“You didn’t even give me the pan peach fruit you picked, and you still want to taste the pan peach from Yaochi.

“Go dream.

The Saintess of Yaochi simply stopped beating around the bush, her beautiful eyes narrowed, and she seemed to be slightly fierce.

However, although her words were threatening, her face was still calm and calm, and she was full of energy.

Huang Minghan couldn’t help but smile, it was just a few peaches.

She didn’t take the initiative to ask for it, could it be that she still wanted to take the initiative to give it to her?

Originally, he planned to tease her, but he didn’t even think that he would monopolize these peaches.

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