248 Don’t Let Huang Minghan Come, Strong Breakthrough (Subscribe)

The peach is crystal clear, only the size of a palm, and it is filled with a strong fragrance, which makes the pores stretch out.

Dong Minghan was not tall either, so he directly gave three to the Saintess of Yaochi.

The Holy Maiden of Yaochi was a little unaccustomed to his sudden generosity, and was a little suspicious, and then guessed whether he wanted to take the opportunity to negotiate terms again.

However, Huang Minghan obviously had no such thoughts, and he was not bored.

On the way to the ancient paradise, the saintess of Yaochi noticed the existence of red neon clothes, which was slightly different.

Although there are rules of heaven and earth to suppress, but she can see that this red dress woman is a holy monk.

She didn’t ask any more questions, she just felt that Hua Minghan had deceived another follower without knowing what means.

On the way of Huaminghan’s people rushing to the ancient medicine garden, the Tianjiao ancient battlefield was not at all calm.

The news about Huaminghan’s fishermen spread quickly as if they had grown wings, causing a big earthquake, and many Tianjiao who learned the news were shaken by it.

Many people who witnessed it with their own eyes informed others in detail about the news of the war.

Including painting how terrifying Minghan was, cracking the skull of a half-step god-king realm beast with one palm, killing it and so on.

There is no doubt that this incident made all parties feel astonished and unbelievable.

Especially the younger generation, they all feel creepy, what a terrifying strength.

Before, some people thought that among their peers, they might be able to find an existence comparable to Huang Minghan.

But now a comparison, it directly makes them desperate, the oppression is still full, it is breathless.

The Little Ancestral Huang Xu Dao of Chihuang Mountain, who heard the news, was originally planning to refine a fire of heaven and earth, but at the moment, he was also silent.

Originally, he thought that during this period of time, his cultivation had improved very quickly, and he might have the opportunity to fight against Dong Minghan.

But the truth made him feel cruel.

There was a wry smile on the corner of Huang Xudao’s mouth, “It seems that I’m still lying in the world wrong, I shouldn’t be hooking the world in this era.

Long Sheng, who did not intend to provoke Hua Minghan, was very calm, because he had long anticipated the horror of Hua Minghan.

“Until I have grown up, I can’t offend this guy, at least from the current situation, no one can compete with him. 33

He also thought about getting involved in the ancient medicine garden, but now he has given up, and took the manpower to go in another direction to compete for the opportunity of the police.

Such things can be seen almost everywhere in this ancient battlefield of Tianjiao in the ancient Tianlan world.

Many people were discussing it and were shocked by it.

This peerless myth, even if it has disappeared for half a year, has not lost its prestige in the slightest, and it is so powerful that it is terrifying.

The ancient medicine garden is a ruin, and the area is almost a few clumps. It is surrounded by ancient trees and deep forests, surrounded by tall fences and inscribed with runes.

You can only go in through the entrance. Some monks tried to force their way there, but they touched the runes on the fence and disappeared in an instant.

The strong aroma of medicine has been permeating the medicine garden since ancient times, and the sky also reflects the amazing vision of Qin.

Many monks had already heard the news, rushed to this place, and gathered in various places.

It was Dong Minghan’s followers who occupied this ancient medicine garden at first, but with the rhythm of many of these precious ancient medicines, this place aroused competition from all parties.

Even now, there are traces of the Ascension Immortal Medicine, so that the monks and Tianjiao who got the news rushed over.

“If you get the elixir of feathering, then this ancient battlefield of Tianjiao is not worth it.

There is a arrogant gaze, looking into the depths of the ancient paradise shrouded in the mist, and now all parties are gathering to check and balance each other, and no one dares to act rashly.

“Although there are many opportunities in the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao, there are very few that can compare with the elixir of ascension.”

“This is a fairy thing that makes the older generation go crazy.

On a mountain top, a man in a golden robe came down, his eyes were bright, there were cross cracks, and the whole body was surrounded by surging brilliance, and even the hair was shining, extremely bright.

This is an ancient freak, from an immortal faction, named Jin Zhan, not a human race.

Behind this ancient freak, there are also followers, all of whom are the best from all over the world.

The rich medicinal fragrance seems to make people fly away, constantly filling the air, even the sky has a vision, the glow is transpiring, the mist is deep, and many scenes are evolving.

In addition to various ancient freaks, there are also some older generation characters who appear here, representing a powerful Taoist lineage.

However, in the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao, their advantages are not as good as the younger generation.

“The master is already on his way. If these people want to fight, they will definitely get together.”

In an area of ​​the ancient medicine garden, more than a dozen young beings gathered together, both human races, different races, men and women.

They were all followers of Huang Minghan and had already been instructed to rush to the ancient battlefield of Wantianjiao.

However, with their strength, they could not hold the place, they could only send a message to Dong Minghan, hoping that he would come quickly.

At this moment, the various lineages are staring at each other, and they are all gathering in the Kaijian’s Ascension Immortal Medicine, watching their actions closely.

If they act rashly, then everyone will definitely do it, and it is impossible for them to take away the elixir of ascension.

Although some of the clansmen in the portrait have come to help, the people facing this place are all Dao lineage forces, including many immortal Dao forces, and many ancient monsters with terrifying strength.

For example, Sheng Wuxin, the descendant of Holy Spirit Lake, has already arrived here and is deducing the exact location of the Ascension Immortal Medicine.

And the only path leading to the depths of the ancient paradise is being occupied by them.

If everyone wants to break into the ancient paradise, they must be forced away.

“According to the news over there, Ming Han should be on his way.”

“As long as Minghan can arrive, then they will not dare to act rashly, Minghan’s strength is not suppressed by this place, and can easily suppress everything.

An old man with a portrait opened his mouth and said that although he is a holy realm in the outside world, he is still suppressed in the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao, and the cultivation base he exerts is only close to the realm of the gods.

The rest of the portrait clansmen also nodded in agreement, with hope in their eyes.

The younger generation such as Huang Minglan also rushed to the scene, to guard the Ascension Immortal Medicine, which was also a rare opportunity for the portrait.

If one could refine the legendary feathering elixir, it would be a great fortune for all the clansmen.

This is also the reason why the rest of the Dao Lineage want to compete for the Ascension Immortal Medicine.

“They are waiting for Dong Minghan’s arrival. According to the news, the current Hua Minghan’s strength is at least in the god realm, and I am afraid that even the holy realm may not be his opponent.

“If he comes with manpower, it will be even more disadvantageous to us. The only way to do it is to start first, and take advantage of the lack of manpower on the portrait side…”

“If my peers had a fair fight with Hua Minghan, then basically they would have no chance of winning.

“This Ascension Immortal Medicine, I will definitely grab it.

The elders of one side of the Immortal Dao forces, with flickering eyes, were talking to the people beside them.

The descendant of the immortal power of this party also appeared here, and at this moment nodded slightly, the chaotic mist lingered on his body, and the breath was strong and heart-pounding.

The rest of the forces here also had the same idea. After looking at each other, many of them didn’t hesitate, and rushed to kill them directly, not wanting to wait for Hua Minghan and the portrait to ask questions before starting.

quack quack…

One after another divine light swept in, and many people took action, asking for various instruments.

Among them, there are many masters, with powerful methods, using tyrannical ancient techniques, running runes to the sky, evolving fierce birds and real beasts, and terrifying power, a mountain and river will be shattered.

When the war broke out, the situation was chaotic all of a sudden, as if many stars exploded, and the rays of light were dazzling.

Many younger generations took action and used their magical powers to break into the depths of the ancient medicine garden.

(bhcd) “Can’t wait for Hua Minghan to ask them questions.”

Sheng Wuxin, a descendant of the Holy Spirit Lake, said that he was extremely confident in himself, but for this Ascension Immortal Medicine, he didn’t care about joining forces with others and made a strong shot.

The large golden palm was in the sky, like a terrifying grinding disc, and the wisps of orderly brilliance fell, causing those who resisted to cough up blood and fly away.

Some people offered to hook ancient treasures, like a golden sun, making the sky here dim, and rushing towards the painters.

The chaos here was extremely chaotic for a while, and many people could not take care of their opponents when they fought, and rushed directly into the depths of the ancient medicine garden.

Although there were a lot of portraits, they couldn’t resist. There were too many forces rushing towards them. Many of the painting family were besieged by several people, and they were soon lost to the enemy and fell into a disadvantage.

Even the younger generation as strong as Hua Minglan felt very troublesome and was besieged by several people.

For a while, it will be difficult to get out, unable to help others.

In fact, the strengths of the descendants of the various Immortal Dao forces are not very different, and it is difficult to determine the winners and losers when fighting alone.

But the manpower attacked one person a few times, and the situation naturally turned to one side in an instant.

“These people are courting death…”

Among Huang Minghan’s followers, one person’s eyes were cold, and he sacrificed a big killing weapon, the golden book page flying hook, burning like a bright sun.

“Pfft”, “Pfft”

Two soft noises came, and the several men who slammed him were dead, and they were cut in half, and the blood rushed high.

The upper half of the body fell to the ground, blood gushing continuously, and the lower half of the body froze for a second and then fell into a pool of blood.


The other woman who rushed in was shocked, but she reacted quickly, and in an instant, a purple divine net shrouded her.

“This is a treasure bestowed by the master himself.

This Tianjiao, with a cold gaze, once again urged this big killer.


The golden book is like a golden sun, like a golden flame is burning fiercely, rushing towards the big purple net, and the two hooks are bursting with sonorous sounds.

The purple divine net was broken inch by inch and sat on the ground.

The golden book rushed past, the sound of “swipe” slashed, and with a soft sound of “poof”, the woman’s head rolled down.

This kind of battle happened everywhere, and it was very tragic. Many of Hua Minghan’s followers were also injured one after another.

The fisherman was very decisive, his eyes were indifferent, and he sacrificed the rhythm magic weapon, directly blasting a path.

The surrounding mountains collapsed, the ancient trees were broken, and some young people were terrifying, as if a storm swept through the palms of their hands, flattening the top of the mountain.

Sheng Wuxin led his followers, like a torrent, heading straight ahead, unstoppable, even the heirs of the other immortal forces avoided their edge.

Soon someone rushed to cut it off, and the figure turned into a rainbow, which rang deep into the ancient medicine garden with excitement.

In that foggy area, an amazing medicinal fragrance permeates the hook.

It even gave people the feeling of becoming a flying immortal, and they dared not imagine what kind of elixir would be in it.

In this ancient medicine garden, there are actually quite a few ancient medicines that have been around for a long time, but they are far less precious than the ascension fairy medicine.

“I can’t defend anymore, I can only wait for Ming Han to come…”

An old man in the portrait frowned, and his body was also injured. His fists were invincible with four hands. Everyone rushed over, and they couldn’t stop it.

Many ancient treasures and forbidden weapons here are suppressed and cannot exert their true power.

Otherwise, they don’t need to be so passive, they can only defend.

“In the depths of this ancient paradise, there are strange things. Even if these people rushed in, they might not be able to pick the elixir of ascension. 93

“Before, we saw a phantom hook appearing that was suspected of being a fairy phoenix, and the fire was soaring into the sky, extremely terrifying.

A follower of Hua Minghan spoke up, instead of continuing to hook his hands, he retreated.

Since they can’t stop it, there is no need for them to continue to stop it.

The portraits of the older generation of powerhouses also nodded their heads when they heard the words.

When they first arrived at the ancient medicine garden, they discovered the abnormality, but they almost lost their lives during the search. There is a big crisis deep in the ancient medicine garden.

Lin Qian, who had already returned to Hua Minglan’s side, blinked slightly, but he didn’t expect to receive such news.

He was wearing colored paint, and he was injured just around the corner, but he did it on purpose, in order to offset Gai Minglan’s doubts and gain everyone’s trust.

Although the people in the portrait did not stop him, the battle continued, and many people were taking action. Because of the melee just around, many people were red-eyed.

“It seems to be a little late.”

At this moment, a divine light descended on another mountain, and Hua Minghan finally arrived, but what he saw made him frown.

“Master is coming!”

His followers were all excited and excited.

The painting family also showed Bao’s excited smile.

“The young master of the portrait has arrived.” Not far away, someone exclaimed, very shocked.


Huang Minghan didn’t talk nonsense, he flicked his sleeves, the earth shook, and the mountains behind him suddenly flew hooks.

Mountains rose up from the ground, swept up by the dust in the sky, covering the sky and blocking the sun, as if moving mountains and taking the moon, they were pressed down in the battle ahead.

Such a scene immediately made everyone who was fighting turned horrified.

At the same time, the walls of the ancient medicine garden also burst out with divine light, interweaving into a light curtain, blocking the falling mountains, so as not to destroy the medicinal herbs.

However, this can only block a part of it, and the rest of the rocks are still smashed, and they are heavy.

There was even a little chaotic fog shrouded in it, and the force was heavy, and it directly shook many cultivators who took action into a blood fog, which exploded on the spot, destroying both body and spirit.

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