246 Daoist or Friends

When Saintess of Yaochi said these words, all the monks and creatures nearby were stunned, unable to believe their ears.

Many people even looked towards the side she mentioned, wanting to see if Huang Minghan had appeared here.

As we all know, Saintess of Yaochi and Dong Minghan have a very close relationship, and many people have even guessed how close the relationship is between the two.

A Taoist partner? Or a friend?

If Lei Minghanxun was here now, the situation would definitely be different.

Everyone looked towards the top of the mountain, but it was very empty and there was no one.

But the Holy Maiden of Yaochi looks like she is lying. Could it be that the young master of the portrait did not show up on purpose?

The expressions of the several fierce beasts surrounding them were also stagnant, but they quickly reacted, and their appearances were even more fierce.

They didn’t know who the young master of the painting that Saintess Yaochi was talking about was.

But in the face of so many of them, Saintess of Yaochi did not change her face, she was not afraid, and they only felt that their faces were dull.

“This girl is just pretending to be calm, the skin and tender meat must be delicious…

17 The rhino shrouded in thunder light, exhaled thunder light, sneered, and approached, leaving faint burn marks in the void.

Its strength is astonishing, it is half a step in the realm of the gods, and within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, it can be regarded as a hegemon.

Apart from the Fire Spirit Ape and Monkey Group, the rest of the beasts are also afraid of it.

“There are indeed people in that place.”

However, the very old monkey, with a sudden golden light in his eyes, looked at the mountain.

The vicissitudes of life are mixed with some heaviness.

It is the old Monkey King of the Fire Spirit Monkey Group and was defeated by the new Monkey King, but its strength is still not to be underestimated.

Many beasts here are very afraid of it.

Hearing this, the rest of the beasts also looked over.

“What about someone? In our clan’s territory, who dares to be presumptuous?”

The new Monkey King was holding a wishful stick, looking very weak, and his golden eyes, like a divine sword, looked towards the mountain.

Seeing that Dong Minghan hadn’t shown up yet, Yaochi Saint Maiden Xiyan wrinkled her nose inadvertently.

She has a special relationship with Hua Minghan, not to mention that they have a good heart, but despite a short distance, she can clearly feel his breath.

“Do you have to see me eaten by these ferocious beasts and then show up?

She continued to speak, her voice was like the sound of nature, and there seemed to be a bit of complaint in the coldness.

After hearing this, many Tianjiao felt trembling all over their bodies, a surge of blood surged up, and they felt pity in their hearts.

Bold, “Ferocious beasts, feel presumptuous, if you dare to hurt a hair of the Holy Maiden of Yaochi, you will wait for your corpse to be broken into thousands of pieces, and your body and spirit will be destroyed.”

Many Tianjiao stood up and scolded, showing anger and murderous intent.

“As expected to be known as the number one beauty in the Three Cans Domain, she is truly a beauty and a disaster, just a single sentence has made many arrogances willing to throw their blood for her.

This scene deeply surprised many of the older generation, and it is not difficult to guess the relationship between her and Huang Minghan, associating with the words of the Holy Maiden of Yaochi.

“How did this guy notice me?

At this time, on the top of the mountain, Dong Minghan finally appeared.

However, he was amazed a little, he didn’t even know how Yaochi Saintess Xiyan sensed his existence.

Is it because of the previous Xianjiao thing?

Or is it just a connection with him?

“It seems that the relationship between Saintess of Yaochi and Young Master Hua is not easy…”

Following Hua Minghan’s red Nishang, because of this scene, he couldn’t help but pursed his lips and smiled, thinking it was quite interesting.

The number one beauty in the famous Three Cans Domain is not as detached and refined as she seems, but she actually speaks rhyme in public.

This has to be reminiscent of the relationship between her and Huang Minghan.

If it is a normal relationship, how can you say such words?

“Isn’t she afraid of being imaginative?”

Huang Minghan shook his head gently, but he didn’t care, after all, he and the Saintess of Yaochi were not clear.

The Saintess of Yaochi didn’t mind, what else did he care about.

He had been here a long time ago. Originally, he planned to watch the show, wanting to see how the Holy Maiden of Yaochi would deal with it. Her methods were not as simple as they appeared.

For a long time, Hua Minghan hadn’t figured out what level the Saintess of Yaochi had reached.

However, she is not stupid and sweet, and will make her trump card public.

And after Hua Mingsai appeared, many cultivators were even more shocked. They didn’t expect that he was still here, and for a while there was a sensation around him.

For the younger generation, Huang Minghan’s significance is extraordinary.

His presence here, doesn’t it mean that there is a chance to see him do it with his own eyes today?

“Young Master Huang is finally willing to show up?

Seeing that Lei Minghan was finally unable to hold back, he appeared and walked around.

The Holy Maiden of Yaochi spoke again, with a faint smile on her face under the veil, giving people an elegant and refined feeling.

However, what she said about Yun made people feel a kind of faint complaining.

Many young geniuses couldn’t help but start to think about it.

Some people even felt a pain in their hearts, their fists clenched tightly, and there was an inexplicable hatred of stealing their wife.

As it happens, they have nothing to do.

“The Holy Maiden of Yaochi invites you so much, why is there any reason to watch the show?”

Huang Minghan also smiled faintly, and there was a golden avenue of light under his feet, extending all the way from the top of the mountain.

Many followers with strong aura followed behind him, and the fluctuations of blood and energy displayed were very terrifying, like an oven, which shocked many forces.

There is no doubt that the party to which Hua Minghan belongs is definitely one of the most powerful forces in the battlefield of Jiaogu today.

The masters under him are like clouds, and the followers who are randomly selected are all young supreme beings capable of sweeping all sides, and it is difficult to find a defeat in the same realm.

Before he, the main lord, had not appeared, and many followers had competed and occupied many treasures in the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao.

This time, he is here with his horse and colt, which makes everyone excited, thinking that there will be a terrible battle in the next Tianjiao Ancient Battlefield.

In fact, after leaving the Lower Three Realms, Huang Minghan rushed to the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao without stopping. He knew everything that happened during this time.

Whether it was the mysterious bronze man that Lei Mingxian met, or the matter of the ancient medicine garden that was born here and was suspected of possessing the elixir of ascension, it was hard to escape his eyeliner.

Hua Minghan planned to deal with these matters one by one and was not in a hurry.

He didn’t intend to intervene in the matter of the peach tree in front of him. He felt that Saintess of Yaochi should be able to solve it by herself.

But since she wants to be lazy, painting Minghan doesn’t matter, for him, it’s just a matter of convenience.

Speaking of which, after the last visit to Zixia Mountain, the Holy Maiden of Yaochi had a little bit of a fight with him, and even after Hua Minghan and Jingyang Xianchao got married, she even sent a letter of congratulations.

After Huang Minghan deliberately thanked him at the time, the Saintess of Yaochi ignored him and seemed to be annoyed.

“Oh, right? But in my perception, the young master of the painting was watching a play, but I watched it for a while.”

The Saintess of Yaochi stood beside the Immortal Pond, her dress fluttering, and she was extraordinary.

Even if he was surrounded by a group of beasts, he remained calm and composed, and he didn’t care.

Between the words, the beautiful eyes moved, and Hua Minghan gave a slight sideways glance. In an instant, the vivacious aura caused many young talents to stare straight, envy and jealous.

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