245 cover the little master, you are going to watch a movie until when? (Subscription required)

Monkey King positive and fight the many strong, the words are also opt for close hand, and looked volatile.

Only nine peach, but for so many creatures here, how divided equally?

By the time I am afraid that few people divide a peach? What is more, I am afraid is not qualified.

But if the Monkey King and the evil beasts together, then for them, very tricky, it could even hook now casualties.

At this time, close hand the Monkey King and that old monkey, ape came with the whole group, deterrent amazing.

“I want to race three peach .99

Monkey King concise, cold voice, contains potential meaning.

In addition a few head beasts also have openings to ask three peach.

Joan yugao Dai Mei Yao Chi gently wrinkled, so divided, then they can only be assigned here three.

She should be a minimum, since so can the rest of the strong and Tianjiao certainly will not agree.

“Impossible, alone,” June zero “You wait, want to go to six peach?

The strong influence of various ethnic groups, as well as many younger supreme, dark complexion dull down, nature will not agree to such a division.

By the time police say one, I am afraid few people equally is a luxury thing.

I’m sorry things did not find it too large, among the crowd, followed by booing, you want the scene even more chaotic.

“This, I am afraid we can not promise.”

Joan Jade Pool opening, on the face under the veil of a dull look.

“Little baby girl, do not Bushihaodai, this is not your site, giving you stay three, is already the largest of the patient.”

“See you tender young must be good.”

The other end of the whole body filled Leiguang rhino sneer opening, they know that this party occupied advantage.

Heard, Tianjiao ethnic groups are angry, they are all-powerful in the outside world, how dazzling.

Now in this Tianjiao ancient battlefield, also turned out to be so sarcastic, it is intolerable.

“court death!

A lot of people apart from anything else, select the hook shot, young, especially in the face of beauty, but also want to show to rhyme.

“That being the case, it would be each with the strength to snatch.”

The Jade Pool yugao Joan, his face suffused with a hint of chill, prime hand raised, a string of brilliant tick Meng Meng, like the evolution of one of the ancient array, very mysterious.


There is no doubt that this war broke out again, to join these evil beasts, and all ethnic groups Tianjiao hidden strive, not rivals.

Lingyuan Fire Monkey King, had intended to kill the bear hearts.

Ruyi Bang swept rocks burst, empty chatter, wave of terror, such as the flood slap away.

Some lost the strong, is being asked to tear force, carnage scattered.

Spread to a wider range around the melee of that pool are fairy silhouette Chao Chao, water scattered, peach tree shivers.

At the moment, Lin spicy figure hidden in the crowd melee constantly growing on peach tree near.

He restrain the hearts of excitement, I saw the opportunity, offering ground Mibao.

The next moment, he was covered in glaucoma filled, and instantly disappeared in the crowd, we must be wise closest to him that a few peach.

But what makes him very surprised, even shocked.

There are road figure, faster than he, and a half-step king God throughout the beasts, being played against the Jade Pool saint, even beat up the other end Xiongshou shot fly, lightweight body to fall, prime hand raised, to pick go peach.

Such a scene, so the fighting around the crowd and many beasts are shocked.

React, the other end of the fire Lingyuan Monkey, direct wrath, burst open opponent in one fell swoop, kill over.

The remaining Xiongshou, Victim, is quick to kill.

Joan Jade Pool accident, did not think there is a man going to like her.

But at the moment, a rare opportunity, she can not give the other party, prime hand raised, empty shocked, silver handprint emerge, direct H Lin apologized.

Lin Li’s reaction was the same as that of the Holy Maiden of Yaochi. He was also ruthless and moved towards her.

However, it was clear that Lin Geng’s strength was not as good as that of the Holy Maiden of Yaochi, and the silver-white palm print flew across the sky and slapped him.

Immediately, his whole body trembled, his throat became sweet, his qi and blood rolled, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

“No, once I am left here, my life will be in danger.”

Lin Xue stabilized the body that flew upside down, his expression changed, and then he glanced at the saintess of Yaochi, with a fierce and decisive look in his eyes.

He turned to be merciless, and patted the peach tree beside the fairy pond with a palm, as if he would destroy it if he couldn’t get it.


The Holy Maiden of Yaochi was slightly stunned at first, and then she reacted to Lin Geng’s intentions, and a bit of anger appeared on her face.

She didn’t expect Lin Lou to be so ruthless, that what she couldn’t get, she would destroy it.

So she could only turn around and protect the peach tree.

And Lin Gu also took advantage of this opportunity and hurriedly rushed into the distance. The plan failed, and he had to flee to avoid attracting public anger.

Although this act of circumventing him was really helpless, it has already offended the Holy Maiden of Yaochi and many creatures here.

Moreover, he is equivalent to stopping the plan of the Holy Maiden of Yaochi, preventing her from picking up the peach fruit,

Next, Saintess of Yaochi would have to face the angry beasts and the monkey king alone.

“This person is so despicable…”

The people who were fighting in the distance were also shocked by this scene, and they secretly scolded Lin Gulai.

However, some people who reacted began to worry about the safety of the Saintess of Yaochi.

Because of being so blocked by Lin Prison, she had to escape to save the Peach Tree so as not to be destroyed by him.

So now, the furious beasts, including the Fire Spirit Monkey King, all rushed over and completely surrounded her, their eyes either fierce or icy.


“The little girl is very timid and dares to use tricks, if it weren’t for that guy, I’m afraid you would really have taken our peach fruit away.

The rhino, surrounded by lightning, sneered, and the breath of the half-step god king filled the air, making people tremble.

In the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao, those older generation powerhouses were suppressed at the level of the gods, and even Jianli was not necessarily its opponent.

So even if the origin of the Holy Maiden of Yaochi is terrible, it doesn’t care at all.

Because this is in the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao, it is useless for anyone to come.

The background or something, to them, is even more useless.

“Killing this guy is just to act as an example and shock Xiaoxiao.”

“I see who dares to snatch it.”

Another ferocious beast in the shape of a golden snake spit out a snake letter, and it was very cold and cruel.

“Such a little girl, wouldn’t it be a waste to kill Xiao…”

The rhino shrouded in thunder, with an obscure light flashing in his eyes, sneered.

2.3 “You dare!”

The arrogances of all ethnic groups in the distance were all enraged, and they did not expect Saintess of Yaochi to fall into such a dangerous situation.

However, their strength, wanting to help each other, is also wishful thinking.

Most of the arrogance, but the cultivation base of False God Realm and True God Realm.

The Holy Maiden of Yaochi was able to fight for a long time with a half-step god-king realm beast, which has shocked many people.


Many female disciples in Yaochi Wonderland were all worried, their hearts tightened, and they felt uneasy.

However, in the face of this scene, the expression under the veil of the Yaochi Saintess did not show much fear and anxiety, but rather calm and calm.

Even the Qiong nose under her veil was slightly wrinkled.

“Master Huang, are you planning to watch the play, when will you see it? 99

With her water-like eyes, she looked at a mountain not far away, and her words of rhyme shocked everyone.

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